Is Polish similar to Slovak? Polish Slovak conversation

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7 жыл бұрын

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In this video you can listen to a bilingual conversation in Polish and Slovak. Neither of us studied each other's languages before. We are testing here to what extent Polish and Slovak are mutually intelligible.

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@Xelios26 6 жыл бұрын
No wonder Slovak and Polish can understand eachother just fine. I am Serbian, and I was studying polish at school, and remember seeing one slovakian movie on tv, and thinking :" hey man, that's some weird polish". W kazdym razie, pozdrowienia do moich braci polakow, z Serbii :)
@RichieLarpa 6 жыл бұрын
I am Czech, I researched Serbian a bit and I was surprised how many words are similar, sometimes identical to ours! Oči, uši, pijavice, kravata, život, lampa, š amaze me Serbs, good job. For Czech people, Slovakian and Polish are considered the easiest to learn, but I think Serbian would fit in the list too.
@goranjovic3174 5 жыл бұрын
+Richard Lepra you are amazed me , cose i apsoluly agree !! You are totally have rights !! Serbian would fit in the list too , no any doubt in it !! I know all what you say about similarity , that's true , i'm happy that you seen it :) :)
@muratyakupoglu1041 3 жыл бұрын
Pozdrawiam z Polski Braci Serbów i Braci Słowaków 👻
@muratyakupoglu1041 3 жыл бұрын
@@RichieLarpa pozdrawiam z Polski Braci Czechów też 🤗
@rhalfik 2 жыл бұрын
Slovencina is just Polish without sh.
@anthonyobrzut5106 7 жыл бұрын
I'm polish and i can understand almost everything your Slovak friend says! This is pretty cool!
@superskateboardingentertai9228 6 жыл бұрын
cuz he can't speak slovak
@joedee2952 6 жыл бұрын
can't he? So doesn't he speak Slovak? Becuase I also was impressed how similar slovak and polish are.
@nilshansen9771 5 жыл бұрын
Hah I'm Russian and understand almost all in Slovak and many in Polish 😃 Ljublju was moji Slawjanskie prijateli!
@hypermaniksk534 4 жыл бұрын
@blazkovic17 4 жыл бұрын
We are same talking nations but the words are little bit customized
@user-jy9ii9fk4v 3 жыл бұрын
@Ogen De Witt molchi
@user-lb4lm9zq6d 2 жыл бұрын
Slovak počti po-russki govorit. Proiznošenie i slova počti kak v russkom.
@Robertoslaw.Iksinski 7 жыл бұрын
W polsko-słowackiej konwersacji idzie jeno o dobry wybór synonimów, które egzystują w obydwu językach, np. miast mówić że "pijany żołnierz kocha szybkie samochody niebieskiego koloru", wżdy lepiej powiedzieć że "opiły wojak miłuje rychłe auta modrej barwy" (albo farby ;)
@szymonmatuszczak5321 7 жыл бұрын
Dokładnie. Też to zauważyłem że niektóre przestarzałe polskie słowa są na porządku dziennym w słowackim czy czeskim, i w drugą stronę.
@panadolf2691 6 жыл бұрын
To dotyczy w sumie każdego języka słowiańskiego, nie tylko polskiego i słowackiego.
@sandasanshu4324 6 жыл бұрын
szybkie samochody sa czerwone i sa produkowane we wloszech ;)
@Robertoslaw.Iksinski 6 жыл бұрын
ClifffSVK we Włoszech = v Taliansku. V polśtine: "Wołosi/Włosi/Włochy" byl to davny hovorovy nazov pre migrantov z juhu, ktori hovorili nejakym romanskym jazykem, a je poużivany aż do dnes, hoci dnes to uż nema zmyslu, pretoże skutoćni "Włosi" boli to len Wołosi/Rumuni z Wołoszczyzny (z Valaśska), a nie Włosi/Italiańcy z Włoch/Italii (z Talianska :)
@syannasylwiaanna7468 6 жыл бұрын
To samo jest na przykład z rosyjskim. Na przeżyłam szok rozumiejąc ponad 80% słowackich napisów pod angielskim wykładem (znajomość angielskiego trochę pomagała załapać kontekst, ale podobieństwo języków jest naprawdę uderzające).
@polako215 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a native Polish speaker as well, I never studied Slovak and I understood 95% of that the Slovak guy said. Slovak sounds like Polish with a funny accent.
@laszlovondracsek 5 жыл бұрын
Ha, ha...or Polish sounds like Slovak with a funny accent..
@irisoidous 7 жыл бұрын
I, as a Slovak, can tell that the Slovak guy felt way more comfortable while speaking in English, probably because, as he said, he grew up in America. His Slovak was kind of awkward, actually. The structure of sentences sometimes felt like those of non-native speaker of Slovak.
@panadolf2691 6 жыл бұрын
Tak, jego słowacki jest jakiś taki bardziej do polskiego podobny :O, może to jakiś dialekt?
@panadolf2691 6 жыл бұрын
+ClifffSVK No tak, po prostu tutaj ktoś napisał że czasami on brzmi nienaturalnie, a może dla nas polaków to wtedy brzmi naturalniej hmm ;)?
@daveclima5497 6 жыл бұрын
+Pan Adolf ofc it was... polish language and all others slavic languages are from old great moravian language ;) it was given to us from Cyril and Metod from Byzantium in some 800AD. First polish capital Krakow was found in Great Moravia too :) so you learned it then from Krakowians.
@panadolf2691 6 жыл бұрын
Wiem wiem :D. Ale Kraków był stolicą później, pierwsze było Gniezno, wiem że Kraków wchodził w skład państwa Wielkomorawskiego. Ale Słowian było pełno ;D. Nie tylko w granicach państwa Wielkomorawskiego. Cyryl i Metody spisali po prostu południowy dialekt naszego języka prasłowiańskiego :D.
@panadolf2691 6 жыл бұрын
Czemu właśnie on Ci przyszedł do głowy ;)? Mój nick nie mówi o jakiego Adolfa chodzi.
@phMoca93 6 жыл бұрын
As a Serb, I understood 90% of Slovak part, but only 50% of Polish. I didn't expect to understand Slovak so much. :)
@airlinernee8292 6 жыл бұрын
Polish people love Serbia!
@syannasylwiaanna7468 6 жыл бұрын
I just read recently that Slovak is sometimes called "esperanto of Slavic languages" because it is the easiest language to understand for speakers of other Slavic languages :). I'm Polish and I also have very little problems understanding it, although it also helped me realize that in terms of pronunciation and spelling, Polish is probably the most distant from other Slavic languages one.
@RichieLarpa 6 жыл бұрын
I am Czech, I researched Serbian a bit and I was surprised how many words are similar, sometimes identical to ours! Oči, uši, pijavice, kravata, život, lampa, š amaze me Serbs, good job. For Czech people, Slovakian and Polish are considered the easiest to learn, but I think Serbian would fit in the list too.
@slovaksportnews1102 6 жыл бұрын
Bogdan Dauti fckin albanystan
@emolasker 5 жыл бұрын
To je zbog toga da u polskim jeziku je izgovor velmo laki, meki. Ja sam Slovak. Taj muskarac u videu nije rodjen u Slovakiji, ako sam dobro porazumeo, pa njegov izgovor, naglasak, je malo drugaciji nego u coveka koji zivi u Slovakiji.
@TheSuperszplin 5 жыл бұрын
🇸🇰🇵🇱 slavic brotherhood
@user-rs2sj2kp2p 4 жыл бұрын
Подсел на канал Норберта. Мало того, что я, оказывается, понимаю всех славян. Так я ещё и свой школьный английский освежаю.Как говорила сова в советском мультике про Винни-Пуха: безвозмездно, то есть даром. Пану Норберту - дзенкуе бардзо!
@user-lb4lm9zq6d 2 жыл бұрын
На этом канале я понял, что понимаю славянские языки лучше, чем английский. При том, что по английскому в школе и колледже пятак был.
@sergeivasilchenko96 5 жыл бұрын
Я из России. Как мне показалось, словак в данном видео старался говорить, употребляя некоторые польские слова. Возможно, мне так кажется. Что я хочу сказать о понимании этого разговора на польском и словацком языках? - Я начал учить польский не очень давно, но уже разговор в видео понимаю на 100%. Спасибо автору канала за интересные и познавательные видео!
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
Dzięki i powodzenia z polskim! A dlaczego się uczysz polskiego? :)
@sergeivasilchenko96 5 жыл бұрын
О, я очень люблю этот язык. Он кажется очень похожим и непохожим одновременно. А еще я хочу читать в оригинале классиков польской литературы, например, - Лема и Леца :)
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
Ja bardzo lubiłem Lema! :D Miał bardzo ciekawe pomysły!
@jammmy30 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ecolinguist a question: could you PLEASE try Serbian Ruthenian with Ukrainians? It would be Very interesting!!
@zuzz7466 7 жыл бұрын
Kiedyś na Węgrzech Słowak pytał się nas chyba o nocleg. Zaczęliśmy mówić po angielsku, ale on zaśmiał się, że "możemy mówić po polsku", co odpowiadało "mów po polsku, bo i tak cię zrozumiemy" :) Tak jak wcześniej pisała jedna z osób komentujących ten film - wszystko zależy od wybrania odpowiednich synonimów i niebawienia się w bogate językowo słownictwo.
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
Dokładnie! Odrobina akrobacji językowych i z każdym idzie się dogadać :D
@Domajnik87 6 жыл бұрын
Tak samo miałem w pewnym hotelu w Bratysławie, a potem w południowych Czechach. Zamiast akrobacji po angielsku, łatwiej było się skomunikować, gdy każdy mówił w swoim języku. Wystarczy dobrze nasłuchiwać, wyłapywać z kontekstu, a samemu mówić wolno i wspierać się synonimami obok siebie.
@miloshdjordjevic 6 жыл бұрын
I'm Serbian native speaker but my mom is slovak so I was exposed to the Slovak language during my childhood. I understood slovak guy 100%, polish about 60%. Cheers guys!
@maksymmerkulow5196 7 жыл бұрын
Teraz studuje jezyk czeski, dlatego rozumiem prawie wszystko, co mowi slovak. A jezyk polski rozumiem juz od dawna. Dziekuje.
@Ecolinguist 7 жыл бұрын
W takim razie, jaki jest twój język ojczysty? :)
@maksymmerkulow5196 7 жыл бұрын
Nie wiem.)))) Jestem rosjanin, ale stale rozmawiam po-ukrainski, bo mieszkam w tym kraju.
@Ecolinguist 7 жыл бұрын
Ciekawe :)
@panadolf2691 6 жыл бұрын
+Ecolinguist Im więcej ich znasz tym bardziej je rozumiesz. Bo np. widzisz "aha bułgarski podobny do rosyjskiego", ten do tego i się łączy. Nie wiem jaka jest twoja znajomość literatury staropolskiej ale jak ją otworzysz to też można ciekawe rzeczy dostrzec :P.
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
Literatury staropolskiej liznąłem tylko w szkole średniej. Ciekawe to było! Pamiętam jeszcze Bogurodzicę no i oczywiście kochanego Kochanowskiego! :D Jakoś potem nie było okazji :)
@highline6697 6 жыл бұрын
Dobre video! Wychowałem się dość blisko słowackiej granicy, dużo do nas Słowaków przyjeżdża, my też tam jeździmy i zawsze każdy mówi po swojemu a i tak się ze sobą rozumiemy. Czasem coś tam się nie załapie, ale ogólnie to spokojnie się można dogadać - byle powoli :)
@judithhlatky1313 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I am a beginner, speaking Slovak and enjoyed listening to the exchanges. I appreciate this opportunity to listen to both of you. I was able to understand a number of words in Slovak. I am a Canadian and moving to Slovakia for 18 months. I will listen again and again. In Polish I am not so good but see some similarity. Thanks again.
@lionheart5078 7 жыл бұрын
you should have spoken Slovak with a native Slovak speaker because his understanding of polish would probably be much better
@chuckfriebe843 4 жыл бұрын
So that guy wasn't a native Slovak speaker? I speak English and some German. I felt that the Slovak speaker seem to be stumbling over some words. Didn't sound natural and his English sounded like he was a native English speaker.
@juanguillen51 3 жыл бұрын
@@chuckfriebe843 He sounds like he's very rusty at the very least. I think that most likely he didn't learn slovak formally, so his grammar was a bit awkward.
@chuckfriebe843 3 жыл бұрын
Juan Guillen gotcha. That makes perfect sense.
@lionheart5078 3 жыл бұрын
@@chuckfriebe843 im also a Slovak American and speak slovak like this guy (I'm working on it). So no he didn't grow up in Slovakia even if he learned it from his parents. His vocab and understanding is limited.
@abrilbarrera2680 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing video!!! one more motivation to keep learning polish ♥️
@loulou3738 5 жыл бұрын
Język Słowacki najbardziej podobny do Polskiego!!!!!
@AndrzejKam 4 жыл бұрын
@@masochistaxd6588 Tak ciężko pojąć kilku stuleci wpływu języka polskiego na język ówczesnych Rusinów (białoruski i ukraiński) we wspólnym państwie?
@AndrzejKam 4 жыл бұрын
@@masochistaxd6588 Pewien Czech starał się tu udowadniać, że język polski właściwie nie należy do zachodnio-słowiańskich, bo przypomina bardziej białoruski i ukraiński niż czeski, co jest oczywistą bzdurą, a podobieństwa między nimi wynikają z tego co napisałem powyżej. Twój krótki wpis wyglądał jak echo tamtego.
@czarnoniebieskihdmapping4196 Жыл бұрын
Język Słowacki to twór polityczny, który jest prawie dialektem czeskim
@JanVrkovec-fb4uh 2 ай бұрын
Nie tak je pane. Slovacky jest od Velikej Moravy. Censt ceska je nq podstave slovackiego. To jest obrotne. Tak jest, slovak a polak mogou gadat od jutra do vecera nema problem.
@RanmaruRei 7 жыл бұрын
I'm Russian and suprisingly I understand Slovak guy better. I don't know why. Not so much, some words or sometimes sentences. Anyway, it is interesting experiece.
@maksymmerkulow5196 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe you are very smart. In my opinion, it is a reason.
@DezoCorka007 7 жыл бұрын
Because Polish has many phonological features that are not present in other Slavic languages. The hard "L" is especially difficult, because it is actually pronounced as "W" and confuses everything. Leaving aside the terrible lisping.
@maksymmerkulow5196 7 жыл бұрын
This hard "L" we can find in Belarussian language too.
@DezoCorka007 7 жыл бұрын
This can explain, why I can't grasp anything, when listening to Belarussians on KZbin.
@uprimnystefan6220 6 жыл бұрын
The Slovak language is called as a mother of all Slavic languages, so thats the reason propbably, our language is the closest to an ancient Slavic.
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
Is there any Czech, Bulgarian, Serb, Croatian, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Russian or any other Slavic language speakers that would like to participate in this sort of experiment with me? Just send me an email to :) It's taking me long to find people willing to help me make a new video.
@cheeveka3 4 жыл бұрын
Ecolinguist You should do a Polish, Slovak, Czech, Ukrainian vidéo that would be so amazing.🤗
@zulkiflijamil6172 6 жыл бұрын
This is an excellent and interesting conversation. I am studying Russian, yes, i can understand and follow a little bit. Well done, and thank you. Большое спасибо.
@vuhdeem 6 жыл бұрын
The Slovak phonology sounds very close at times to Russian. The Polish lexicon sounds very similar to Ukrainian, but so does the Slovak lexicon
@Marine-zw7lr 9 ай бұрын
Som slovák, a takto moc ne znie slovenský jazyk ako znel vo videu.
@pivo2k 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a native English speaker and I've formally studied Russian and Polish in classes, but spent time in Poland and Slovakia several months (accumulated) in the past 4 years. I also can understand and speak "ok" Serbo-Croatian ( Serbian and Croatian for my Balkan friends :-) ) I can say that to other Slavic language speakers, Polish is the most difficult to understand and decipher the words during a running conversation. The combination of sounds are not comfortable and can disorient a Slavic speaker, even when the words and word roots are very similar. This guy speaking Slovak is speaking slowly enough that I can see that a speaker of Polish could easily understand him, I also understood him very well, without ever really studying much Slovak other than a few videos and a few pages in a book. Poles have a slight advantage in understanding other Slavic languages, since Polish is so complex- other Slavic languages sound like simplified Polish to them, especially Slovak and possibly Czech and Ukrainian.
@lukassbeataddicts 4 жыл бұрын
pivo2k it’s because Polish nobility and writers, they’ve made sure Polish is damn hard so pleb would struggle with it. You can easily say who’s educated and who isn’t in Poland.
@pitur5492 4 жыл бұрын
Most germanics have big problems learning slavic languages, so wow nice. I think Polish is weirdest slavic language.
@majodaxx1 6 жыл бұрын
He absolutely isnt native slovak speaker :)
@panadolf2691 6 жыл бұрын
And maybe it's a reason why im polish and undersnad him like 100% :O
@adamoleksak3528 3 жыл бұрын
@@panadolf2691 well, he used some czech/polish words, you wouldn't understand so easy to regular slovak
@panadolf2691 3 жыл бұрын
@@adamoleksak3528 He may not be a good example of the literary slovak language but he is a good example of interslavic abilities of slovak ;).
@adamoleksak3528 3 жыл бұрын
@@panadolf2691 yes, what I just wan to say is that this was really simple slovak language, even tho his slovak is much better than my english
@warnerbf 6 жыл бұрын
Very cool video . Love comparative linguistics and learning new languages. Greetings from Central America.
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you liked it! Pozdrawiam z USA!
@warnerbf 6 жыл бұрын
Have you done one on Russian-Polish mutual intelligibility? I've always wondered how close they really are. I took basic Russian lessons about 24 years ago, not enough to understand but a handful of very simple words. Slavic languages rock!
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for showing your enthusiasm for Slavic languages! I am planing to make a Polish Russian video soon so stay tuned ;)
@chuckfriebe843 4 жыл бұрын
Both of you have excellent English skills. Better than some native speakers! Great job on these videos!
@theodoreperkoski1951 4 жыл бұрын
Try to get someone speaking an Eastern Slovak dialect
@wlbila 3 жыл бұрын
Haha 😂 im American, but a native Slovak speaker who never learned at school, only at home. This is great. I'm going to watch your French and 🇭🇹 Haitian creole next.
@polyglotdreams 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you that was interesting. 38 years ago I went to university in Poland for 2 years so my Polish level is high ... and now I am studying Slovak in preparation for the Polyglot Gathering in Bratislava. In the past I have spoke with Slovaks who spoke to me only in English. Mainly I replied in Polish but I also speak Russian, Serbian and Croatian so I use my knowledge from these languages too. I noted that forming the past tense of verbs in Slovak is close to how it is done in Croatian and Serbian. I am using Colloquial Slovak now but even before I started I could understand at least 80% of the recordings.
@panadolf2691 6 жыл бұрын
Bo słowacki chorwacki i serbski pochodzą z tego samego dialektu, rozdzieliły ich Węgry.
@thetimeofyourlife8517 3 жыл бұрын
I always watch your videos with people speaking languages derived from Latin, like Spanish, Portuguese or Italian but it's interesting to see you speaking your mother tongue, these kind of languages are very unknown in South America in general.
@ZajaOfficial 5 жыл бұрын
This is sooo cool! I understand pretty much everything in Polish, and I knew they had some similarities, but it's soo cool that I understand almost everything that the slovak guy is saying! It's so cool :D
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to hear that! :D
@huberthorsky611 7 жыл бұрын
As a Czech, I can understand Slovak without a problem, because we were one state in the past :) It´s almost like a Czech dialect ;) It´s just a bit softer and has some different words, but people here in Czech. rep. usually know them. For Polish, I have seen some Polish videos on the net (for example ,,Polimaty", which is very interesting series), I also have some Polish friends. Let´s say, that although I can´t get everything, cca. 70% of what you are saying is usually easy understandable for me. At least I can get the topic of the conversation :) But of course, it depends on where the Polish person comes from and how fast they speak. People from Warsaw or somewhere near the border with CZ are quite easy to be understood, while with the ones near Gdańsk (Kashubi etc.) I usually have no idea what are they talking about. Also formal speech on TV is ok, but when you speak too fast, I´m often lost. For Czech people, Polish sounds very funny, because it has many soft sounds, which sound like lisping to us :) And we have to be careful with using words which sound similar. For example, ,,sklep" in Czech means cellar or basement, not a shop :)
@Ecolinguist 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for a very interesting comment. It's funny that Polish sounds like lisping to you. Czech sounds funny to Polish people too. It sounds a bit like a Polish child speaking :)
@prod.pedroicyy4630 6 жыл бұрын
on jest slowacki wieger
@Pidalin 6 жыл бұрын
Hele v Polsku jsou hodně velký rozdíly v těch dialektech, byli jsme na tejden v Krakově a s některejma lidma jsme si rozumněli bez problému a třeba pořádům v TV jsem rozumněl taky docela dobře, ale některejm Polákům venku ve městě jsem nerozumněl ani slovo. Mluvili jsme s ňákym bezďákem pod Wawelem a uplně bez problému, pak tam byl ňákej Piotr a ani hovno, vubec jsme si nerozumněli. Ale zajímavý je že maj v Polštině hodně slov z latiny a to zase přibližně odpovídá slovům v angličtině, takže kdo umí anglicky aspoň trochu, tak určitě musí pochopit slova jako fortifikacja (pevnost), teatr (divadlo) a další...
@Robertoslaw.Iksinski 6 жыл бұрын
Krome kaśubśtiny, ktera je povażovana za samostatny jazyk a je poużivana jen na Pomoransku kolem Gdańska, jen hornoslezsky a goralsky dialekt dost silne se liśi od nejćasteji poużivane typicke polśtiny (tak zvaneho: "celostatniho dialektu televizniho") ktery dominuje i v Krakove. Statisticka srozumitelnost ćeśtiny v Polsku zależi hlavne na znalosti staropolśtiny a na kontakte s ćeśtinou, ktera je take pomocna, że by vedet jake poużivat synonymy, ktere existuji v obou jazycich. Samozrejme v jużno-zapadne ćasti Polska kontakt s ćestinou je nejvetśi, ale v Polsku existuji i bohemisti, kteri bydli dokonce i pri hranici s Litvou :)
@emjoter3096 6 жыл бұрын
For many Poles, kashubian dialect is harder to understand than slovak language! We also find czech language very funny, while slovak sounds more "Polish" to us
@vidar3241 4 жыл бұрын
Kiedy pracowałem w Anglii było pełno Słowaków i rozmawiałem z nimi po polsku a oni po słowacku i nie było problemu :)
@conquistador73 4 жыл бұрын
Miałem identycznie
@EwgenejSjergjejewicz 4 жыл бұрын
Bardzo spodabało się dziękuję
@KeqingFun 2 жыл бұрын
с первых секунд, когда словак стал говорить, я подумал, что он пытается говорить по-русски))
@mikoajbojarczuk9395 6 жыл бұрын
Poľština a Slovenčina spolu sú veľmi podobné navzájom keď príde k základom, pretože je to oblasť v oboch jazykoch ktorá sa podobá medzi nimi najviac, ale keď príde to na iné kategórie Poľština spolu so Slovenčinou môžu sa trochu líšiť, ale úprimne povedané, menej ako Češtine. Keď som bol na Slovensku v priebehu môjho detstva, mohol som rozumieť skoro všetko čo Slováci hovorili, ale to je len pretože časť v ktorej som bol bola ohraničená s Poľskom, takže slovenský jazyk hovorený tam bol dialektom ktorý je zmiešaný s oboma jazykmi a vlastne preto je pochopiteľný medzi týmito dvoma národmi. Ale v iných mestách, napríklad v Bratislave, Poľština pre Slovákov je trošku menej pochopiteľná pretože tam je to už žiadny dialekt len štandardná verzia jazyka ktorého ľudia sa učia v knihách kedykoľvek niekto sa chce naučiť slovenčinu. Z môjho názoru, myslím si, že je to najkrajší slovanský jazyk áký existuje zo všetkých iných slovanských jazykov a všetci mali by to rešpektovať, pretože ja som Poliak a som žil vedľa tejto krajiny sedem lat priamo z doby keď som sa narodil a niekedy som počúval túto krásnu výslovnosť a melódiu jazyka :) Milujem slovenčinu a dúfam že iní by sa povedať to isté, a je to jediný dôvod prečo som sa začal učiť toho krásneho západo-slovanskýho jazyka :) Tiež dúfam, že rešpektujete moje rozhodnutie lebo v určitom zmysle mám pravdu ;)
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
Dziękuję za wkład w dyskusję i podzielenie się swoimi doświadczeniami! Zgadzam się, że słowacki pięknie brzmi. Przynajmniej dla mojego polskiego ucha :) Życzę powodzenia w dalszej nauce, ale z tego co widzę to jesteś już na bardzo zaawansowanym poziomie! Gratuluję!
@user-oo8xg9gx3m 3 жыл бұрын
Дякую за відео, Норберте!
@RealTunesStudio 6 жыл бұрын
I understood almost everything equally. Polish and Slovak. I even managed to understand what he was saying about studying and working in Germany. This part where you had slight misunderstanding. Strangely enough Slovak might be a little bit closer to Russian language. But when I listen to Polish I'm using my Ukrainian knowledge more than Russian.
@goranjovic3174 5 жыл бұрын
Pozdrav iz Srbije ! Ja sam razumeo skoro 100 % oba jezika i celu situaciju i vasu konverzaciju o slucajnom padanju smartfona te zene i nevinosti druge koja je mogla da zgazi nogom nenamerno taj smartfone . Ne mora / nie musi da joj plati nista , jer nije kriva tj nevina je !! :) )))) I da si ti Norberte bio ocevidac toga :) ))
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
haha! ;)
@goranjovic3174 5 жыл бұрын
+Ecolinguist , Jest tacno sve / vszystko ? :) ))
@amjan 3 жыл бұрын
@@goranjovic3174 Tak, sve = wszystko. ;)
@MarcinFilip 6 жыл бұрын
Ogolnie można to zrobićbo sam próbowałem z moim Słowackim kolegą ale są też różnice w których ciężko jest załapać kontekst. Szczególnie w sytuacjach w ramach zabawy i żartów. Z mojego doświadczenia wynika, że Słowacy mają lepsze zrozumienie nas niż odwrotnie. Ale myślę, że praktyka takich konwesacji zwiększa możliwości zrozumienia. Pozdro
@Paulo-fe8ur 6 жыл бұрын
I wanna know if the mutual intellegibility in this case is higher than it is betwen Portuguese-Spanish...Can somebody help me?
@panadolf2691 6 жыл бұрын
I think it's very simmilar situation, mostly these is simmilar words but there is a false friends too.
@lionheart5078 6 жыл бұрын
Probably about the same
@skalany110 6 жыл бұрын
@misacraft3714 2 жыл бұрын
I am Slovak, but I understood the Slovak guy better when he was speaking English. He was born and grew up in America and his Slovak language level is far away from native Slovak speaker.
@tomaszsyroka 3 жыл бұрын
I am Polish and I can understand almost everything that Norbert was saying! Amazing!
@rafalbroncel5792 6 жыл бұрын
Świetna robota z tymi filmami! Z mojego doświadczenia ze Słowackim wynika że są spore różnice w zależności skąd osoba ze Słowacji pochodzi (większe niż wewnątrz polski). Bratysława, Żylina a spod granicy polskiej to duże różnice w rozumieniu dla polaka. W Bratysławie mówią najtrudniej dla nas. Resztę świetnie można rozumieć.
@alizeematon9633 5 жыл бұрын
Thats funny, I'm French and I went to Poland a Year, I understood pretty much everything in Both languages haha. (It's a relief for me cause i'm maybe going to Slovakia next year :D)
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
Good luck in Slovakia! :D
@amjan 3 жыл бұрын
Did you study Polish or did you just pick it up from being in the country?
@auroranebulon 7 жыл бұрын
You should've spoken to a native slovak speaker not an American cause you see native slovak would understand you much more than a foreign guy who's learned a little slovak. But cool video anyway😄👌🏼
@Ecolinguist 7 жыл бұрын
I guess I need to repeat the experiment :)
@auroranebulon 7 жыл бұрын
Ecolinguist It would be fun to watch :)
@1mikhaelone 6 жыл бұрын
you can with me! hit me with the message
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
Sure! Let's talk :) Send me an email at so I can reply.
@74satori 4 жыл бұрын
To bylo ciekawe dla mnie. Mowie (z wieloma bledami) i po polsku i po slowacku chociaz jestem irlandczykiem. Mieszkalem wiele lat w Polsce i spedzalem duzo czasu w Slowacji
@fouadix 5 жыл бұрын
Im arabic and i didnt understand any of those lol
@antoniczeluskin4136 4 жыл бұрын
Sallam Alleikum
@bambukaus 4 жыл бұрын
@slavicdrill3211 4 жыл бұрын
Why u look this wideo ahahahah u want learn one of those languages?
@swiniageorge7916 4 жыл бұрын
Fuck Allah
@Royal8k 4 жыл бұрын
@@swiniageorge7916 To nieje pekné, keď nadávaš na Boha, oni ho volajú Allah ale Boh je len jeden 🙏
@mikedrz 7 жыл бұрын
English is my main language, but I grew up speaking Polish. I was able to follow the Slovak guy well enough. That's very interesting, it's so strange. It helped that he was talking slower.
@ItsZendaur 7 жыл бұрын
Nice to see that you're not the only one that grew up with Polish but is an English speaker. Gdzie teraz mieszkasz?
@mikedrz 7 жыл бұрын
Zendaur Toronto, Canada
@airlinernee8292 6 жыл бұрын
Fajnie, że znasz polski! Pozdrawiam Cię bardzo serdecznie.
@oldskoolgamer5313 4 жыл бұрын
Im from eastern part of Slovakia where We speak in polish-hungary-ukrainian dialect, We use many words from polish language like drabina(ladder) or rachowac(counting). So for me listening and speaking in Polish at 80% without problem. Otherwise i really like your videos
@coneser2 4 жыл бұрын
Ehh. .. dlaczego nie padło sakramentalne "szukasz (pracy)" ? ;)
@Pidalin 6 жыл бұрын
to je teda dost divná Slovenština, Polákovi skoro rozumim víc :-)
@panadolf2691 6 жыл бұрын
Tak, jakoś dziwnie podobny do polskiego :O.
@hypermaniksk534 4 жыл бұрын
ja tiež
@lastovickylietaju6429 4 жыл бұрын
On nie je slovak ale Američan :) to zato
@undergraundsky777 2 жыл бұрын
Protože je to Američan ale asi pochází z rodiny emigrantů ze Slovenska
@olyakuzina2954 4 жыл бұрын
Wow! What a surprise! I can understand Slovak! ) It's not a surprise about Polish, because I know that I can understand Polish, but I listened to Slovak the first time and I got it well. )
@user-bo7yh2ky1r 3 жыл бұрын
Ваши видео супер!👍
@jurajjakubec7796 6 жыл бұрын
props to the guy for learning slovak, good job I must say, but I think a native speaker would be a better choice to analyze intelligibility I think. still an interesting thing to see haha
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, He's a Slovak American. Still, it worked and we were able to understand a lot :) The sound quality wasn't the best so I will try to redo the experiment soon :) Thanks for your comment.
@AnfieldSVK 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ecolinguist Ahoj Norbert! Páči sa mi Tvoj kanál, ale s týmto chlapíkom z Ameriky si strelil capa, takže to nemá žiadnu výpovednú hodnotu. On vie po slovensky asi tak ako ja po fínsky. Vyberaj si takých ako je Vít z Česka inak len dehonestuješ svoj skvelý projekt. Držím palce.
@user-ji3vc1rt4j 6 жыл бұрын
Čekal jsem na otázku "šukáš prace?" xD
@antoniczeluskin4136 4 жыл бұрын
Szukać = hladziec. Ale śukać po Sv = ruchać po Polsku.
@neurokillbill88 4 жыл бұрын
@@antoniczeluskin4136 szukać to po słowacku hl'adat'
@Smalec77 4 жыл бұрын
@@neurokillbill88 ...a po staropolsku "glądać"...;))
@M79r. 4 жыл бұрын
@@antoniczeluskin4136 hovoris picoviny
@fyrhunter_svk 4 жыл бұрын
@@M79r.? XDDDDDD
@jmatt56 4 ай бұрын
Cześć Norbert. Cool video. Jestem Amykoninem. A Polski jest mój trzeciego języka. Ale, mogłem rozumieć Słowacji beż problemu Keep up the good work! Cheers! Jim
@thatcherdonovan8138 5 жыл бұрын
Holy shit I had no idea Slovak was so easy to understand from a south Slavic perspective! I learned Croatian about 6-7 years ago to a high B1 level and then haven’t used it since (forgot much of it but I still have an okay passive understanding of the language), and I understood most of what the Slovak guy said. Polish is a lot harder to understand because of all the sound changes. Usually if I’m given time I will understand but it’s much more difficult. I remember Czech being more difficult than I find Slovak now. I have seen both in writing quite often and it’s difficult to understand them sometimes.
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
I have a hard time reading in other Slavic languages. I've noticed that I'm more likely to understand what's being said if I hear it. But I'm more of an auditory learner anyways. 🤓💬🎧Congratulations for you on learning Croatian 🤓💬🇭🇷 🎉What was your reason for learning? Are you planing on reactivating it?
@michau75 5 жыл бұрын
Dlaczego się zająknąłeś przy pytaniu, czy szuka pracy? :)
@tgvbmedia 4 жыл бұрын
To w stu procentach po słowacku? Najpierw pomyślałem, że to po rosyjsku, a później miałem wrażenie, że po prostu mówi po polsku. Wspaniały język
@MichaelJohnson-vi6eh 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for opening up all these Slavic languages to English speakers. I grew up in the cold War where Slavic speakers were rare in the US. Everything in the eastern bloc was unknown.
@user-wn5rc7mv7h 2 жыл бұрын
Очень интересно. Всегда мечтал поболтать. Кстати, встречая словаков в иностранной среде, первоначально всегда не мог понять, то ли поляк, то ли чех 🤗
@MatejSunavec 7 жыл бұрын
I understand because of some Czech similar words you say and some words similar to English.
@Ecolinguist 7 жыл бұрын
That's so interesting! Which language did you understand better? Polish or Slovak? :)
@MatejSunavec 7 жыл бұрын
Of course Slovak, it is mine.
@dsfsdgist 7 жыл бұрын
I'm Pole but I find Slovak language much more sexy :X
@JanVrkovec-fb4uh 2 ай бұрын
Ja jestem slovakem, s polakami cas pozijes i gadas polski. Nie vsecko ale fajne pomlaviame. Polski gostia chodzou i nema problemu s nicim. Co za vzdy dogadame se. Pozdravljaju polakov i polska.
@lila_senpai2106 3 жыл бұрын
This is how the legend began
@piotrsprinterus2760 4 жыл бұрын
ze Słowakami bez problemu można można się dogadać kiedyś siedziałem przy piwku z paroma Słowakami i "normalnie" szło się dogadać oni po słowacku ja po polsku wiadomo że nie wszystkie słowa są takie same albo podobne trzeba trochę szukać synonimów i nie używać jakiegoś wyszukanego języka ale z Czechami już trochę ciężej się dogadać A na pierwszy rzut oka te języki takie same 😀
@User-_-06 6 жыл бұрын
Ja zobaczyłem jakieś Slovackie filmiki przepraszam że nie dobrze powiedziałem to ale dla mnie kiedy pierwszy raz zobaczyłem byłem w szoku ja tak do siebie jak mają takie prawie same powiedzenia do Polskiego
@barok4676 7 жыл бұрын
však ten chalan(Slovak) nevie súvislo hovoriť po slovensky, to je nejaký koktavý američan čo sa naučil po slovenský
@micharaj2041 6 жыл бұрын
Nie rozpoznałem trzech słów: chalan - chłopak; súvislo - biegle, płynnie; koktavý - jąkający się. Chyba nie mają odpowiedników w języku polskim, a przynajmniej mi nie przychodzą na myśl. Czy ktoś zna źródłosłów (etymologię) chalan i súvislo?
@himar1 6 жыл бұрын
osoba guy *little mean word*
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
He is a Slovak American and learned Slovak at home. He didn't study at school and didn't have as much exposure as Slovaks living in Slovakia. Anyways, it may not be the standard spoken in Slovakia but it's still Slovak :) The sound quality is also not the best in the video so I will try to redo the conversation.
@sandasanshu4324 6 жыл бұрын
kokot to znaczy kutas
@micharaj2041 6 жыл бұрын
Posprawdzałem. 'Chalan' jest względnie nowym słowem (poświadczone po raz pierwszy w XIX wieku), a jego pochodzenie jest „málo jasné”; łączone jest ze słowackim narzeczowym 'chalec' co oznacza ,kto si často ničí oblek, trhan', czyli byłoby to coś jakby nasze 'oberwaniec', 'łachmyta'. 'Súvislo' pochodzi od 'visieť' tj. 'wisieć'. 'Koktavý' pochodzi od 'koktať', które ma być dźwiękonaśladowcze.
@zdenoeddie 4 жыл бұрын
This is funny, you might to try native Slovak speaker. Or we ca try Saris dialect, which is so close to polish language :) I speak Saris dialect I think quite well, we can try it.
@jeffreybunce4529 5 ай бұрын
OMG! I just about busted a gut laughing because of the English subtitles.
@tulenik71 4 жыл бұрын
To nebol najlepší príklad slovenčiny :) (veľa rétorických zlozvykov, nebol to spontánny prejav s prirodzeným tokom).
@janakureckova1398 5 жыл бұрын
Hahahah. Think this guy is origin Russian according his Russian accent during conversation (I heard sometimes, or he is learnig Russian as well) speak Slovak, lived in America and studied in Germany :D Similarities between Czech/Slovak and Polish are visible, understand quite well, but don´t speak. But is not for conversation at all. I had tried it with Polish friends and it doesn´t work, even they have been learning Czech language, we spoke at the same time czech-polish-english. But basic we can understand each other. By thy way I am working as a guide. During a year we have a lots of Polish tourist :D It´s funny when I am trying to speak to them slowly in czech and using similarities (instructions what they can do and can´t) and even that they don´t understand :D Staring at me as I am speaking Turkish :D
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
😂You should show those Polish tourist some of my videos. There is actually a new Polish Czech video coming up this week🤓Working on it right now. Are you a tourist guide in Prague, by any chance?
@janakureckova1398 5 жыл бұрын
No :) closer to Polish boarder, Ostrava :D
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
@@janakureckova1398 Very interesting. Who knows, maybe I visit one day :)
@ShiddyShad808 4 жыл бұрын
Just look at the phrase “we are not waiting for happiness”, in Slovak it’s “Necakame na stastie” and in polish “Nie czekamy na szczęście”.
@Ecolinguist 4 жыл бұрын
I recommend the phrase: Już jestem szczęśliwy - Už som šťastný.;)
@amjan 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ecolinguist Tutaj to słowo bliższe naszemu "szczęsny" się wydaje.
@user-jc3zg9rr4v 5 жыл бұрын
Я вначале подумал, что словак по-русски начал говорить и очень удивился.
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
Czy on używał jakichś rosyjskich słów? :)
@user-jc3zg9rr4v 5 жыл бұрын
@@Ecolinguist "Ну, я учился в Немецку три роки", - как будто это русский говорит, только использует словацкое наименование Германии.
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
Ciekawe co na to Słowacy? 🤓
@valerijvalerij3254 4 жыл бұрын
Я уверен , что он с Украины или России . Использует много русских слов ) Слышен сильный русский акцент )))
@jardon8636 7 жыл бұрын
intresting, on a recent visit too krakow,,, i was mixing up cesky and polski... prosze-prosim, i am british, jsem walia :P
@Ecolinguist 7 жыл бұрын
Wow! Are you learning both languges then?
@jardon8636 7 жыл бұрын
maybe curse and swear words for now :P
@derdynusgamerczamidleboycz2438 6 жыл бұрын
jsem čech a polsky rozumím protože naše jazyky jsou oba slovanský zase takový rozdíli tam nebudou já rozumím na 80% a co vy ? :)
@mateuszprzedlacki 6 жыл бұрын
derdynCZE Game Chanel Widziałem wiele filmików na KZbin w języku czeskim i mogę powiedzieć, że rozumiem go w 80%. Myślę, że Czech i Polak mogą się dogadać bez wielkiego problemu w swoich ojczystych językach. Wszak Lech i Czech byli braćmi :-)
@gupianastolatka7042 6 жыл бұрын
derdynCZE Game Chanel Doskonale cię rozumiem))
@pitur5492 6 жыл бұрын
ja rozumiem słowacki też gdzieś 80% , czeski troche mniej to dziwne ale rozumiem prawie 100% tego co mówi na tym filmie
@thejohnd9264 4 жыл бұрын
Bardziej rozumiem słowacki niż czeski
@lerymisandari3707 6 жыл бұрын
думаю если поспрашивать синонимы некоторых слов разговор будет понятнее. а так, некоторые слова звучат точь в точь как русские а другие как устаревшие. и если честно процент понимания польских слов разнится от видео к видео. может это от темы зависит..
@Inna_Rodionova 9 ай бұрын
Живу в Республике Беларусь. Родной язык - русский, хорошо знаю белорусский. Поняла в общих чертах и польскую и словацкую речь на слух. Не каждое слово, но общий смысл по контексту поняла.
@annakwiatkowska7491 3 жыл бұрын
Zgadzam się w sprawie używania synonimów wtedy można dogadać się bez problemu. Znam to z doświadczenia co prawda nie ze Słowacji ale z Czech. Rozumiem wszystko co mówił ten Słowak.
@kanstantsinloichyts3605 4 жыл бұрын
To me, a Belarusian, who speaks Belarusian and Ukrainian and understands Polish, Slovak sounded as in some way a mix of Ukrainian and Polish. Idk if anybody here thinks the same. I understood almost everything except for a few sentences.
@levinsts6574 5 жыл бұрын
I understand CZ and SK but im from PŁ :')
@muratyakupoglu1041 3 жыл бұрын
W ciemno łapson. Zawsze dla Norberta. Słowacki uważam za jeden z najbardziej podobnych do polskiego i najbardziej zrozumiałych. Inna sprawa że po części wychowałem się z góralami.
@GnasheRxD 4 жыл бұрын
im only here because im pretending to be at work so im making out that my collegue is polish on the phone next to me which is good because he knows i dont know any polish people personally, theres alot of polish at my workplace, and hes on the phone so thats a reason for my dad to not try and talk to him if he calls my while at work and is suspicious
@macakucizmama831 6 жыл бұрын
I ak Serbian speaker and I understood everything Slovak said, but yea same as you quite often it was just got the point based of words I understand. But Slovak is generally understandable to Serbs and vice verse if we speak slow. I talked with Slovaks without using English and same is with many people I know. When it come aboit Polsih, it is very fast to my ears, understandable words are pronounced in a dfferent way, so I barely underetood anything . Written polish I maybe undrastan 30~35%. But I guess that it mght be due fact that I was more exposed to Slovak then to Polsih.
@macakucizmama831 6 жыл бұрын
Yea,almost forgot, I understand you speaking some things, but other not at all. I got point somwhow sometimes, but not always. I have no idea what kobieta means for example.
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
Kobieta = woman :)
@macakucizmama831 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you. We would say žena/жена.
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
In Polish: żona = wife :)
@macakucizmama831 6 жыл бұрын
similar, we use "žena" for wife :) but there is also synonim "supruga"
@Matt-mo1ot 5 жыл бұрын
If you're from South Poland (Silesian Beskid) it's so easy to understand Slovakian as the dialect is pretty much the same!
@wakacjemakarska1383 6 жыл бұрын
As he was growing up in USA, his Slovak must be "slovakish" if you know what i mean. For those who know Lukas Podolski and his clearance of Polish, you can get what I mean. Sorry but I know some Slovak and I think it would be better to try with someone born in Slovakia. I think this person would understand much better and this person would be unterstood better than Ladan. :)
@internetowo 6 жыл бұрын
I'm Ukrainian origin, know Polish well, so I understand almost everything in Slovak, but mostly because of my polish language knowing.
@edwardbanane9643 3 жыл бұрын
Your friend Norbert looks like Dominik Hasek.
@paulsdancing5429 6 жыл бұрын
I enjoy watching programs discussing similarities amongst Slavic languages. Why don't you guys get together and agree on a common Slavic language? I am of Slovenian origin and I live in Canada 65 years. In North America, there are millions and millions of people of Slavic origin. We can communicate amongst ourselves in Slavic. We use a mixture of words from all Slavic languages. When I came to Canada my Slovak barber gave me a Slovak bible. I have had no problem to understand what I was reading. For Slovenians, in Canada, Slovak is the easiest to understand. Then is Ukrainian. As a matter of fact, in "Ukrainian " Winnipeg, in one month we were speaking Ukrainian. It took five years to learn as much English. In our Blue Adriatic Soccer Club were a few Macedonians. I understood them better than I did understand Serbo-Croatian at that time. A few years ago I was in Moscow. I was struggling with my 'Cirilica'. Eventually, I figured out, that the sign stated: 'zakrito', 'odkrito' .At first, the words did not make sense. Then I realised that I was in front of a store. In Slovenian the sign would read: 'odprto' - 'zaprto', which in English means: 'open' - 'closed'. In Slovenian 'zakrito means 'covered' and odkrito means 'uncovered'. (We can see that there is a relationship in meaning between covered and closed and uncovered and open. When I read Polish or Czech I understand much more than the spoken languages. That is due to the accent. I am sure that if I would live in Poland or the Czech Republic for 3-4 months that I would understand all the Slavic words in the Polish or Czech languge. (Latin and Greek words do not count as they are used in all modern languages). In my opinion here we are not dealing with languages, but variations and dialects of the basic Old Slavic language. Get after your politicians to invest into a common Slavic language. Put politics aside and look into the benefits that a language used by some 400 million people will bring to all Slavic people. Good luck! From a Pacifist Slavic Slovenian Canadian.
@lukasbelan2109 5 жыл бұрын
There are some problems 1.) there are a lot of different languages so it would be hard to choose one (or to make a new one) 2.) even if we managed to choose a language, a lot of people would have to learn it And I could name few more but it will be for looong.. Anyway the idea is good
@abrilbarrera2680 3 жыл бұрын
It is a very interesting concept! I am learning polish, I love the country but I am learning it mostly because I know I could easily learn Czech and Slovak after (countries that I love too). Thanks to this video and the comments, now I feel like it could be the same with more Slavic languages since they are very similar to another :D . That doesn't happen with my native language for example (Spanish/ romances languages), the closest we can get is Portuguese and Italian after but they are not even close to this. I love Slavic languages, so many things to discover!!
@paulsdancing5429 3 жыл бұрын
@@lukasbelan2109 choose from all of them. Choose the ones that make the most sense. Some Slavic languages have words that are of not of Slavic origin. But yet another Slavic language would have a very Slavic word available. Do you know that Croatia threw all non Slavic words out of their dictionary.
@abrilbarrera2680 3 жыл бұрын
@@paulsdancing5429 I did not know that, sounds very interesting. I already picked the one so I'll just continue putting the hours!
@Lechoslaw8546 6 жыл бұрын
Czy do porozumienia miedzy Mazurem a Lubelakiem też będziesz podpierał się angielskim ? Słowacki jest zrozumiały dla Polaka, a polski dla Słowaka, trzeba tylko używać rozumu /roz'umu/. Jeśli jednak coś jest niejasne lepiej to wytłumaczyć we własnym języku. English is for mentally impaired. Pozdrawiam.
@katarzynafiakowska2054 3 жыл бұрын
Lwchosław, to wideo jest nie tylko dla Słowaków i Polaków
@jgerka 5 жыл бұрын
*Another fact, which is not fully known to the general public, the dominant position of the Slovak language to the other Slavic nations. In this context, we mention the work of American linguist and scientist prof. Price's, which considered the Slovak language as " the key to all Slavic language" and for the media to an understanding with other Slavs. (John D. Price, The Key to all Slavonic languages, SHF, Columbia University, New York, Dec. 15, 1943, 9 p.). Professor J. Price this idea expressed at the Congress of Slavists in Warsaw. The Polish delegation came out with a proposal that was approved by the definition of the first Slavic language in which the decisive point is Slovak. In addition to the Czech delegation, everyone voted for the Polish proposal: "the Slovak language is the oldest and according to him is then created other Slavic languages" (Canadian Slovak, Slovak, the oldest Slavic language, Toronto, March 23, 1989).
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
Interesting. Thanks :)
@mareksatina 6 жыл бұрын
Ak chceš konverzovať so Slovákom, nájdi si nejakého kamaráta cez južné hranice :P Nič v zlom, ale môj kamarát z Ruska čo žije na slovensku 1 rok vie lepšie po slovensky ako tuto kolega :/ Trošku sa potom stráca význam porovnávanie slovenského a poľského jazyka, ak jeden je native speaker a druhý nie :P
@Olekander 6 жыл бұрын
I don't speak either languages, but within the first 10 seconds of him speaking, I'm guesing he is not a native speaker?! He says he grew up in America
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
He is a native Slovak speaker, just grew up in the US. It may be a bit different variety of the language but still it belongs to Slovak :)
@Luka_Fedak 4 жыл бұрын
Do poles - east slovak languange (vychodniarsky) comprassion. Priklad : Idzem nakarmic kuri .
@amjan 3 жыл бұрын
What do you mean? Po polsku to zdanie to: Idziemy nakarmić kury. :>
@rammax47 7 жыл бұрын
podobna sytuacja jest mędzy ukrainszczyzną a językiem białoruskim.. niby nie potrafimy mówić, ale w kontekscie brzmi to zbyt jasnie by zrozumieć o co chodzi:)
@headsuphockeypodcast2707 5 жыл бұрын
As an American of Polish descendants who knows basic Polish I thought both Polish and Slovak were very close like cousins and similar to the Polish I know and pronounce that comes from the Slovak-Ukraine region of Zolynia, Poland
@Ecolinguist 5 жыл бұрын
Very interesting. How close to the Polish you speak do you find other Slavic languages? :)
@joana_alegria 4 жыл бұрын
He is from Slovenia or Slovakia? Slovak vs slovenian...
@Ecolinguist 4 жыл бұрын
He's Slovak American. :)
@joana_alegria 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ecolinguist but on the picture of video was written slovevsky. Strange, i thinking Slovenia - slovensky, Slovakia - slovak.
@Ecolinguist 4 жыл бұрын
@@joana_alegria slovenský jazyk is the actual name of the language written in Slovak. 🤓
@merc340sr 6 жыл бұрын
I love the sound of Slavic languages. That said, I find the Polish alphabet/script to be very odd...
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
What's so odd about it? :)
@merc340sr 6 жыл бұрын
...Ł with a strike through it, ą , ć , ż, ę , etc. Very uncommon characters in most languages using roman alphabet. Seems to me that most Slavic languages using roman alphabet do not use these characters.
@Ecolinguist 6 жыл бұрын
I see what you mean. Some people say that Cyrillic alphabet is the best alphabet to represent sounds we can find in Slavic languages. Since Poland was taught how to write by the Catholic Church we adapted Latin alphabet which required introduction of a large number of diacritics to distinguish the sounds. That's why it looks so weird and complex nowadays. :)
@arwena1659 6 жыл бұрын
Well, Glagolitic and Cyrillic were created for Slavs by people who knew (south) slavic dialect, so I guess it would be easier to adapt than Latin had been. But Czech version of our ż is Ž, so it's not only us. :) We have our own ź, though. As for ą ę - Polish is the only Slavic language left with nasal vowels, so even if we used Cyrillic, we would still have to create new letters or use diacritics.
@RichieLarpa 6 жыл бұрын
I am very interested in Cyrilic. One day I had the same question about nasal vowels and believe it or not, but there are old non-slavic Cyrilic letters that sounds like Ę and Ą. These are Ѧ and Ѫ.
@rostislav4082 3 жыл бұрын
I'm Russian and I understood better Slovak language. If I was not mistaken, Slovak guy used the verb " robyt' ". I know a little some dialect of Ukrainian language which called "surzhik", and Surzhik speakers are using this verb " robyt" which means "to work". As I know Ukrainians don't use this verb
@amjan 3 жыл бұрын
The Slovak 'robit' or Polish 'robić' is the same work as the Russian 'rabotać', so it shouldn't be ery difficult for a Russian speaker to figure it out. I'd think.
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