真的是非常中肯的建议,每一条也是现在的我时常回想的事情。第四条真的很难,被攻击或者被judge的时候,第一反应都是很受伤,想要反驳,不然就是掩藏自己的真实感受,变得顺从谄媚,但是回头还是背地里很难过觉得不应该那样子。我觉得能够step out of your emotions 然后理性得去看待这件事,同时其实应该也理性得表达自己的感受,你当时得男朋友得做法也是非常不对的,如果是现在的我得话,也会心平气和得指出来,希望对方改正。很佩服你能意识到要把这份痛苦转化成对自己有利的一点,我觉得这种思维真的是太重要了,人生能不能走出低谷或者摆脱让你痛苦的事情,就靠这些想法上的转变了。那个变道边是一个很重要的place和moment,值得revisit。 第五条真的很清晰,我时常也有这些模糊的感觉,被自己一些羡慕嫉妒的情绪和自己惆怅失落的情绪给困扰,我觉得这些就是执着于拥有什么。但是“没有的”这个概念真的是很神奇,感觉需要一段时间消化。我觉得它主要体现的是一种content,对健康,对关系,对自己的状态的一种content。
I really like your video. You are very classy and wise. You are so different from the 30 years old generation. Your parents and your husband must be proud of you.
Tq for sharing. I am at my 40s but I still find your sharing pretty useful for me and I have shared your link to my daughter as well. Hope she too will learn something useful from your video 👍❤ continue your great sharing!
Sorry my chinese is at elementary level but I love watching your channel. I love how genuine & sincere you are. I not only get to practice my chinese when I watch your videos, but honestly you have the best tips for fashion, makeup and life (especially for us asian women). You are now one of my fav youTuber!