3 WAYS TO GET IBS HELP FROM ANYWHERE: Call Us at: 206-264-1111 Schedule an Appointment: health.ibstreatmentcenter.com/ytc Visit Our Website to Learn More: www.IBSTreatmentCenter.com
@armandpansegrouw630210 ай бұрын
Can IBS in men cause pain low in the abdomen on the right side?
@IBSTreatmentCenter10 ай бұрын
@@armandpansegrouw6302 Yes. This video is helpful: kzbin.info/www/bejne/gKbRq6Gsf7t8mZo
@westtennesseerailfan817010 ай бұрын
@@armandpansegrouw6302 I deal with constipation, and mines on the left side. But when my right side starting hurting it was concerning and I was right it was my appendix, had it removed a few hours later.
@xephorce Жыл бұрын
I have no life. Ive seen doctors for years. I keep getting told we can help you and here i am dealing with a flare up hurting still. over 15 years of this and still no clear solutions. I have pills that can help sometimes but not always. and it seems my flare ups are getting more frequent. I haven't been able to work the last 2 years because its hard to be there if your trapped in the bathroom or doubled over in pain in bed. I think the worst part is for me many times i hurt and cramp so much that it makes me vomit repeatedly. When you do this during a bad flare up it leaves your feeling drained on a level i find hard to explain. it can take me almost a full week to recover from that. its gotten to the point that its effecting my mental health. Ive been questioning my point in existing if all i do is spend hour and hour hurting and pooping. I made the choice to seek out a mental health therapist to talk to. I will start seeing them on the 5th of next month. this condition has destroyed my life. :(
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Yes. Unfortunately your story is all too common. We have seen many patients who have lost their jobs and lost all hope due to this condition, in spite of seeing many doctors and doing everything they could. That's why we created the IBS Treatment Center. The standard of care has been unacceptable, and we offer a much higher standard of care where the expectation is that our patients will get better and we don't give up until they do. It's a unique specialty that requires a new type of specialist. That is the niche that we fill. Don't give up hope. There is a solution!
@kathym6603 Жыл бұрын
Listen to the video very carefully and notice ALL the points Dr. Wangen makes. Draw pictures if you have to!! Actually it has been a month since you posted so I hope you have made progress.
@donaldard7518 Жыл бұрын
Try peppermint tea at work for me
@xephorce Жыл бұрын
well, I finally have some answers but I also have many more questions. Over the Holiday weekend i was rust to the ER due to my condition and spent a few days there but within 6 hours, they told me I had some form of colitis. they want more tests to find out more. my question is how does the VA spend 15 years not finding Colitis and the local ER finds it easy. But the story takes an even more interesting turn. Once home from the hospital I search on the internet about Colitis the VA and military service and what do I find. There is a class-action lawsuit against the very Navy base I was stationed at for 2 years, about toxic contaminations of Fire fighting foam. Also known as (PFAS). NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This stuff is very bad. It was in the drinking water, the dirt, the air. And the effect it can have on the human body line up with what I go through. I contacted the VA about this and was told the burden of proof is on me. I now begin my next uphill battle. I was talking with my therapist about all this and mentioned that I just don't have any good luck and he didn't miss a beat and handed me a metal of St. Jude. I found that to be funny and very touching.
@matakalasama530 Жыл бұрын
How are you doing now?
@slurge21 Жыл бұрын
Great video. Thank you for shedding light on the affects of men. Everything I see is for affects in women. I’m not sure if I have ibs or not. But all the symptoms point to ibs. I am diagnosed with GERD but my bowels are feeling it as well.
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Many IBS sufferers also experience GERD. You are not alone in that regard.
@callumstevenson80834 күн бұрын
@slurge21 how do you go about managing your health conditions?
@physicspleb4 ай бұрын
For anyone that has digestive issues, look into prolonged fasting + eat small meals
@aminkabuli94154 ай бұрын
Hard to do that lol
@RetreatHell5183 ай бұрын
Ain't helping much when stress hits and your colon says you are going to sit in the toilet for an hour.
@uffeandersson6373 Жыл бұрын
thanks , you nailed every symtom in your film, I have al that symtoms
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
You are very welcome. We would love to help you get better and work with patients around the world via zoom.
@BeriBeysikYobBiboy Жыл бұрын
@@IBSTreatmentCenterdoc thank you so much for your video i have also those symtom
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
@@BeriBeysikYobBiboy You are very welcome. We work with many patients in Europe and would love to help you.
@N1976DL Жыл бұрын
I never hear anyone mention autonomic neuropathy when speaking about IBS. Something to consider, especially if one has other, seemingly unrelated, issues with the autonomic nervous system.
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Good point. We've seen that. Fortunately, there is still hope for your IBS. And we've also seen that improving your digestion can improve your neuropathy.
@adrianm4387 Жыл бұрын
I also have had gastrointestinal issues since I was a kid but about 3 months ago they became worse and my anxiety levels are way worse, went to a gastroenterologist and he did some bloodwork, no anemia no inflammation. He says he doesn’t think I’m a candidate for a colonoscopy due to my age (35 ) sometimes I have flatter stools but some days they are normal . All the other signs of ibs are there but today I had a harder stool and felt some pain and saw some blood , I’ve had this happen in the past since I was a teen so I’m assuming it’s just from the straining , but it really messes with my anxiety
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
It's no fun. But you are exactly the kind of patient that we love to work with. You need an IBS specialist.
@ninasaid-mi5zp5 ай бұрын
hello is there a cure
@DanG85 Жыл бұрын
Doctors have come a long way apparently. 25 years ago more than one doctor told me that any connection between IBS and prostate/prostatitis/bladder issues were purely psychosomatic. Also hunger/anorexia, insomnia/fatigue were part of the over all cycle.
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Well, let's not get too excited about the entire medical establishment. I've seen the connection in our practice, including the other symptoms you mentioned. But I don't think it's common for most clinics to connect all of these issue. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like our help.
@stealthxg5045 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately I got IBS after food poisoning and ever since then I had a few health issues I've never had before arise.
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
That happens to a lot of people. Fortunately, it's still solvable. We'd love to help you figure it out.
@rigelc.hoffman24964 ай бұрын
From what I've read, the IBS that comes from food poisoning can cure on its own. However, it requires months or years free of food poisoning for that to happen
@WellPlayedTV4208 ай бұрын
I'm really Confuse, I was diagnosed with GERD, but Heartburn isn't my problem. I don't have any Pain, but I'm Bloating most of the time. I have regular bowel movement. Every morning but most of the time it's Loose and Color Yellow. But sometimes it's normal brown and firm. I'm skinny weighing only 55kg at 33 years old. I suffer most of the time with indigestion, Bloating and too much Gas with a gurgling sound all over my Tummy. And there was a time I woke up at 2am and it was like a Heart Attack, But the doctor said it was just a Panic attack or Anxiety. I elimited Caffeine, I limit alcohol. But I never had a day that my Gut is working normal. Like I said I'm always Bloating and I don't understandand it anymore. 😢
@IBSTreatmentCenter8 ай бұрын
Sounds like IBS.
@WellPlayedTV4208 ай бұрын
@@IBSTreatmentCenter what do you think i should do? I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do. It cause me too much stress. I hope you can give me advice.
@IBSTreatmentCenter8 ай бұрын
@@WellPlayedTV420 The only way to get the right kind of help is to see an IBS specialist. That's what we do. And we work with people all over the US and abroad via telemedicine.
@alphacompany48375 ай бұрын
I have similar experience. I was diagnosed with GERD . I had nausea in initial stages but its gone now after taking pantopraznole 20 mg. But I still have bloating, gas , a sensation of something pressing down my chest, sometimes constipation if I don’t take enough fiber or drink enough water. Chocolate, fried chips and marinara sauce disturbs my stomach aswell. Its been 8 months but these symptoms come and go still. Don’t know if its gerd or something else.
@motorpsycho53752 ай бұрын
Fast and cut sugar and carbs off also purchase elmnt packet also take probiotics called seed and eliminate caffeine no coffee no energy drinks at all no smoking no chocolate no sauces nothing acidic not even orange juice..the body is screaming for a break needs to heal internally give it 6months of fasting with keto or carnivore diet and it will begin to recover food is no longer the same and these prescriptions aren’t helping the body will heal itself if you allow it to
@davidlagno7717 Жыл бұрын
I have inflamed irritable bowels so bad I have no hope anymore. I can't even concentrate anymore. My life revolvs around nursing my gut. I'm tired of it. I was so strong. Can't get any help after 5yrs 😢
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
That's our specialty. We'd love to help you.
@juliosandoval824410 ай бұрын
Bro same here with anything I do just moving around,bending,waking up with stomake pain,been to the hospital so many times that its affecting my job its even hard to go anywhere cause of stomake issues and when I get flare ups I have migranes all day.
@MinionTomato16 ай бұрын
There’s no cure for Sibo
@postmanlondon Жыл бұрын
I’ve had the shits for a month now and have been unable to eat anything properly at all
@glennmorrissey25297 ай бұрын
Hi mate, head to your doctor and ask for a referral to see a gastrologist and push for a colonoscopy and gastroscopy, absolutely push for these and if yuo can't get satisfaction go to another doctor demanding the same thing. Good luck and hope your better.
@Duffyyy94 Жыл бұрын
I dont really have constapation or diarrhea too often, but gas and stomach pain and no appetite, always feeling full but hungry at same time, but cant really eat. Im really skinny and dont eat a ton, cant gain weight.. im male, and at times, it has made me felt handicapped.
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Yes. I can relate. That is certainly something we see a lot of in our patients before they get better. We'd love to work with you to help you. You also might like this video: kzbin.info/www/bejne/iWXKqnt3e8-WbNU
@maciejwozniak603611 ай бұрын
Great video. I have question. Can i have IBS with rare constipation? Feeling of distention on the left side of my abdomen. I have been diagnosed with reflux esophagitis and a hiatal hernia, but I do not have heartburn or other typical symptoms. Is it possible that this is affecting my intestines? Or maybe this daily distension or burning sensation in the stomach causes radiation? Is that possible? I never have cramps. Constipation sometimes, but I drink little water. My stomach never hurts badly, and stress does not affect the symptoms. Always a slight or stronger feeling of burning, heat in the stomach and the entire left side of the large intestine. I feel it constantly, for over a year. I tend to feel it at night too, but in a slightly milder form. My stomach often growls after eating and sometimes my intestines hurt in various places after pressure, but not always. Sometimes I have gas, but never bloating, diarrhea, etc. Does this sound like IBS? Can a hiatal hernia radiate to the lower part of the abdomen?
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
Thank you. I'm glad that you asked. Yes, that could absolutely be IBS. IBS is highly variable, and can look exactly how you described it. We'd love to help you with that.
@maciejwozniak603611 ай бұрын
@@IBSTreatmentCenterThank you for answer. Iknow there is no cure for IBS. But is that possible to don't feel that symptoms anymore to live like before ? And second question. Can It be related with my 2 problems i wrote about above? Do you think my symptoms can be another problem ? Maybe low or too high stomach acid? What do you think ? Thank you for your help :)
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
@@maciejwozniak6036 I definitely think that you can get to feeling much better and not feel those symptoms. Could it be another problem? Possibly. But it's far more likely to be related to IBS than to a hiatal hernia that's radiating. In fact, solving the IBS often solves the reflux esophagitis, in spite of the hiatal hernia. Lots of people have a hiatal hernia and don't have any symptoms.
@popstar2945 Жыл бұрын
Hey can you please answer me are signs of IBS stomach gurgling and making noises constantly? with cramps, I been having these for the past 2 weeks.more noises and gurgling tummy noises but a few abdominal cramps I been researching online and Many resources point to it being a sign of IBS have you had patients with stomach gurgling noisy tummy symptoms at all?
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Yes. Absolutely. I'm glad that you asked because that is very common in IBS. We'd love to help you with that.
@lauralivers17012 ай бұрын
A relative has been having PAIN in his lower right side for the past 2 yrs. Has been to several Drs. plus had MRI, Ultrasound, Colonoscopy but has never been diagnosed with anything specific. What should he ask the Dr to check where the pain is coming from
@IBSTreatmentCenter2 ай бұрын
It sounds like his doctors are already doing everything they can. He needs someone different like my clinic. Unfortunately he'll otherwise probably just keep going around in circles with the usual standard of care.
@chrishansen324529 күн бұрын
I have a question: Can IBS be one of the causes for a Erectile dysfunction to happen? Please let me know, I've only had it for 3 days now and it's really bothering me. There are times i do get morning wood so I don't know it's either IBS or something psychological that's causing it. Thank you
@IBSTreatmentCenter28 күн бұрын
It's understandable to be concerned about the link between Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and erectile dysfunction (ED). While IBS itself is not typically a direct cause of ED, there could be some indirect connections that might contribute to the symptoms you're experiencing.
@El.Basado Жыл бұрын
I've been constipated since february of this year and i can't express how much this has affected my life, there's always this fear i have whenever im outside of my house of the bloating and the urge to go and poop and being unable to do so, its horrible. i've been constipated before but never to this extent, i've been to a gastroenterologist and he told me my stomach was fine, i've tried laxatives and fiber powder and they worked for a while, but know they lost their effect and the few times they work they just give me a painful diarrehea. They was a short period of time back in august when i was able to go and evacuate normally, but then it started again. I don't know what to do anymore, i'm starting to think i might have IBS, this whole year my life has been controlled by this problem, i can't go on trips without laxatives or anything like that, i will admit that i don't eat a lot of vegetables and that my diet is the best, but i'm trying my best, or that's what i think.
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing that. I can certainly understand your frustration. People who don't have IBS don't realize how much it affects your life. This certainly sounds like IBS, and we'd love to work with you to help you sort this out!
@duckweathermcoc8731 Жыл бұрын
What kind of foods do you eat? Do you eat any spicy foods? Even mildly spicy like pepper on a pizza? Spiced hot dog weenies?
@westtennesseerailfan817011 ай бұрын
It seems like for me no matter my diet I can still be severely constipated or be fine. It’s weird
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
@@westtennesseerailfan8170 That's a common problem until the microbiome is cleaned up.
@GARETHWOODWARD644211 ай бұрын
My wife hade this problem for a far a she can remember the meds doctor gave here didn't help at all so I decided to do my own research after researching for mouths we decided to get a cold press juicer we added beetroot spinach and drank it ever day then we cut out caffeine meat milk / vagen diet and to our delight problem solved
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
Congrats! I'm glad that you got it sorted.
@michaelhowe53692 ай бұрын
Yes im noticing meat makes my IBS worse
@Josh-fp2qn11 ай бұрын
I am frequently bloated and gassy after meals. I have to poop multiple times a day. And because I have an anxiety disorder my anxiety causes me to be extremely gassy. It’s so embarrassing. I am 35 btw.
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
Sorry about that. We'd love to work with you help you solve this.
@MuzixMaker10 ай бұрын
Maybe you eat too fast and swallow a lot of air.
@IBSTreatmentCenter10 ай бұрын
@@MuzixMaker I don't that's what causes it. In fact, I've got a video on this: kzbin.info/www/bejne/imrddIiVj9Cjb68
@TechSignn Жыл бұрын
Does not candida shows on stool test ? Since you said bacteria may stay for a long time in our digestive system .
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
I think that you'll find this video helps to explain that issue: kzbin.info/www/bejne/bZnVXn6igtGAZ6s
@westtennesseerailfan817011 ай бұрын
I think I have IBS-C. It’s awful and it only flares up when I’m sick and it all started with Covid in 2021. I had two flare ups that were awful, had to have enemas,. Then I had an Upper endoscopy and I was having fine and easy bowl movements with out MiraLAX for two years all the way up to a surgery I had to have in August and 3 weeks later a flare up, had to do a clean out and I’ve been kinda constipated since then. But I had three flu over Christmas weekend and I’m having a flare up trying to keep off myrlax until my colonoscopy prep in Early January. But it’s pain full and it sucks. I just hope me and my doctor can figure it out. I’ve also had some bad acid reflux. Which sucks more is I’m only 19 about to be 20
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
We'd love to work with you and help you get better. We work with people all over the U.S. Please reach out to us to learn more.
@westtennesseerailfan817011 ай бұрын
@@IBSTreatmentCenter I’m gonna wait and see how my colonoscopy goes a week from now. I’m actually dealing with my severe constipation now, trying to get it to clear with out MiraLAX, until my prep day Monday
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
@@westtennesseerailfan8170 Best of luck.
@westtennesseerailfan817011 ай бұрын
@@IBSTreatmentCenter thanks, I’m just worried about not getting cleaned out enough being constipated like I am now
@westtennesseerailfan817011 ай бұрын
@@IBSTreatmentCenter colonoscopy done, nothing wrong with my colon. Now we wait for a pathology test results in two weeks time (hopefully quicker) I should know what it is but it’s most likely IBSC
@joseharper3314 Жыл бұрын
I have chronic prostatitis and IBS. Not bacterial though so my doctor doesn’t think it’s related. How do I treat this? I can’t sleep!
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
They can definitely be related. I have a video on that topic: kzbin.info/www/bejne/apaxo6SnotSig9E
@kevinpoveromo6324 Жыл бұрын
i golf only in the afternoon ,i can 't travel over seas i get sibo every time
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
We'd love to help you figure this out. We work with people all over the US and in many other countries via zoom and telemedicine. Please contact us for more information.
@ciuffoarancione89293 ай бұрын
Gut and stomach are killing me. 3 years of pain every day, can't eat anything, tried keto, fasting.. Can't recover . I am injured from 2nd dose of pfizer.. Was really fit and healthy a gym maniac now life ruined forever.. Lost 12kg of muscles in few months.. No diagnosis or help from doctors.. Damn me the day i trusted them..
@IBSTreatmentCenter3 ай бұрын
We've seen post covid digestive issues before. We'd love to help you sort this out and get your life back.
@muhammedkanbur-k5n11 ай бұрын
Ibs sadece psikoljik mi ?Yoksa Psikoloji ,besin alerjisi veya sinir sistemindeki iletisimsizlikler,yogun antibiyotik kullanimi sonrasi mikrobiyotanin bozulmasimi
@mbaselaemmanuel2347 Жыл бұрын
A few questions Doc, does Having diarrhea a sign, not watery diarrhea but just kind of normal diarrhea everyday a sign? After every meal , I hear food moving from stomach to intestines, is health,? After every meal after 30 minutes, I hear sounds,? Are these signs normal, I experience them daily ? Advice doctor
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Diarrhea of any kind is not normal good digestion. Nor is a lot of gurgling.
@SA-Aries Жыл бұрын
My partner is 31 . He literally sits in toilet for 45 minutes or more. He pushes so hard. But its liquid stool. And its everyday since years. He sweats in night, and regular reports are normal. Its bowl moment is not at all normal. Also he get cough just 10-15 minutes after every meal . Don’t know where to visit, Because in every report is normal with vitamin D and B12 deficiency. We have taken supplements for it. His mother has breast cancer. I am not sure what exactly should I do. I don’t want to make anyone panic in family without any cause. He recently had stomach pain in lower right side. He has normal weight with big belly. What reports should i go for ,which specialist. If its IBS,cancer or anything I just need to know. Kindly tell us how can we make sure that there is no cancer anywhere in digestive system right now. And in how many days we should keep checking on these.
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
I saw your comment on another video and responded. There is a lot of reason to be hopeful, in spite of now one else being able to help yet. That's our specialty.
@jehangeerkhan60518 ай бұрын
I m suffering from continous abdomen pain ,Chest pain,Back pain and some time testicles pain since 2 months..am i suffering from IBS?
@IBSTreatmentCenter8 ай бұрын
Could be. Unfortunately the only way to know is to rule everything else out.
@David-rb9lhАй бұрын
How are you now , what was it ?
@motorpsycho53752 ай бұрын
That percentage is way higher most people are suffering unknowingly or are misdiagnosed I would say easily 30%
@IBSTreatmentCenter2 ай бұрын
Either way, it's a lot of people!
@motorpsycho53752 ай бұрын
Ibs isn’t easy to tolerate..I fast and doing carnivore diet and improve easily 70% from my symptoms hopefully this continues to improve and put this behind good luck to all and don’t give up the fight
@zumardhussain293 Жыл бұрын
I was ok until i had the covid vaccine it might be because of the vaccine or it might not be. When i eat my belly starts rumbling so much and loud then when i stand up after about half an hour or so i can not control my bowels and i also have very loose stools, i do not have any pain though. I was bleeding when going for a poo but doctor done a poo test and it came clear. I suffer from depression and this problem has made it much worse, im too afraid to go out any where thinking that i might embarrass myself. Im waiting to have blood tests and see what comes up. Hope everyone is ok stay strong ppl
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I recommend this video on Covid and IBS: kzbin.info/www/bejne/jGOno6F7eM-Eb6s
@Yunaykushwaha82Ай бұрын
I had abdomen pain from last 5 months 90% time pain is mild always bloated and gas bowl movement 2 times a day but whenever i'am constipated my stool with bright red blood and pain in anus area as if constipation ended my stool got normal but abdomen pain never goes is it ibs?
@leonardsimmers4857 Жыл бұрын
I also have IBS since childhood. I assumed that I got it from alot of trauma during my childhood. Went for colonoscopy in 2013 and again in 2020, results was that i have IBS or spastic colon which they called it in South Africa. Im currently working for 6 months in Spain and ive got the worst IBS symptoms. The spanish doctors cant help me and they dont understand my condition. From the second that i arrived in Spain ive been struggling with. Constant constipation, I dont use laxatives so i put some prunes in boiled water the night before and the next morning i drink it on my empty stomach. Thats the only way i can have a bowell movement. Can you please advise me as to what to do because this creates anxiety fear and panic.
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Hi Leonard. We've worked with a lot of patients with similar complaints. There is no one size fits all solution. That's why no one has been able to help you. We would be happy to work with you from wherever you are.
@leonardsimmers4857 Жыл бұрын
@IBSTreatmentCenter I'm from south Africa but I'm in Spain at this moment. If I did a colonoscopy in in March of 2020, should i be concern?
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
@@leonardsimmers4857 Usually your doctor will tell you when you're due for your next colonoscopy based on what they saw. If it was normal, then it sounds like you need more help with your IBS.
@leonardsimmers4857 Жыл бұрын
Good day. It's the first time a heard of hemorrhoids. Don't know alot if it. But it's very itchy at my rectal section and it's very confusing because I don't have alot of IBS symptoms at this moment. I only have constipation alot, but no diarrhea. And also pressure on my bladder and groins. Don't know of it's beacuse of the colon being irritated. Do you think the itching at the rectum is due to the constipation.
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
@@leonardsimmers4857 I have a video on that. kzbin.info/www/bejne/fHPKgaufo52LedU You should also work with us as a patient. You are exactly the kind of patient that we love to help.
@thondaimann9822 Жыл бұрын
Hi Doc, I've low vitamin D levels. But whenever I take vitamin D supplement I immediately get an IBS flare-up. What could be the problem?
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
My understanding is that most vitamin D products are derived from sheep's lanolin. So that might be helpful. Maybe you can find one that isn't.
@brianmelbourne68427 ай бұрын
Good information thanks
@IBSTreatmentCenter7 ай бұрын
You are very welcome!
@Jack-p4o1w29 күн бұрын
I have gas alot
@dennisjay4155 Жыл бұрын
Can you have IBS and IBD?
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Great question. Yes, absolutely. Studies have shown that around 40% of people with IBD have IBS. And you've given me an idea for another video. Thank you!
@kevinpoveromo6324 Жыл бұрын
i use ibuprobin for pain
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't you rather not have the pain?
@GHOST45Z6 ай бұрын
@Linksoer Жыл бұрын
Is pooping mucus frequently a part of IBS?
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
It certainly can be. I've had a lot of patients who who have described that same problem. I'm glad you brought it up.
@Linksoer Жыл бұрын
@@IBSTreatmentCenter Thank you for the reply!
@AnonDoge6 ай бұрын
Signs are having birthing contractions and fire poop so hard you feel dehydrated. Then when done you want to take a nap.
@IBSTreatmentCenter6 ай бұрын
That fits too. Would you like help with that?
@roberttweten11 ай бұрын
Hmm…wonder if it affects low back perineum testicles
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
Interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
@terencephillips68337 ай бұрын
No mention of nausea or feeling sick , is nausea a symptom ?
@IBSTreatmentCenter7 ай бұрын
Yes. Nausea is common in IBS. It's just not one of the core defining symptoms of IBS, but lots of IBS sufferers also experience nausea, and it's almost always related to their IBS. We'd be happy to help you with all of that.
@Theghettoknowme Жыл бұрын
I can’t take this ibs anymore have had it for 3 weeks constant everyday with symptoms from hell , I am afraid this will never end … and symtoms Will be herr for ever . Everything from bloating to chest pain every second of the day is it even normal to feel Symptoms whole days ? Will it ever go away ?
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
I feel your pain. Unfortunately, symptoms are often constant. We'd love to help you with this, and we work with patients from all over the place via telemedicine. There is no reason to think that it can't be solved. That's our specialty.
@Theghettoknowme Жыл бұрын
@@IBSTreatmentCenter does it means that I will be in this shape for ever and never feel relief in my body ? I have different symptoms all the time it’s frightening
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
@@Theghettoknowme This is exactly the kind of problem that we help people solve all the time. We expect our patients to get better.
@Theghettoknowme Жыл бұрын
@@IBSTreatmentCenter have you had patients felt pain symptoms all the time get better ?
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
@@Theghettoknowme Definitely. We've seen lots of patients like that.
@darin-in6bp Жыл бұрын
Does anyone ever take tylenol to ease the cramping pain ?? IS that normal
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
That's not uncommon. Many of our patients used to have cramping pain and would take tylenol for it. We'd love to help you solve it!
@jaredcampos781811 ай бұрын
I just left the hospital again as my symptoms get worse by the year or months . I have been passing loose stools as long as I can remember . It’s gotten to the point that I’ve lost 24 lbs in under 2 weeks since I couldn’t eat from the nausea and abdominal pain . I believe I’m anemic from blood loss since at time all I do is poo blood and mucus . Been to emergency rooms and all they do is a ct scan and send you home drugged and with nothing but medication that doesn’t work ! I’m at the point of not wanting to deal with this anymore . 😢
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
Hey Jared. Thanks for sharing that. Have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, or something similar?
@jaredcampos781811 ай бұрын
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
@@jaredcampos7818 And I'm assuming that you've had a colonoscopy. I that case, it must be IBS. We'd love to work with you. There is a lot more that can be done than what you had in the hospital.
@sha60453 ай бұрын
I not satisfied from masterbating 😢 because i feel not feeling ejaculation time tescles and abdomen very discomfort ejaculation pain and anal area pressure feeling l second day little pain in my tescules balls i have vericosine but this is ibs or chornic Prostatits i feel back pain leg pain urine test negative but urine mucus present some time
@ReachGaming4 ай бұрын
can IBS cause nausea and headaches, feeling ill?
@IBSTreatmentCenter4 ай бұрын
Yes, in a manner of speaking. Things that cause IBS can cause nausea and headaches.
@scotty-ek2ss2 ай бұрын
Peppermint oil has helped my ibs
@ryanwdavies111 ай бұрын
Can it be confused with giardia?
@IBSTreatmentCenter11 ай бұрын
Sure. They can cause the same symptoms.
@albelnoxofaquios Жыл бұрын
Ive been having bad constipation, reocurring problems for a couple, maybe four at most years now. Went to my local GP and they did a feel of my abdomen and use the little listening thing they have. He believes that since he can't feel any abnormal lumps and can't hear anything out of order, he is currently ruling out Colon and bowel cancer he did however still recomend me to go for an Ultrasound and potentially a colonoscopy. JUST TO RULE CANCER OUT. Honestly even if I have to wait a few months for these tests its reassuring to not have cancer ruled out because im 34.
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
That's usually how it's done. You might like my video on that: kzbin.info/www/bejne/hXu7k3ukmt5ojbs
@lehighstar4747 ай бұрын
@IBSTreatmentCenter7 ай бұрын
We'd love to work with you to help figure out why and help you get better.
@4literpowered5 ай бұрын
Can IBS cause thinner than normal diameter stools?
@IBSTreatmentCenter5 ай бұрын
@OthienoGeofrey2 ай бұрын
I having been suffering from itching of the anus for a year now pliz I need help
@IBSTreatmentCenter2 ай бұрын
Watch this video: kzbin.info/www/bejne/bYa5knRvjLBqa9E
@aceamodia30732 ай бұрын
Sometimes, doctors like a law book which describe all the illnesses and let it be. In fact, doctors can not cure all problems. Oh Jesus Christ take me to heaven
@pault2178 Жыл бұрын
Does it make u feel like u have gas but cant toot
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
It can certainly do that. We'd love to help you with that.
@pault2178 Жыл бұрын
@@IBSTreatmentCenter location?
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
@@pault2178 No need to come to us. We have been working with patients all over the world for about 15 years via video and telemedicine. Just email us at Tracy@IBSTreatmentCenter.com, or call us at 206-264-1111.
@thomasc71199 ай бұрын
Can IBS cause bladder to drop?
@IBSTreatmentCenter9 ай бұрын
I don't know. But something had to cause it.
@kevinpoveromo6324 Жыл бұрын
can inflamation cause ibs
@IBSTreatmentCenter Жыл бұрын
Yes, in a manner of speaking. Both are symptoms and are being caused by something else.