@@ScottfromBaltimore Ha ha! Thanks, man. 500k pots across the board might even out the tone.
@ScottfromBaltimoreАй бұрын
@@mr.whitesnake8421 taper messes me up. I end up with a knob that does nothing except right near one end of the range. Seems like the deal is have every kind on hand and try them all.
@mr.whitesnake8421Ай бұрын
@@ScottfromBaltimore Yeah, man. I choose the path of least resistance and go for b pots. It works for Ibanez.
@benallmark9671Ай бұрын
Great stuff Mr Whitesnake.
@mr.whitesnake8421Ай бұрын
Thanks, Ben!
missed opertunity to play the theme from machete kills dude! - get that film watched!
@mr.whitesnake8421Ай бұрын
Dude, I just saw the trailer. GTF outta here. A sequel? Awesome!
@@mr.whitesnake8421 haha just watch both films, the 2nd one may be even sillier than the first.
@mr.whitesnake8421Ай бұрын
I'll check it out. Your movie recommendations are always good. 👌