This price increase makes it easier for people who are done with the H journey or thinking of giving up the H games. I think it’s good, so that each of us can start to really focus on what we already own and start loving & using our own items. For this to happen in the start of a new year is good for those of us who want to stick to our own financial goals or travel goals or whatever else ♥️🙌🏼🙏🏼😍
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
very true sunday rose!! have a lovely weekend!🌸
@a2s25811 ай бұрын
All things considered, while this price increase is annoying it is far more reasonable than other companies. Also we haven’t had the Chanel price increase yet, that’ll make this one seem like peanuts!
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
wow!! haha that's going to be interesting!!!
@SusanSaysSomething11 ай бұрын
Be happy with what you have instead of longing for more, more, more. All journeys have an ending.
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
true Susan!!
@dillinrivera9111 ай бұрын
Consumerism and social has people brainwashed. I will never understand paying thousands upon thousands for a leather bag. You’re literally paying for a name and status. A good quality leather handbag isn’t cheap of course but it shouldn’t cost an arm a leg and jumping through hoops to obtain one.
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
haha yes! we are all brainwashed indeed
@melxx403511 ай бұрын
Honestly jessie you deserve to have 50 k plus subscribers ! 💓 it’s clear to see you work so hard to make your videos - your extensive research, the topics you speak about 💯 👏🏼 I have learnt a lot from your channel! Always so informative and interesting ⭐️ 🦋 👜
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
oh my gosh thanks a million Mel!!❤
@autumnnite180311 ай бұрын
I've always been priced out of Hermes. I have a vintage Herbag which I got a few years ago for less than £800. I really love and enjoy using it but my heart still pines for a Kelly 32 and a small Bolide bag. Jess, you've got some great bags behind you, try and enjoy them without feeling like you still need more. Thats what I have to keep telling myself...Happy New Year by the way!
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
Thanks Autumn!! You are totally right! Wow you got the herbag for a great deal!
@Summerdayz911 ай бұрын
That’s crazy, my bf bought me a fine-jewellery piece in the last days of 2023 and it just arrived today. I checked the price again today and it went up almost 16%!! So glad to have it befroe
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
WOW thats a considerable increase!! lucky!
@gkr701911 ай бұрын
You have more Hermes bags you will ever need. Save your money Jess. I am content with admiring from afar.😂 😂😂
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
haha yes you are not wrong!!! thanks for tuning in!!❤
@monarch644311 ай бұрын
Ahhhhh! Hermes has a price increase every year so no surprise. IMHO still better than Chanel. I'm still trying to get a mini Evelyn! In the States the bags are still selling out fast on the website. I can't get anything in my cart! I know, First World problem!
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
HAHHA yes I feel you! the struggle is real 😂
@HeyTammy11 ай бұрын
I’m so glad I bought my first Hermes bag just before the price increase. I got my first bag, the mini Evelyn, on Christmas Eve. But i do want a Picotin 18 still.
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
oo that's exciting Tammy! Im sure you will get a picotin if you really love it!
@MakeupAgain56111 ай бұрын
You are strong! I would have bought the Picotin in Yucca vert! The first time I tried doing a makeup no buy was January 1, 2023. Two weeks later I saw an eye shadow palette I wanted and bought it, then I just shopped the rest of the month😅😂 I have done better since. So, congratulate yourself on being strong! I think (for U.S.. I can’t speak for other countries), once the economists and luxury brands (jewelry and handbags) announced record profits during the inflation, the luxury brands decided to just keep raising prices since people (not just the rich, but middle class as well!) are always willing to purchase the items at that price. It’s happening in the indie makeup world as well. I love buying eye shadow from smaller, independent brands but the last two years some brands have increased their prices to *more than* luxury makeup. People have complained but nothing happens because people (like me 😬👋🏿) will buy it. Until the stores stay stocked with merchandise that doesn’t move at all, I expect the prices to continue to increase.
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
very true!! it will only stop increasing if they cant sell the stock...which will not happen due to the Hermes strategy of "showing loyalty". Hahaha yes I stayed strong for once hehe!! have a lovely day today!!!🌷❤
@notablackclassicflap441611 ай бұрын
I was offered a mini lindy in vert comics a couple of weeks ago. Turned it down because the color was just not for me. I told her I wanted to wait for a dark neutral because I have nata, craie and Gris pale. So if she offers a dark neutral mini lindy now, I would just have to accept the price increase if i really want it. Nothing we can do about it.
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
good you waited for the colour you love!
@ClaraZeela11 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your findings! But actually I think you have always been smart to find some good finds second hand when prices were more reasonable. I think all luxury is now just getting very expensive including clothes and shoes. I now even see Hoodies (something so plain and ordinary) being priced extortionately! I will still continue to enjoy my existing collection but will likely only add more contemporary brands as a compliment and just try to make them more fun by adding my own charms to personalize it. You have an amazing collection! Happy 2024!!
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
Happy 2024 Clara!!! Yes maybe I will add the odd contemporary bag!!
@carrino1511 ай бұрын
Well well, that was that. .. going to play the world sadest violin, have a glas vine 🍷 and just accept the reality of these price increases. Anyways, the rollercoast FOMO and FOPI have made me so tired.. journaling and getting slovly other activities to enjoy. ^^
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
ooo yes!!! journaling is very therapeutic!
@Sk__1011 ай бұрын
Honestly this price increase made me so sad
@NottheotherAmber11 ай бұрын
No you are not price out! I’ll believe it when you see it! 😂 Pre-loved is the way to go. Can’t have a house full of unwanted stuff for pre-spend .
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
😂 haha yes!! agree
@JP-kl1mj11 ай бұрын
I agree with what you said about price increaes.... if we really want it, we will make the purchase
@lolipena805111 ай бұрын
Agree. We’re like crack addicts. We are like them, they don’t say, I’m not getting my fix today, they find a way lol.
@LuxDivas11 ай бұрын
Prices are crazy. And that doesn’t include all the “stuff” you need to buy to get one.
@nubbyrose8711 ай бұрын
You should buy the green picotin and sell the green jypsiere. I don’t think that “trade” would compromise your low buy year goal.
@mellissabluxury11 ай бұрын
Great point!
@mizmelbourne11 ай бұрын
On the plus side, your preloved bags have probably gone up in value too.
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
hehe I hope so!
@ImenBen1211 ай бұрын
With recession tho, would it really make a difference? Since last year the Preloved prices are very low compared to Covid times
@elinalall347511 ай бұрын
Great will power on not buying! I think it is natural to look back in hindsight and think we should have bought this or that but I always say there was a reason we didn't in the first place. The price increase is annoying but at least Hermes doesn't do, as far as I am aware, multiple price increases in one year. Prices went up on certain items in Canada too, I checked after your video. I noticed the 90 x 90 silks (I love their silks too), twills went up as well as some of the tableware on the website and I think some of the smaller silks (45 x 45 and 70 x 70). I am on a low buy year too and thinking of maybe getting a garden party so I will definitely check to see how much this bag may have been affected by the price increase but will still get 1-2 silk scarves. Thanks for sharing this update!❤
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
Thanks Elina!! Interesting to know prices in canada went up too!
@msl952811 ай бұрын
As much as l love the Hermes quality, i have never consider buying from the store, esp with the sky high prices now. However i will consider the preloved market, but i do observe that my local preloved market, some prices seems more “affordable” than last year which i might consider buying a Kelly or a Bolide. In terms of practicality and weight, which would you recommend?
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
They are both very different bags!! Kelly is much more desired by most people but bolide is low key and easier to use!
@msl952811 ай бұрын
Yes, right. But i guess i will wait for the right one with the right price to come along. Thanks for replying. Enjoy watching your videos. Keep it up. Jess
@ellenmerkle94011 ай бұрын
Love your content. But it makes me think, when is enough enough? I don’t know the answer but I’m hoping I’ll figure it out this year.
@Itsabagthing11 ай бұрын
The price increase doesn’t stop me from wanting Hermes. It was already expensive. It’s just going to get more expensive later, like everything else. They usually have one per year at the beginning of the year so it’s not surprising to me. Some of the percentages are a little much, but the increase didn’t turn me away. Now two or more increases in the thousands per year, that’s extreme.
@phoenix505411 ай бұрын
Chanel and Hermes is on a race on who can charge more for the same thing.
@Missy18211 ай бұрын
My picotin arrives tomorrow ❤I’m sooo excited
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
OMG YESSS! im excited too!! hehe! Keep me updates when u get it!
@danaleiva661111 ай бұрын
I really wanted a mini Evelyne but I don’t wanna fight for it and now the prices went up 😢 I think I’ll just give up on that dream.
@stephfrancis710911 ай бұрын
Good luck!
@kaylheecarroll318611 ай бұрын
It doesn't surprise me at all!
@KaseyVictoriaChau11 ай бұрын
B25 sellier is about 19.2K AUD
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
good to know!! thanks lots
@andreav217511 ай бұрын
We knew it was coming, but, as always, boo! 😮💨 ❤
@vivimaria724311 ай бұрын
All prices are moving up. Last week I bought a big bottle of juice for 2,90 euros. This week I bought the same bottle in the same shop, and it was 3,10! 0,20 increase in one week shocked me! 😂😂😂 If only had I known, I would've bought several last week!
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
hahahha indeed!!! so annoying! hehe
@sonyamujeeb163311 ай бұрын
Just got the Black legend wedge sandal a week ago and now increased by $100! Keeping them but over it. 🤷🏻♀️ They are classic and because I didn’t have wedges in my closet I’m keeping ….
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
gosh!! lucky you got them sooner!!!
@nikkithompson198011 ай бұрын
I am on Hermes journey since last year Feb 2023. My journey is very slow. I didn't request any quota bags last year before Nov. My Hermes SA in Chadstone told me in Nov Hermes going to aggressively price increase in 2024. So i panicked buy and i spend 35k Aud in Nov and Dec. Mostly on fine jewellery. I look into Aussie Hermes site 2 days ago and the items i bought last year Nov and Dec, i think i save around 4k if i have to buy those items this year. So my SA put me into waiting list of getting a Birkin 30. I told him i can wait for the right colour. Since i spend so much money on Nov and Dec. I not in a rush to get the Birkin. I think Birkin 30 is over 20k Aud by now after the price increase. Was 18k plus in 2023.
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
very interesting Nikki!! thanks for sharing!! yes i had a feeling the quota bags are going to be around 20k or more now...💀
@rosannagomez804011 ай бұрын
I never see good deals on órelo EF market. Sometimes the bags cost more than getting a new one at the boutique
@MsLS811 ай бұрын
Australian prices are normally double of the USA prices
@mbelieve991911 ай бұрын
It is all to be expected, but I greatly appreciate all of the research in this video Jess!
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
Thanks lots!
@lindapassos11 ай бұрын
I think the different percentages in the same bags between Aus, US and Europe has to do with the worldwide price unification they were talking a few months ago 🤔 and I think all the top brands are going to do it so people don't travel to get a better deal outside their country 🤷🏼♀️
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
makes sense!! Australia is still way more expensive that europe though!!
@lindapassos11 ай бұрын
@@Jessiestyle the way they are increasing prices it won't be for too long 😬🤷🏼♀️
@misstomi8911 ай бұрын
Also quoted us prices prices don’t include taxes whereas euro and Aus do
@ingridhyde121111 ай бұрын
Just saw a lindy 30 on the Aus website and its now $15235, so its gone up about 10%...
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
yes i saw that too!!!!
@soriamcarrillo153911 ай бұрын
Hey jess, I do not own a Hermes bag, only jewelry and charms I am thinking to get a Herbag authenticated in Fashionfile 2 in 1 30 for 2,000. Do you think that is a good buy? The condition is good.Wht do you think?
@soriam411 ай бұрын
The Herbag is 30 2003
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
fora vintage bag I woulndt say it is the best deal but maybe do a little more research! see if you can find something similar in a local consignment store! Good to do research on market value
@soriamcarrillo153911 ай бұрын
What other sites do you recommend because online that was one of the cheapest I found! Lol and I already bought it but it's returnable.
@AyakoLuckySeven11 ай бұрын
I’m glad I got what I got this past years 😢
@kimberlyv408311 ай бұрын
Buy the Picotin...🙀👻🙄...
@isydneylife583011 ай бұрын
k25 epsom: 19,800
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
wow!! thanks for the update!
@Missy18211 ай бұрын
@Restless31811 ай бұрын
it is what is that all I say
@lolipena805111 ай бұрын
I ain’t even hurt. They don’t offer me any or let me play the game lol. So money saved.
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
haha yes!! time to save money for me too
@tara_nguyen11 ай бұрын
@Jessiestyle11 ай бұрын
Hi tara!
@tanja_love2shop11 ай бұрын
I wonder if second hand market will go up too 🥲😭
@nsh152211 ай бұрын
It absolutely will. Guaranteed.
@lolipena805111 ай бұрын
I dislike it’s double or even close to triple the OG price. Can they please only up sale 2-5k lol. But I get it, whomever sold probably played the game ended up paying 1:1, 1:1.5 or 1:2.