INTJs are so darn ATTRACTIVE

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Psych Casserole

Psych Casserole

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@courtneylconover80 Жыл бұрын
As a female INTJ, my motives are often misinterpreted by others. I also have incredibly high standards for dating, and am completely okay with being single and never dating if I don't find anyone that I find suitable. So, I've been single for a long time, and I'm okay with that. It's better to be alone than with anyone that makes you miserable.
@psychcasserole Жыл бұрын
That's what I've heard as well from other female INTJs including my wife. Thanks for watching Syra.
@jamalcole1985 Жыл бұрын
I agree! #INTJ
@meechipeachi Жыл бұрын
I'm one too. I call myself chronically single. I have learned that being with the wrong person cost me so much more energy and life force than being by myself. It is definitely one of my top wishes that I get to partner with someone who knows how to truly utilize me. And I've lived long enough now, 50 years, to know settling for anything less just leads to horrible horrible trouble!
@courtneylconover80 Жыл бұрын
@@meechipeachi Exactly this. To find one is like a true needle in a haystack, also. I've found a few worshippers that simply can't challenge me, but most want to berate me and bring me down instead. I haven't yet found someone who wants to engage with me on my own level, can match my wits and conversation, and would encourage me as well. So, until that happens, I'll happily stay single. It's far better than the alternative.
@mahmutpekkara Жыл бұрын
Male INTJ here and couldn't agree more. But.. it IS hard, it is SO HARD to be alone by being a person that no one can be able to understand you.. Where are you INTJ female, where are you..?
@miroshine8241 Жыл бұрын
I confirm that my love language is offering solutions lol
@desiree8329 Жыл бұрын
This was SO good! I especially liked the part about self-growth. I never really thought about that (in a concrete sense) with INTJs...but I guess that's what those 5- and 10-year plans are for! Sharing this with my INTJ sister!
@psychcasserole Жыл бұрын
Thanks Desiree I'm so happy you liked it!
@dreacranford Жыл бұрын
And she actually did share it with me. Great video and true on every point.
@psychcasserole Жыл бұрын
@@dreacranford Thank you Drea!
@sks1465 Жыл бұрын
"offering solutions is the love language of INTJ" ~ INFP awww 😳🤭🤫 - sincerely, a female INTJ
@psychcasserole Жыл бұрын
@LeDenoter Жыл бұрын
damn, thank you
@فاطمهفيكورياالجنوبية Жыл бұрын
@millenials_best 11 ай бұрын
What's your astrology? May i ask? And also your wife's, the INTJ 😊
@TheMPExperience Жыл бұрын
INTJ Women here! ✋🏿 My fiancé is an INFP, and this video literally explains our whole relationship and many of the reasons why he loves me. 🙃 INTJ's do be "accidently romantic" without trying. I have heard from a couple different INFP's that being loved by an INTJ, is like nothing else. I think it has a lot to do with the Fi being in our child or 3rd spot. We love with great passion and intensity. Thank you for this video, it brighten my day. I love INFP's. Like I am literally a slut for INFP's, I immediately want to hold them and protect them, so they can explore all these beautiful feeling they experience. 😁😁I think sometimes as an INTJ, I be a little jealous at the way INFP's (particularly my fiance) can explore feelings. It's expansive and abstract but still rooted in some logical Ti truth. Makes my heart flutter. Also, as and INTJ Women, it is nice to know that there are a couple types that actually "get us" and find us fascinating instead of intimidating or as a threat.
@psychcasserole Жыл бұрын
Love your admiration for INFPs I mean what can I say? Thank you for your awesome comment 😎
@Not_all_as_it_seems 25 күн бұрын
Letting ya know in the comments....... you would be a good bro to have around!
@godKiller.369 5 ай бұрын
Interestng, I am an INTJ and looking into the whys of the connection with INFPs. Personally I just find INFP real which is such a very rare thing🖤. Now I just need to find out why that other meme (INTJs having only INFP friends, plus "1 bitchy ISTP") is also so true. Is it because the ISTP makes the parts I need for my lab and new death ray maybe? 🤔
@julijovanovski5272 Жыл бұрын
Good video! I'm an INTJ and my husband is an INFP. It's so fun and interesting finding content that not only relates to our individual types but also combines them as a relationship dynamic. We both found this really relatable. Thank you for creating your channel. Looking forward to watching more videos. :-)
@psychcasserole Жыл бұрын
Juli thanks to you and your husband for watching! INFP+INTJ dynamic is something special, that's for sure.
@abstract-thoughts Жыл бұрын
INTJ here and spot on about personal growth. I have multiple projects going for self improvement and learning. There's always room for everyone to grow and improve. It's so sad to see people being miserable in life and doing nothing about it, or not chasing their passions.
@anonygent Жыл бұрын
A high percentage of male INTJ's are single, so I don't think this is a common view among women.
@psychcasserole Жыл бұрын
That's interesting. I've heard that many INTJ men struggle with dating, didn't realize that's is likely much bigger issue than I thought 🤔
@iyadal-najjar3512 Жыл бұрын
@@psychcasserole For me as an INTJ, I really know what I need which makes me tooo picky. It is really hard for me to find someone good. I have been struggling to remove my requirement for a woman. Overthinking is an overkill.
@MG007. Жыл бұрын
@@iyadal-najjar3512 Yup. We don't just settle🤷‍♂️
@FilipGiera Жыл бұрын
As an INTJ without a good male role model growing up, I had to resort to learning seduction to start getting any successes with women.
@iyadal-najjar3512 Жыл бұрын
@Peggy Gilespie For most of my life I was attracted to girls I see smart and intelligent. Now, I am looking for an Fi user as a partner.
@Joshua11Saragih Жыл бұрын
If you're quite good looking INTJ, you have the potential to be the hottest dude in your circle, if you have circle, in my opinion. But if not, you could be the crepiest dude around
@i-..--..--..-i6985 Жыл бұрын
99% of the time the INTJ would be completely clueless regarding his hotness. BTDT. Days, weeks, months, even years later it hits him. “OMG! She was hitting on me! I’m such an idiot!” It’s funny and tragic at the same time.
@Scottjbk Жыл бұрын
I am an INTJ. Collected a few other 'accolades' in the mental health arena - so not really sure if MBTI is officially valid for me. However, the things I have cannot be separated from how I operate, so I'd probably still lean towards it being valid. Found out I was an INTJ during a leadership course at University in 2011. The convener thought it would funny to showcase my deranged ability to react to a very emotional and forward demonstration of some sort of weird play acting - of which I did not react too particularly. Anyway, I am male and single also. Having had a lot of relationship problems growing up, my bar is set so high these days that it's impossible for anyone to break it. Kind of by design, but it's something I probably should sort out now that I am 35... Appreciate your observations! It genuinely made me laugh how you can describe one of the 16 types like that and reaffirm the one that was given to me!
@psychcasserole Жыл бұрын
Scott thanks for watching and so glad you enjoyed it!
@nobodyhere4667 Жыл бұрын
Older INTJ here - as for validity of MBTI or, more accurately, Jungs theories about personality types are crazy accurate. I did the MBTI test when I was in university at the age of 21. I didnt think it was all that accurate and I didnt give it much more thought. I actually took the test 3 times separately when I was 21 because we got the test for free and a good friend at the time really wanted to be a "Mastermind" - I thought the name was stupid and I would prefer something like "INTJ Druid" . Anyways, I went on with my life and 16 years later, I start working in administration and my boss wanted me to take the test. She turned to look at me, kinked her head to the side and said "are you an INTJ?!". She gave zero context and said nothing about MBTI. A few hours later I get a email for HR with a link to a MBTI test - came back INTJ for the fourth time. At this point, the interesting had moved far enough that the MBTI subject on my "Look into" list that I keep in my head. A couple of years later, post divorce, I look back at my MBTI designation, this time I was blown away. I found the INTJ was so accurate that I feel like a bit of a cliche of INTJ's. Now that I am older, I can see the earlier versions of myself and I can see what they cannot. I use to think I was an extrovert, I would make things happen rather than wait, a bull in a china shop if you will. Now that I am older, I can see I am only "extroverted" when I am stressed. In my 20's I didnt know what direction I wanted to head, I was very stressed that life, the world and anything worth experiencing was passing me by. This was "fear of missing out" before the term existed. Time will give you a clearer perspective if you let it. As for your age - IMO age doesn't matter with an INTJ, what a INTJ needs is to complete enough of the individuals data set. This is the inevitable conclusion to our sponge like approach to data. Once you gather enough, you should find a understanding of the world which you did not possess before. My advice to all INTJ's is to use their curiosity as a compass, if you follow that, things will fall into place. You may end up in a place you did not expect but you will see the bigger picture, you will see where you are, where you were and that should help you plot the course to where you want to be.
@Scott0909-j7m Жыл бұрын
Yep. I am super smart. I have learnt to tap into my intuitiveness and am really good at seeing through people. I am super sarcastic and hate stupidity and laziness. I can see patterns and structures in things and am very good at sorting out disfunctional workplaces. I changed careers at 52 and enjoy new challenges.
@mhenry1962 Жыл бұрын
INTJ here and as a commenter has already stated, INTJ men seem to wind up single. I've adopted two activities that are helping, one is whitewater kayaking and the second is ballroom dancing. Women are quite interested in me now that I'm doing both of these things.
@thevindictive6145 Жыл бұрын
I am an INTJ empath. Sometimes when i take the test it would fall as an infj. But 8/10 times its intj. So i can analyse the emotional expect of an individual determine is empathic level, toxicity, determined his childhood experrience, level of education all from a single conversation. But that would include how he is dressed to seeing dirt on his nails and shoes. I do this automatically. And i am a male, which i know that females are more attuned to this.
@suburbohemian Жыл бұрын
One of my besties is INFP and yes, we get together for girls' coffee nights and sit and think think think much fun! and yeah, when she's having emo issues I am her reliable truth teller...and when I'm struggling to process something emo for me, she's there to help unpack it.
@meechipeachi Жыл бұрын
Dawwww, thank you. That one of the best Love Letters I've ever gotten. I am adopting "Probleming Solving is my Love Language". Absolutely true for me. I have been very blessed to have accumulated many friends who know that my (mostly gentle) bossiness is always fueled by wanting to be helpful. And I also tell people to please be blunt with me if I ever step on their toes and I don't seem to know about it. Because I really may not. 🤷🏽‍♀️
@psychcasserole Жыл бұрын
Meechi thank you for watching and I'm glad you enjoyed the video :)
@CV-_- Жыл бұрын
True for me, I always seek self improvement
@Akash_Xavier_Rai Жыл бұрын
I am an INTJ and like every other INTJ I have a mental list of priorities that cross checks itself when I am with a woman. And an INFP checks everyone of those. So darn attractive!!
@marciablais2136 Жыл бұрын
I am an INTJ. People don’t “get” us. Totally agree w the dark sense of humor delivered in a deadpan way. My best friend says I’m the smartest person she knows. My response: “I feel sad for you if I’m the smartest person you know”. Lol
@psychcasserole Жыл бұрын
Love it Marcia, I’m happy you could relate. INTJs are sooo intriguing to me 😊
@brittski7381 Жыл бұрын
The way I feel about it, as an ENFP with an INTJ partner, is I am always daydreaming and he is always thinking logically. Between the two of us, I help him stay positive and he helps me stay grounded. We don’t always approach things the same way and it’s taken us time to understand how the other expresses love but it’s been worth it and I can’t imagine it being any other way.
@eeeriebrilliance Жыл бұрын
@Britt Ski I lived with my ENFP partner for 12 years and he was the perfect match for me, mainly I think, because he wasn't intimidated by me.
@zerriep19 Жыл бұрын
ENFP are most compatible partners for Intjs.
@nobodyhere4667 Жыл бұрын
INTJ here, you know the meme for ENFP's with the little girl with a devilish look in her eye and the implication is she burnt the house down? I have fallen head over heels for that glint of trouble in a womyn's a couple of times. I love those little chaos monkeys, they make me laugh so hard 😍. I really hope I meet some again in real life, in this lifetime 😁.
@eeeriebrilliance Жыл бұрын
@@nobodyhere4667 Ha! Love that. Don't worry Nobody, you will!
@T7nskie Жыл бұрын
I’d rather be an overthinker than emotionally over reactive.
@nobodyhere4667 Жыл бұрын
Hi, INTJ(male) here, the title really caught my attention but for slightly different reasons. I agree with what you said and I wish I knew some INFP's. I have been a nurse for close to 2 decades and I have spent my lifetime working mostly with womyn. I have spent the last couple of years in fairly devoid of human contact as I had been having heart issues. I never had much difficulty meeting womyn through work and I never tried very hard. I honestly do not know what truly attracts a womyn to me, if I did, I would lean into it but, at the same time, I have learned to not look a gift horse in the mouth either. I am now recovering, and I thought I would meet some people in the area I live (online ). Whatever it is that womyn find attractive in me, it doesn't seem to shine through an online profile 😆. As you can guess, I enjoy my alone time so I haven't been all that concerned but when I saw the title to this clip, I thought "maybe that's why people are attracted to me in person over online? Its a weird INTJ thing" 😁.
@cedriceric9730 Жыл бұрын
Of course there is an intj in the comments below, the internet is our oyster
@zoolthealmighty Жыл бұрын
I've noticed the stares and long looks from women, I'm guessing I give off the tall, dark, and mysterious vibe. I'm just so damn picky that I don't give the vast majority the time of day 😅
@wonderfulrafita Жыл бұрын
Thank you for that
@indethbed2546 Жыл бұрын
that title feeds my ego so much. i need it as my plan has been tarnished by unforeseen variable. hate life. fk fk fk fkkkk
@indethbed2546 Жыл бұрын
@Hypatia350 Жыл бұрын
I'd have to agree ;)
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