Facts vs opinions, every day these kinds of things are in front of us. We must keep our minds clear to prevent being misled to make errors of judgments.
Thanks s lots for your family. Always bring out good points .
@cyberscorpioinholly10 ай бұрын
@stevenaguilera920211 ай бұрын
dang ! is that your dad ?????? he is super knowledgeable lol i really like this channel because I am learning Taiwanese Mandarin but wanted Christian content to watch !!!
@myjuek11 ай бұрын
"Truth is an entity", and it has something to do with "relationship". Those are interesting and 'ear-opening'. Could you pls elaborate further? Thanks. ☺️
@hungry4grace11 ай бұрын
Jesus says he is the Truth, the Way and Life! Jhn 14:6 耶穌說「我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。 He who has Jesus has eternal Life, who has Jesus has the Truth. Who has Jesus finds the Way home to the Father. So what is Truth, it's a Person, the architype of Adam, what we are made to be like.
@verityc650411 ай бұрын
Personally, I would define truth as something that is verifiable. Relationships are not truth, because there are lots of lies and hidden agenda and actions in relationships. Truth is an entity? This idea sounds interesting, but not reasonable. When looking up the definition on Google, it's interesting that the search engine gave a sample sentence as follows: "Church and empire were fused in a single entity."
@verityc650411 ай бұрын
Are people lost that they need to find their way to the Father with the help of Jesus? Are people enslaved that they need Jesus to die for them to set them free? Jesus was said to save men from sins and eternal damnation. But what does the Scripture say about sin? It says that man can master and rule over sin. Gen 4:7 הֲל֤וֹא אִם־תֵּיטִיב֙ שְׂאֵ֔ת וְאִם֙ לֹ֣א תֵיטִ֔יב לַפֶּ֖תַח חַטָּ֣את רֹבֵ֑ץ וְאֵלֶ֙יךָ֙ תְּשׁ֣וּקָת֔וֹ וְאַתָּ֖ה תִּמְשׇׁל־בּֽוֹ׃ Surely, if you do right, There is uplift. But if you do not do right Sin couches at the door; Its urge is toward you, Yet you can be its master.” Why do man need saving from sin when man can be a master of sin? How about eternal damnation? Before the New Testament writers wrote about eternal damnation, there was no writings or concept of it. People die and were buried in the graves. Eternal damnation served to create fear and is not "verifiable." What's verifiable is that this fear helped the Catholic church to make a lot of money selling indulgences. So, Jesus saved people from something that no one can verify? That requires some more thinking 🤔 Sin is not scary & there is no such thing as eternal damnation. Why would God be so cruel to punish temporary mistakes with eternal suffering? People can master over sin. If people cannot temporary master over it, just admit it, and repent from it. God said that he forgives those who repent (1 Kings 8:46-50, Ezekiel 18:20, Jeremiah 36:3, Isaiah 55:7, Psalm 32:5, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Job 22:23-27, Psalm 37:27, Zechariah 1:3, Jeremiah 26:13) and Jesus is not need for people to find their way to the Father. People are not lost, so there is no need for them to be found. People are given the way to the Father through repentance and rightful actions, and this pathway has been the same since people were created until now and forever according to the Hebrew Scriptures. But of course, if one does not believe in the Hebrew Bible, then the person is free to define what's right and what's wronging others. Even without the Bible, people have a sense of moral. "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion." Steven Weinberg
请认真、耐心看完以下几个视频,之后,想听听大家的看法: 国度守望者Watchman for kingdom (油管频道): 1.以巴冲突背后的真相 2.锡安主义~真假you太人? 3.揭开da卫之星的面纱 4.基督教锡an主义大揭秘
@verityc650411 ай бұрын
看了第一個。很明顯的是,頻道主人相信基督教,而且認為撒旦是魔鬼,是神的敵人。撒旦在希伯來聖經裡不是魔鬼,不是墮落的天使,而就是普通天使,做阻擋的工作。只有基督教把撒旦當魔鬼。猶太教沒有這概念。 猶太教認為罪如何來的?Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” 希伯來聖經教導: 善、惡都是神造的。分別善惡樹不是在亞當、夏娃前就有的嗎?這不說明惡在亞當之前就已經在了嗎? 從 the Lord's Prayer可以看出耶穌認為要得到神的赦免,是靠好行為,也就是赦免別人的債。而且耶穌這 prayer 表明猶太人的信仰,也就是神創造善和惡,是神在試探人,不是魔鬼。 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. 基督教認為人被送出伊甸園,就是跟神分離了。是嗎?神不是繼續跟人不斷的對話嗎?人在伊甸園時,也沒看過神,也是透過說話來溝通的啊。在伊甸園外,還是一樣有通話啊。神說: 創 世 記 4:7 你 若 行 得 好 , 豈 不 蒙 悅 納 ? 你 若 行 得 不 好 , 罪 就 伏 在 門 前 。 他 必 戀 慕 你 , 你 卻 要 制 伏 他 。 罪是跟人同在沒錯,但是神說可以制伏他。神也沒說犯罪了,就一刀兩斷。 希伯來聖經說明的很清楚,認罪、悔改會帶來神的饒恕(1 Kings 8:46-50, Ezekiel 18:20, Jeremiah 36:3, Isaiah 55:7, Psalm 32:5, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Job 22:23-27, Psalm 37:27, Zechariah 1:3, Jeremiah 26:13) 。 跟神恢復關係很簡單,就跟人跟人之間回覆關係一樣啊。認罪、悔改(真心不再做錯誤的事)、關係恢復。 猶太教的教義,就如此簡單,哪須要多餘的中間人耶穌?所以猶太教絕對不可能信耶穌能把人從罪裡救出來,因為神已經說要如何對付罪,何必多此一舉,反而去信耶穌從而來藐視神的話呢? 而猶太教認為和平是在大家都認識以色列的神之後才會來。基督教而是認為是大家都信耶穌之後和平會來。大同小異,換湯不換藥。不過猶太人的認知是以下: 在猶太人的概念當中,神並沒有忘記以色列。希伯來聖經裡所有的預言,都是關乎以色列的未來。 但以理書預言,神會滅以色列的敵人。 金:巴比倫 銀:波斯 銅:希臘 鐵:羅馬 鐵和泥:羅馬的衍生,猶太人解釋為 Christian kingdoms,分散,不能完全 融合的眾多強權基督教國家、腳趾頭。鐵應該是基督教帝國,泥恐怕是伊斯蘭教的帝國。 但以理書預言,神未來會將鐵和泥砸爛。 所以對於猶太教、基督教、伊斯蘭教來說,爭戰的日子還沒有滿。 按照希伯來聖經的節奏,和平的到來,是有先決條件的。 一、第三聖殿的建成(恐怕還是要打仗,才能成就)(Micah 4:1)。 二、In-gathering of all exiles of Israel (Isaiah 27:12-13, Isaiah 11:12)。 三、全世界認知以色列的神(Isaiah 11:9, Isaiah 40:5, Zephaniah 3:9)。 四、人們去跟猶太人請教關於以色列的神。(我找不到經文,不過猶太人是這麼認定的。基督教也會做這樣的事,找不到經文但是有跟信徒說) 五、以利亞先知本人回來為彌賽亞鋪路,讓父母轉向兒女,兒女轉向父母。(Malachi, last few verses 希伯來聖經Malachi只有三章,基督教翻譯時斷成四章。) 六、以色列悔改,回轉向神 (Isaiah 59:20)。 七、真的彌賽亞來到悔改後的以色列,做以色列的王。 Isaiah 59:20 “A Redeemer will come to Zion and to those who turn from transgression in Jacob, declares the Lord.” 真的彌賽亞被形容像大衛王,但是不會超越希西家王。其實彌賽亞不是最重要的重點,重點是以色列悔改,全世界認識神。 這些是猶太人能夠了解、所期盼的。所以要有和平是不可能的。和平要如何蓋聖殿? 如何完成他們所相信的希伯來聖經? 希伯來聖經的預言是對的? 還是基督教新約預言是對的? 還是他們都不對?這些值得思考。而我寫的觀點是用希伯來聖經的角度去看基督教,證明基督教根本就不是建立在希伯來聖經的基礎上,反而是一個破壞以色列神建立的系統的宗教。因為是破壞,所以要不斷誹謗貶低猶太人。 對我來說,猶太教、基督教都是宗教。以邏輯來說,猶太教矛盾的地方比基督教少很多,在我心裡是比較高分的宗教。基督教滿貪心的,什麼好的東西都想納入,結果變的不倫不類,非常的不一致。
人的確是會假藉神的名。這也是上帝所厭惡的。所以十誡中 Ex 20:7 不可妄稱耶和華你神的名;因為妄稱耶和華名的,耶和華必不以他為無罪。 Do not carry the name of the Lord in vain! 我們不可奉神的名做褻瀆神的名的事情。 外邦人他們不認識神,他們口中說,天哪,或是用耶穌的名來咒詛,這不是最糟糕的。 而是當基督徒,藉著神的名義,來斂財,或是給自己加添名聲,或是迫害別人,那是所有的罪中,最嚴重的罪。
@@晉潤 恐怕不是掃羅要跟魔鬼打交道喔,畢竟希伯來人那時沒有魔鬼的概念。"God sent an evil spirit to torment Saul." 猶太人相信good and evil 都是從神而來,沒有另一個權力可以跟神抗衡。Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” 掃羅沒有自己去找魔鬼,因為沒有魔鬼。天使是完全聽神的話的,沒有反抗的功能。上帝要他們去阻擋就阻擋(撒旦就是阻擋的意思),要他們去做什麼就做什麼,如同這裡,擾掃羅的靈就是上帝自己的意思。 希伯來聖經裡有鬼魔,其實意思就是spirits, pagan gods。掃羅到是有自動去找通pagan gods的招魂,也就是去找pagan gods的意思,對神出軌、犯姦淫的意思。這就不是從神而來的。 約伯記從來都沒有說魔鬼是墮落的天使,您是否要把經文拿出來再說?在約伯記裡,有撒旦,但是沒有魔鬼,是基督教才把撒旦,是一個動詞,也是一個工作名稱,變成魔鬼的。約伯記裡的撒旦是一個職位頭銜,是暗訪者、秘密警察、是 Accuser、是法庭裡的對立律師。
@verityc650411 ай бұрын
@@晉潤 也有人不接受約伯記,認為希伯來人不應該把這古老外邦文學納入希伯來聖經裡。The following is taken from Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason." "I have seen the opinion of two Hebrew commentators, Abenhezra and Spinosa, upon this subject. They both say that the book of Job carries no internal evidence of being an Hebrew book; that the genus of the composition, and the drama of the piece, are not Hebrew; that it has been translated from another language into Hebrew, and that the author of the book was a Gentile; that the character represented under the name of Satan (which is the first and only time this name is mentioned in the bible) does not correspond to any Hebrew idea; and that the two convocations which the Deity is supposed to have made of those whom the poem calls sons of God, and the familiarity which this supposed Satan is stated to have with the Deity, are in the same case." Thomas Paine's view of Satan is quite interesting as well. He thinks that Christians had given Satan triumph over the whole creation to introduce Jesus. "In order to make for it a foundation to rise upon, the inventors were under the necessity of giving to the being, whom they call Satan, a power equally as great, if not greater than they attribute to the Almighty. They have not only given him the power of liberating himself from the pit, after what they call his fall, but they have made that power increase afterwards to infinity. Before this fall, they represent him only as an angel of limited existence, as they represent the rest. After his fall, he becomes, by their account, omnipresent. He exists everywhere, and at the same time. He occupies the whole immensity of space."
@verityc650411 ай бұрын
恐怕不是掃羅要跟魔鬼打交道喔,畢竟希伯來人那時沒有魔鬼的概念。"God sent an evil spirit to torment Saul." 猶太人相信good and evil 都是從神而來,沒有另一個權力可以跟神抗衡。Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” 掃羅沒有自己去找魔鬼,因為沒有魔鬼。天使是完全聽神的話的,沒有反抗的功能。上帝要他們去阻擋就阻擋(撒旦就是阻擋的意思),要他們去做什麼就做什麼,如同這裡,擾掃羅的靈就是上帝自己的意思。 希伯來聖經裡有鬼魔,其實意思就是 "外邦神"。 掃羅到是有自動去找"外邦神",對神出軌、犯姦淫的意思。這就不是從神而來的。 約伯記從來都沒有說魔鬼是墮落的天使,您是否要把經文拿出來再說?在約伯記裡,有撒旦,但是沒有魔鬼,是基督教才把撒旦,是一個動詞,也是一個工作名稱,變成魔鬼的。約伯記裡的撒旦是一個職位頭銜,是暗訪者、秘密警察、是 Accuser、是法庭裡的對立律師。
All in all, Josephus’ reference to Jesus as one popularly called “Christ” is an important corroboration with the biblical record of the life of Jesus, but the contemporary view that He was the Christ. Adding the fact that Josephus was not a Christian, and yet spoke these things, makes his witness all the more important.
@claireshyr196611 ай бұрын
Antiquities, Book 18, ch. 3 At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good and his learning outstanding. And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die
@verityc650411 ай бұрын
我想大家可能沒有看懂我說「 當代」是什麼意思。Josephus wrote around 60-70 years after Jesus' death at around 100CE. His work was not concurrent with Jesus. Jospehus 如果寫的是沒有被證實的傳聞的話,那耶穌也許不存在。如果耶穌真的存在,那恐怕就如 Jospehus 所寫的是一個教導人的老師。耶穌活著的年代和地區,有歷史書留下,但是其中都沒有提到耶穌。
@verityc650411 ай бұрын
Josephus 寫什麼?他說是 Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. 他沒有說是猶太人嫉妒、害死耶穌。Josephus 說Pilate是一個很壞的人,對猶太人一點都沒有憐憫,隨便殺無辜的猶太人對他來說沒什麼。Josephus 記錄了兩個Pilate隨意對待、殺害猶太人的episodes,也不難找到。 如果要相信Josephus 所說的,也就是耶穌是存在過,那也要相信他說的 Pontius Pilate 是殘暴不顧猶太人的,所以新約在不同的福音書對 Pilate 的洗白被 Josephus 證明是錯誤的。況且,審判現場明明沒有門徒、證人可以證明,福音書作者是如何知道發生了什麼事?很明顯的是,福音書作者不確定,所以對 Pilate 的形容也不一致。 我個人認為耶穌存在過的可能性大於沒存在過,但是沒有辦法證明。Josephus 所說的如果是正確的,那耶穌的死跟猶太人就毫無關係。Pilate did what governors typically did in such cases. He ordered him executed as a troublemaker and political pretender. Jesus was charged with insurgency, and political insurgents were crucified.
@@claireshyr1966 首先聲明,我不是無神論者。I am a deist, not an atheist. 你我並不認識,說 feel sad about my faith or my religious choice is actually somewhat offensive and judgmental, just to let you know. 你很有勇氣練習用英文溝通,但是錯誤真的滿多的,請再努力。真理不是投票決定的。新約就是投票決定的。您要信,我尊重,但是不用跟我推銷,我只是單純討論聖經矛盾之處,沒有必要涉及個人信仰選擇。 我個人認為教徒們把戰爭和衝突看的太「屬靈 」。我個人認為資源有限的狀況,人必然會為土地、資源動武,這永遠都不會變。人渴望和平,我能體會,但是不論是猶太教還是基督教都因為這個渴望,寫出唬人的聖經,我認為如果人必須用這樣的方法活的有盼望一些,我能了解。 我有一個建議是,如果要引用他人的寫作,把作者、書名、文章名稱等寫出來比較妥當。 你可能對 deist 不太了解。美國大多的開國元老都是 Deists,而非 Christians。美國在媒體的渲染之下,包裝成基督教國家,但是看看美國憲法、獨立宣言等,就很清楚美國並不是基督教國家。 Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, 寫獨立宣言的Thomas Jefferson等,都不是基督徒,而是像 Spinoza 的信念,可以稱為 Deist。就是因為他們是 Deist ,才會要保障人們宗教的 freedom,不會逢人就威脅利誘信耶穌。而許多開國文獻中提到的神,其實並不是基督教的神。 Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" was well received. It was a must read for many founders of the U.S. Later in life, Thomas Paine wrote "The Age of Reason" detailing many of the logical errors and mistakes of the Bible from his careful reading. It is slightly difficult to find Part 3 in print, which details the problems of the four gospels, but you should be able to find it online for free. Spinoza是誰?他的神又是誰?Spinoza是一位哲學家,是猶太人,因為他對神的論點,被猶太人驅逐出猶太人的圈子。 看看其他人的說法,也許你能夠了解不同信仰不是可怕的事。我認為世界不會因為人都變成猶太教徒、基督教徒、或是伊斯蘭教徒變得和平,那不過是美麗的幻想而已。 “It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” - Mark Twain. "The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible." Mark Twain "Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." Isaac Asimov "It ain't the parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand." Mark Twain "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion." Steven Weinberg "Find out what a person considers sacred and if you follow the sacredness you will find a ring of motivated ignorance." Jonathan Haidt
@verityc650411 ай бұрын
@@claireshyr1966 To say that Jesus didn't lie about John the Baptist is twisting prophet Malachi's words. Elijah never died, and he was prophesied to come back during the Messianic Age to usher in peace. If you don't know Hebrew, you can try to contact a Rabbi and ask about the last few verses in Malachi. But be sure to mention which Bible you are using because Malachi only has 3 chapters in the Hebrew Bible. 基督教的舊約聖經是從猶太教的希伯來聖經來的,為何書卷的順序和有些經節數字不同呢?這其實是有原因的。 希伯來聖經的順序是有邏輯的。它分三大類。 Torah 律法書,裡面把規則都說清楚了。 Prophets 先知書,裡面說到以色列如何犯錯,錯的多嚴重。 Writings 詩篇等寫作,裡面說到前面指出的錯誤要如何解決。 1 規則、 2 以色列如何破壞規則、 3 如何回到守規則的境界。 這樣的邏輯,是合理的。 而基督教的舊約聖經,看完之後只有絕望,畢竟是結束在犯錯當中。人的錯誤沒有出口,所以新約的耶穌上場,把錯誤給剷除。唯有把問題表現的無法解決,才能把新約往上加,要不然,就必須承認希伯來聖經是完整的作品。