1st mistake 0:06 sending maugis to the grave 1. you could have waited later to discard him to activate his primary effect, which is to recycle 3 fire warriors or infernoble arms equip card. this allows you to draw 1. alternatively you could have used oliver's effect to special summon itself, you send from hand or field 1 fire warrior monster or equip spell. it becomes a level 1 tuner -- 0:26 you go for the xyz version of the which is viable. however if you did not activate neo-dolphin you could have used oliver's effect, then when using Isolde's second effect you would have had a level 1 tuner + a level 4 monster leading you to synchro summon the level 5 monster Angelica, Princess of Noble Arms. 2cd mistake 0:29 you retrieved the wrong cards with artogius this is bc you sent angellic ring, durendal, joyeuse, pheonix gearblade. you need to send almace. durendal and joyeuse what you do is hand dependent, but you do have the right idea. use durendal's active effect to grab whatever monster you need. Renaud or riccardetto, then link summon promethean fire princess to get the triggered effect to special summon the monster you added. i can call this a mistake bc if you did the above method instead of sending any infernoble card with ogier you could have sent immortal pheonix gearblade and got him back with almace's activated effect. to be fair, this is a very flexible point in the combo, so you really need to tailor it to your hand + deck composition. So for what you do next you do correctly. --- 0:59 this is more of a personal gripe, not that you did something wrong. I don't understand why you waited till later to use noble arms museum at this point of the combo. the 2cd part of the card to transfer an infernoble monster equip card from the spell zone to the monster zone only checks if you ever activated and successfully got a card from it's first effect. I personally haven't found a way to protect the field spell so i don't know why you saved it. -- at this point i will say you did not have an optimal hand, and made an almost optimal endboard. usually with infernoble it becomes a choice if your going to get 1 gearfried and 2 link charles. or 1 gearfried and 1 link charles. or 1 barrone or 1 link charles. or even 1 barrone and 1 gearfried i consider the default endboard 1 link charles, so getting 2 is great. some points to consider 0:48 this is a weaklink in the xyz version of the deck. bc you have to use turpin to xyz summon you can't use him as a nifty 1 card synchro summon. what i mean is this; at any point have ogier send turpin to the grave, and then syncro summon for Angelica, Princess of Noble Arms. use the graveyard effect of turpin to target angelica. she will then do her effect of sending a fire warrior to grave, get you noble arms museum and tag into captain roland. with the noble arms musuem. get any noble equip spell. equip to captain roland. then use turpin's secondary effect to Special summon itself from the grave. 5+4 equals 9, gets you synchro charles. then use captain roland's graveyard effect to equip to synchro charles, link off to get link charles. use field spell to move syncro charles from spell zone to monster zone. from 1:17 is your opponent's turn and they are able to break your board bc you used all your gas to get the second link charles. this is another fault of infernoble. 1 kaiju or a lava golem hard counters this deck. but each level 4 infernoble knight has a bonus effect when its treated as an equip spell turpin- equipped card is now a tuner ogier - equipped card is immune to destruction effects oliver- equipped card cannot be targeted maugis- equipped card cannot be destroyed by battle what's important to note is why you trade a link charles for a gearfried or barrone. link charles only negates spells, gearfied monster effects, barrone both. you may think that barrone +1 link charles is optimal, but promethian fire princes, has a fire lock while its on the field. so you have to do a specific combo line for it. which involves saving renaud just to make it. 1:28 the destruction effect you get when a new card is equipped ONLY activates on its own chain link. it becomes a chain link 1 effect. so unfortunately no chain link 3 pop. secondly reactive cards can respond first before you get your pop, bc whoever's turn it is they have priority on when effects, so a card like kashtria fenrir, would activate first. 1:34 fun fact, promethean fire princess only summons if 1 card is destroyed by its effect. if you had any card equipped with ogier it can't be destroyed by the promethean fire princess, making it a 1 way destruction effect. -- mistake 3 2:01 you got back angelica's angelic ring with renaud instead of joyeuse. you sent pheonix gearfied a few turns ago, why didn't you get him? the angelic ring has a clause where you need to have a monster that is already using an equip spell to equip to. you don't have an opportunity for that. your going to link summon in a bit. you can activate either of durendal's effects. 2:06 why apollusa? why not anything else? 2:37 opponent misplays, why not get a level 10 syncro? 3:05 if you were gonna discard max c you didn't have to get rid of the field spell. it's better in the long run to have an extra 500 attack. here's something that's not immediately obvious, but you can discard the equip spells on the field. let's say durendal is a dead card for whatever reason, you can equip it to an opponent's monster or diabelstar. it then fulfills the discard costs. this trick gets some use out of dead equip cards. 3:50 you sent the field spell? you ran out of cards or misclicked? 4:00 hurts man. -- mistake 4 i would have put the hiita to S:P play, but you won the duel bc of it. i seriously want to see the decklist. but for another actual mistake; clickbait. I was promised a fail but you win the match. what the heck?
@MatheusDiasUK15 күн бұрын
this was very constructive, thank you!
@MatheusDiasUK15 күн бұрын
I'm not very experienced with the deck, so I misplayed a lot. I do not understand all synergies yet, causing mistakes like 2 and 3, specially. I will post the decklist as soon as I get home. Now, the fail does feel like a misdirection hahahah