Is Luthen... Rael Averross? Dooku's FIRST Apprentice? ANDOR THEORY

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Lost Acolyte

Lost Acolyte

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#StarWars #Luthen #Andor #andorshow #cassianandor #luthenrael #raelaverross #andortheory
At this point it's basically a mini series all on its own when it comes to talking about Luthen being a jedi. So here is one more video to add to the collection (scene).
In the two videos that I have done before this, most of it covered about the different possible clues that the show might be hinting to us regarding Luthen’s background. But in this particular video we are going to take a little bit of a step away, at least for a little bit and do some character comparisons. Specifically between Luthen and Dooku’s apprentice. And no it's not qui gon jinn we are talking about but Dooku’s other lesser known apprentice by the name of Rael Aveross. Based on his name you can already see why some star wars fans out there have started to point out the possibility that Luthen Rael is Rael Aveross. Possibly having changed his name following order 66. And its a really exciting theory to consider.
But just who exactly is Rael Aveross? Well Aveross was Dooku’s apprentice before Qui Gon even came into the picture. Born on the planet Ringo Vinda, Aveross was a rather talented jedi considered to be one of the best duelists within the jedi order. But Aveross did have issues when it came to conforming with the Jedi Code. Much like Dooku and Qui Gon, Aveross was a little bit more flexible when it came to interpreting the rules. To give a basic run down of what we know about him so far, we know that during the invasion of Naboo Averross had his own apprentice. An apprentice that he was forced to strike down after nanotech took control of her brain and pitted her against him. This traumatic incident led to a sense of guilt within Averross. Although he was cleared of any wrongdoing, Averross was sent away on another assignment by the Council, one that would take him to the planet Pijal.
At this point in time the planet Pijal is going through a turbulent political climate. The ruler of the planet had recently died leaving a 6 year old girl as heir, far too young to assume authority. And so Averross was sent there to act as a regent until she became of age. Part of the reason why the council sent him to the planet in the first place, believing that if he cared for a little girl it might help him find closure with what happened to his padawan. But being regent of a planet also means that he had to deal with a lot of politics, having to handle various political factions and influential entities such as the Czerka Corporation.
However, during his time on Pijal things escalated to the point where he had to call in Qui Gonn for assistance, alongside Kenobi. After this matter was solved, Dooku actually reached out to him and encouraged him to join the Sith, an offer that he refused. And Aveross’ story more or less ends there. There is really not much known about what happened to him after, especially after order 66.
And immediately you might be able to recognise that there are some interesting similarities between Luthen and Aveross besides sharing the name Rael. The first thing to point out is how similar their personalities are and the fact that from a character progression standpoint, it's very plausible that someone like Aveross could end up being like Luthen. Part of the reason why Aveross had difficulty with conforming to the jedi code likely due to the influence of his former master Dooku, who as we’ve seen in the tales of the jedi, had quite the pragmatic mindset when it came to dealing with problems. Quite willing to compromise with the Jedi Code if it meant securing a better outcome. A sort of the end justify the means sort of mentality. And we see this trait in Aveross as well. In a conversation between Qui Gon and Aveross, Qui Gon confided in him that fact that Dooku had tortured a bounty hunter by the name of Shenda Moi. But Aveross didn’t seem particularly concerned about this news. Possibly sharing the same philosophy with Dooku and trusting that his former master knew what was best. Not only is this pragmatic mindset un-jedi like, it also mirrors they way Luthen thinks, albeit at a much more extreme level. Luthen’s monologue perfectly surmises his way of thinking, the same sort of thinking that led to Dooku joining Sidious. And so knowing that Aveross too possessed this way of thinking, it doesn’t seem that far-fetched that his character would develop into Luthen following the events of order 66 and the rise of the empire. The extent of loss, grief and anger that Aveross had to face following these events could very well lead him into becoming Luthen. Following a very similar path as Dooku did. It should also be noted that Averross’ experience with intrigue and politics could lend itself very well to the things Luthen is facing. It would give him the necessary skills and tools to manage an underground rebellion, something which Luthen is quite good at...

Пікірлер: 93
@mynala110 Жыл бұрын
His monologue dripped with jedi innuendo and he flew his ship during his escape like only a jedi could.
@khonshu6620 Жыл бұрын
I agree with this especially after re watching Rogue One. The scene when Cassian asked Baze Malgus if Chirrut is a Jedi makes me believe that Andor knows what a Jedi is, like he met one before. This could foreshadow Cassian finding out that Luthen was a Jedi.
@MobUp Жыл бұрын
This scene came to my mind as well
@leesydneyharry7958 Жыл бұрын
You just want to know where Luther is during Rogue One. Cannon? Yet to be written?
@federicocuevas5104 Жыл бұрын
@Mc_Lovin25 Жыл бұрын
@@leesydneyharry7958 maybe he dies
@boiboiboi1419 6 ай бұрын
That's season 2 right there
@TheodoraBrass Жыл бұрын
I don’t care who he is, just PLEASE don’t kill him off…I need more Luthen in my LIFE!
@gerardomiguel864 Жыл бұрын
Sadly there is only one way someone so commited to the cause would not be a part of the final half of the rebellion.
@leesydneyharry7958 Жыл бұрын
Never thought of this, if in doubt kill them off in Disney.
@LazyGyro Жыл бұрын
If he is a jedi.. he has to be killed off 😂 so you should care who he is But regardless, he's prob gonna die
@Caseshells123 Жыл бұрын
@@gerardomiguel864 Vader must have killed him I highly doubt the inquisitor has the talent.
@HavanaOutpost Жыл бұрын
Andor will kill him.
@Osentalka Жыл бұрын
'I share my dreams with ghosts' He's still in contact with Qui Gon Jinn...
@ryanrichardson9915 Жыл бұрын
I will say this, after his monologue, I know he was a Jedi. Everything he said he gave up, is everything at the core of being a Jedi.
@GreenLightMe Жыл бұрын
JEDI are freaks i hope they kill everyone of them.
@Philip-1 Жыл бұрын
Great Analysis! More and more, Luthen's characterization reminds me of Kreia's from KotOR 2. Kreia was actually the fallen jedi master, Arren Kae. Her true identity was never openly revealed during the game, leaving players to piece it together from a myriad of clues. Personally, I hope they keep doing the same thing with Luthen and never fully disclose his true identity.
@solarpixiejournals Жыл бұрын
I wonder- Could he be related to Padme? Could he be a brother or someone else close to her? 15 years ago would have also been 15 years from her death. It would explain the Naboo artifacts.
@anastasiab9506 Жыл бұрын
she only had a sister, but... what if he is connected to Sabe instead? Sabe was fighting against empire after Padme's death, so, what if?
@matthewwurtzel322 Жыл бұрын
You forgot another important detail from his monologue, his reference to ghosts. The only Jedi at that point in time that became a Force ghost was Qui-Gon and Rael knew him. It is quite possible that Qui-Gon revealed himself to Rael before Obi-Wan. After all, the impression that Kenobi gave me was that he cut himself off from the Force and therefore Qui-Gon couldn’t communicate with him until he returned to the Force. If Rael/Luthen continued to use the Force, then Qui-Gon could contact him. Even if Rael/Luthen fell to the Dark Side, he could still see Qui-Gon as another story from a book tells how Yoda visited the Emperor upon dying, so we know that Dark Side users can see Force Ghosts even if they can’t become one. Personally, I’ve been wondering about the Rael and Luthen connection since the introduction of the Kyber crystal.
@nicksantos43 Жыл бұрын
It would be awesome to see Luthen slap that khyber crystal into the knife hilt he carries in the last episode!
@garrisong Жыл бұрын
I’m kinda hoping he is a Jedi regardless he’s becoming one of my favorite characters behind Ashoka. He kinda reminds me of James Bond.
@GreenLightMe Жыл бұрын
we don't want JEDI, he's not a JEDI stop with the jedi shit
@axelusul Жыл бұрын
Took you long enough, wouldn't be surprised his Kalen Crystal weapon and Chaff comes from his time on Pijal and the "Fools Kyber" found only their. Hence the deep orange tones, after he was returned to the Jedi Temple and Queen Fanri his "ward" and acting as regent for the planet was forced into abdication, help a few years house arrest. I believe like Rael Aveross both tried to start new lives. Rael may have gone home to Ringo Vinda, which became a ship yard for Kuat Drives. I think he had a family and worked with the massive Ship Company. Recieving the Kuatti ancient crystal which signified their resistance against the Raakaans. Plus how his Fondor "Tug" received such mods, particularly the Chaff and wing tip laser beams. The properties of the Fools Kyber were not know or developed fully. But repelled light sabres, created shields and other special gifts. No coincidence the ship trying to catch him couldn't deal with him since it was Kuat Yards made LOL. The significance from the incident on Pijal and the prophesy of "when the kyber that is not Kyber..." may have heralded the coming of Anakin as it was 10 years before Ep1. As for the Ex-Queen of Pijal, I believe she had a family of which Kleya Marki is her daughter. Hence her Princess like aurora and cunning and knack for disguise and subterfuge. The incident Luthen spells out to his spy tells you all you need to know. It would have been 15 years before, after Order 66 and then The Purge Rael Aveross and his once protege Fanri would have been targeted. I would guess Rael escaped but lost his life and family on Ringo Vinda his homeworld. Then realising who would be next he races to Fanries help, to find her too murdered. But leaving a daughter Kleya who as two lost souls with a common for begin their quest for building a rebellion and revenge. After 15 years of working to build a network and spies both would be ruthless and single minded in using anything that may further their cause and promote the end of the Empire and particularly the damned Palpatine and apprentice Vader. Or as usually happens Disney will ignore this canon cash cow. See what happens tomorrow LOL.
@DANCast-yv1is Жыл бұрын
I've been doing my own digging too and I believe Luther Rael and rael Averross are one same person it's just to big of a coincidence if he end not being Rael Averross honestly I might be kinda mad 🤣 but great video 👍
@gtimotijevic Жыл бұрын
It would be also convenient for Disney's Star Wars milking, because if Luthen is Averross indeed, this could be potential for prequels. Another convenience here is that Luthen is played by great Stellan Skarsgård and would be just simple to give his son Alexander role of younger version for prequel. I'm not complaining though.
@Astranaughty 11 ай бұрын
gotta love a family of great looking actors lol
@apomegranatelove6881 Жыл бұрын
Love your reaction. Could feel Andor’s writing drawn, from a deep historical well. Thank you, for sharing references.
@TheLostAcolyte Жыл бұрын
My pleasure!
@donovanridge Жыл бұрын
That qui gon jin book was fire
@wentzr Жыл бұрын
I choose to believe Luthen is….. Luthen. Yea thats right Luthen. A brand new character who is not a secret Sith, or secret Jedi nor anyone’s apprentice or master. He is not the brother, father, son - not even father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate - of anyone we know. Just Luthen. A brand new kick ass character. Can you imagine what a breath of fresh fuckin air that would breathe into the star wars universe?
@Cho0segoose 11 ай бұрын
I think it still makes his character interesting. We've never seen a jedi who survived order 66 go in this direction. It's a fresh take regardless
@Hammando Жыл бұрын
Great case made, I hope you are correct.
@gustavopaez6368 Жыл бұрын
The First time I saw Luthen, the way he walks and carries himself in his Jedi robes I knew he was a Jedi
@mafeweigel Жыл бұрын
With all of these theories, Luthen would end up being just a guy who managed to be a great rebel and strategist.
@adamkeller4489 Жыл бұрын
Great theory and analysis!
@whyitmatterstome 2 ай бұрын
I think a lot of what your saying is spot on - the accent idea though, that's just the actor's natural voice. He is from Sweden, and he sounds like this in every film he has ever made, so I don't think the filmmakers did a deep a dive as you into the character's accent - but maybe I'm wrong. Everything else lines up nicely though.
@yseson_ Жыл бұрын
Like Rogue One Vader will make a dramatic entrance, I believe Luthen will face him to allow Mon Mothma to escape and will be struck down by the Sith Lord
@mramaz1ngarry728 Жыл бұрын
I kinda hope he's not a jedi. Because I enjoy how andor is about the real people of the galaxy.
@thearikes Жыл бұрын
No answers to that question this season!
@Blakeyoutubing Жыл бұрын
Whether he is a Jedi or not he really should have been present more in season 1. He’s the most interesting character in the show so far
@ryankwon8785 Жыл бұрын
I don't think Luthen is a Jedi because if he was, the Sith would've already hunted Luthen since all past and present Jedi were listed for Vader and the Inquisitors to hunt. To me, I think Luthen is more of an archivist who studied the Force, Jedi, and Sith in secret. If you read the Crimson Reign comics, there is an archivist who works for Qi'ra and uses her knowledge of the Force and Force Artifacts to help fight Sidious. Qi'ra told the archivist about Sidious and the archivist herself understood the stakes if the Sith continues to rule the Galaxy via the Empire.
@logandashiell2584 Жыл бұрын
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but the thing he says about plans 15 years ago could easily have come about shortly after Order 66. Which was... you know kind of a big deal to the Jedi that survived it. Show takes place: 5-1 BBY Order 66: 19BBY With all of the things he says in that conversation, grounded in that context... along with his possession of Jedi/Sith artifacts, and a Kyber Crystal... I mean, he sounds so bitter when he says: "condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them." it really does call to mind the ideological sacrifices the Jedi were forced to make, when they faced the Sith Empires of old in open galactic war. Which is, admittedly... not cannon, yet.
@ERRonLoad Жыл бұрын
Physical traits are very different: Stellan/Luthen is a big man at 6'2", fair skinned, fair haired, blue eyes. Description of Aveross is short (only reaching Qui-Gon's shoulders), dark hair, dark eyes, and tan skinned. They are not a match.
@TheLostAcolyte Жыл бұрын
Fair point, I completely missed that part!
@joshuaingram403 Жыл бұрын
From what we’ve read about Averross the personalities don’t match up. Cool theory though. (Could be correct)
@GwonkReefkeeping Жыл бұрын
Interesting theory.🤔
@GreenLightMe Жыл бұрын
Only thing wrong with your Theory is RAEL AVERROSS would be 85 years old at this Point in 5bby. I know Stellan Skaarsgard looks pretty old but he's actually only 71.
@cacogenicist Жыл бұрын
Skaarsgard could pass for as young as his mid 60s. He doesn't look _that_ old.
@yfz350twin Жыл бұрын
Dooku was only 13 years older than Rael Averross? Dooku would be about 98 during the time of Andor.
@m.e.3862 15 күн бұрын
No. No Jedi would have rules like "never carry anything you don't control" or "build your exit on your way in". That's spycraft. The Jedi rely on the force to help them. They can sense danger and use it to help guide them. Qui gon, for example, just jumps into a sub and is confident the force will lead them to their destination. And Luthen would've sensed the Cantwell class ship and not be caught off guard when he visited Saw.
@blockarttoken7810 Жыл бұрын
Im sold its good to go.
@googesowders2758 Жыл бұрын
Rael Averross is the John Wayne of the Jedi Order
@T-O_Double-D Жыл бұрын
I dig it
@ryanrichardson9915 Жыл бұрын
I see someone read Master and Apprentice…
@tom1921 7 ай бұрын
I get that people are desperate for jedi to make an appearance in this show because they've always been at the heart of Star Wars, but you're missing the point. This is a grounded story about sacrifice and standing up to tyranny. It would lose all focus if the jedi show up and become like every other Star Wars thing.
@estebandicaprio7345 Жыл бұрын
What about his age? If he was older than Qui-Gon, almost forty years later, Averross should be like 80 something
@Caviar_Liberta Жыл бұрын
If Luthen is a former Jedi I'd imagine the restraint needed not to use forces powers.
@wingedparagon4448 Жыл бұрын
Hmm... not a bad theory and would be awesome if this was the case.
@ShaneBurnsie Жыл бұрын
Master Uvell? Dash Rendar?
@joshb.8217 Жыл бұрын
That sounds pretty good and makes sense... so Disney probably won't do it.
@adog6704 Жыл бұрын
I think he was a former temple guard
@randallsavage13 Жыл бұрын
It could definitely work
@Noone-jn3jp Жыл бұрын
It seems like an awfully lot of people knew about the Sith and F’ed it up at every turn
@eurosn7322 Жыл бұрын
It would be cool if he was indeed a jedi but could no longer use the force because of his internal turmoil. Andor really doesn't need force users.
@leesydneyharry7958 Жыл бұрын
I would love to know who Klaya is…
@gregorlandini4328 Жыл бұрын
He’s Rael the Imperial Aerosol Kid
@daymeongartrell4809 Жыл бұрын
I'm riding with the theory that Luthen Rael is Rael Averross.
@joshpeck9266 Жыл бұрын
Was real averos in legends?
@dwijon Жыл бұрын
Where is the Qui Gonn quote about getting laid from?
@thearikes Жыл бұрын
When does Qui-Gon Jinn ever in any Star Wars use the words getting laid?
@Cryptosifu Жыл бұрын
Do you think the writer of this show is really this knowledge on Star Wars and it’s lore?
@jaybee6930 Жыл бұрын
@derekkwondo Жыл бұрын
Starkiller's father
@yoavmor9002 10 ай бұрын
I like this... BUT Luthen really shouldn't be a Jedi. Not every best characters should be a Jedi
@isaacsantana6560 Жыл бұрын
Or Luke skywalker grandfather kylo ren grandfather lord Vader father king Darth dark lord plagues the wise live he behind everything not palpatine
@browserjabo6587 Жыл бұрын
LUTHEN is NOT A Jedi.... There were NO special appearances from any new characters
@yw9372 Жыл бұрын
While I agree with the theory, this video is plagued with so many inaccuracies and misinterpretation of the source material (and mispronunciation, goodness me they were *bad*) it’s nigh unbearable.
@a_ec Жыл бұрын
the main reason Luthen being a Jedi makes no sense is because wouldn't it have been super easy for Vader and/or Palpatine to know there was a jedi in hiding right there on coruscant? this is why all these theories don't hold much water, imo. I think it's more interesting if maybe he had a family.member he lost in order 66 or something similar rather than him being a jedi himself....
@Ockerlord Жыл бұрын
The Grand Inquisitor about hunting Jedi: "In actuality I woulds say: the Jedi hunt themselves. Do you know the key to hunting Jedi, friend? It is patience. Jedi cannot help what they are. Their compassion leaves a trail.[...] So what is the Jedi to do? Help you and risk exposure? Or move on. Now if he were smart, he kept moving, but the Jedi Code is like an itch, he cannot help it. [...] His compassion has been his undoing." Luthen "let's sacrifice Kreegor and murder Andor" can help it though^^
@travellerjames3139 Жыл бұрын
Luthen uses the dark side now so he would be able to hide
@pizaclatonddd3081 Жыл бұрын
Nah he's just a Jedi fanboi
@lancetison5856 Жыл бұрын
yes, mothma and the rebels trust a firmer sith. NO. Kento
@buntings Жыл бұрын
rael was never sith
@pzeeman73 Жыл бұрын
Please don’t.
@hoffenwurdig1356 Жыл бұрын
See the philosopher called Averroes
@apomegranatelove6881 Жыл бұрын
Love your reaction. Could feel Andor’s writing drawn, from a deep historical well. Thank you, for sharing references.
@johnmarkharris Жыл бұрын
Averross didn’t dress so nicely
@marvicty Жыл бұрын
Dude, that is an awesome theory but I think this show is going to stay within itself and not touch on any Star Wars lore whatsoever. Even though the shows name is "Andor", the last three episodes have been dominated by Kino, Luthan and Mon Mothma with Cassian currently taking a backseat.
@s.patterson5698 Жыл бұрын
The issue isn't their touching on Star Wars lore...there is nothing wrong in doing that as long as the writing remains as good as it is.
@sparkycjs 6 ай бұрын
They're building Death Star parts in the prison, Mon Mothma operating the early rebellion, plenty of Star Wars lore in it already
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