當然如果正經做生意賣天然氣賺錢,當然係乾淨錢。不過… 如果資深獲獎嘅美國記者爆料北溪2號爆炸事件,挪威政府同海軍係有份參與嘅事情係屬實嘅話,就另當別論啦。 美國政府否認呢件事情,但係佢冇對依位資深記者採取法律控告,其中嘅味道就有啲耐人尋味啦。 當然,我只係講如果… 摧毁競爭對手嘅供應,然後自己拉高價錢提供天然氣。Perfect strategy If this is real .
an excursion to Oslo Norway 2003, we found out the living standard was super expensive: a McDonald meal cost whooping HKD 120 !!
@jackel_wong Жыл бұрын
@LeekNine Жыл бұрын
@winniechoi1130 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video !
@dickeykwok6232 Жыл бұрын
出口額2601萬億克朗,1克朗等等於0. 096美元。即係250萬億美元。是否多咗個萬字呀?😅
@tlee2665 Жыл бұрын
@wingkwok9342 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing!🙏🙏
@feel100place Жыл бұрын
謝謝分享!! 😊😊😊
@sweeleangloh Жыл бұрын
Another very informative sharing Rain🦾!From what you mentioned, at least they are still producing and selling gas and oil to Euro during these difficult times and did some donations to Ukraine; and yes, their Norges Bank investments really span across the world, I can see their name in many companies' top shareholdings..
@chanfranc Жыл бұрын
Agree. It seems that out of the oil-producing countries, only USA, Norway, and Canada are not ruled by totalitarians.
Thanks for sharing your insight! 🙏 Norway just benefits from possessing the right assets at the right time. Dirty? Due to the way we use energy, not due to Norway.
@joecheung6912 Жыл бұрын
@francokwok1667 Жыл бұрын
You have not looked at the question as to. why all these Scandinavian countries are richer than the rest of the world. Why not Saudi Arabian, and just Norweigian so rich? The answer lies in that all these four nations have avoided the last two world wars, namely WW1 and WW2, and managed to keep their industries intact, as all the wars were fought on the European continent, and not the peninsular. Looking ahead, now Finland is admitted to the NATO, with Sweden on the waiting list, and Norway also very much involved in the Ukraine War, suspicious of blowing up the Nord Streamline. In other words, would they have changed their no confrontation strategy? And if so, this would have an impact on the wealth of these four Scandinanvian countries.
@alexlam3593 Жыл бұрын
This research never know . But with your work n announcement we may go further for study n attention.When I was in HK there was some shipping company called Norwegian Companies. It was not too much people talk about. I am not young now. May It is good for the young group boys n girls. The new world is for the young’s
@cheekwonghon6267 Жыл бұрын
Chile is also having a long coastline but they are poor