is 99 litres Big? Portugal - Talk & Ride - Salema Beach. Algarve

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Ben Proffitt

Ben Proffitt

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@gooner24arsenal 23 күн бұрын
Hi Ben, I love these videos, they are some of the best / most useful of all the ones you do 👍. Thanks very much. Ross, (Dorset, England)
@AdventureImagery Ай бұрын
I’d also like to point out that a few of decades ago, at light wind wave spots, we sailed with low volume wave boards using quite large sails. I remember using a 6.3m wave sail with a long skinny board in the 80L range. Some boards had cut out asymetrical designs. Real sinkers. Years later my go to was a 92L quad and 5.3 as my light wind setup. Now I regularly sail the 99 Flywave with a 5.0 and feel like a kid again. In fact the total rig weight (sail, mast, boom, extension) makes a bigger difference on a wave than the volume of the board if its a good design. A material revolution!
@robertallison1580 Ай бұрын
As a small person myself (65kg) it is of course very easy to find 'big' wave boards, which open up great light wind sessions. For example today it was cross shore 16-18kts at Costa Caparica (3 hours up the west coast of Portugal from Ben), and I was out on an 81L wave board (Goya Custom 3), with 5m of sail. But the swell was nearly 3m, with 11m period! Some absolutely monster sets coming in, epic session! But I was on my own! (except for some kiters of course, though the shorebreak was too much for the wingers). So everyone I hope you find your big wave boards and can come join me!!
@jfdube6669 Ай бұрын
Love the 99, very versatile.
@gregoryschreier6378 Ай бұрын
Hi Ben, It would be cool to see you sail one time at Guincho. Love these videos!
@Ben-Proffitt Ай бұрын
yep.. its on the list
@finfoil8544 Ай бұрын
Large wave boards is what this sport needs! The more people that ride them, the more guys that went to foiling will be drawn back when they see us rip the low winds! With my 95kg my 104L is my go to board, I have a 96L but only sail it in very stable and strong winds (pretty rare). In very low winds (when the foilers don't even get up the foil) I ride my Sealion 135L, it's not perfect but I think a strapless 125L waveboard (performace SUP shape) could be extremely fun. With large front fins and a small center, a big board can be made to feel quite a bit smaller. I'm not convinced about the big sails yet.
@ThomasWessel-ny5ew Ай бұрын
Dont want em back!!! Are you crazy???
@lucacoppini8683 Ай бұрын
I ride a 135 sealion in proper conditions and I'm very Happy with It (It should only be lighter)
@AdventureImagery Ай бұрын
Hi Ben. I love the modern bigger boards. This past summer in light winds and mast high waves, I had the best aerial of my life on my 105L Simmer Quantum. Full send! Shit myself!
@Ben-Proffitt Ай бұрын
@Michaeltje2.0 Ай бұрын
I used to sail small boards too indeed. my weight is 72kg. but I always sailed: 70, 72., 77 , 82 and 89 liters, but since this summer i bought a 95 liter board but man... I almost never use the other boards anymore haha only when it's cranking. but it is just really nice that you can float around when the wind dips and It multiply's the sessions in the year.
@patrikandersson8428 Ай бұрын
The new big waveboards are great, much more time on the water sailing instead of just sinking. Got the 109 quantex and it's really good and I'm around 88 kg.
@ollieclem9811 Ай бұрын
110lt Flika for my well insulated 97kg's....soo versatile!! The added volume has displaced my 92lt as its nice not to swim back if the wind dies!!
@jans8837 Ай бұрын
I have the 109 Quantex since summer and man, that is really a game changer for me with 90kg . I turns on dime and is securely floating 🤙🏼 mega stuff of simmer!
@lucacoppini8683 Ай бұрын
Love large wave boards I ride a quantum 105 most of the time in my Place you can face current, onshore winds, muschi waves and ride comfortably float and ride conditions using a smaller sail. Waiting for the 107 flywave tò put along my 92 to get the perfect quiver. thanks Ben your videos are Always useful and funny.
@ozwindsurf Ай бұрын
Got married, put on a few (unwanted) kgs, recently picked up a second-hand Quantum 115lt and couldn't be happier. It's a wicked board for those of us "bigger blokes"!
@TheHochschieber Ай бұрын
I (98kg) had a custom 118l Severne Nano, board was a game-changer for me.Being a real Waveboard its much more fun than a Freewave Board in lower Winds with Waves or Onshore Conditions
@TRUMP2four Ай бұрын
Watching from my couch in Tucson Arizona wishing, dreaming of any conditions that even comes close to that. 😭🤙🏻🏄🏻
@fonsvandenhove Ай бұрын
Watching from my couch in Tallinn, Estonia. Was on the Baltic waters yesterday, 10 degrees Celsius, yes both water and air. Pretty warm still :/
@selectveneers9092 Ай бұрын
Hey Ben, thanks for the encouraging sess at Salema, very short for me being a "flat water blaster" and next time would love try that 115 simmer waveboard with a non cam sail 😂. Thank goodness I stayed close...unlike Dirk...when the wind dropped! 👍Being 97kg defo need volume!!!
@DalePearce-g7j Ай бұрын
Big is best got a 99l and a 109l Quantex both these boards rock Great for Cornish conditions
@gertjanus4122 Ай бұрын
Hey Ben im 95kg i use the fsw 106 tabou 3s . It is for me a bump and jump board . Have you ever used a fsw board like mine on big waves? And What is the difference? And i see you sail there almost on the beach aren't there sandbanks like at the DeFi ?
@robwilson4180 Ай бұрын
The Sealion board would be great in those conditions! 😊
@lizjones5279 Ай бұрын
I think it would be great if you could do a tour sometime from where you are stopping at all the spots on the coast, including the lagoons, all the way up to Viana do Castelo please.
@davemanheimer4008 Ай бұрын
Thanks Ben Looks fun
@RuiG-S Ай бұрын
Hi Ben, awesome video! When will we see you windsurfing in the river mouth of Tejo river in Lisbon near Caparica, the spot where Thomas Traversa went as well ? 😅🤙 keep the stoke
@MrCaptainSilly Ай бұрын
I feel like a slalom/freeride session in 15-18 knots is so underrated. Not many wave sailors do it anymore, but I prefer it over wobbeling around tbh.
@diederikdepauw5237 Ай бұрын
I'm 96 kg and ride a 120 witchcraft reaper for the light days (16 -25 knts). And my go to sail with that is a 6.2 wave sail. Due to the current we need to get planing as fast as possible. Thanks to these extra liters I can go sail a lot more. Despite the big volume its still turns on the wave and good for jumping.
@fertysurfer Ай бұрын
Ha ha. I'm that friend. 5/6 km straight out from Caleta beach Fuerteventura, drop the sail, have the beer that I bought with me and watch the whales, and enjoy the solitude. Cruise back and play on the reef. Paradise. I'm 53kg, I don't bother with a board. I just glue a couple of lolly sticks together. I am so rad.
@francoisf195 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video! Interesting talking about the 99 flywave, that I'm thinking about as my new incoming board, except that I'm 15-20 kg heavier 😅 Not a too big tail for your weight? Seems very wide... What's about the 5.6 in 4-battens skeleton: not too stretchy?
@Ben-Proffitt Ай бұрын
@@francoisf195 I mean the tail looks wide but it’s also pretty short. So maybe optically bigger than practically. If you get a go on one I’d love to hear your thoughts.. I’ve really not heard any negative feedback. Obviously it’s a big board for me but the more I sail it the more I’m dialing in! 5.6 for me it’s my super light wind sail so when I use it it’s not that windy and I have to say it feels awesome. Every time I use it I question why I don’t use it more.. in fact on that session I said to my self I’m going to start using it more!!
@francoisf195 Ай бұрын
@@Ben-Proffitt thanks for your feedbacks
@owenperks1877 10 күн бұрын
Enjoyed your video and commentary. How are you doing the filming? Drone ? Can't see a camera attached to your rig.
@jasonlockyer3298 Ай бұрын
“We’ve all got a mate who goes whale watching”. Priceless
@michaelvine7698 Ай бұрын
If planning a trip to Your area is there some other spots you could recommend
@Ben-Proffitt Ай бұрын
@@michaelvine7698 well depends on the forecast
@marinatinshred 19 күн бұрын
what harness lines you sportin? the dakine lines are so stiff. sometimes I'll whittle the plastic away so they'll swing away easier which is lame.
@WindsurfingTV 19 күн бұрын
I use the simmer style 32.. actually I have some new ones coming this week so let’s see what they are like but designed by Marc Pare
@marinatinshred 18 күн бұрын
@@WindsurfingTV thanks mate! I'll try em out. Would be cool to do a review of all the harness lines. I think I have about a dozen now.
@jamescrocker1031 Ай бұрын
At 107kg dry and 115kg in winter suit and boots etc, I have 115 Quantum for STRONG winds, then 130 and 150 litre Flikka custom boards... Don't be scared of going big! A 99 would be up to my waist 😂
@Jebutka Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video, super helpful! I'm wondering if you ever windsurfed at Praia da Luz? Went to Martinhal on the same day hoping it will be more windy than in Luz but it was already too late as the wind dropped, glad you had a fun session!
@Ben-Proffitt Ай бұрын
No worries.. and no, never sailed Luz! Salema seems the best (between Lagos and sagres ) on the south coast for wave sailing. But needs a low tide..
@dr.franciscotorresmarquezc7352 Ай бұрын
Funny that at rough analysis the 2012 jp twinser quad has pretty close specs 😅
@WindsurfingTV Ай бұрын
How is it? Any good?
@Miketoveyorginal Ай бұрын
Does the 400 mast make much difference?
@Ben-Proffitt Ай бұрын
Well softer but still worked pretty good. Fine for the lighter wind stuff. I mean if you don’t have a 430 it was working fine!
@natkingcol909 Ай бұрын
Im 80kgs and ride a 94 Tabou Da Bomb. I was planning on getting a 80-85 for high wind days but ive used it several times with my 4.0 30+mph and its fine... Its also more forgiving when gybing😂
@monkey2244 Ай бұрын
My small board is 95l quantum. Its generation 1, so 230x61. Was considered a big wave board when new but I'd say uts a medium now. I want bigger
@Turbodudedk Ай бұрын
My small board is a 98 litres 😂 Used it the other day in 18-20ms with 5.0 🤘
@mikaHenning Ай бұрын
Hi Ben are you in Cape Town in Dezember
@zacmitty7851 Ай бұрын
Nice video and I agree that more volume with good design doesn't have to mean less feel or manoeuvrability. BUT, isn't it also a reflection of the fat generation? Come on, in the 80's/90's we used to use substantially smaller boards but these days the lardy hoards would just sink! Windsurfing TV, brought to you by Mc Do's....!
@Ben-Proffitt Ай бұрын
Bring on the Mac D's sponsorship!! 😁
@schobihh2703 Ай бұрын
10L plus your weight, when you plane. More is really not neeeded. 15L plus only for the wobble sessions where planning is out of reach. That is my 5 cents to it
@alevmd Ай бұрын
@rcard23yb Ай бұрын
What happend? R U afraid of hookipa ?
@Ben-Proffitt Ай бұрын
@@rcard23yb ?
@mikaHenning Ай бұрын
Hi Ben are you in Cape Town in Dezember
@Ben-Proffitt Ай бұрын
no mate.. there on the 8th jan until mid feb
@mikaHenning Ай бұрын
Hi Ben are you in Cape Town in Dezember
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