Интервью Посла России в Великобритании А.В.Келина телеканалу Россия 24, 11 апреля 2024 года

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Russian Embassy in London

Russian Embassy in London

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Смотрите интервью Посла России в Великобритании А.В.Келина телеканалу Россия 24, 11 апреля 2024 года
💬Ключевые высказывания:
▪︎Обстановка изменилась не только на поле боя, но и в настроениях людей и в Европе, и даже в Британии. Тем не менее мининдел Великобритании Д.Кэмерон продолжает твердить, что Украина должна победить Россию. Либо надо быть слепым и глухим, либо очень бояться признать ошибочность своей политической линии в последние годы. Думаю, дело именно в этом.
▪︎Британия подчеркивает, что свою роль видит, прежде всего, в мобилизации усилий западного лагеря по содействию Киеву. Здесь Лондон и Париж соперничают: кто громче крикнет, ведь собственные возможности в плане предоставления украинцам военной помощи Британия во многом исчерпала. И сейчас речь идет о довольно ограниченных поставках, как по номенклатуре, так и по объёмам.
▪︎В Великобритании уже не первый месяц на все лады муссируется тема «неминуемого» вооруженного конфликта. Речь идет собственно о банальном стремление силового блока, влиятельных отставников и стоящего за ними бизнеса добиться увеличения госрасходов на оборонные нужды. Во многом этим и объясняется упомянутое раскручивание мифа о «российской угрозе» для Европы, надуманность которого становится очевидной.
▪︎Присутствие британских военных специалистов на Украине не является секретом. Лондон признает дежурство там, например, сил спецопераций. Помимо официальной задачи охраны посольства в Киеве, они периодически выполняли некие неафишируемые функции. Известно о вовлеченности британцев в планирование и подготовку операций ВСУ, в т.ч. диверсий на территории России. На днях была пресечена подготовленная спецслужбами англичан вылазка диверсионных групп ВСУ на Тендровской косе Херсонской области.
▪︎Из [наших] контактов с рядовыми англичанами следует, что никакой угрозы со стороны России они, разумеется, не видят и не чувствуют.
▪︎В британской прессе регулярно появляются слухи об отставке премьер-министра Р.Сунака. Внутрипартийная турбулентность, подогреваемая спекуляциями о готовящихся «заговорах», для тори характерна, особенно в последние годы. Но среди консерваторов многие действительно недовольны провалами правительства. И как следствие - падением партийных рейтингов в преддверии предстоящих в этом году парламентских выборов, которые консерваторы практически наверняка сильно проиграют.
▪︎Даже в случае ухода Р.Сунака с поста премьер-министра еще до выборов, не важно, кто его сменит - оздоровления подходов британского правительства на этом направлении ожидать не следует.
▪︎С марта 2022 г. Великобритания прекратила действие режима наибольшего благоприятствования в двусторонней торговле с Россией. С тех пор Лондон методично идет по деструктивному, прежде всего, для собственной экономики пути сворачивания торгово-экономических отношений с нашей страной. Денонсация Советско-Британского соглашения о ловле рыбы в водах Баренцева моря - ответная мера.
Читать полностью: london.mid.ru/...

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@СветланаСветлая-л9ъ 5 ай бұрын
Как все по полочкам разложил. Молодец.
@alexzubov1142 5 ай бұрын
All well said! Respect! ✊
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 ай бұрын
23 April 2024. Evening Dispatch: Liberty or Death. Thank you to the Senate for passing aid to our allies. Thank you Minority Leader McConnell and thank you Speaker Johnson for your leadership: you gentlemen did the right thing. Thank you for passing it tonight and not tomorrow - every hour matters to the lives of brave Ukrainian Warriors, and now I can watch the season finale of my show SHOGUN in peace. Lucky the Cat is responding well to the dewormer, sleeping and eating with no further vomiting, thanks be to Almighty God. Thank you to everyone and anyone who prayed for her. May God bless the veterinarian who cared for her, and bless all veterinarians. All of Ukraine shall be Ukraine. Ukraine shall be victorious, and independent, and NATO. This war ends with Vovochka Putin's death, overthrow, or surrender-on-his-knees. I cannot condone any "two state solution." I fear the God of Israel, who is the God of the Universe, I fear His curse upon my nation and upon myself, and thus I cannot condone taking even one square inch of land from Israel. The Nationalist government in Taiwan has never been a part of the Chinese Communist government on the mainland. They fought to a stalemate many years ago. That war is long over. There was a dream that was America, and that dream shall be realized. God save the United States of America, and all our Noble Allies. God save the Congress, both Houses and both Parties. God save the President. V/R, In Christ, TWS
@Елена-и4д6з 5 ай бұрын
Господин Посол, Вам комплимент! Устали видеть в настоящее время не грамотных, не опрятных и главное лживых послов других государств. Успехов!
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/ipS1iJywZrWbgbc kzbin.info/www/bejne/d4CvlaFpa7Bqjs0
@Победа-щ2ю 5 ай бұрын
Вот и правильно! Делали и делают гадости России, значит не будут есть нашу рыбу. Наша рыба нам самим пригодится.
@alerausm 5 ай бұрын
Кстати да, сейчас в магазинах появилась форель и горбуша по вполне доступным ценам. Так может и крабы до европейской части дойдут, сколько можно всяких японцев и евтопейцев баловать.
@OLDCHEMIST1 3 ай бұрын
Ooooh I am really upset I can't eat Russian fish!!! Nah, not really, I have been a vegetarian for a very long time. Glad you are focussing on the important things!
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 ай бұрын
28 April 2024. Evening Poem: Names of Cat Lucky, Lucky Luckdragon, Lucky Cat, Best Cat Stretchy Longlegs when she stretches after a nap Yawny McBigmouth when she yawns Scoopski Potatoes when she is warm & limp from sleep and I can scoop her up in my arms Happy Cat when she purs Are you a happy cat? I ask her I love you, I tell her, You're a blessing from God Little Face when she appears suddenly at my elbow in the dark peering intently & innocently at the snack I attempted to eat quietly after she went to bed Warm & Snuggly when she wakes me up each morning too early, but now I no longer wake up an angry Veteran she's the best alarm clock Mighty Hunter when she snags the toy out of the air or when she brings home prey alive I baptized my Cat tonight, I did though it says nowhere in the Bible I can do it not by immersion, that would be cruel but I dipped my fingertips in water and drew three crosses on her head as I baptized her in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit I will take this Cat with me as far as God lets me go We are a team now and strong As for me and my house, we shall serve the LORD The nonbelievers snicker about Little Baby Jesus as I once did but my God is El Shaddai The God of the Mountaintop He is a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night My God is the one who drowned Pharaoh's army without pity Not because God hated Pharaoh or to exact vengeance for the enslavement of the Jews But to execute judgment upon the gods (little g) of Egypt to show that there is only one true God: The God of the Mountaintop God who made the Cats - TWS
@СветланаЛюбина-я7я 5 ай бұрын
Уважаемый Господин Посол! Огромное Вам спасибо за подачу информации , очень приятно слушать умного осведомленного человека!
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 ай бұрын
15 April 2024. Poem: Adopted - or - Catto de tutti Catti How many cat poems is too many cat poems? stop me if I'm boring you I used to wake up furious every morning now I wake up to a happy cat purring in my face and I don't wake up angry anymore I busy myself with her food and water this Cat who is so happy to be here and I tell her I love her At first I was against adoption because how could I travel back to DC? Now I'll change my whole life for this Cat I have adopted we'll settle here, find a house somehow for I would not put her through the stress of travel Adopted by the King I was when Christ adopted me I can't afford to move back to my hometown of DC anyway not on what the Boomers pay me to give them orders The President wants to avoid escalation and the President wants to avoid escalation so the escalation will continue until USA and our NATO Allies start roaring like the lions we are The President will avoid escalation until this war comes to our shores and it will be too late should've put our foot down should've joined battle So until then I am growing a tomato plant here and a strawberry plant a pot of flowers all vertically arranged to catch the falling water like in Jeremiah chapter 29 At least I got to be a gardener once in this life which is the original occupation God chose for us, there in the Garden of Eden not warfare but gardening When the war comes to our shores, they'll know where to find me when they come to call me up so I can fail their marijuana urine test with a beard that's way out of regulations - TWS
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 ай бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 ай бұрын
22 April 2024. Morning Dispatch for The National Guard, CC: POTUS & SECDEF & Space Force. National Guard, If you are explicitly invited by the university president of any of these universities presently suffering anti-American anti-Semitic pro-terrorist protests, then you have my permission to militarily occupy that university for a period not to exceed one (1) month to restore order so American students may continue their education in peace without fearing for their lives from terrorist-sympathizers, and to forcibly evict pro-terrorist encampments on university grounds. Use the minimum force necessary to resolve all conflicts - remember that these are Our Fellow Americans. May God have mercy on us all and grant wisdom to us all. May our Brothers-and-Sisters-in-Arms who gave their very lives in Iraq and Afghanistan to defeat the terrorists forgive these ignorant civilians who dishonor their memory and service and sacrifice and country. These are my orders given under my hand. Very Respectfully, In Christ, T.W. Semple 1st Lieutenant, U.S. Air Force IRR Commanding P.S.: Space Force, I repeat that I want you to take point on the missile defense mission. You are Space Force, you have the high ground. This is Reagan's Own SDI Strategic Defense Initiative "Star Wars," you are taking point, all other branches and agencies are subordinate to you in this mission, and all treaties with the Russians are off.
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 ай бұрын
26 April 2024. Friday Afternoon Dispatch for the United States Joint Force, CC: POTUS & SECDEF & Chairman & Joint Chiefs & Allies & Russian Embassy London: To shoot a bullet with a bullet, or, War in an Age of Point Defense. When I assumed command out of military necessity back on 20 February 2018, many wrote confidently that the advent of hypersonic missiles meant the end of the aircraft carrier as we know it, and why build large ships at all if they will only be shot. Well, when the crossbow was invented, they also thought it was the end of warfare as they knew it. For every measure there is a countermeasure, and then a counter-countermeasure. Instead we see American & Allied weapon systems easily defeating Russian hypersonic missiles in Ukraine, and Russian hypersonic missiles performing at perhaps 50% of advertised capacity (a general rule of thumb that I now apply to all Russian formations and weapons, including their nuclear arsenal). Hypersonic missiles are not the end of the aircraft carrier, nor are drones the end of the heavy main battle tank. I submit to you that we are now living in an age of Point Defense, an age of Active Defense weapon systems. I call them point defense weapons because that is what they were called in all of the strategic war simulations I have played since childhood, simulations wherein one designed one's own machines of war. Point Defense weapons are the small, agile, goalkeeper weapons that defeat incoming enemy fire: by hitting a bullet with a bullet, or laser, or electronic countermeasures, or some new means not yet discovered. The Russian Army (1st Worst Army in the World, motto: washing machines or death) has evolved from cope-cages to entire cope-barns surrounding their tanks. This is too much, this unacceptably reduces battlefield mobility and agility. We shall have passive defenses such as armor and camouflage, but what really interests me are the active defenses, the point defense weapons. We must outfit our main battle tanks, our aircraft carriers, our surface combatants with sufficient point defense weaponry such as CIWS Gatling guns that they are able to defeat all incoming enemy weapons - shoot a bullet with a bullet, or a laser, or whatever. These systems will be extraordinarily complex, and expensive, and difficult to maintain on the battlefield. But you know what? The lives of American Warriors are worth it, and The United States Joint Force will rise to the challenge. Similarly, we must defeat incoming enemy strategic & tactical nuclear weapons with missile defense interceptors. Space Force is taking point on this, all other branches and agencies are subordinate to Space Force in the missile defense mission. Navy will figure out how to defeat the STATUS-6 nuclear torpedo, and again: Russian formations & weapons operate at 50% of advertised capacity. Air Force's Next Generation Air Dominance fighter, a crewed air superiority fighter with its exterior perimeter of loyal wingman drones that can act as sensors and shooters and in an emergency as ablative armor that "takes one for the team" and absorbs the incoming fire so the human pilots don't have to, is the right course. BRAVO ZULU Air Force, keep it up. MR. PRESIDENT, SIR: In light of all the hard work of all the brave American Warriors of the United States Joint Force, we who are ready to destroy the enemy at The President's command, the Lieutenant respectfully and humbly requests that the President grant All Joint Force Hands "Arctic Family Time" this Friday afternoon - let the troops be dismissed early as soon as their work is done so they may go and be with their families. The Lieutenant thanks The President for graciously considering his petition. God save President Biden, who removed the names of defeated confederate enslaving traitors from our bases. The Union Forever! Have a good weekend, Warriors - you all earned it. Very Respectfully, In Christ, T.W. Semple 1st Lieutenant, U.S. Air Force IRR Commanding
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 ай бұрын
24 April 2024. Letter to the honorable President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Dear Sir: Dios te bendiga. Dios bendiga Mexico. I do not dread to write to Putin or the Pope or any head of state on this Earth or American Presidents past & present, but I dread to write to you, Sir - because I am so very ashamed of the harm my country has done to you our neighbor with our grossly selfish and irresponsible policies, and ashamed of the way my fellow Americans have spoken disparagingly of your people. We prohibit drugs yet pay top dollar for them, we create the cartels that plague your country with our irresponsible policies. All my ancestors are immigrants, Sir, they were not rapists and criminals, they came for the American dream. I keep telling my country that if we end the failed war on drugs the cartels will disappear and then people won't need to leave their homes to escape them, but I fear this idea is too radical for a certain generation whose thinking on this subject is calcified and ossified and cannot be changed. I write, Sir, to express my solidarity with Mexico and my personal indignation over the raid on your sovereign embassy. If there is to be any humanity at all in this war-torn world, any hope of peace, then please God let us protect diplomats and the institutions of diplomacy. If Mexico must take action as a result of this assault on Mexico's embassy, then we are with you. America is blessed by God to be strategically situated with two vast ocean-moats to our East and West and only two adjacent neighbors: Mexico and Canada. I desire for our two countries to be fast friends, partners, and allies in the same manner as USA & Canada. I do not want to build a wall between USA and Mexico, I want Mexico herself to BE the wall that protects our Southern flank, just as Canada IS the wall that protects our Northern flank. God save the President of Mexico. God save Mexico, and the Mexican People, and may God bless all My Fellow Americans of Mexican Heritage. Very Respectfully, In Christ, Timothy Waldron Semple 1st Lieutenant, United States Air Force IRR Commanding
@TimothyWaldronSemple 4 ай бұрын
4 May 2024. Evening Dispatch. May the Force be with you, especially the Jedi Generation, the generation formerly known as Gen Z as if they would be the last generation of Americans: may God who is the source of all martial power make you a generation of warriors mightier & nobler & more honorable than my own. We will teach you everything we know, and you will exceed us, for this is the way of generations. Mark Hamill, Sir: I loved your movies. I had a big Star Wars movie poster in my childhood bedroom. Thank you for all you do for Ukraine. God save the United States of America, and all our Noble Allies. May God grant total victory to Ukraine and Israel. May God strengthen our President for war. kzbin.info/www/bejne/l4GYoZeAh7Bln5o
@TimothyWaldronSemple 4 ай бұрын
3 May 2024. Morning Dispatch: On Leadership. In 6 years 2 months I have learned that leadership frequently involves stating the obvious. It may be obvious to you the leader, but your team still needs to hear you say it, and needs to hear it from your mouth. Your team needs to know where you stand. So leaders: go ahead and state the obvious. What Trump & Pecker did was wrong. Trump & Pecker conspired to use their wealth & power & influence to exploit American Women and then obstruct these same women from obtaining justice. This is despicable, this is un-gentlemanly, this is un-manly, this is corrupt, this is wrong, and this is sinful. God gave men our strength to protect women & children, not to exploit and abuse them. Moreover, this is not what wealth & power & influence is to be used for in America - it is to be used to bless and strengthen the American People. To all American Women: this is an unacceptable way for American Men to behave, and I condemn it. 6 years 2 months I have fought the traitor, yet the baby boomers in their weakness and degeneracy keep making allowances for him. We were the nation that answered the draft to storm the beaches of Normandy in the face of withering fire - now thanks to the "all volunteer service," in the space of one generation we have become a nation of cowards that cower in fear of a mean tweet from a common schoolyard bully. How far you have fallen from your fathers The Greatest Generation, o ye boomers. Only when your generation no longer holds political office can the rebuilding of America begin. The Congress abdicates their Constitutional duty to be a check and balance on the presidency, the Supreme Court abdicates their Constitutional duty to be a check and balance on the presidency, and all the boomer-owned media insist that only boomers can be president. Fear the Lord and depart from evil, o ye wicked generation. Former president Clinton: Sir, I remind you once again that I have assigned you 10 million dollars in damages to be paid to Ms. Monica Lewinsky for the grievous damage you did to her life. You were supposed to be her president, not her exploiter. If you will not pay her because it is the right thing to do, then do it for fear of consequences from me. Do it for your daughter Chelsea, who if she chooses to live in America will live her life under my protection in the country I defend. May God bless, protect, keep, and save all American Women. May God chasten us American Men, and humble us, and bring us to repentance so that we may no longer sin against American Women. God save the United States of America, and all our Noble Allies. In Jesus' Name, Amen. V/R, In Christ, T.W. Semple 1st Lieutenant, USAF IRR Commanding
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 ай бұрын
"All warfare is based on deception." - Sun Tzu kzbin.info/www/bejne/bajKfaNplqaKd7s
@Bernadette-vi7qs 5 ай бұрын
English please!!
@Paul-w1j4y 5 ай бұрын
Subtitles are available.
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/bpTWZaeBmc6cf5Y kzbin.info/www/bejne/gZfTooWBg9-af8U
@OLDCHEMIST1 3 ай бұрын
A song all Russians need to remember: kzbin.info/www/bejne/mnTVm5mHn6dofbc
@Алла-о7у 5 ай бұрын
Лондон и Киев ????? Лондон уже как Киев ????? Ооооо, плохи дела в Лондоне …… Лондон кто то наклоняет …………
@tony_blyn 5 ай бұрын
А есть ли в Великобритании какой-то политик, пользующийся уважением большинства именно простого населения? Например как наш ВВП или хотя бы приблизительно?
@OLDCHEMIST1 3 ай бұрын
Respect? I think fear is a much more appropriate word. There are millions of Russians who hate Putin, but actually want to carry on living, so they keep their heads down. He is a disgrace to your people and deserves to be put in prisoner with only bread and water, as he has ignored the human rights of others, his should not be respected.
@jujuleto 5 ай бұрын
Вот пожалуйста, наш дип. корпус: взвешенно, четко, по существу
@Сандра-ж3ц 5 ай бұрын
@аидахайруллина-т3ц 5 ай бұрын
Спасибо большое за ваш труд! Приятно слушать адекватную, разумную речь.
@pradeeprai5068 5 ай бұрын
@comment6864 5 ай бұрын
очень хорошо составленные ответы, видно что умный человек и в то же время прямой, простой в общении. Подходит для Англии, настоящий gentleman .. в отличии от самих англов 😄
@mevao.4976 5 ай бұрын
Спасибо за ясные, лаконичные и четкие ответы, уважаемый господин посол. Без "воды" и витиеватых фраз. 👍
@l.l.l.2146 5 ай бұрын
❤❤❤🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Спасибо за ваш труд Вот именно, надумали, дофантазировали.
@ЛинаЧекулаева-ь8р 5 ай бұрын
Уважаемый, посол, горячо влюбилась в ваш канал! Удачи вам❤
@вераголовнина-к6б 5 ай бұрын
@Юркес-к3у 5 ай бұрын
@just4visit 5 ай бұрын
RU shall also probe Mykhaylo Fedorov, the digital minister and cybercrime lord, and the ukrainian arm of RecordedFuture company
@user-kp7zl4dx8l 5 ай бұрын
С Британией нужно сделать что то не хорошее за все беды которые она сделала нам .
@Semen95 5 ай бұрын
Нужно значит у них сделать диверсию😡 Зуб за зуб, как говорится✊
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