When the printer is connected to the computer, a serial port appears. If I send data there, the tape moves. What software can I use to print? What printing protocol does the printer use?
@AIMO_Official2013Ай бұрын
Hello, this is AIMO. Are you referring to the issue while using our E1000 Pro label printer? In my experience, our E1000 Pro printer is a keyboard-style portable printer, that does not support connection to a computer. Please feel free to consult our customer service for help in resolving the issue. E-mail: bestservice2012@outlook.com
@HeriYanto-lh1yc3 ай бұрын
Its better that the font size have more than 3 option.
@123thecong2 ай бұрын
My thermal print head is broken, do you sell replacement on shopee?