Excellent ❤. Can you help me to locate Refprop tool. What are the ways to improve thermal efficiency, power output. After listening to your lecture, possible ways came to my mind 1. Choice of refrigerant 2. Process parameter change 3. Equipment efficiency improvement. Pls suggest other ways to optimise ORC, thanks a lot.
@randallmanteufel64112 ай бұрын
search "Refprop", student version is called mini-refprop with limited capability is free (or had been in the past) trc.nist.gov/refprop/MINIREF/MINIREF.HTM
@MrPounal8 жыл бұрын
teacher does refrigerant steam dense as water ? am making a steam engine i want to use refrigerant as the working liquid can you tell me which one can i use at what temperature ?
@punittakodara28979 жыл бұрын
Thank you sir!! What happens in case CO2 is used in organic rankine cycle? Co2 cannot be liquified So is it compressed or what?? Thankx
@user-py9cy1sy9u8 жыл бұрын
CO2 cannot be liquefied in atmospheric pressure but it can be in higher pressures
@punittakodara28979 жыл бұрын
Sir how to maintain refrigerant in liquid state in resorvoir?? As all the refrigerant are in gaseous state... Thanks!!!
@randallmanteufel64119 жыл бұрын
Punit Takodara Refrigerants are often liquefied by increasing the refrigerant pressure and cooling. At high pressures the refrigerant can be cooled below the saturation temperature, so that it goes into liquid state.
@abdulrahmanw7496 жыл бұрын
what's the name of the software is he using?
@arturvalsi4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the good lecture!
@Jatinsachdeva126 жыл бұрын
How to plot graphs in Refprop. Can You guide me ?
@tylerkstevens11 ай бұрын
The software is called EES, (Engineering Equation Solver)