ISTP: Discovering Fe

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Objective Personality

Objective Personality

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@MrLuigiFercotti 5 жыл бұрын
"Thinking of yourself as smart is a trap." Parents (and other influential adults) of "smart" kids are the guilty party here. You get praised for being smart, but then you learn in life that nobody gives a shit, and that real validation is through accomplishment. So don't praise your kids for being smart, praise them for what they accomplish. You'll do them a big favor.
@azmodanpc 5 жыл бұрын
The inverse is also true. The tough love and abusive kind of parents like to denigrate their children and push them relentlessly to compensate for their failings, resulting in children who feel they have to endlessly prove their worth and love from their parents (how can I love you when you're so dumb and worse than the other kids?). These children may grow and accomplish great things but the scars of the abuse may endure.
@MrLuigiFercotti 5 жыл бұрын
@@azmodanpc Those types are just abusive and they rarely compensate by providing love an support. Yeah, 1 out of 5 goes on to great things, the rest will become drunks/junkies or abusive themselves. Prisons and the sidewalks are full of the children of these assholes.
@adielwilson8749 4 жыл бұрын
Balance is key in all things
@BREAKOUT444 4 жыл бұрын
Yes. Yes. Yes.
@MrLuigiFercotti 3 жыл бұрын
@_______________ Yet, Dunning Kruger found that "smart" people often underestimate their IQ and capabilities.
@istokkorkut39 5 жыл бұрын
Discovering Fi would be a great follow-up to this video
@biboba604 5 жыл бұрын
Agree. Also, discovering Te!
@FrownyMascot 4 жыл бұрын
Just flip the words they're saying basically
@warrenwantoobe1267 3 жыл бұрын
The more you serve others the more you serve yourself my three personal laws that I live by: 1. Learn to be anxious for nothing. 2. Learn to be poor, so you can afford to be rich. 3. Never compete always create.
@jorgeblanco1929 4 жыл бұрын
It took me a while to get this and it was hard to admit I was an asshole. But lately, I’ve been more kind and considerate of others’ feelings. I hope many people like us watch this instead of having to learn through lost friendships and relationships lol
@VipulSingh-00033 27 күн бұрын
Wtf it is scary how right they are at times...that killer triceps thing was so on point that guy's triceps are nothing truly.
@Desativado1685 2 жыл бұрын
Me a 20yo intp with superiority complex and all the IxxP bullshit trying to get rid of the im better than everyone else thing because it only keeps me further from other people(self isolation) and in general doesn´t help anyone but me, also i dont know how to do it consistently or i feel like i try but other people are soo blinded by their own shit aswell that i feel like giving up on them on beeing good to them so i come back to im the best and fuck everyone who is not on my level land
@drcharliewallace 5 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@burntchickennugget4784 5 жыл бұрын
Bro... can you guys read my mind??
@LittleMew133 2 жыл бұрын
Wait- I value myself as being smart-- Am I---- trapped? - INFJ
@johnknight9150 2 жыл бұрын
When you call Fe the "demon" for ISTP, are you using the term differently to the usual use with the function stack? Normally people call the eight function the "demon", or devilish, demonic, etc. Fe is in the Inferior position, slot 4 for an ISTP, with Fi in the last eighth position.
@FrownyMascot 4 жыл бұрын
Loved that jenga reference
@maverickm5438 4 жыл бұрын
I can't relate as an ISTP. I am just better than anyone else and I don't wanna serve shit.
@ibanezmonsterg 5 жыл бұрын
Here's a perfect example of this: Elon Musk, as a lead Ti, during his Joe Rogan interview. There was a moment where Joe asked him what he really wants, and Elon thought for a second and said softly, "I just want to create stuff that people like..." lol
@Cstank5 5 жыл бұрын
Intp or istp?
@ibanezmonsterg 5 жыл бұрын
@@Cstank5 i believe they typed him as Ti/Si, though you could definitely have one good debate whether it's Si or Ni that is part of his savior functions.
@stevedavenport1202 5 жыл бұрын
He is an INTJ
@nachiketpargaonkar8646 5 жыл бұрын
@potato psoas CS Joseph has typed him TiNe INTP. How can one be sure of Ni vs Ne or Si vs Se?
@RussellBallestrini 5 жыл бұрын
Musk is not a J, that much I know. He uses his perception exclusively to guide him, not "facts" or laws or norms or rules.
@sonia_par_ 5 жыл бұрын
Female istp here this made me emotional! Thank you guys😭
@reality6951 4 жыл бұрын
Wait, that's illegal!
@elizabethacosta-rayos6061 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a female istp too. Life is not about being the smartest. It helps!
@wthwommy6279 2 жыл бұрын
yup same here
@pauljackson6648 5 жыл бұрын
@pauljackson6648 5 жыл бұрын
Oh cool, so he's my exact type except I'm Ne not Se. So basically, he's cool and I'm a nerd. Fuck you, Tom Tom!
@Baamthe25th 5 жыл бұрын
Probably never, why do you care ?
@CrystalblueMage 5 жыл бұрын
It's not surprising if INTP's are the group there is the least amount of general data on. We are masters at being difficult to pin down. We are all just so proud to be so very 'unique', and we don't care much for, or see the reason in discussing any of this with the world at large. because - what do they know?
@Baamthe25th 5 жыл бұрын
Lol, us INTP probbaly have the msot data available online. We absolutely dominate in terms of numbers the "mbti community"'. Is it due to mistype, or simply that such a model is quite tasty for our TiNe, I don't know, but we're the biggest group. If anything, finding data on, say, the ESFJs, or their Introverted counterpart, the ISFJs is probably the harder thing.
@anitaschafer567 5 жыл бұрын
me, being an ISFJ, sitting in the corner and waiting for more coverage :D
@Binyamin.Tsadik 5 жыл бұрын
@CrimsonWing67 5 жыл бұрын
My brother is ISTP. I am INFP.... he is great, I love him but he is constantly on my case because he doesn't understand how I see the world.
@michellet6294 4 жыл бұрын
I'm INFP married to an ISTP! It can be like whiplash being with a great guy/insensitive jerk. They have a lot of great qualities but I wouldn't recommend a sensitive INFP get in a relationship with one, other than friends.
@VisibleMRJ 5 жыл бұрын
This is such an amazing advice for lead Ti who haven't discover their demons.
@nachiketpargaonkar8646 5 жыл бұрын
How can one be sure that they have lead Ti though? I'm an IxxP & all the tests out there give almost an equally high score for Ti & Fi for me (with slight Ti preference)
@Cherie112358 5 жыл бұрын
In my experience, ISTPs are super bad at dealing with their emotions. Like, literally cannot handle them in other people or themselves without freaking out. Maybe I just know particularly unhealthy ISTPs (my dad and my ex-husband). But they do it in the exact same way, temper tantrum followed by very uncomfortable, awkward, tense silence and moody sulking. They can't handle criticism, at all, and will just go into, "Well I guess I just suck then!" which is a total cop out where it's like they're maneuvering to pretend they are taking responsibility for their shortcomings. It seems like they think arguments are a battle, and they have to figure out how to win. It's exhausting.
@TheNSJaws 5 жыл бұрын
From an ISTP: - Dealing with emotions of others - You would be correct. Half the time I don't care, half the time I do but find it hard to be supportive or say the right words. I'm especially bad at it if I perceive that person to be in the wrong in some way, because I'll either focus on what was wrong (I know it's not what they want to hear, but I feel compelled to say it - AKA "It needs to be said".) or would just stop caring for what they have to say if it's a constant tantrum show. I'd like to say that I'm a good listener, but that comes with a big caveat - I need to value you in some regard. If not, I'm probably not gonna care or listen, and if I'm particularly bored, I may just add fuel to the fire. - I personally can't relate to the other thing thing you've mentioned at all. At least in this point in my life, but I did use to do it when I was like 10 or so? A long, long time ago. It's probably just them being immature and unable to accept criticism, and not strictly an ISTP thing (My brother and sister used to do the same thing, and they're not the same type as me.)...
@Cherie112358 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheNSJaws Yeah, OK, I've seen that feeling compelled to say how you think the other person is wrong play out as a very stubborn refusal to see it any other way. I do think everything needs to be discussed, but often my ISTPs can't see the other viewpoint at all. I think I just know super unhealthy ISTPs. They're good most of the time though. You really never do the sulking, moody thing? I don't mean to be rude, I'm just genuinely curious because they just both do it in the exact same way. The temper tantrum is honestly not huge. It's the sulkiness that drives me crazy.
@TheNSJaws 5 жыл бұрын
@@Cherie112358 No problem, I entered this voluntarily. Apologies for a long text in advance, I go into a bit of armchair psychology down the line and that just spirals out into a wall of text. I do sulk when I'm extremely salty, but even then I'd have no issue saying what bothers me, if the other person is ready to listen, and attempting to fix it if possible. Only times I refuse to cease my sulking ways is if I'm not ready to talk, or if I perceive other person not to be ready to converse with me. I'm a rather big proponent of pressing the issue at hand, and if the relationship breaks over it, it probably had a weak foundation to begin with. To be quite honest, even in my younger years (Going back from teens to tens.) I'd have an issue keeping grudge after fighting with my siblings, and I do remember my brother managing to out-last me in every sulking competition after a fight broke out which back then I considered to be impressive, but now I just see it as immature. Now for the MBTI/Socionics analysis of it: - Sulking probably is common in unhealthy ISTP behavior as well is 'Well guess I just suck' mentality, former resulting in the necessary down-time Ixxx types need in order to recollect being utilized poorly. In other words they fall into this weird loop where they do analyze what was being done and said, but they cannot stop looking at the information through this emotional lense, as ironically enough, logical (Ti) inconsistency brings emotional anguish to the ISTP types. This could either be due to their own logical failings or the failings of their partner. - This in turn creates the 'Well I guess I suck.' behavior. Their inability to do a thing they perceive shouldn't be below their capabilities, or lack of initial mastery of the subject (Something I also get frustrated over.) makes them lash out because they do not know how to deal with it. And it's my opinion that biggest fear of ISTPs is not being able to deal with it/operate in whatever framework they find themselves in. A healthy ISTP will recognize they suck at something, but they wouldn't dwell on it - They'd jump right into fixing said issue. - If you would notice, there's an apparent negative feedback loop forming here. 'I suck so why even try?!' leads to dwelling in hope of recuperation, which in turn leads to frustration over time lost not mastering the thing they suck at, meaning they suck just as much as they did before withdrawing into themselves, and starting the cycle anew. This doesn't sound like a healthy cycle at all, so with this I'd wager a guess that they aren't, indeed, healthy ISTPs.
@sandyyap5279 4 жыл бұрын
From an ISTP: I learn how to be 'supportive' of others from dramas and movies. It's like a standard template at times. Cos sometimes, I really dont know if I care
@rawthenticatedflavors9109 3 жыл бұрын
"It seems like they think arguments are a battle, and they have to figure out how to win. It's exhausting." Brilliant observations. Hopefully you aren't starting any arguments. That sounds exhausting. And annoying.
@sciencelabvideosl7558 5 жыл бұрын
I love your videos on ISTP. I feel you understand ISTP the best.
@Caustik_ 5 жыл бұрын
Holy s. Proud to say I am a healthy ISTP. Also proud to say I am now no longer mistyped. I just love it when I finally get to say, “I got this”
@alfie8645 3 жыл бұрын
When I got into all this, I always neglected the possibility of being an ISTP because of my ability to read emotions. Your channel has helped me realize that Fe inferior does not have to manifest in this way, and you’ve exposed some other traits in me that I wasn’t so conscious of before. Thank you
@adielwilson8749 5 жыл бұрын
We're trying to use our logical framework to save the world. Being right isn't a trap in and of itself it's resistance to service and not being humble is the problem. When your Ti is strong enough your Fe can really shine.
@azmodanpc 5 жыл бұрын
The frustration comes, IMHO, when you ARE right and the reaction from the tribe is: Here comes knowitall / negativenancy / debbiedowner, I don't want to face reality wah wah, I gotsa feelings. This shoot the messenger syndrome is so common (you become the source of the problem since you're the one exposing it, if you keep quiet no one will attack you) it becomes frustrating. Especially with Fe users that are immature and imbalanced.
@LazerMax22 4 жыл бұрын
I know. I've hit that so many times. I've kinda learned through the Army to: - keep my mouth shut - pose the issue in other non verbal ways - just ignore most things and only worry about my lane
@stevegrubich184 3 жыл бұрын
Feeling your pain here. It's alot like being Cassandra (Greek mythology) --
@mysticat7652 4 жыл бұрын
But, what if you are smarter? ......
@Shmubuglu 5 жыл бұрын
Ouch. This hits right home. My manager was trying to make me understand how being right doesn't improve collaboration. I was unable to process that until I got my worst work experience following that one. And honestly, he was so right. When you want to have the biggest reach possible, you have to work with tons of people. And fighting all the time because you believe you are right and you have amazing facts to prove it makes you sound like an asshole to the tribe and they don't want to work with you. Really tough lesson.
@Baamthe25th 5 жыл бұрын
2:10 So true. Sometimes, you make a simply point, yet people are so offended/think you're arrogant when you said nothing going that way. Always take me by surprise Strangely, seems like people observing the conversation get my intent (so sometime, someone intervenes and repeat what I said a bit differently and it works...), while the person I talk to directly cannot.
@Shadow77999 5 жыл бұрын
You are the spymonkey from reddit? Lol
@godless789 5 жыл бұрын
Works for me too as an INTP 😉 I figured it out myself by accident being forced to socialize to the extent that wasn't comfortable for me but after a while it became a habit. So I was in fact forced to grow.
@OrNaurItsKat 5 жыл бұрын
The key to getting me to help: let me think I'm saving the day
@baigi7 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. From ISTP Land.
@chlldavefromsd7862 3 жыл бұрын
Lead Ti here. I don’t feel like I’m smarter than everyone else, but I struggle with helping others see what is in my head, and then they wind up thinking I’m a jerk and I go home confused. I admire my fellow istp’s who figured out how to get to the other side. I like what you guys said about scars. I see Fe as a pain in my ass, like a defective part you can’t take back, but you can’t use on something else either. I want the user manual, new batteries, something. I too feel a need to serve the tribe, but the tribe can suck the life out of you and then you can’t serve again for a while, then I say screw this and play the guitar or grab my disc golf bag.
@АнатолийАнатолий-п1д 3 жыл бұрын
I realize that everything you do with your stronger functions ultimately serves the goals of your Fe (create something for the good of others), but, imo, it doesn't mean you have to change your lifestyle so drastically as to not only _pretend_ from time to time for some especially irrational people whose irrationality prevents them from seeing reason, but also dive into the whole relationships crap completely and live there all the time. I'm still figuring it out, but I think, there _is_ a way to remain your true self and be the smartest and the rightest guy in the room and also get what you want, if you hone your manipulation skills enough and balance them with your logical skills. The problem, in my opinion, is not the honing of manipulation skills part, but the lack of energy to do the social dance whenever it is necessary for your goals. If you hate it, it drains you a lot, and then you can't do that as often as necessary, you almost never achieve what you want because you don't have enough energy to play the social game, but if you decide to stop hating it, then I guess for many people it would not just be a change in skillset, it would be a DRASTICAL change in VALUES, and _that_ is the problem. I mean, maybe it makes you more successful in society, yes, but is it truly worth it if in order to reach that success you have to basically abandon your old values and get new ones, the ones you despise so much? It's basically suicide. If someone was truly, sincerely against the idea of indulging human irrationality ("against the world"), and then they changed so much that everything logical and objective they valued started revolving around that same irrationality, as if the irrationality is the goal itself and there's nothing wrong with it, I believe it's either the person is lying to themself or has broken down completely and irreversibly. - ISTP (currently unemployed)
@MeghaMuse 5 жыл бұрын
You guys should talk more about how to check for the battle scars and see whether someone has come full circle and embraced their demon vs someone who is stuck in the savior. I have been thinking about this a lot as I have lately been stuck in a "this is who I AM !!! nobody can change that!" mode
@MeghaMuse 5 жыл бұрын
Also - thank you for sharing Tom Bilyeu, not sure why I have never heard of him before! It is super interesting to see my opposite in a similar career path as what I am going for.. and it is validating so watch someone flex their Fe and Ni without realizing how jealous I am of Ti and Se
@nachiketpargaonkar8646 5 жыл бұрын
@@MeghaMuse How to differentiate saviours & demons exactly? I've seen Dave's & CS Joseph's & your videos, but I still am confused of my type. All I can pin down is IxxP & consume (probably) dominant.
@Chatoyancify 5 жыл бұрын
Or for certain haters of permanence and structure, "nobody can change that I can change!"
@sciencelabvideosl7558 5 жыл бұрын
So Tom Bilyeau is an ISTP? I love the example. I as an ISTP can relate to this. I’m very logical and later learned with age that other people are important too. We need each other. People who know me might be surprised that I think this but I have learned this lesson. It is not easy to show it.
@rawthenticatedflavors9109 3 жыл бұрын
Debatable. He behaves much more like an ESTJ imo. Especially in real life. I would say he is M/Te;F/Fi (to use OP terminology).
@oscarl.3563 5 жыл бұрын
OVERvaluing yourself for being right is a trap.
@ALMAGNZLZ80 2 жыл бұрын
SHANE if you see this I LOVE YOU my beautiful ISTP
@T216-n3h 2 жыл бұрын
@StephLovesLife007 5 жыл бұрын
1:58 literally had a female INTP tell me this 😂, and I just looked at her because the way she read emotions were from her own vantage point and ego, and is 90% of the time not congruent with the actual person's emotions. For me personally, she missed 95% of my emotions because she confused them for something else. I have Fe as my auxilary function though, so it really baffled me. Now it makes so much sense wtf. She also gets mad when I tell her what I was really feeling and not her faulty projected interpretation of my feelings because they don't align with her Ti 😂 wow....
@PunyGoddess 3 жыл бұрын
This is kind of ironic considering that INTPs like ISTPs do get misjudged a lot when it comes to emotion.
@TarzanHedgepeth 2 жыл бұрын
@@PunyGoddess It is probably because the IXTP sees others as so fragile; but everyone else sees them as kind of detached... and that's all projection. Most others ARE more detached and EXTJ & IXTP ARE more fragile. So the latter tries to STAY detached for protection, while everyone else tries to impose in some way to "help"... they tried to feed a beaten dog and got bit; then claim it's the dog that's the problem... the brain-matter is, indeed, scarce. There's no reason to trust you, you trust yourself too much! You are actually evil... you'll find that out when the opportunity arises. You don't actually stand for truth. You're just comfortable enough to be able to pretend that right now. And WE know it.
@Baamthe25th 5 жыл бұрын
Is here a reason why you quote so many inspirational speakers ? Be it they are easy to type (since it requires to be somewhat open about yourself to be good at it, I guess) ? Because they are good examples ? A personal fondness for them ? Or giving positive examples to people of each type ?
@Bobo-lf7gl 5 жыл бұрын
Or having lots and lots of content from them? Or because there's a chance the viewer knows them and their personality a bit? idk
@Baamthe25th 5 жыл бұрын
Well, both of thoses criteria are just the person being a celebrity/famous, not just inspirational speakers
@Bobo-lf7gl 5 жыл бұрын
@@Baamthe25th I haven't heard many thoughts from katy perry and obama...
@KevinPaterson 5 жыл бұрын
Inspirational speakers are usually into self-growth, so they’re more likely to have consciously broken their immature cycles of addiction to their saviour functions. This is the main criteria for Objective Personality’s role models. They also talk about other types of people like Rhett and Link (recent INFP videos) who have worked through their demons for purposes other than inspirational talks.
@theinsfrijonds 7 ай бұрын
I may very well be an ISTP. I’m so introverted, though that diagram really helped. It seems that I’m all about Sleeping and Blasting. Rarely Consuming, almost never Playing. I blame my mom who is an ESFJ, and the main parent that I related to. She’d always have such a negative opinion about any inclination that I had. Here I am at 40 only now discovering myself. Thanks Mom!
@sciencelabvideosl7558 5 жыл бұрын
I’m so happy Tom Bilyeu is an ISTP. There is hope for me a female ISTP. Although I do admit this video was a little abstract and theoretical for me 😬 I get lost at Ti , Se. Sometimes I think I’m so smart. I’ve been tricked by some people with really high EQ.
@martingifford5415 Жыл бұрын
It depends on the context and on what you have got to give. What happens if we create utopia? Helpers will be out of business. And if you are deluded, then helping others will just make things worse in the long run.
@blancheb3533 Жыл бұрын
He looks INFJ at first glance. Very well developed for an ISTP.
@fila8727 5 жыл бұрын
Spot on... It's all about imbalances. Personality type doesn't matter, at the end of the day it's just astrology to me. What is of real value are the T/F and S/N axes and how one can balance those.
@nicholassmith7473 Жыл бұрын
Im on my FE journey i still think people are weak and generally selfish but who knows maybe someone will proce me wrong 🎉
@justinw8370 Жыл бұрын
You guys called out that me tracking the tribe’s emotional patterns is difficult and causes me distress. You saw that.
@lndsly 4 жыл бұрын
wtf this is similar to my story. always cared about being right when i was a teenager. After 10 years of living, couple of months ago, i realized and now found that my purpose and happiness lies in serving others. Had to pause and comment when i heard that hahaha. istp here
@kylepecenka1542 4 жыл бұрын
-gets punched in face... oh shit FE
@nestovilla384 5 жыл бұрын
Cuz you won't be open to higher truth or correction from what you might be doing wrong. His ti wants to be correct but his NI keeps him open and honest in reality and Fe reminds him that serving others is why he seeks truth in the first place
@Shadow77999 5 жыл бұрын
1:58 Im INTP and this is true..
@Timonsaylor 5 жыл бұрын
Heard you guys talkin' shit
@jtap4874 5 жыл бұрын
You guys should do a video on ISTP's that jump their Se to Ni as a savior.
@jazzmaradermedia3550 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know if I should look up more videos but I feel like I missed something that was supposed to be super obvious. ISTP here
@rawthenticatedflavors9109 3 жыл бұрын
He's not ISTP, for starters. Also, if you're really an ISTP, then ignore what they're saying. Unless you're actually wrong. Cuz that isn't Right.
@jazzmaradermedia3550 3 жыл бұрын
@@rawthenticatedflavors9109 Sorry if m comment wasn't clear but I am an ISTP and to me, it just felt like I never got any sort of clear conclusion out of the video. Never ended up taking much out of the video. I'm still pretty new to all of the personality typing theory videos.
@rawthenticatedflavors9109 3 жыл бұрын
Right on. Welcome to the Personality Typology show. Of course I don't know your intentions for checking this stuff out, but if you're Truly an ISTP (as you say you are)... You'll find a lot of utility in learning either how to optimize your cognitive utility, or, how to improve your relationships by seeing & accepting your blind spots & those of the people you either care about, or have to put up with (lol). Whatever you do, remember (just in case you're SUPER new & don't know this-which, you probably do) this stuff comes from Carl Jung. Cognitive Functions is where it's at. Also, like my Father (either an INTJ or ISTP) used to tell me: "If something's 'off,' it is." I'm saying that to you because ISTP's are very intuitive. And, Typology Community folks can be arrogant, "culty," & straight up full of sh*t. If your "spider senses" are spiking, write it down & reference check/sh*t test it... Or peel out HAHA. And that unsolicited advice is totally free 😁 May The Force be with you ✊🏼 Peace.
@rawthenticatedflavors9109 3 жыл бұрын
P.S. You seem like an INFJ to me. "I feel like I missed something that was supposed to be super obvious." Basically quintessential Lead Ni/inferior Se statement right there. I could be wrong though. There's an OG Typology KZbinr named Michael Pierce who has an "INFJ Revisited" video. He explains how INFJ's & ISTP's are similar. Edit: There ya go. If you can deal with his voice, he's got a lot of good basic Typology videos. Peace.
@jazzmaradermedia3550 3 жыл бұрын
@@rawthenticatedflavors9109 Thanks for the video link. Have a good day.
@sandyyap5279 4 жыл бұрын
Omg, as an ISTP, love love love this episode so much thanks guys. That's right, life is not about right and wrong
@rawthenticatedflavors9109 3 жыл бұрын
Unless pretending to be wrong means people doing ultra dumb sh*t get to pretend to be "right" at their own, your, *&* everyone elses expense. I mean, hey, hindsight's 20/20 right? Especially AFTER the ship sailed into the fan. Kumbaya....
@stevedavenport1202 5 жыл бұрын
Its interesting to talk to ISTPs who like to play amateur shrink or talk about how jacked in they are to "the big picture"
@hardlybreathe93 5 жыл бұрын
You forgot to put /s
@anthuhkneereese8581 2 жыл бұрын
Basic philosophy 🤐
@Pabz2030 2 жыл бұрын
Me: INTP Software Engineer/Systesm designer always felt like I was butting heads with the tribe over system designs....until I learned to shmooze them more. Although being CORRECT is still far more important than feelings. Because pandering to feelings in the face of reality is why the world is going to hell in a handbasket fast. Go take a browse on twitter or Tik Tok and see where putting feelings above facts gets people
@youngdavinci36 5 жыл бұрын
Much of your channel is great info, although dispersed in short tid bits and a bit sporadic. We need a 40-50 minute video going over your research and providing your viewers with a foundation from which to view the rest. Please and thanks!
@davidcardinal3654 5 жыл бұрын
That’s how he gets people to subscribe to his classes on the website. Everyone uses that tactic
@youngdavinci36 5 жыл бұрын
@@davidcardinal3654 understood, but not everyone is claiming to have objective typing data that can be scaled up and sold to companies. Us small fish should be bait for larger more profitable ones..
@hardlybreathe93 5 жыл бұрын
Thatd be 19$/month
@glenshort6567 4 жыл бұрын
Young Davinci NT detected.
@arwuh 5 жыл бұрын
Ti = It's me versus the rest of the world. Te = If you can't beat them, join them.
@nachiketpargaonkar8646 5 жыл бұрын
This seems like an appropriate corollary! But then Ti people also have Fe which would again prefer joining than going against. How to differentiate this?
@arwuh 5 жыл бұрын
@@nachiketpargaonkar8646 Ti people will try the me vs them option first, most of the time and will resist doing Fe.
@nachiketpargaonkar8646 5 жыл бұрын
@@arwuh That's true. But wouldn't the same apply to Fi vs Fe as well?
@arwuh 5 жыл бұрын
@@nachiketpargaonkar8646 Possibly but I don't have saviour feeling.
@nachiketpargaonkar8646 5 жыл бұрын
@@arwuh I can understand :D How would inferior Te & Fe manifest though? Inferior and/or demon. Maybe that could help me clarify my type more.
@verntoews6937 3 жыл бұрын
So are the ISTPs cops firemen and soldiers also pilots? If so, Hippocrates would call them melancholy introvert dominant, choleric extrovert as secondary and sanguine or phlegmatic can take 3rd or 4th position opposite the ENTP or sanguine dominant phlegmatic secondary the opposite and often friend and partner of ISTPs
@cosmic_seabunny Жыл бұрын
This is very true, my mom realized that even though I don’t actually socialize a lot I still like to be included or at least thought about.
@worldwidehappiness 5 жыл бұрын
Helping people is an endless drain of energy. Besides, it's better for people with that natural talent to do it. In the meantime, us lead Ti can figure out the world's problems at a deeper level. Thank us later.
@rassstko 5 жыл бұрын
Do Meynard James Keenan as an ISFP example. His Te activated later in his life and now he is into vine bussines, creating comunity around it, singing in couple of bands, doing jiu-jitsu and probably more..
@nachiketpargaonkar8646 5 жыл бұрын
IxxP is the stage I'm sure of myself. I can't go any further, only maybe ISTP doesn't seem fitting. Can anybody help with proper definitions of functions?
@JayLeePoe 5 жыл бұрын
Oh wow, I had a good friend I've lost touch with after his 2nd wife fell out with an ex of mine at the time... longer story, who cares, booooy was this him on the head. His weakness was trying to be Johnny On The Spot for people but then it was kind of obvious that his real strength leaned toward, yup, making sure he was on the highest ground in the room so that worked against him being "helpful" to others in a meaningful way beyond technicalities. And he would try to work in these technicalities like levees to his personal relationships and double check his Fe C O N S T A N T L Y with me and never fucking acknowledge how much I was a word-blanket while trying to just zone out. Which at least I could do cause that's what I do but damn, boy... whew.
@JosiahMcCarthy 4 жыл бұрын
This video made me realize some things. Made me sad. Need to, uh, think some more?... Or something...
@SNAPY_M235i 5 жыл бұрын
After nearly losing my leg after an motorbike accident I realized first as an INTP, how important other people are to me. But I can only get this feeling of „serving the tribe“ when my logical individuality Ti is working optimal e.g. doing the right work projects where I can be my best. Also my family wasn’t this emotionally which reinforced the hate of other people. Hard journey to get an empathetic person.
@noturbo 3 жыл бұрын
so when your young squash heads when you get older fix the heads-niiiiccee
@mikaele 3 жыл бұрын
I find it funny I just went through this and this video came up
@BigDGolf-23 3 жыл бұрын
4:03 that false humility was cute there. ISTP 😉
@rawthenticatedflavors9109 3 жыл бұрын
"Yeah, he's the most extroverted lead Ti that you can get." So you're saying he's lead Te. I read ya 😏
@hintileaksds274 2 жыл бұрын
Oh I'm CPB(S) as well, as an INTP, sometimes mistaken as ENTJ lol but different (once self thought must be some NTJ lol)
@2sunalibar 3 жыл бұрын
Can I help others without showing myself? I don’t accept helping others in my true form. I think I am too arrogant. -INTP lead sleep ( probably)
@2sunalibar 3 жыл бұрын
BTW I have a mini di-sep and I wanna care about others
@srrocknroll4755 4 жыл бұрын
Totally me. I don't give a sh1t about you but I love you all
@tjatte3162 5 жыл бұрын
My first song I shared in groundschool was Simple Plan - Me against the world... true story / ISTP
@hardlybreathe93 5 жыл бұрын
Bah, here I thought I wont see Simple Plan ever again but here it is. Lmao this song's one of my favorites back then 😂
@TarzanHedgepeth 2 жыл бұрын
Y'all and "Love Who" are the best at this that I've seen.
@TarzanHedgepeth 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. Yeah, this is spot on. Wow... actually.
@christianinzunza293 3 жыл бұрын
Can anybody name an enfj who uses his ti?
@britshell 5 жыл бұрын
0:35 Tom is right, if you're not first you're last.
@smile6889 3 жыл бұрын
thank you
@ninawillow2429 5 жыл бұрын
This is when I get confused, and I might be jumping ahead a bit. If I have typed myself correctly, I am an INTJ, and Fe is my blindspot. I have come to the similar conclusion that what gives life meaning is the interactions you have with people. Why am I seeing this? I guess I'm trying to figure out how Fe works if it's your blindspot. Many circumstances have developed my Fi.
@ninawillow2429 5 жыл бұрын
@KZbin Veterinarian I understand that they are using objective personality typing and refer to inferior Fe as demon Fe in this case. INTJs don't have zero Fe. We can't perceive Fe, which is why the trickster function is called the blindspot. We can't see when we or others use Fe. When we make an "Fe mistake", we see it through our inferior function Se.
@ninawillow2429 5 жыл бұрын
@KZbin Veterinarian My question jumps ahead too much based on what they have covered already.
@ninawillow2429 5 жыл бұрын
@KZbin Veterinarian I really only understood it because it's why people get upset with me. Then I'm left wondering what I did wrong 😄. I switch between this channel and C. S. Joseph. He will go through all eight "positions" for you.
@ZJSS 5 жыл бұрын
@Bobo-lf7gl 5 жыл бұрын
but how does low Fe manifest then?
@stevester9148 5 жыл бұрын
''People are stupid and they should start listening to me because I'm the only one who makes sense.'' Some variation of this depending on how healthy/unhealthy the person is.
@Shmubuglu 5 жыл бұрын
Struggling my life to express my most difficult emotions to people, piling them until I explose or something
@nachiketpargaonkar8646 5 жыл бұрын
@@stevester9148 But isn't the Nemesis Fe this way?
@nachiketpargaonkar8646 5 жыл бұрын
@@Shmubuglu Okay both of your comments make me think that I actually do have low Fe which would push me towards INTP more than INFP. How would inferior Te manifest?
@Shmubuglu 5 жыл бұрын
@@nachiketpargaonkar8646 Ok so if you have identity > tribe it's already a good start to define if you are IxxP. Now observe your language. Are you always talking about what you like and what you dislike and don't want to explain why you have those interests? Or you always have bunch of reasons? If you are a student at OPS, these are easier to track for saviors than your major freakouts. For instance, I know I'm low F in general because I seriously freakout when I have to discuss my emotions with others. I cut so many people out of my life because they were emotionally too "high maintenance". If I cross check that with the fact that generally, I always have bunch of reasons for what I'm doing and I start first to gather data (Se) then draw a conclusion (Ni) the math goes in favor of ISTP. But you have to cross check your general behavior/life freakouts because OPS system is different from MBTI and other functions related websites. They are more based on human needs and acknowledge everybody can do everything. They don't go in the nitty gritty details of describing every function at every position and what it does and what are the anecdotes related to that. This is in fact major problem with the other systems out there, people have to relate to anectodes and stories in order to make sense of those lol. Good luck!
@Vanessabobessa10 4 жыл бұрын
So distracted by his hairline....
@torshops 5 жыл бұрын
intp here... I want to help the tribe... and am very happy when I h\get to... But I have no idea how to let me help them... for me its like obvious that my help would revolutionize their life.. but Im guessing that is the trap Tom Tom spoke of here
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