Among all four apartments, the first one is the most desirable. It is not because it is the most expensive, but because it has the largest functional space - thanks to the two-tier loft. I would not consider the fourth one at all. The floor plan is a disaster: you can see the entire interior from the entrance; there is no privacy at all. The place is like a box. The first apartment, though tiny with only 22.51 squared meters, is adorable. Thanks to the two-tier loft, you can actually have a bedroom, private study and a living room. Here is how: use the higher level of the loft as bedroom and the lower level as your private study. The lower level is tall enough for an adult to sit up straight - it looked like you might even stand up straight. You can put a computer desk, a chair and even a small bookshelf there. Below the loft, you can put an end table and a soda there. In front of the sofa, you can have a coffee table - preferably a convertible one that can be transformed into a dining table when necessary. You can mount the TV on the wall across. As for the wooden shelf by the entrance, that can be used as a bookshelf. The first apartment is small, but it is the most adorable of all four apartments. Unfortunately,bit is also the most expensive. Thanks for sharing!