Not just mockery. Vicious mockery, Janet, Lauren, and Benji take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on their next argument
@llareia5 ай бұрын
Unfortunately disadvantage only applies once, and they already seem to have disadvantage on their arguments, though I can't decide whether it's due to the facts against them or the ineptitude of their counsel.
@xoxoEllieECo5 ай бұрын
* Astarion Approves *
@notmethnx4 ай бұрын
@simnaibos64546 ай бұрын
"My million of followers say I am not in the public eye" 🤣🤣
@willer33996 ай бұрын
I’m sure the irony of that statement wasn’t noticed.
@sabregunner16 ай бұрын
yeah it does seem that this person got criticized for something they did and said, and did do publically and is mad about it and is now suing the person who provided the criticism. courty is saying, oh honey, no you cant do that. TLDR is mad about fair use laws and sues them
@katielau6 ай бұрын
My undergrad had a population of around 32,000 students across all grades. Imagine saying you have every single person at decently sized university watching your content and saying you're not in the public eye. And then, imagine 30 other similar-sized university campuses and every single student there also watching. Bffr.
@jeffprice64216 ай бұрын
@@willer3399 literally her own filings from the start, show that her claim is invalid... How, pray tell, did either Janet or Benji pass the bar with logical skills this poor? Or is the bar exam really more about memorizing caselaw????
@LordHonkInc6 ай бұрын
"When the enemy is making a false movement we must take good care not to interrupt him.” - Napoleon Bonaparte during the Battle of Austerlitz, 1805
@Aalisrocklist6 ай бұрын
yesss a Janet update in the middle of the KR pandemonium is just what we need. Some comedic relief with Jan Jan!!!
@crybabyitis6 ай бұрын
Jan Jan 😂😂😂😂
@orchidsluv6 ай бұрын
Yes! 😂 much needed
@nhokonhokopuala6 ай бұрын
Just reading that dude name gives me nausea
@FlareStorms6 ай бұрын
@tomd91325 ай бұрын
@@FlareStormsKaren Reid. Or it might be Reed. She’s the one in Mass who is charged with k*lling her BF.
@jeffcarey30456 ай бұрын
Brains v Brauns
@PiaPancakes5 ай бұрын
Oooooh! 😎
@lidiaf95985 ай бұрын
That's a good one
@YinYangAngel556 ай бұрын
1:20:31 "yeah, he's apparently mentioned me in court." Runkle is out here with multiple houses, seeing as he is living rent free in Benji's head.
@katiekawaii6 ай бұрын
1:10:20 But I think the biggest reason she questioned whether Janet was actually Lauren's lawyer was because the cease and desist letter was so poorly and unprofessionally written that it didn't seem like it came from an actual lawyer at all. When it first broke, I literally commented "there is no way a real lawyer wrote that." I was _stunned_ when I learned I was wrong.
@justkiddin846 ай бұрын
@grayaj236 ай бұрын
It reminded me of the famous response letter the Cleveland Browns legal team once sent to an idiot lawyer. "I feel you should be made aware that some asshole is signing your name to stupid letters."
@Crazypenmonkeyme5 ай бұрын
No 😅 21:32 in😅😅
@mikedsps5 ай бұрын
@@grayaj23that's hilarious!
@Voodoofairy886 ай бұрын
I think Benji was trying to help someone he thought was friend & now seriously wishes he hadn't. I have a sneaking suspicion he was mislead by his "friend"
@catela55526 ай бұрын
Having in mind Benji quickly took down/adjusted claims of his "awesomeness" and his alleged clients from his own website after Runkle pointed out they were inappropriate and legaly sensitive to be on a lawyer's resume. I think Benji and Janette are more likely a case of "takes one to find one"...
@talkstosocks26 ай бұрын
NEVER apologise for an extro long Janet episode.
@ladyflappington6 ай бұрын
I love the level of detail he usually gives, long videos yes please!
@kittyninja95716 ай бұрын
Yep don't mind at all how long Janet Jeanette videos are they're hilarious and we probably learn more than Janet and Benji combined along the way.
@dameazize6 ай бұрын
"Things shouldn't happen in Illinois" end of sentence - Brought to you by a person happily living in Illinois, where things shouldn't happen
@Julia-5436 ай бұрын
Hi fellow person living in Illinois! My line throughout has been Janet is an embarrassment to Illinois, and you and I both know thats saying something
@davidpriestley16506 ай бұрын
If Benjy drops a superchat - can that count as a billable item to the client?
@justkiddin846 ай бұрын
Oooh, good point! 😂
@belemnona6 ай бұрын
I would bill it if I realised what I was brought into 😂
@Khahtt136 ай бұрын
If it is billable, what would the line item be? Research? Proofreading tutorial? Educational assistance?
@CynnamonSpyder6 ай бұрын
@@Khahtt13 Sanity check as he failed the roll for initiative
@davidpriestley16506 ай бұрын
@@Khahtt13 "pre-lawyer lawyering 101"
@jamie52276 ай бұрын
This series is my favorite thing to listen to while crocheting, please never apologies for the long videos - I will watch it ALL
@savannamm6 ай бұрын
Lmao I'm going through the karen read series while I crochet 😂
@Julia-5436 ай бұрын
@@savannammI was flipping through channels with Karen Read on live the other day, and one of them pulled up a chat where somebody was calling a meeting of the Rage Crochet club 😂
@jamiecoull70815 ай бұрын
I'm over here painting Ikea furniture and knitting in between coats 😊 I love long vids for this kind of thing.
@jm_mort6 ай бұрын
"Long on pages and short on substance" @ 4:21 I love that!
@sanctuary_polaris6 ай бұрын
I laughed way too hard at that honestly, desperately needed that laugh
@victoria1396 ай бұрын
In Benji’s defense he might be getting paid by the word in which case I say get that bread
@kathyflorcruz5525 ай бұрын
I think of all lawsuits that way.
@matityahubermanfalk31276 ай бұрын
Janet's interpretation of the phrase "false copyright claim" differs from most people's in parsing rather than substance. She reads it as "false-copyright claim" while normal people read it as "false copyright-claim"
@anniealexander99116 ай бұрын
All because KC didn't want LTM's protected speech being mistaken for KC's protected speech
@mhfuzzball6 ай бұрын
Upon information and belief, 'millions' is a larger number than 13,000. Perhaps Witkop will request judicial notice of that, so Janet can't claim it's a fact under dispute.
@ErinToblerJohnsen6 ай бұрын
Runkle should copyright, trademark, and sell merch with "upon information and belief"
@transsnack6 ай бұрын
@@ErinToblerJohnsen I'd buy a "upon information and belief" hoody!
@jamie52276 ай бұрын
Not the "upon information and belief" 😂😂😂💀💀💀💀
@mhfuzzball6 ай бұрын
@@jamie5227 At least it wasn't the "what if any."
@marysmith30576 ай бұрын
The copyright/dmca thing, I think she was thinking of that guy who pretended he owned the copyright for a bunch of unmonetized songs and received money from KZbin fraudulently. He received $23 million in royalties, but it was more than him just claiming he owned the audio; he forged letters claiming he was the copyright owner. It was beyond just falsely claiming ownership.
@misselthwaite82306 ай бұрын
Love the Terry Pratchett shoutout ❤
@justkiddin846 ай бұрын
@Lurksmore6 ай бұрын
Roommate has just binge read 3 Pratchett stories.
@PersonWhoIsMe6 ай бұрын
It always cracks me up when KZbinrs apologize for long videos... Are you kidding?!? I love long juicy videos keeping me company while I do other things... Thanks for the free entertainment!
@MrKdux0076 ай бұрын
Janet's class would have to be Cleric Lawyer. She seems to count on faith for facts. "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen"
@justkiddin846 ай бұрын
Lawful evil.
@IOJFJM6 ай бұрын
@@justkiddin84it souns more chaotic evil to me 🤪
@nicolewolfcry74086 ай бұрын
@@justkiddin84 lawful evil requires her to follow some form of logic based on the laws they follow... i fail to see her logic or any framework of law she is following. Sooo chaotic fits better lol
@LordHonkInc6 ай бұрын
Trickery domain Cleric maybe? I mean, it's definitely not Knowledge xD
@justkiddin846 ай бұрын
@@nicolewolfcry7408 hm, good point!
@larrywest426 ай бұрын
"When brains are too expensive, get Braun - Braun IP Law, LLC." Janet: feel free to use this as a Service Mark. No charge.
@mdrdprtcl3 ай бұрын
@kanrakucheese6 ай бұрын
I looked up the The Amaretto Ranch case. It’s actually a really boring copyright dispute regarding some digital pet files in Second Life.
@jenniekoellergarcia2806 ай бұрын
I can't believe this is still going!
@Eeveelyn6 ай бұрын
There was for example a situation where many KZbinrs who made videos on a certain videogame got copyright strikes by the games publisher. In some cases this would have resulted in people losing their KZbin account as they got multiple strikes at once. The internet got incredibly mad at that big company. Later it turned out that this wasn't them at all, it was a player with a grudge that impersonated them. Things like this happen and being wrongly accused of making false copyright strikes can harm your reputation and possibly result in an attack by an angry internet mob. So someone making sure that they don't accuse the wrong person should be a good thing and in your clients best interest, not something you sue over.
@IanBPPK6 ай бұрын
A very welcome intersession to the KR trial. Very interested in the KR trial, but a little burnt out on the bs and quite happy to see other pigeon business updates.
@SewFloSewing6 ай бұрын
The burn out really hit me last week and that’s being able to stop, fast forward or just watch a recap by the awesome Runkle. I can’t imagine how the jury is feeling.
@The_Modeling_Underdog6 ай бұрын
Troopah Paul drained me off of what if any last bits of humanity and stuff I had left in me, to be fair. Today was a welcome break from CW's lunacy, and listening to real, competent and agreeable experts was a change for good, at last.
@ebouwman0346 ай бұрын
@@SewFloSewingHoly... is this actually a jury trial? I cant see a jury taking kindly to any of this BS.
@genericname87276 ай бұрын
@@ebouwman034 I believe they’re referring to a separate case than the one covered in this video, which is a long way off from a trial if it should even make it that far.
@Julia-5436 ай бұрын
@@ebouwman034we’re talking about the burnout from an entirely different case, a criminal case where the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (aka CW) is prosecuting Karen Read for the death of her boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe. Day 27 (or 28?) of trial is Thursday. Thanks to the schedule of the court, this is the 8th calendar week or something like that. There’s more pigeon business by law enforcement than pigeon business Janet has done, but with a woman facing life in prison, and a police officer dead (and he was the guardian of his niece and nephew, their mom and dad previously died). Today was a day without the jury for questioning of several expert witnesses the defense wants to admit. The CW wanted to question the education & experience of 2 PhDs in engineering who are directors of their areas of their regions at a firm specializing in accident reconstruction. They were hired by the Department of Justice because the FBI is investigating the investigation. Yes, the judge had the case proceed to trial despite the Feds investigating the investigation, and both parties wanting a continuance. Yesterday and Friday, the CW’s expert in accident reconstruction, Massachusetts State Trooper Joe Paul, who was called to the scene the day the victim died and did the accident reconstruction, testified. Despite 8 years in the division for crash reconstruction, and his 3 training courses totaling 120 hours, he struggled to explain what happened, especially when evidence his coworkers never told him about, was told to him by the defense. What he was told at the scene happened, sounded reasonable to him, and he didn’t have models to account for something else, so that’s what he did in his diagram and that’s what he put in his report. He’s been a state trooper for 10 years and has heard the term confirmation bias but had no idea what it meant. He kept talking about how he didn’t know because he didn’t have a model for this. He kept saying it was a sideswipe and his models would underestimate (he meant overestimate) the forces on the body, so he didn’t know. I finally realized he was trying to say the scenario for this accident wasn’t in the computer program or spreadsheet or whatever he usually uses. He didn’t have the knowledge and training to do it without that or have somebody else make a model of it. He testified on direct, that scratches on the SUV (like the kind from shopping carts or little scrapes in parking lots between 2 cars) were likely from the victim’s hands (I think like fingernails), because he had no evidence the SUV had scratches before the (alleged) accident. There’s no evidence paint from the SUV was under the victim’s fingernails or anything. He decided how fast Karen Read was allegedly going when she allegedly hit the victim by identifying a 0.5mph decrease in speed while the accelerator was pushed a consistent amount, on a drive in the vehicle’s recorder. Except, it wasn’t even the right drive because his colleagues didn’t tell him the tow truck driver drove the car onto a flatbed tow truck and then off of the tow truck (he had to count times the car turned on combined with likely mileage for known drives because the records include odometer but not date/time). It’s so ridiculous and infuriating because nobody’s death should be this poorly investigated, and nobody’s freedom should be on the line with this level of just … incompetence at every level of several agencies. Evidence (his blood in the snow) was collected in red solo cups. A leaf blower was used to try to carefully and precisely move snow to reveal taillight pieces. Both of those were things the local police did before the case was transferred from the local police to the state police, once he was fully warmed at the hospital and pronounced dead, because where the body was found was the lawn of a cop.
@Andrew-qw1kq6 ай бұрын
Ostriches will put their head down close to the ground as a way to silhouette potential predators against the sky that they couldn't see while standing straight. This behaviour was misinterpreted as then putting their head in the ground when scared.
@Debbyjobin6 ай бұрын
The thumbnails for these updates. 👌👌👌 🤣
@ChimeraTruely6 ай бұрын
Has the judge addressed the discovery issue they will face when it comes to their communications no longer being protected??
@shewearsfunnyhat6 ай бұрын
I hope that Janet and Lauren loose all attorney client privilege. That would be a fitting consequence for this lawsuit.
@valerielevasseur86746 ай бұрын
You're right about ostriches. The lies must cease! 😂
@anniealexander99116 ай бұрын
I think ostriches are angry enough to handle this Scary
@net-426 ай бұрын
Chocolate Salmon is my new favorite phrase.
@anniealexander99116 ай бұрын
Waiting for the merch drop
@gratuitousumlaut19446 ай бұрын
The amount of shade in some of these responses is making my month
@BindleBelle6 ай бұрын
Outside of the girlie’s themselves, you’re literally the ONLY account I watch for updates and trust them with that!!! Can’t wait to get into this video! Thanks for all you do !!!!
@matityahubermanfalk31276 ай бұрын
The Mad Catster is also good, but you kinda need to watch Runkle first because TMC seems to base his content on Runkle's videos and often touches on different points, while not going into everything Runkle does.
@Naedlus6 ай бұрын
@@matityahubermanfalk3127 The moment "Deets and reciepts" were mentioned, Mad Catster immediately jumped to mind, and I started to ask myself "Just how out of touch am I that the frequency illusion for that phrase is just hitting me _now_"
@rjaustin18885 ай бұрын
"Hi, Benji!" I was on the floor
@LithiumJay6 ай бұрын
I'll be honest, the Janet and Illuminaughti cases are starting to get jumbled in my head because it's the same tone in both court docs.
@owlbyovrprepared11286 ай бұрын
Unhinged and desperate? I need to know where illuminaughtii found her lawyer.
@anniealexander99116 ай бұрын
Except iilluminaughtii's judge deemed she was not a public figure for the issues of that case. Judge thinks it is based on private life squabbles. Unfortunately Oz got a judge who doesn't really understand what this you tubes thing is that all the young 'uns are watching. The judge us still watching LA Law reruns
@LithiumJay6 ай бұрын
@@anniealexander9911 Yeah, the latest turn in that case is disappointing for all of the defendants - hoping it goes better for the ones here.
@MutantAlchemist4506 ай бұрын
maybe Janet is an Oathbreaker Paladin attorney?
@beansquee23836 ай бұрын
@pristinepastel5 ай бұрын
'a very merry sense of regret' would be both an incredibly clever ugly holiday sweater, but also a funny tattoo lollo
@SewFloSewing6 ай бұрын
Do they not get to mention the crazy af cease and desist that Janet and Lauren sent Kitty?
@MinkxiTes6 ай бұрын
It could be they don't since these are replies to what the plaintiffs wrote prior aka debunking. Hopefully they brought it up somewhere else together with the fake wellness check.
@finallyforfeited6 ай бұрын
I'd say no, it's outside of Janet's initial complaint.
@gratuitousumlaut19446 ай бұрын
They could potentially bring it up as supporting evidence of their claims, but it's not really needed here.
@nicolewolfcry74086 ай бұрын
I adore the fact Terry Pratchett gets brought up on so many youtube channels due to his word artistry. And I'm with you on that, Flavorful foot notes are awesome.
@JennyEliz_IstheShiz6 ай бұрын
I love that this steam is 2 hours. Thanks for doing long form!
@Kitiarax20006 ай бұрын
Am I the only one who gets Rocky Horror vibes every time Runkle says “Janet.” It makes me smile every time. Xxx
@Khahtt136 ай бұрын
No, no you aren’t and I love that someone else has mentioned it 😺
@kittyninja95716 ай бұрын
Me too cracks me up every time
@CH1M4R45 ай бұрын
Damn it Janet And now the connection is made it's going to live in my head for ev er
@Kitiarax20005 ай бұрын
@@CH1M4R4 That’s exactly what I had in my head. 💜🖤💜. X
@Kitiarax20005 ай бұрын
@@CH1M4R4 🤣🤣🤣💜🖤💜
@gingy27466 ай бұрын
19:54 "A special little place in my shriveled, little heart" 😂😂 ME too, Runkle, Me too!!!
@larrywest426 ай бұрын
A pair of attorneys willfully & repeatedly misconstruing a hypothetical statement ("if you were not retained to represent Propson...") as an assertion is palpably incompetent ... in the most generous possible interpretation.
@SomeoneSunshine6 ай бұрын
The way my mouth dropped open when you read the part about the pool fence!! What a jab at Lauren!!!
@Marndarrr6 ай бұрын
Apologizing for doing extra work is about as Canadian as it gets. ;) Lol, thanks for the long ones though, fr. Helps eat through my time at work. 👍
@isawarenshi6 ай бұрын
"I don't want to say it"... The word is competent.
@coyoteartist5 ай бұрын
Ostriches who can't escape sensed danger flop to the ground and lay their head as low as possible to appear as part of the terrain. Another reason for the myth is they dig nests as deep as two feet and about 3 feet wide. These nests may hold up to 50 eggs from an number of mothers and they use their beaks to turn the eggs several times a day to keep them all evenly heated.
@AC-nv9uu6 ай бұрын
I cackle at your janet thumbnails every single time 😂
@Steve-YT3836 ай бұрын
Janet & Laurens end game doesn't look good. I don't see the upside. Their reputations are shot.
@jamiekuryla39406 ай бұрын
Truthfully Runkle i stopped caring about this case i just like the way you explain the case, thanks for keeping up with it.
@larrywest426 ай бұрын
I remember being concerned that your initial commentary could benefit Benji and Janet by helping them cure the glaring defects in their complaint. I now see that they are either unaware of this channel - unlikely, considering Janet's purported specialty - or incapable of learning.
@GenuineUntelligence4 ай бұрын
The very fact that some people only eat meat from animals kept in "free range" or "enriched" environments for ethical reasons where other people refuse to eat any meat at all for ethical reasons means that what is ethical could never be properly defined.
@keikoscorner41766 ай бұрын
Okay, before I even watch. I saw the video on my feed and I literally shouted out "Oh! Uncle Runkle has something!" I then froze realizing what I said. Welp! You are Uncle Runkle to me now! lol
@justkiddin846 ай бұрын
@rebelks886 ай бұрын
I doubt he minds 😂😂😂
@belemnona6 ай бұрын
I prefer elf but used unckleRunkle too 😂
@bratbard6 ай бұрын
You explain everything clearly and are quite enjoyable to watch. I love getting notifications when you have a new video uploaded. Thanks
@_Kittensworth4 ай бұрын
I'm very curious how Lauren feels about the lawsuit now that months have passed and emotions have had a chance to cool down. The lawsuit could end up costing her a lot, and being this litigious will discourage any major creators or companies from ever working with her again.
@awilly2176 ай бұрын
Runkle, you need to start billing Benji for all the “legal advice” you’ve provided to him so far via videos. We might have to crowdsource his tab at this point😂
@beakt6 ай бұрын
@pastafarians6 ай бұрын
I just want to say I have thoroughly enjoyed this entire case so far, and your commentary on top has been the icing on the cake.
@mirandajane626 ай бұрын
Love how I wouldn’t have found your channel if it weren’t for Janet and the girlies 😂 & finding out you’re from Edmonton was a trip! I’m from Calgary hahah. Love your channel! ♡
@eloisepharmacist5 ай бұрын
Love the Terry Pratchett foot notes 😂😂
@beck.jan026 ай бұрын
“You’ve got a right to be mean” 😂
@_C_N_6 ай бұрын
I think the vast majority of us are fine with, and even welcome, long videos on topics we're interested in. No need to apologize, we're tuning in for your opinions and explanations and those take time to deliver. 🙂
@Poppytastic1016 ай бұрын
Benjy appears to be following the advice of Rumpole of the Bailey -"when the law is against you argue the facts, when the facts are against you argue the law, when the law and the facts are against you give the opposing counselling hell." Only he is unable to do so...
@croach21946 ай бұрын
It is hard to express how much I enjoy your videos. You are very good at educating lay people in the laws of various jurisdictions, the meaning of legal arguments and other judicial issues. I am proud that we have a lawyer like you keeping an eye on justice systems for us.
@tiffanybernier4766 ай бұрын
The way I ran to this update
@ebouwman0346 ай бұрын
I'm way too excited for this
@WilliamClodius6 ай бұрын
@pbm59036 ай бұрын
I have laughed out loud so nany times throughout this! One thing about Janet: she never fails to amyse me. 😂
@AbbeyHNormal6 ай бұрын
Math major here can confirm your math was accurate. 😂
@Julia-5436 ай бұрын
Are you following the Karen Read trial? If not, if you want to torture your brain, I highly recommend Ian’s recaps from Saturday and Monday, where a key witness who should understand some mathematical or physics concepts, just doesn’t
@AbbeyHNormal6 ай бұрын
@@Julia-543 I am and it’s driving me insane. I fully admit that science isn’t my thing, but common sense tells me that what they’re saying doesn’t add up. The display of true experts on Tuesday have me excited for the days ahead though to maybe make some sense out of all of this.
@jennifermiller10426 ай бұрын
"You don't put the chocolate with the salmon." 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@ademoss806 ай бұрын
I don't know how I missed this.😳 In my defense I have been watching the dumpster fire that is the Karen Read trial. Its totally unhinged and I can't look away. 😂😂
@divencemoore71116 ай бұрын
Bit of humor: if you've seen the Michael Keaton "BATMAN" movie, Joker's right hand man was Bob the Goon. Bob is really into crime. LOL
@valerie3625 ай бұрын
I also gave up after the first season of Survivor. My mom said she'd puke if she heard "alliance" again 😂😂
@DrLoovely6 ай бұрын
I’m living for the ”chocolate-salmon problem”, I’m going to use it as often as I possibly can 😂
@Christine__D6 ай бұрын
Perfect timing, I didn't know what to do with myself this afternoon 😂
@greenbeagle136 ай бұрын
@SewFloSewing6 ай бұрын
Sameee 😂
@jben63356 ай бұрын
"We have a chocolate salmon problem" 🤣🤣🤣
@cassmacdonald-perfectlyimp24866 ай бұрын
Oh this is JUICY! I’ll admit: I DEFINITELY saw Janet getting…ahem…criticised in the courts. Oh GOODY Obviously in my opinion, just my view point etc etc
@kendraknaggs81635 ай бұрын
I enjoy how long your videos are! I get a lot of information I wouldn't normally understand!
@Kitiarax20006 ай бұрын
Tired Runkle rules. This was hilarious 🤣 as well as informative. Keep it up Runkle. Xxx💜💜
@AmblingSoulCC6 ай бұрын
But was Janet meeting with her team at a high-top bar in the middle of a snowstorm? We need to know!
@belemnona6 ай бұрын
Witnesses say so but she didn't have her GPS on so...
@evespbj6 ай бұрын
Are you sure it was snowing?
@Lynds776 ай бұрын
Adore you Ian ❤❤❤ From Toronto Ont 🇨🇦
@jenkatt6 ай бұрын
The thumbnail image is PRICELESS
@Dayofmourning6 ай бұрын
Listening to Ian say - at 2x the speed - ‘puppy kicker’ over and over made me laugh out loud.
@paigemprice6 ай бұрын
Nice breather from the KR trial insanity, though this sounds insane too
@chrisbaker85336 ай бұрын
Yes, we are as weird as you are, and we are here for the ride.
@meatofmink6 ай бұрын
“which dnd class is janet” none the dm booted her for trying to godmode
@lobdubs6 ай бұрын
Janet is an attempted DM PC
@TeaLoverlne6 ай бұрын
Accurate 😂🤣😂
@SilverAlaunt6 ай бұрын
50:48 Cue "I fought the law and the law won"
@rickybuhl31766 ай бұрын
'things so obvious that they can not possibly be argued..' - hah! allow me to introduce you to a Trooper and his ideas of physics lol
@Khahtt136 ай бұрын
😹😹😹 “and stuff”.
@rickybuhl31766 ай бұрын
@@Khahtt13 Makes me think of Fallout New Vegas and Mr. Fantastic - 'they asked if I had a degree in theoretical physics - I said I had a theoretical degree in physics - they said welcome aboard..'
@jenc58986 ай бұрын
Bob Bobson sounds like he might be a friend of Janet's.
@justkiddin846 ай бұрын
He’s just some dopey dude.😂 Sooo, yep!
@thesussexbunion6 ай бұрын
I expect her to hire Bob Loblaw next.
@BinarySecond6 ай бұрын
Can't believe I've been watching this thinking you were Mr Beast, what a betrayal.
@BinarySecond5 ай бұрын
There's grabbing the bull by the horns and ignoring the bull and hoping no one notices until the bull gores you
@Julia-5436 ай бұрын
I don’t have to pick a lane if the lanes are chocolate and peanut butter? That may be the best news all week!
@thehutch77286 ай бұрын
I’ll be on your team, Runkle! Lol I’m a retired teacher, looking for things to keep my mind busy. Thanks for the update!
@elizabethsahu78226 ай бұрын
How fast do I click on these Janet recaps …hhahahahahaha
@gneissnicebaby6 ай бұрын
I think Janet's DnD character class would be a bard-rogue multi-class starting at level 2 with a -1 to charisma, wisdom, and intelligence. They're that player at the table who rolled bad stats for the character they had in mind and instead of coming up with an alternative they decided to just really struggle for the entire campaign just for the fun of it, essentially handicapping the rest of the party to the point where they have to actively strategize around the fact that they got a party member who's a crap bard and a dumb, unobservant, rogue.
@TeaLoverlne6 ай бұрын
@campinglady816 ай бұрын
Thanks, Ian! 💙
@talkstosocks26 ай бұрын
The girlies lawyer might not be watching you, but Runkle, you got a call out on DWKT in a recent episode. A legal topic came up and they were like "We need Runkle!"
@Jessica_O_Bell6 ай бұрын
Don't follow the road to Ridiculousness.
@timothybayliss66806 ай бұрын
Lol... "Legally Hilarious " merch
@marmar.s6 ай бұрын
Runkle has white hair except when he uses the purple shampoo 🤭
@coyoteartist5 ай бұрын
The Amaretto Ranch Breedables case is a bit funny. Ozimals a company that made bunnies you could raise in Second Life sent a DMCA to Second Life's maker claiming Amaretto's horses infringed on their bunnies. Amaretto got a temporary restraining order against Second Life removing their horses. Second Life eventually backed away from the squabbling saying "We no longer have a horse in that race or a bunny in that pot." Eventually everything was dismissed after three years of fighting.
@666specter6666 ай бұрын
"Its weird".. yeah thats why we are here :D
@zovjraar6 ай бұрын
Idk why "free cake" tickled me so, but I laughed about for a while.