It would honestly be better if you guys used the BMO center and invited more Japanese guests instead of the English ones. If you guys can do that then I’d be fine paying double the price for the weekly pass.
@ShMartinJo15 күн бұрын
@@Tufae I made a cinematic coverage video last summer’s OMATSURI fest (link below) and I couldn’t agree more about what you said. I personally enjoy festivals like that because it’s more on the Japanese cultural side than just anime with authentic Japanese guests / acts. But even then, the venue makes more sense there at the same time.
@kyelor23 күн бұрын
By far the worst con I’ve ever attended…honestly wanted to love it since I’m a native Calgarian and all, but just wasn’t worth trying anymore after years of harassment by attendees, staff and volunteers alike. I hope things have changed for the better since then, but I’m not holding my breath since I’ve heard many of my abusers are still active in the organization. I hope one day Calgary can have a con that’s a fun, safe and welcoming place for all people
@IRefuseToUseThisStupidFeature19 күн бұрын
I just saw no value, It was just unending lineups with no real reward. It looked way more fun when it was at U of C.
@ShMartinJo18 күн бұрын
I’m contemplating promoting my side business there, centered on creating anime-inspired cinematic reels for models, actors or anyone who just wants to make one for fun. But the fact they’re ok with providing bootlegs in general makes me uncomfortable about this. And that was before reading what you had to say …
@IRefuseToUseThisStupidFeature19 күн бұрын
I just take exception to the title because Otafest seemed so poorly managed compared to the others.