Items are shipped from China. You have 7 days to return, and you must pay shipping to return it to Hong Kong. So be sure to order your size or get stuck with it. Knowing it ships from china these should be at least half the price
@anyshhhh34403 ай бұрын
Congratulations with 1000 followers!!! I love your channel so much ☺️
@Phoeebeer3 ай бұрын
Ah thank you so much🥰❤️ so exciting!!
@cjeelde3 ай бұрын
Love you and your channel the most 💖💖 and everytime I see you I can't stop imagine if I could do your hair daily while you're sitting on my lap so we could talk about anything and everything 💖💖 in loooove with your hair and you're a true hair queen 🥰🥰 always my best for you ❤️ xoxo
@DeAndreBoutMoney3 ай бұрын
Great content🫶🏾🔥
@mattdonald36153 ай бұрын
Hello Phoebe thanks for this amazing activewear try-on vid from you. You are so cute to and you also have a very lovely figure as well. All of the sets that you tried on Phoebe they all looked so great on you to. Underwear or no underwear Phoebe?. Happy 2024 to you and yours too. Take care and stay safe too.