My channel is just staring out, so every subscriber counts ✨Take a look at my previous trip:
@ymladd69213 күн бұрын
Hi! I think the cause cause of the fall was putting in the rope the wrong way into the STOP descender. It happened to me once while caving and thankfully I noticed just before I started descending, but if the stop lever is engaged with your left hand, the rope should be making an S shape going into the descender. I also sometimes refer to the diagram found on the descender, since after around 9 hours in rope you have to expect that you will make mistakes. Stay safe!
@ExploringtheNordics3 күн бұрын
I should have adressed this more in the video, thank you for the comment. A cave or mine is never worth risiking your life over, so safety should always a priority.
@EnsligKu3 күн бұрын
Great video as always :)
@ExploringtheNordics3 күн бұрын
@Norwegianguy1393 күн бұрын
Cool mine! Good that you didn't hurt yourself when you fell.
@ExploringtheNordics3 күн бұрын
Thank you ✨
@jonsson_683 күн бұрын
Looked nasty when you fell.. the pulse must have gone up high ?
@ExploringtheNordics3 күн бұрын
Thanks! My pulse did get high, yes, but luckily I was not hurt. The rope slowed me down. A good reminer to double check the equipment and technique before you start.
@jonsson_683 күн бұрын
@@ExploringtheNordics you learn as long as you live
@StevenAverage2 күн бұрын
Bro, that was a decent tumble. You were very lucky not to break something. It makes me wary about some of the places Ive been thinking of roping into. Just one mistake could be disaster
@ExploringtheNordics2 күн бұрын
Yes, things such as this reminds you that what you are doing has a danger element to it, and that it is important to double check everything, if possible also by someone else. Have you experienced any similar situations?
@StevenAverage2 күн бұрын
@ExploringtheNordics it was shocking how fast you fell, you had no time to do anything before you hit the ground. I havent been in any similar situations. I use ropes to hold on to but I dont abseil. Its still a good lesson for me to stay alert while underground. Everyone makes mistakes