Nope. Nothing new. Been doing openbox for 17-ish years so.... If you're just starting with this, do some good reading because there's a ton you can do in terms of, I dunno, pipemenus, cornerbindings, tiling, overview......etc. Openbox is one of the very very best pieces of linux stuff out there. One suggestion maybe, don't use gnome specific stuff. Csd and the lot takes away a lot of the capabilities. Not exactly sure what core you're using, but once you're on a roll, it's fairly easy to make, say, blazing fast debian or antix based systems that boot around 70 mb. One of the most amazing pieces I ever did was a fully packed OB system which booted at 28 mb. But that one was based on slitaz. Anywho...have fun with it. O yeah, obmenu is still available on github. Maybe, just maybe, obkey as well. Saves you tons in editing rc.xml and menu.xml. And as for pipemenus and such, the guys from mabox and bunsenlabs make their stuff available online. Have fun.