You have a heavy heat Pastor Kelly for God’s church and for His people. I too have the same heart and concerns for these things. I too did not start out in life being a Seventh Day Adventist. My parents converted from being Catholics and came into the church and was baptized when I as 10. I am now 53 years of age. So much has changed in the church. What happened to the church? I love the Spirit of Prophecy and the books God has provided the church with for instruction and admonition, for guidance and education. Many do not know the history today of this church. I began home schooling my son when he was 11, he is now almost 18. When I first began homeschooling him God led me to learn and teach him about the history of His church and how He brought it into existence. I read pioneer story after pioneer story to my son and it taught us both that this church was raised up by God Himself, and that He was very active in bringing this about. I loved these stories so much that I told my son’s Pathfinder leader. I asked him if I could read a story or two to the kids for a worship now and then because it was touching my son and I so much. He said yes. He then enjoyed the stories so much himself, that he asked me to read more, before long he asked me to just hold worship for the Pathfinders for 15 minutes before they began. I enthusiastically accepted, and was thrilled to be used by God this way, just praying that others would see how God raised this church, and that His people have a job to develop His character and to deliver the three angels message. God sees what is happening in His church. You are standing at your post. You bless many people by doing this. I have been listening (audio version) a lot to chapter 29 of The Great Controversy, wondering why sin was permitted and continues, though I have read this before, heard sermons on it, and understand what the message is here. Still, I listen and pray more intently to understand this on a deeper level. Sin must run its coarse. I am seeing this as necessary, but you know what God has been revealing to me as I continue to go over this chapter? That angels of God, heavenly angels were deeply and forever changed by what happened in the war in heaven. They lost those that they loved just like us, and they have empathy and compassion towards human beings in ways we don’t realize. The job they had to help strengthen Jesus, the role they were assigned to play when He walked this earth, they did with love and compassion. They want to help us too. I never realized before just how much. The Spirit of prophecy reveals the active role they will play here at the end of time. God sends these heavenly messengers to protect and guide us as He did to help His Son, and Martin Luther, and William Miller. God promises to never leave us nor forsake us. I believe that with all my heart. His angels play a part in this. The latter rain is falling, and has been falling since 1888. May God’s people receive the gift of the Holy Spirit at this time is my prayer. 🙏 There is a work to do. Stay faithful unto death and you will receive the crown of life. I am praying for you this day Pastor Kelly. 🙏 John 15 tells us to stay connected to the vine and that we are the branches, and to bear fruit. You are bearing fruit. I hope this message encourages you. Jesus said in this same chapter, “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.” 🙏
@pamtrogdon4109 Жыл бұрын
You have a heavy heart Pastor Kelly. Please read my message to you. 🙏
@randalh409 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this most needful and vital message for such a time as this. May God have mercy on us, and may we all return to that blueprint we were given long ago, is my prayer.
@edithdotson5617 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pastor Kelly for this introspective message. We NEED much more of this kind of preaching/teaching to wake us up out of our slumber (Laodecian Condition). There are many other areas that must be addressed such as health education, worship styles, worldliness, Christian marriage and Family Life, manual labor and Christian stewardship.etc. Blessings for your courageous stance also. Your oft repeated caution against the critical spirit is also pertinent and much appreciated as well.
@genycombate7207 Жыл бұрын
Amen, Pastor! Glory to God for the message! I am crying deep inside because the vision and mission of all our institutions are very far from what Mrs White says 😔 I hope and pray that there is one school here that where same and board of school like you!
@SonofLiberty007 Жыл бұрын
Excellent sermon!
@jasonstych1687 Жыл бұрын
@memberofthechurch8714 Жыл бұрын
It does appear that many of our leaders hold the doctrine that they are infallible and they are not like god they are God.
@MinisteriodePublicacoes88 Жыл бұрын
“Build a wall of scriptures around you, and you will see that the world cannot break it down. Commit the Scriptures to memory, and then throw right back upon Satan when he comes with his temptations, ´It is written.´ This is the way that our Lord met the temptations of Satan, and resisted them.”-The Review and Herald, April 10, 1888.
@divergentone777 Жыл бұрын
If our school system was still like the model EGW gave, then I would have been able to afford to send my 12 yr old son after I was converted. Instead I was forced to send him to a secular school, where he was ridiculed for believing in God and eventually succumbed and denounced God altogether. Satan got hold of his mind through the use of drugs, and his allegiance to his 'mates' superseded his affection towards his parents. He sabotaged his education and now at 18, can only apply for low-paid menial jobs. He subsequently suffers with anxiety and depression, and still refuses to know about God, although he no longer attacks me for my faith. I praise God for small mercies.
@marygercke6255 Жыл бұрын
Ellen White also said when our schools look Like the world's it is time not to send our children there. We need to use discernment.
@marcellekahler8896 Жыл бұрын
Sjoe! Deep truths here.
@joeolaiz9539 Жыл бұрын
How do I turn around?
@julieparker8697 Жыл бұрын
Tell Jesus what you stated here, and ask Him to help you to do just that. He will lead you. Follow Him. Read His Word, He will speak words of life to you! He will save your soul! Just keep your eyes upon Jesus! Never take them off of Him.
@villagemediaministry Жыл бұрын
Please read a little book called Steps to Christ. Of primary important is the power in the Word of God, and you are invited to learn from our meek and lowly Savior by reading His words. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you" is a biblical directive of Jesus with a beautiful promise. Also, join a group of believers who love and practice the truth. -The Bible is what God wants you to know, and how He shows who he is. You can start with a gospel book (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) about the kind and loving Jesus Christ - and by beholding you will become changed. Find good to do in place of wrong and experience the joy of service. Blessings.
@connienorton4936 Жыл бұрын
We are the Laodician church. Jesus is on the outside knocking...the church has put the wrong god in its midst...and has gone in wrong direction ever since...1956 and 1980...