International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

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Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrats

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Ed Davey marks International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia - A chance to acknowledge the violence and discrimination that too many LGBT+ people face, and reflect on how we can change it.
Discrimination against LGBT+ people is still far too commonplace in the UK - particularly against the trans scommunity. It is more important than ever to stand firmly against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia in all its forms.

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@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
British sea and river water are seriously polluted ! In 2022, British food reduce 40%, and food prices increase 20-30%, and 32000 people died of illness, but the government doesn't know the cause of death. Inflation of the house rise 22-33%.Manchester city rents up 50%. According to the date released by the real estate website Rightmove, the average rent in London, rose above £2500 in the first quarter, up 14%, compared to the same period last year. There are gangsters who organize beggars for begging. 施紀賢 point out that more than 95% of the case remain unsolved, 98% of rapists are not prosecuted and 96% burglars are not prosecuted. In the past, the ruling party has stated that theft of less than £150 will not be dealt, and the police will not deal with theft of less than £150. If someone else puts garbage in front of the door, the owner needs to clean up the garbage, council is not responsible for cleaning up the trash for homeowners. British receive a large number of refugees. The past ten years, the population of British has increased by more than ten million (10000000 ), creat the problems in finance, housing, medical, education, public safety, crimes..etc. Taxpayers bear a heavy burden, but the quality of the services ?
@WavyOsprey94 11 ай бұрын
Thank you sir Ed, this makes me proud to be a Liberal Democrat.
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
British facing currency depreciation, interest rate increases and national strikes, inflation rises. On July 2022, severe heat in many European countries. On July 19, UK recorded 40.3 degrees, and fires broke out in many places, and the rails were deformed. The power company received a large number of power outage reports, and the rescue department stated that it had to deal with 400 help calls per hour. Residents of London described London as a battlefield. The Minister of Transport said that most of the infrastructure facilities were built in the Vidalian era, and can not withstand such high temperatures. France and Spain had a high temperature of 40 degrees in June, there was no series of fires like Britain House, traffic stoppage, power outages etc. British infrastructure lags behind as the United States. It has not improved its infrastructure for decades, infrastructure is aging. What is the government busy with every day ? Why doesn't the finance take care of these daily services needs ? There are 400000 people living in the street in UK, and 8000000 low - income families not have enough food in April 2022, the government increase the " windfall profit " tax of gas and oil companies by 20% to help low- income families. UK receive a large number of refugees for a long time, training them, hired them as staffs and securities, use evil China and Chinese methods to oppress their target people to agree to accept refugees. Taxpayers, enterprises, companies and citizens have to keep raising taxes to paid for the living expenses of refugees accept by the government, make UK and citizens impoverish, and no money to improve infrastructure. The real talents are foce away by the taxation and the conspiracy of refugees. The ruling Conservative Party built a defeat for UK !! If British citizens remain indifferent, there is really no hope for UK !!
@Bungle-UK Жыл бұрын
As a gay guy I call tell you there is no such thing as ‘LGBT’. Sexuality and gender identity are completely separate issues and I, and many others, resent the takeover of the gay rights movement by radical gender activists.
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had help China promote the digital Renminbi (currency ) and advocated changing the anti - China policy. His family owns a China company, a technology company, is associated with several Indian software companies, and has a virtual bank. His wife does not pay taxes. Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt's wife is Chinese . According to the Chinese intelligence law, can his wife have a role ?
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
有說 : Biden可能援引憲法第14條修正案 (此法言明美國公共債務的合法性 "不容置疑")。美國公債24兆美元, 是目前全球最大的資產市埸。美國也是銀行、退休基金、共同基金和其他企業的投資組合中首要的資產, 一旦美國償債信用崩垮, 引發的金融危機將使最近的區域銀行倒閉顯得像小事。 自從2002年CIinton給予中國最惠國待遇, 將美國 "貨物出口大國" 的地位讓給中國以來, 美元相對於他國貨幣的價值, 主要源自全球對美元資產的需求。如美債暴跌, 必拖累美元眨值。將迅速推升進口貨的價格, 使美國通脹率飆升, 也迅速推升償債成本, 使美國赤字問題更嚴重。 3月矽谷銀行倒閉, 華爾街投行密集警告, 美國商業地產是下一個地雷。美國辦公大樓自2022年初以來下跌25%。 美國約有8成商業不動產貸款由資產不到2500億美元的中小銀行承辦, 這些銀行佔美國銀行業貸款比重約65%。矽谷倒閉後, 小規模銀行的流動性降低, 加上經濟環境不確性增加, 銀行減少對商業開發商放款, 使開發商現金流趨緊, 削弱其還款能力。過去幾年, 低利率助長地產迅速擴張, 在 Fed 升息遏通脹下, 今年要再融資的企業面臨更高的借貸成本, 但手中的房產價值卻不斷眨值,(包括住所的樓房價值亦不斷下跌, 如果租金收益低於按揭的供款, 業主是負資產, 業主會賣掉樓房, 房產價格會不斷下跌。) 根據調查, 2023年將有約4000億美元的商業地產債務到期, 未來五年內的債務總計高達2.5兆美元。高利率下, 商用不動產、住房和個人借貸想重組債務或融資都不容易, 若借款人一個接一個違約, 銀行風險飆升。(銀行業績好, 不代表安全。 銀行的負債或業務, 投資在何處 ? 樓市、股市跌, 銀行會蝕錢。中國M2增速12%, 硬要印鈔把錢借出去, 不理生死, 債仔沒錢還, 銀行會倒閉。) 矽谷銀行顧問高盛(高盛一直助中國企業融資) 要矽谷先找私募創投大企業幫忙融資, 一邊致電給自己輔導的新創事業示警, 開始出現大量資金流出矽谷, 接着, 因為借不到錢, 加速資金外流, 高盛再叫矽谷賣債券, 後來又要矽谷發行新股來填補18億的虧空。矽谷銀行發股要辦巡迴說明會, 提供財務報表, 大家看到財務表上有一項「未實現損失」達160多億元, 潛在投資人看到, 開始致電通報新創圈, 新創企業開始掀起擠兑潮, 終釀成矽谷銀行倒閉。
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
《TL The NEWS LENS》報道, 根據市場研究機構lDC的最新數據, 2021年全球影片監控市場價值約380億美元, 而海康威視和大華這兩家中國影片監控企業佔了三分之一以上。海康威視和大華的設備監視着全世界的機場、火車站, 甚至政府機構。據最新的媒體報道, 德國有數以萬計正在使用的海康威視設備, 包括警察局和政府部門。這兩家公司的監控產品存在於關鍵設施的事實, 引發了對潛在間諜活動的擔憂。批評者警告, 這些系統可能有內置後門, 中國政府可以通過這些後門秘密地獲取敏感數據。 中國法律, 柏林墨卡托(Merics)中國研究所的研究員Antonia Hmaid 說 :「每個中國公司都必須與政府合作, 並在必要時交出數據, 包括存儲在中國內及國外收集的數據。」這就是許多國家對中國公司下禁令, 包括電信供應商華為和中興。西方國家亦限制海康威視和大華。自2022年以來, 澳洲和英國决定將這些公司的產品撤出政府場所和其他敏感地區, 美國已完全禁止銷售和進口, 理由是「對國家安全有不可接受的風險」。 根據關注數位人權的非政府組織Access Now於2021年的一份報告, 海康威視的設備比對手便宜10倍。這價格差距在競爭規則中很難解釋。「由於他們與政府的關係如此緊密, 它們的技術在價格方面可能對其他競爭者來說是不公平」, IDC專門研究影片監控的市場分折師Mike Jade說, 對於較貧窮的開發中國家來說, 這佔有決定性的優勢, Jade認為那裡的影片監控市場有很大的潛力。以拉丁美洲為例, 分析家門預測未來幾年該地區市場年增長率將超過13%。整個拉丁美洲的政府已經擴大其影片監控能力, 包括生物識別的工具, 但許多國家的數據保護法仍不足以讓當局和公司負起責任。非政府組織Access Now告訴《德國之聲》, 這對人們的隱私構成了威脅。除了價格吸引, 海康威視還試圖通過向一些國家提供試用版免費設備來增加其爆光。美國影片監控分折機構IPM報告說, 海康威視也以不太低調的方式進行擴張, 不僅在巴西開設了一個裝配基地以外, 還收購了墨西哥最大的安保系統公司。為了保護影片監控系統收集的數據, 將中國公司排除在外的禁令和制裁或許是一個補救措施。網絡安全專家Antonia Hmaid 認為, 需要更普遍地提高監控系統的安全性。她以德國為例解釋, 無論這些系統是在哪裏製造, 目前它們大多沒有定期更新, 導致很容易遭受網絡攻擊。她說, 改善網絡安全的長期解決方案, 必須依靠建立透明的規則, 要求所有影片監控供應商保持其設備更新, 最好也能將其伺服器置於專制政權的範圍之外。
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
An essay of The Economist「 Why does inflation refuse to go away?」 Because a lot of refugees, goverment continue QE and increase taxes to feed the refugees, how can UK citizen bear the cost of Iiving of the refugees? Continue QE and increase taxes to feed the refugees、to pay the cost of living of the refugees, continue increase marketing's money, means inflation up and up, but refugees don't have product power, it means bad people (refugees join together to hurt their target) increase, but GDP don't increase=GDP down !! Because of product power not increase, marketing can't provide enough food and things, price of foods and things must up and up, means infIation up and up。 If import articIes、goods, but citizen bear heavy taxes, no money to buy anything, onIy refugees have QE and taxpayer's money to buy things, means inflation more up and up !! This is a hopeIess situation !! WiII lead to coIlapse !! This is a coIIapse situation !! And the refugees occupy the appointment of the surgery that it's difficult to book appointment on phone, and difficult to see doctor。Everyone self-seeking hope。 Refugees destroy UK !! Karma !! Send aIl the refugees back to their homeIand country and send to Africa is the onIy way only method !! Many democracy country weIcome Hong Kong peopIe, Hong Kong people please consider clearly, choose the country you want to go to。
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
英國面臨貨幣眨值、加息及全國罷工、通脹升。 2022年7月歐洲多國受熱浪衝擊, 英國7月19日周二錄得40.3度, 導致火警處處, 路軌變形, 電力公司接獲大量停電報告, 救護部門表示每小時要處理多達400個求助電話。有倫敦居民形容倫敦像一個戰場。 運輸大臣說, 大部份基楚設施都是維多利亞時代建造, 不能承受這樣的高温。 2022年6月法國和西班牙高温40度, 未如英國般發生連串火燒房子、交通停頓、電力失能等。 英國基建設備落後如美國, 幾十年沒有提升基建設施, 基建老化, 政府每天忙甚麼? 財政為何不照顧這些日常生活服務需要? (英國長期接收難民, 更培訓難民、僱用難民做職員和保安, 用中國的方法合謀對付牠們的目標, 迫目標人物贊同接收難民。英國納税人長期負擔難民的生活費用。英國企業、公司、公民卻要不斷加税去養政府接收的難民, 令英國和英國公民貧因, 沒錢改善基建設施, 而有能力的公民和真正的人才卻被税務和難民合謀施壓對付和迫走 !! 執政保守黨為英國建設了一個敗局 !! 英國公民若再無動於衷, 英國是沒希望了 !!)
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
After Biden became vice president, he visited China in 2013, Xi Jinping call Biden an "old friend". Zhai Dongsheng, deputy dean of the school of International Relation at Renmin University of China, secretary - general of the China Center for Foreign strategic studies, and one of Xi Jinping's think tanks, was circulated on the Internet. At the beginning of the speech, he said : " Why can't we handle TRUMP?" From 1992 to 2016, In those 30 years, no matter how big issue occurred between China and the United States, it could be settled within two months. " The reason is : "We have people above us, and we have our " old friends " in the core circle of power in the United States ! There is nothing in the world that cannot be handled by dollars. If one stack of dollars cannot be handled, then two stacks of dollars are needed. " Zhai Dongsheng said that before Xi Jinping visit to the United States in 2015, he was send to the United States to create public opinion for Xi Jinping and held a press conference for Xi Jinping's political book, but the date had already been booked, and he told his supervisors that the leadership would get it done soon, what was settled was an old Jewish lady who can speak Chinese, has Chinese nationality, has a household registration in Beijing, has a courtyard, and is the Asian president of a top financial institution on Wall Street. She also said : " If you have any problems in the United States, she can help you out. '' China does not allow dual citizenship, but Jewish old lady has privileges in China. Zhai Dongsheng said : " To put it bluntly, in the past 30、40 years, " We used the core circle of power in the United States, that is Wall Street, which has great influence in internal affairs and foreign affairs in the United States, to get things done. " But in 2016, Wall Street couldn't handled Trump. In the US trade war, they also tried to help, but they couldn't do. " Now Biden, the traditional political elite and establishment are closely related to Wall Street. " Biden's son has fund companies around the world. Who helped him build the fund companies?There a deals." (Overt and covert benefits transfer, under- the - table transaction, bribery etc.. The Chinese audience applauded that China can " fix " the core of American power with " everything inside. " Zhai Dongsheng pointed out that " there is nothing in the world cannot be handle by the US dollar. " (Accepting interests harm the United States and all the world ! China can use US dollars to handle Biden ! But can't handle Trump ! )
@lukemitchell1975 8 ай бұрын
You have my vote. Thank you
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
英國老人院新聞台 : 英國經濟已衰退。 2022年逾百萬人移入英國。 英國淨流入50萬移民, 英國非法人數激增, 出現在民居。這三年有15多萬香港人移民英國。移入英國的是甚麼人? 難民和非法入境者? 英國年逾20萬家庭爆竊案, 食大麻的警察不大理會, 警察被指hea(懶)。英國大城市出現自製手槍, 會否成新的治安問題? 英國家庭收入追不上通脹, 很多NHS醫護辭職, 少人入職, 英國貧高懸殊加劇。 英國之前以 "價高者得" 托樓價, 預算案出現租金管制, 會否令樓價下跌而出現 "負資產"? 美國樓市, 2022年的27萬樓房買家已淪為 "負資產''。英國供樓利息6厘, 薪金追不上通脹, 一半薪金於支付樓價。 英國養老金瀕臨破產, (所以不斷提高退休年齡)。 英國貨櫃由3000元升到2萬元, 升115倍, 汽車減價亦沒人買, 經濟已衰退。 2021年印度已取代英國成為第五大經濟體。 (英國政府高層, 包括Sishi Sunak、官員、議員、職員很多都是印巴裔、巴基斯坦裔和外族, 牠們都想其祖家種族、國人移居到UK, 由UK納稅人供養, 而牠們的政策傾向其祖家國族、印巴、非洲等發展經濟。 英國收容大量難民, 經濟當然垮 !! 法輪因果報應 !! Kama !! Retribution !!)
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had help China promote the digital Renminbi (currency ) and advocated changing the anti - China policy. His family owns a China company, a technology company, is associated with several Indian software companies, and has a virtual bank. His wife does not pay taxes. Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt's wife is Chinese . According to the Chinese intelligence law, can his wife have a role ? 英國M16主管指中國是頭號威脅。中國二百萬年薪挖前皇家空軍訓練中國解放軍機師。 2010年英國軍情通訊總部, 第二次世界大戰時破解納粹密碼通訊的GCHO, 第二號領袖人物霍金斯於2010年轉職華為。 (英國政府竟然批准霍金斯轉職, 是否中國收買了保守黨和工黨的政府高層?) 中國紅二代薄瓜瓜去英國寄宿學校, 在英國的監護人是前戴卓爾夫人的經濟顧問鲍威爾Charles PoweII。 英國實驗室使用了被美國列入黑名單的海康威視。(英國政府實驗室的資料、實驗過程全被中國和中國人知悉。英國亦有被中國、中國人用錢色 "搞定" 的間諜。)
@UK_Canuck Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this message. If we get any comment at all from the PM, I expect it will be as meaningless as the fatuous "it is to be regretted" when apologies are in order. Can't be upsetting the Braverman Boosters™, now.
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
祝願賴清德當選2024台灣總統 !! 以下是我填的兩厥宋詞 : 功 ! 落葉花飄雪雨喁, 寒泥綴, 穿梭繡青葱。 調寄十六字令。寫於24.3.2023. 年月渡, 稟誠虔, 志彌堅。躬眾事, 解民難。為公民, 彰正義, 作支援。 民壯舌, 說真言, 不辭鞎。倡自由, 護人權。衛台灣, 新憲政, 並盾拚。 調寄三字令。寫於28.3.2023. 賴清德做台灣總統是台灣國家國民之福 !! 國民黨、馬英九..等執政時, 國家和縣市的財赤是歷來最高。礦工之子賴清德深知民間疾苦, 棄醫從政, 以醫者之心對各種問題對症下藥, 做台南市長時建設台南, 到訪歐洲、東南亞..等國家, 台南產品出口到全世界。賴清德做行政院長時鬆綁一例一休, 更為台灣賺得第一個財政年度盈餘 !! 國際亦讚賞台灣的經濟奇蹟 !! 賴清德努力 !! 以全新憲法、新國旗正名「台灣國」的參選人努力 !! 台灣國家國民努力 !! 加油 !! 加油 !! 加油 !!
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
Fed 數據, 各國央行以2014年以來最快速度減持美債。3月22日各國央行的美國國債減少了 760億美元至 2.86萬億美元。外國和國際貨幣當局(FlMA) 回購協議安排動用600億美元, 遠超疫情時的14億美元。Fed 的FIMA 安排設立於2020年3月。(美國民主黨Biden..等執政時。) 2023年為紓解全球美元融資市場壓力, FlMA允許外國央行持有的美國國債作為抵押, 以換取美元流動性。(美國以美元交換作為抵押的美國國債, 全球美元流通量驟增, 即通脹驟增。) Fed 3月加息0.25個百分點, 利率為4.7%。FlMA 每週的平均使用水準為 330億美元, 意味有機構不止一次訪 FlMA。(抵押美國國債換的美元仍不足應付所需的流動性, 或各機構減持美債以減低作為最後買家而蝕錢的風險, 或機構將換得的美元再投資於股市、證卷、金、或其他投資項目, 會造成惡性循環 ?!) 通過國債銷售和回購融資獲得的 1360億美元資產中, 只有一小部份回到了 Fed 的資產負債表或更大的託管計劃中。3月22日, 國外逆回購池的餘額增加 30億美元。Fed 托管的機構證卷增加了 70億美元。根據Wrigton ICAP 的說法, 這意味 Fed 籌集的大部份資金可能已經進入私人市場。(各國央行、銀行、機構抵押美國債卷換到的美元, 在各國推高美元通脹, 用美元兑換各國本土貨幣後, 亦推高各國的貨幣通脹, 法輪因果報應 !!)
@Vic2point0 Жыл бұрын
Disagreement =/= phobia, no matter how many times you claim otherwise.
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
The poIIution of Iithium batteries cannot be soIve at alI. Since1975, the U.S. federa| government has required automobiIe manufactuers to achieve "Corporate average FueI Ecomony", encourage the production of fuel- efficient vehicIes. lf the production of vehicIes with large engines consumes more fuel is not up to standard, can buy quotas from companies that produce thin cars. Cars without production of CO2- emitting parts, every car produced has a quota to seII, starting the production Iine is Iike printing money. Over the years, more than a dozen so- calIed environmentaI protection states head by California had requiring auto suppIiers to supply a certain percentage of "Zero- Emission VehicIe". There wiII be an eIectric car graveyard in the near future. Europe and the United States urgentIy reguIate the recycIing of waste batteries will not be in the soil. The Pollution Disaster Caused by the " Political Correctness" of the America Democatic Party !! Consquences of ignorance ?!
@venerasediaboros2000 9 ай бұрын
I hate may 17.
@jakel8627 Жыл бұрын
LGBT is cool! LGBT is normal! 🔶️LIB DEM 4 LIFE🔶️
@Bungle-UK Жыл бұрын
LGBT doesn’t exist - sexuality and gender identity are separate issues that should not be conflated.
@TheSuperPsychoKiller Жыл бұрын
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual are normal because some animals show homosexual behavior. Trans is not normal. Getting surgery and taking hormones against nature is unnatural.
@FHIPrincePeter 10 ай бұрын
Sounds like a real vote winner. Must of the punters in my Pub and Working Men's club are all very much concerned about this. Definitely a vote winner.
@nicks4934 Жыл бұрын
Important Ed but get out and fight for the blue wall. ❤
@nicks4934 Жыл бұрын
You need power not rhetoric
@barrellmeister Жыл бұрын
But at the moment it's important to be clear on Lib Dem values and what Ed Davies stands for. Power in itself is meaningless without values, integrity and solidarity.
@user-rz7nq1to3v Жыл бұрын
投資教父麥樸恩投訴無法從中國上海滙豐銀行轉移資金出境, 中國的滙豐銀行不能轉移資金到香港的滙豐銀行。中國的養老金不足, 官媒促老人再就業。(英國亦將退休年齡提高, 若不断提高退休年齡, 可能致死也不能退休。) 中國的村鎮銀行無法取款近一年。中國的銀行以 "防詐騙,' 之名限每日提款5千。東莞時薪9元。中國帶頭, 每台車貼40萬, 煞不住逾賣逾賠, 沒用過的電動車墳場湧現。 甲流襲杭州, 9歲男童一夜白肺。 英鎊定期存息15厘。(如果銀行缺錢、缺流動資金, 為吸存款而實施存款利率高過按揭利率, 每做一宗按揭蝕一宗。If banks are short of money, Iack of Iiquidity in the bank, so that deposit interest rate is higher than the mortgage interest rate in order to attract deposits。Bank wiII Iose money on every mortgage they take, if the banks raises the mortgage rate after the money increases, can the mortgager pay the high mortgage interest rate?Property buyers may become negative equity.
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