Is maverick scientist Eric P Dollard Tesla 2.0?

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We traveled to Tonopah, Nevada to meet mysterious scientist Eric Dollard. Proponents of Dollard claim he holds the secret to free energy, while others say he is just another in a long line of Tesla wannabes.
Either way, he's raised a stack of crowd-funding for his controversial projects. We found out more.
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@AlexJPetrov 4 жыл бұрын
Tell Dollard about the noise in the network and expansion of the ground 54:18 to try to look at it as data and PPPoE.
@koppe18 4 жыл бұрын
Was this done in 2020? After a decade of following his work, I'm very happy to see him looking very healthy as always!
@yadyahawah-shimashayach1283 4 жыл бұрын
Draft3p3 In mid 97 all the west camps was severed from nyc icupk: it was around this time Zayan, Thaahwam(twins), Bayan(understanding) and Qarah khan went down to NYC to met with elders and reconnected to icupk in NYC ; this when ahraya's apprentice abanizar(the stone of help) a 13🔯 from Nyc who replaced Ahraya Ahla:started coming down to LA : to help zayan get the program started:he and Zayan was close Abani***used to let us know what's going on down in NYC he used to brag about the Tazadaqya at the time the head of jr counsel then he dropped they're latest memory the hyksos shepherd kings dynasty our forefathers under Joseph reign in Egypt 350yrs; which compel that wrench Imad to question, "how when we were slaves?, " abani ** went way back in time and dug up Genesis 41:39 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art:40 Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou.(AHBANI ** COVERED: DOESN'T SOUND LIKE A SLAVE TO ME; I EXPRESSED: WOW!!)41 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt. 42 And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and put it upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck;43 And he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had; and they cried before him, Bow the knee: and he made him ruler over all the land of Egypt.44 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.45 And Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphnathpaaneah: (Imhotep in the history of the end of the 18th century bce to the beginning of the 16th century bce:350yrs we were know as shepherd kings) Genesis 42:6 And Joseph was the governor over the land, (the rank of prime minister or grand vizier of the kingdom)Genesis 47:3 And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, What is your occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds(see we were the Shepherd kings), both we, and also our fathers.4 They said morever unto Pharaoh, For to sojourn in the land are we come; for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks; for the famine is sore in the land of Canaan: now therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen.5 And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph, saying, Thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee: 6 The land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land(the beverly hills of egypt) make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen(the most green and agricultural) let them dwell: and if thou knowest any men of activity among them, then make them rulers over my cattle.Our people became a company of nations and a great multitude and over populated Egypt; This left Imad silent : I was thinking damn : how come this is not taught on black history month :because surely this is not talking about the Zionist or the invaders from Europe that occupied Palestine in 1948: cause the Egyptians are of Noah Ham : the dark skin races and Moses was mistaken as an Egyptian: son of Pharaoh; Cecil B. DeMille's ten commandments is a joke; something is definitely wrong; this why :men in the 90's NYC started wearing Egyptian head pieces:and Ahraya and Yashiya was blasting this history on the streets and time square of NYC. Shortly after this we were summoned to a neutral spot: zayan had a surprise:ahraya,shar, 13✡ yahanah,apprentise 13✡abanizar: who suggested like all McDonald chains are named McDonalds; all camps should be named ICUPK as the NYC headquarters to monopolize;also issued priest cards promoted me to capt 11,000 managan, thaawam and bayan for snitching : awarded 12✡s .The next day I was front seat: Ahraya and Shar appeared at Zayan's prie-dieu; his dinner table : to bless us with a private session: this when qawah&lamad ;who saw Shayar and Ah ** ah ,belief: Christ is only high priest: did what they feared:boldly challenged; real life darth sidious: Ahraya ; also being ranked under bayan :questioned the selection promotions ; and ahraya did'nt expect it and had no answers: so to escape: he shut them down; told them to wait for a hearing with his Jr.counsel Champion assassin: young tazadaqya to deal with it; but qawah&lamad: knew the legend of Tazadaqya;and wanted no parts: so they left the camp.four weeks later; then entered the deadly eyed dragon: young tazadaqya ready for war dressed in black long sleeve fringes, blk silver studded Egyptian head gear and blk swords patched on the back pockets of his blk jeans with abani ** as :qawah&lamad was summoned to speak their peace or face a ban; as a lion to raw chops; stood up and fired the first shots:Hebrews 3:1Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus; Hebrews 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest; drawing looks of approval, as we looked upon Tazadaqya for explanation and, he bushed it off with his fork tongue, slithering with intimidation, "did not the scriptures say God will make us kings to rule on the earth; they are the high priests, who discovered this truth ": then he pulled:1 Maccabees 7:9And him he sent with that wicked Alcimus, whom he made high priest, 1 Maccabees 10:20 Wherefore now this day we ordain thee to be the high priest of thy nation, and to be called the king's friend; (and therewithal he sent him a purple robe and a crown of gold:) and require thee to take our part, and keep friendship with us.Tazadaqya seduced the whole room;I was very confused :the majority contracted spiritual HIV: under the serpent's venom: the forbidden Good and Evil fruit, sick: under the spell of the four false high priests; Qarah and Lamad saw we were slain and left: Tazadaqya as his fathers were rebels knowing Maccabees was self proclaimed and given the titles of authority by the Greeks not God ; surely the past is present; infact they founded the purple herodean dynasties today the purple IUIC bishops. Early 1998 Zayan whipped up a deadly Kool-Aid he got from the serpent Ahraya; and when I drank the batch of:2 Esdras 14:5 (I was back in time ;when the line of Aaron: Ezra aka Esdras: was in a confidential intelligence briefing with Christ's head of Intelligence: the Arch Angel Uriel; he was the burning bush that spoke to Moses)And told him many wondrous things, and shewed him the secrets of the times, and the end(Zayan woke me out of my sleep: emphasizing," THE END!!!."; I'am like wow: Moses knew the end ?: way back in the beginning?: how could this be? This when I was introduced to : predestination: see we exist in a live re-run:in God's live trail run: thats amazing ; He cooked up:2 Esdras 14:11For the world is divided into twelve parts(LIKE PARTS OF A MOVIE ) and the ten parts of it are gone already(2 PARTS OF THIS MOVIE LEFT), and half of a tenth part(50% REMAINS IN THE 10thPART OF THE MOVIE: WHEN ESDRAS'S BRIEFED ; SO LEFT IS THE FINAL: A SHORT 666 THEN THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST.)Arayah went out on the fatal prediction.
@yadyahawah-shimashayach1283 4 жыл бұрын
**Drafts3: Who is the red rose & white dove?BY YAD YAHAWAH-SHI Chapter 3 zayan's apprentist The timeline in the sanctuary was coming along: the pencil outline was completed and the school hired Mexican expert spray painters; that was working on the scene in the wilderness; when the earth swallowed the rebels led by Korah against the God of Moses; at this time in 96 Ah**was in Egypt with the elders on they're visit to the sinai peninsula ; it was a slight disturbance in the force; apparently bayan: in secret was informing NY headquarters: that Ah ** ah and Shayar; was in LA teaching prohibited : the new testament. May 1,1996 Elder Shar first time I was able to identify Chaakam(wisdom);shabar(break)and a dark skinned chubby young Tazadaqya(my justice the infamous current leader of ICGJC on TV on the Jerry Springer show pitted against the KKK showing they're hate and the elder shar couldn't handle them springer asked shar what religion are you shar responded we are of no religion but of our fathers abraham issac and Jacob I notice he didn't acknowledge his religion in Christ and tazadaqya was on there looking like a clown; but he was nothing nice in those days: he would send women that came up against him crying home to daddy if they test and he was on that show looking to rip the hearts out those kkk clan members opposed to them; I just observed then after the show maury povich came on dressed as a red devil with red horns and a spade tail pitchfork in his hand it was very demonic i saw clearly the sorcery having mastered anthony hilder teachings other SOW was oblivous to the whole scene .A weeks later ; elder Shar made a solo visit to SOW I remember it like It was yesterday I was sitting in class when the general's door opened it was special guest elder Shar sporting a huge afro holding a black brief case and a wearing golden handcuff on his wrist being escorted by nagaya and barak they got on the consision and I remember he start going into and sweating nagaya asking him rapid questions like how old was Christ when he debated the elders and high priests nagaya quickly responded 12 wiping his sweat then shar went over blacks in slavery when he reached into his suitcase it was locked and he lost the key so he had an officer break into it he pulled out a book by george Gordon titled gold chains On October 29th, 1861, Robert Schell, a white man, walked into a San Francisco barbershop, pulled out a gun and shot George Gordon, the African American proprietor. There were eyewitnesses to the killing, but there was one problem. They were all black. And at the time, California had laws that banned black people or “mulattoes” from testifying against whites in court. So, the judge refused to allow the witnesses to give evidence about what they had seen. Then Shar held up his right wrist and said this is why I wear this gold handcuff and strangely after class when I was leaving and ran into Shar and gave his large hand a pound he inquired to see my notes from prior classes see I had a big green record book that went back months shar asked to hold on to the book till tomorrow ; this when I was aware some type of investigation was going on; but I couldn't put my finger on it; to what was taken place in ICUPK NY headquarters, but recently last year: had a phone conversation from Pittsburgh with a former NY ICUPK 5✡ general by the name of Shayar Ahla(gift of God) a haitian legend amongest the camps for his 1993 performance on the nationwide popular at the time day time show montel Williams : he got approached by his close underling piyahlaga(my mouth of God lll) before his invited trip to Egypt and the Zionist fake promise land: also Ahraya Ahla got invited to; when the elders visited LA; piyahla told shaya you have to see these scriptures ach(brother)Christ is the only high priest and showed shayar the scriptures in the book of Hebrews and told him you have read them for yourself so shayar fasted and prayed and his eyes opened to a new revelation the new testament and the expiration of the old testament levitical high priest order and that ICUPK kept the day of atonement; fasted and apologized for offensives ; when the new testament clearly states: Christ ended those rituals so he made his decision to believe what he saw so when he went to Egypt with the elders he told chaazaq, yahanna and Ah**ah** he's not addressing no men as high priest anymore Christ is the only high priest Ah**ah was the only one to boldly concure after the trip ah**ah & shayar started teaching Christ the only high priest and shayar said in NYC he got called to a high counsel which resulted in him getting kicked out ICUPK NY so Ah**ah took him in away from yahanna at this time Ah**ah caused the entire west coast camps to sever and divide from ICUPK NY. the timeline was completed in the sanctuary and SOW had us making products for 96 Passover I made a double sword studed head piece then i was given my black studed borderline blue fringed garment and black mitre when Kaharag yelled fallout for us inexperienced designers in the sanctuary to quickly exit out the front door and when I walked out: we was directed west to look up toward Gage Ave at the clouds I swear to God: I saw a live giant gray mothership appeared out of a cloud; that opened up with a great number of single filed disk shaped ships behind it : they was Jesus Christ and the holy Angels of God as my foreFather Jacob: Israel himself described them;and we all that witnessed it rejoiced and saluted them it was clear as day: that was my second and best supernatural experience and the anchor of my Faith for I truly saw the Lord.
@yadyahawah-shimashayach1283 4 жыл бұрын
Draft3p2 the next evening all the west coast camps from texas alberqueque NW traveled and convened to the SOW building on 65th and western this was the return to LA ;of rapah zayan chaa** and his close brother Mashaba heavy set bearded short haired funny social cometic women's man who was kaharag's big brother came down from texas to the sanctuary where all the brothers was partying and introducing themselves as barak's timeline was exhibited it was a beauty chronologing Christ eyes and hands sending out waves creating heaven and earth to black Adam all the way to end of nukes landing on America and finally Christ's return fierce wearing a golden crown holding a sharp sickle on a white horse with his angels in saucers the next day was 96 Passover at lemert park I again I arrived on time about 6p to all the west camps standing at ease in 4 battalion squads then appeared again above us was lights in V formation in the sky we were then commanded attention and with thunder saluted the angels then finally Ah**ah showed up with shayar : the first time he came to LA and we was then introduced by the master of ceremonies: barak into the venue then seated at a table of yan yan(wine) bitter herbs a big unleavened craker and served a baked lamb shank; managan and lamad was on the mike rapping; then rapah got up on stage and freestyled, "🎶I got the urge to purge, ": you will see:that was a prophecy; chaa**was on the side with Ah**ah throwing up crip signs when lamad called shayar up to the stage and shayar who helped produced some of 90's Wu Tang Clans hits: got on stage and rapped his hit: Christ:🎤🎶Who told the Truth of Christ into a lie in english Jesus Christ in Hebrew its Yahawah-shi so do or die the emaculent conception is deception along with the myth of December 25th🎶 . shayar was given a warm reception and stayed in LA working with nagaya so he called his partner in crime piya down from NY and when they was on Venice Beach shayar rocking yellow lense sunglasses with his NY swagger fringes and swords on this jean back pockets rocking my two swords head gear I didn't get compensated for; he had a freestyle hip hop style of delivery he could grip God's Words and power to cause a spying helicopter in the sky to swerve avoiding collapse but piya was an offensive drunk who taught Christ: he didn't like his butt being kissed nor butt kissing elders and generals: he believed he was a brother just like you I could get it myself mentality but still subject to shayar's rank ah**ah awarded barak 1✡ and shayar 12✡ because he had to take off it was reported he was robbing texas and Albuquerque of they're congregation funds see ICUPK NY was' nt supporting him and shayar anymore this why shayar was a tyrant sending us out to sell clothes : as a pimp kept all proceeds: meanwhile in texas: I remembered Zayan Ahla who was glad to leave Texas to come back to LA because of his distant relationship with his real close loving wife at the time Tazaliya ;who Ahraya Ahla was jealous of; plus Zayan was always lusting and jockying for his position:so ah ** ah sent Zayan to secure texas camp with Chaawabkab Amath but when they heard of Ah ** ah split from ICUPK nyc and elders casted out Shayar Ahla after they're 96 trip from egypt and the zionist state and shayar and piya was in LA also teaching the new testament Gospels and Christ the only high priest ; Zayan & Chaawabkab stormed and crashed a class ; presided by shayar and piya one evening in SOW and gave they're contact information out to everyone in that evening class : I was in the class that night and took down zayan's #:few days after that SOW got concisioned purged: that sabbath I left my gray nike wind breaker in the sanctuary thinking I was coming back when the force moved fat Nagaya with no explaination but with velocity stormed into the class room and swisk us swiftly away in a racing van slamming the back gate open in route to the generals house on adams in west LA to explain the purge of SOW that zayan&chaa**was renegades and marked them anathema I remember going to the restroom looking into the mirror asking God to help and protect me i was clueless seeing Yahanaga, haragba, Barakya Ahla, halak, there:this was the divide of SOW side:Ahraya Ahla's side of the purge: the remaining generals of SOW like Nagaya, Barakya Ahla, & officers like Halak Amath(head of lamps of fire today)with Raiya(head of lamps of fire today): but Shayar Ahla & Piya Ahla, Yahanaga later left Ah ** ah and California , hours later when I left the general's house and got to the job Kazabach who worked at JACOOD#2; Met me at work to talk me into leaving Ahraya Ahla's side: which saved my life: this was Christ answering my prayer: so at the time i was not associated with no camps : I was independent at the time working and homeless living at JACOOD for months: kazabach was with zayan facetiously ; Malakaya fell out working at the Inglewood library it's important to know: I must state this fact: you hear most former cult members say when they split off from these camps:that its leaving the Truth and that's wrong: Christ is the Truth so when one leave these camps they leaving hell cause these camps are devils as Christ said we must be careful what we say. I was independent at the time working and homeless living at JACOOD: I DIDNT WANT TO BE ORDINARY and go back and swallow the blue pill so months later I called Zayan and setted up an appointment to see him at his house in south LA on Florence ave blocks in 8 tray crips neighborhood south of the Ah ** Ah occupied SOW building north of east western ave : It's crazy occasionally when I would see SOW members with ah ** ah: we walk by each other like total strangers when months earlier we were as a close family: Zayan the head of LA started tutoring me one on one on my off days in the afternoons at his home: I was getting special attention and learning all Zayan's secrets and formulas he collected over the years;he spent growing up in ICUPK NYC before he came to California: In time I got real close to zayan and became very strong in the force: this what I meant kazabach saved my life and then In time Aban(Rock)a very skilled paint artist later on joined me and Zayan's one on one tutorship: a we became a team: on the side of the purge: in·de·pend·ent·ly cut from SOW : lead by Zayan Ahla; Qawah Khan, Lamad ,Managan Ahmath, Imadya ahla(I stand for God) senior Thaahwam who (in 2012 resurrected SOW,LA ;which is ironic cause it spawned today's leaders: his 96 arch rivals halak&raiya's lamps of fire; who did'nt disavow: how H.O.I treated the Covington Catholic kids in the introduction of this book) and Raib: who's wife cousin was :Aban. in LA was only evening Classes at Zayan's and tazaliya's house : reports was coming out from Kahag who was staying near Ah ** ah generals house that there was darkness in that house constant arguing and fights Ah ** ah became paranoid thinking Nagaya was an american Alphabet agent against him forcing nagaya to leave: and the nail in the coffin is when: Shama the owner of the house grew some balls and evicted the freelonding Ah ** ah out the house ;shortly after they also ah ** ah:lost the SOW building SOW;every dog: had their day.
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