沒什麼好鄙視的,我自己曾經用過超級多剪輯軟體,也是從菜鳥用PowerDirector7慢慢變成現在DaVinci Resolve,中間還用過Premiere,Filmora,Pinnacle,MediaComposer,甚至還用過好幾代的Windows Movie Makar來剪輯影片🤣🤣🤣,不過為甚麼現在會用達芬奇是因為Premiere好是好,但有時候還是會有小bug,加上PremierePro不便宜,現在還變成了訂閱制軟件,根本付不起,所以當時用的Premiere的版本也是。。。。。。。。你懂得🤣🤣🤣,所以換了達芬奇,免費版已經勉強夠用了,不過最後的最後,現在我是同時兩個軟件都用,就是噠芬奇跟。。。。。。。剪影,因為剪影實在是太簡單,就是個懶人剪輯軟件,一個超級複雜的字幕跟特效或者轉場,用就是得花上一天甚至幾天來製作,但剪影就是一鍵搞定,雖然說剪影還是有很多不夠用的時候,達芬奇或者Premiere在複雜通常都做得到,只是有時候有些東西必須手動,但還算是能完成,只是耗時又麻煩,但剪影如果做不到那樣的東西通常就是直接做不到,連手動都做不了,還有剪影的一大痛點就是畫質,還有剪輯更專業的素材,都比較難,但如果今天我需要的就是速度,小項目,而卻畫質不需要太講究,剪映絕對是我打開的軟件,達芬奇就站在旁邊乘涼🤣🤣🤣,因為簡單來說就是剪影雖然有些很複雜的效果一鍵就能搞定,但也就只是那些預設效果,想再更細的微調是不行的,也就是說如果妳想要的剛好不是預設效果那樣,那就是沒辦法,所以,其實任何人從來都不需要鄙視或批評其他軟件的使用者,重點只要那軟件能剪出你想要的效果,能導出你想要的畫質,那就是個好的剪輯軟件,僅此而已,批評別人用的軟件,也不會讓你更會剪輯。也不會讓你更厲害🤣🤣🤣。
Anyway to change the UI colors in capcut for PC? Pretty much what the title says. I just downloaded capcut for PC. However, white text on black background causes me IMMENSE eyestrain, to the point where it's physically painful within a few minutes. But I don't see an option to change the UI colors in capcut for PC. Even going to a med-gray like in adobe rush is fine. What am I missing? Is there just no way to change the UI colors? Thanks for any help. JediKnightMan Same bro. I hate it soooo much. I have ostigmatism and perhaps because of it, I simply physically cannot use these dark themes, but they are simply EVERYWHERE. like is it fashionable? Always at all times people wrote in black on white and not vice versa..