I mean to be fair it would’ve just made more sense to swap the 170/P4’s batch of SEs to match their required PVRs so the P4 could take on the 14 regs and the 170 takes on the full 65 reg and in the process they can withdraw pretty much every WS as the 355’s batch is already unreliable and the 355 was almost fully decker operated today with MMCs and G3s, don’t even know how the 355 is staying single decked. I mean the P4 could still get the 14 reg SEs as I’ve heard it’s on for 3 years anyways and would make sense to completely rinse the ex-286 14 regs and the fact that they were new to NX. In turn, GAL can just get rid of the 39/355’s batch of WSs as the 355’s batch is already earmarked to go off lease, doubt theyre even keen to keep them anyways