Italy has a Fascism Problem. Here's Why.

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@spectacles-dm Жыл бұрын
Learn more about how we scored Italy and every other democracy on the list: =CORRECTIONS BELOW= 03:02 - Obviously we screwed up that line, since the 2008 parliament had no reps from MSI-descendant parties
@johnnyfives5416 Жыл бұрын
What's wrong with Italian fasicism, you pretend that the far left in Italian back then weren't violent thugs that force their violent almost religious ideology on anyone that doesn't going their side just read what they did during the Italian Civil War when the allies were "liberating" italy by bombing, looting, raping and plundering just like the nazis. Their are books on it, you wish to understand why people back then and now support and love mussolini. Read martin Goldberg books on the subject such as the truth of benito mussolini and socialism of the radical right. Honestly I an disappointed on how you suppose to be knowledgeable and support "awareness" and "understanding". Italian including the catholic church, the majority of the fascist party and mussolini hated the Germans, the nazis and hitler for their ideology especially nordicism, and antisemitism that were unpopular and never supported that were taken seriously. Do your research fool!
@Grizabeebles Жыл бұрын
Just saying, but so far your scorecard looks like a video game review. Does your scale even have a "0" out of 10, or is it just a 5-point scale that starts at 5?
@spectacles-dm Жыл бұрын
@@Grizabeebles if you visit the link above to learn more about our scoring system, you'll see a number of countries scoring 0s, 1s, etc in some categories. not to mention, Hungary scores an overall 4.75
@Grizabeebles Жыл бұрын
@@spectacles-dm -- @Spectacles -- I apologize for such blanket criticism. I don't have the knowledge base to properly evaluate your methodology or offer constructive feedback. All I have is a question -- What is the lowest score a country can actually achieve using this ranking system? The first place I would think of testing this would be Rwanda during the decade from 1994 to 2004. The events of that period include a genocide, civil war, and a war against a neighbouring state followed by a revolutionary government trying to rebuild and consolidate the nation. If there is such a thing as no government and no formal economy, Rwanada in the 90s is the closest I've ever heard to being it. This can be compared and contrasted with data showing where Rwanda is scored now in 2023. I dunno. Seems like it would be a useful case study.
@000TheRebel000 Жыл бұрын
you know how many black cops are in italy? ZERO, like a SS.
@magnusmagnusen Жыл бұрын
Never have you once in this video defined neo-fascism, or what makes them fascist.
@Menaceblue3 Жыл бұрын
That's the name of the game! Fascism hides in every corner! Look under your bed when it's midnight and you'll find the fascist monster that keeps people up all night
@Henriqueemusicas Жыл бұрын
@soul1d Жыл бұрын
If they keep using a word again and again endlessly people may believe them.
@mactep1 Жыл бұрын
He should have at lest touched on one of the 8 or 9 definitions of fascism.
@Otterdisappointment Жыл бұрын
The idea of neofascism in Italy is “true” fascism with the trappings of targeted welfare, eugenics, unorthodox social norms, a strongman leader with a cult of personality backed up by an esoteric state cult parody of a real church, controlled elections, social hierarchies, primordial hypernationalism, irredentism, economic nationalization, corporatism, social Darwinism, autarky, collaboration and side deals with likeminded regimes, attainment and enforcement of power through gangs and state sponsored militias, operations are funded through the black market and it’s all packed into a direct democracy. This is how it was envisioned in 1918. There’s also the deeper faction of obvious and unapologetic National Socialists everyone is so afraid of. MSI was founded on this and so was AN and LN. FDI is a coalition of MSI purists for MSI purists. That’s what makes the continued compassionate Paternalism (Maternalism?) of Meloni shocking. She decided to do none of that and brought religious democracy back for real. She’s like the FOIL of Erdogan.
@kojoarmah3915 Жыл бұрын
Forgive me but i struggle to see how Meloni, and more importantly FDI can be branded as fascists simply because of their heritage. Isn't it quite uncharitable to rope FDI in with Mussolini when the two operate differently with different goals and different objectives?
@LeoJackson98 Жыл бұрын
I think at this point they are totally post fascist. Real fascists are leaving her because of Ukraine, I think it's similar to our old communist party in its last period when it became pro nato and the perspective of a revolution was long forgotten
@gabem.5242 Жыл бұрын
You clearly didn't study their history, din't see multiple candidates of theirs participate to March on Rome re-enactments, didn't see multiple candidates of FdI getting arrested for celebrating Adolf Hitler's and Benito Mussolini's birthdays in full SS gear... And, certainly, you don't know about the fact that our Presidente del Senato (President of the Senate), Ignazio La Russa, owns and proudly displays a Mussolini's bust in his home and in the Senate's public Presidential Office. Just to name a few.
@phoenixyh2339 Жыл бұрын
They're leftists... Why would they bother having a deep and thoughtful conversation by comparing the actual values and objectives of Na*zis and Fa*schists with modern parties? They can just slam people they don't like as neo-faschists with silly and symbols based arguments..
@carraway8084 Жыл бұрын
Didn’t some of their party member praise Mussolini ?
@danielutriabrooks477 Жыл бұрын
​@@gabem.5242Why would a fascist leader praise Hitler in an SS costume, those are very different ideologies. What's next, a titoist celebrating Kruschev's birthday with a CCP flag on the background?
@konstantinremeike7359 Жыл бұрын
I think you are confusing the terms nationalism and fascism.
@f-86zoomer37 Жыл бұрын
How are they really different? Nationalists strive to deny basic rights to non Whites and exclude them from their country. Excluding people based on their skin color is textbook fascism and incredibly anti democratic. Also, it is based upon pseudoscience like eugenics.
@adamm2091 Жыл бұрын
@@f-86zoomer37 Are you asserting only traditional ethno-white states can be nationalist? That's... illogical.
@f-86zoomer37 Жыл бұрын
@@adamm2091 they’re the ones that go out and commit genocide, colonize land that’s not theirs, and steal resources. White people are by far the most violent peoples as proven by history
@nexeos Жыл бұрын
​​@@RobespierreThePoofHow you've conveniently forgotten that musolini was a full blown socialist before founding the fascist party. Hitler too. Seems that being a radical socialist is conducive to becoming a deranged ideological psychopath of other varieties. Just a hop skip and a jump. Other side of the coin type deal.
@weeabooman2867 Жыл бұрын
@@RobespierreThePoof When social democrats talk about universal healthcare and the like, they're not branded as communists even though communists explicitly support these ideas. The better question is why is European Nationalism so bad? We see them in the world everywhere, from Africa to SA to Asia to even Israel, but it's only scary fascism when it's done in Europe.
@roccosfondo8748 Жыл бұрын
When we talk about fascism it is necessary to make a disclaimer I think because in the present English the word "fascism" equals to authoritarism, racism and everything is oppressive. An Italian, specially one who knows history, would give a different, more specific definition.
@RobespierreThePoof Жыл бұрын
Well, those things were part of Italian fascism. They weren't quite as central as they were for national socialism, but there's good reasons why people with a limited view of the history think of those elements. But yes ... Mussolini's fascism started in a different ideological position than Hitler. Corporatism. Modernism. Nationalism. The pursuit of a new Italian empire. But since Italy under Mussolini was a fairly spectacular failure, the world thinks far more of the Third Reich. There's long been a danger in postwar Italy of certain political entities on the right trying to cherry pick that history that you mention. I often think of the great Italian film director Pasolini's reflections on his experience of Mussolini's Italy. His films are warnings to Italians to NOT whitewash the cultural memory of that era. He was right to warn us. I now see Italians doing exactly that.
@nexeos Жыл бұрын
​@@RobespierreThePoofIf authoritarianism and racism are the main pillars of fascism then the USSR was also a fascist state. I don't recall the USSR treating Ukrainian and Jews and Poles and Balts and Magyars and Czechs and Slovaks and turks very kindly. And this isn't an exhaustive list by no means.
@feedyourmind6713 Жыл бұрын
​@nexeos In that the Soviet goal was an omnipotent central govt, yes, the Soviet was Fascist. Tyranny is not the defining mark of Fascism if only because both Left and Right has had their tyrants.
@carlkuss Жыл бұрын
I heard Meloni´s speech in front of a meeting of the Spanish party Vox. She is QUITE an orator, but she really did do the far-right thing. She gave IDENTITY as her personal passion. She is all in favor of IDENTITY. Sounds great, right? But one has to think it through. Does it have nothing to do with racism? What does she have to say about the IDENTITY of those masses of immigrants and refugees washing up on the shores of Europe? Does their identity matter to her, or can they be simply muffled away, as people without identity? And then there are lgbt people. What does Meloni think of them? Do they have IDENTITY? This is a delicate question. I am a Catholic priest. I prefer the point of view of Pope Francis both with regard to immigrants/refutees and with regard to lgbt people. The Pope defends identity without degrading the concept . Meloni has yet to convince me that demagoguery is not at her core. Although she is quite an orator....
@feedyourmind6713 Жыл бұрын
@@carlkuss So, her speech didn't wander into answering your guestions regarding other races? I'll presume, then, it was about Italian's, and therefore a nationalistic speech. Which isn't inherently Fascist, for I'm a nationalistic American and want nothing to do with a ubiquitous central government. One can love their nation, without carrying animosity to those who are not native, Father.
@arx3516 Жыл бұрын
You left out the vital part played by the USA in the years of lead.
@jasoncavari 8 ай бұрын
@Pedro_Ferrandi 22 күн бұрын
Yeah. Operation Gladio screwed our country.
@realtalk7547 Жыл бұрын
So if Italy is fascist then we can expect them to install a strict cronyism between businesses and government. If all we are talking about is conservative vs. progressive values and arguments over such things then it is not factual to call Meloni a fascist. She has not seized further control than the people gave her. That’s democracy.
@rimfire8217 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. People throw that term around too much.
@kaiserslavaniaashur1623 Жыл бұрын
You do not understand fascism. Fascism is Ethnic Nationalism. has nothing to do with “taking more power” or any sorts of systems to limit governance. Fascism can be democratic too
@tombranch2261 Жыл бұрын
That argument could be made about many fascists early on, Meloni is only just in power, given more time she and her fascist allies WILL get more corrupt and power hungry.
@PiracyMan Жыл бұрын
@@tombranch2261 Is that a slippery slope thought process? Do you mind if I share a couple of my own? A: Homosexuals gain right to marriage B: Homosexuals gain hyper-representation C: Ideas such as transgenderism gain popularity D: These all start appearing semi-frequently in popular media E: Children see this and start believing this is the correct path F: People start justifying letting child sex offenders (and those that in the future will become them) get close to children despite statistical anomalies with these groups G: Abuse causes children to start seeing these groups as even better, because they also see people saying that these groups have nothing in common H: Ruined society where the lowest of the low are supported and justified A: Give certain groups excessive capital B: Such groups use excessive capital to justify letting the worst of other countries have free reign in good countries C: Certain group uses capital to hide crimes from them in popular media D: Certain group uses capital to create propaganda supporting them and the foreigners E: make it illegal to be rude to group and foreigners F: Foreigners interbreed and create higher crime rates among the now semi-native population, as well as making them mathematically and conventionally ugly. G: Pay people to spread the idea that these groups are marginalised when these groups are getting free reign after raping children H: Spread propaganda about how natives and semi-natives are the most disgusting monsters in history, and make the group guilty about themself I: Natives now want to apologise and give constant concession to foreigners despite neither groups having done anything in their lifetime J: Native country is now a wasteland rife with murder, theft, and rape, and nobody want's to do or say anything about it K: Country falls, while the group with excessive capital is now marginalised and oppressed in popular media and they run away with all the money they gained off of everything that happened so far. Do you like my slippery slopes? I tried hard for them. I totally didn't look at wikipedia pages on certain groups and people and absolutely did not look at statistics, news articles, online media, movies, trends, or anything like that at all. This is totally and utterly new and false. They totally have absolutely no relation to real life, unlike yours which is clearly the most real slippery slope in existence.
@realtalk7547 Жыл бұрын
@@tombranch2261 You could be right, but now what. I guess I will wait right here.🤷🏼I hope you or I never get treated like a fascist because the opposition says I “might” be one someday.
@guyatrandom890 Жыл бұрын
Hi, your video explained many things that are not working correctly in here in Italy. But I wanted also to say that the turnout in last year's elections was roughly 60% and most voters were encouraged by the other parties to vote. Instead, most of the left political parties' would-be voters didn't care to vote even to say my parents who would've voted against the right wing parties said the same excuse most people say "my vote wouldn't have changed anything". And immediately that 40% of eligible voters started to ask for the removal of Meloni (yes, in Italy almost every year we see government disestablished). Plus, there's the problem that Italy is a REALLY old country. Most politicians are over the age of 80 and others are in their 60s or 70s and you've to be at least 35 years old to join the Senate. It's expected that in the next 25 years more than 25% of the population will pass away. And our president isn't even a present one. Mattarella in 2022 finished his 7 YEARS mandate and explicitly told that he wanted to retire and plus he returned to Sicily (his region of origin) and though almost every one could've gotten the job it was decided that he was going to be President. And by deciding, I mean that the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies voted so (not the people by the way) that means that Mattarella is going to be 87 YEARS OLD at the end of his second mandate.
@tomatoheadfd Жыл бұрын
Jebus that's old. I hope Italy goes through this moment of unstability and insecurity alright. You'll make it!
@Георг-л5л 4 ай бұрын
@@tomatoheadfd Nah we chillin and vibing
@tomatoheadfd 4 ай бұрын
@@Георг-л5л pog
@willhebert576 Жыл бұрын
This was good. I think you could do a similar video on the Spanish transition from Fascism to Democracy. Franco stuck around longer than most people care to think about. Maybe even talk about the Catalonian situation as well.
@mulamulelilumadi4717 Жыл бұрын
Was Francoist Spain fascist? I understand the Falange (their ideology is explicitly fascist) were in the coalition that fought Republicans and later ruled Spain post civil war. But were they prominent enough to consolidate power to the extent we could label Francoist Spain fascist?
@thatonejoey1847 Жыл бұрын
@@mulamulelilumadi4717 the falangist got ousted from the government in 1957 to be replaced by technocrats from the Opus dei. In Spain there is a clear point that spain shifts from fascist tendencies to just more basic military dictatorship and most historians say it was around 1959 and the start of spanish miracle. The differences are so stark the only thing they have in common is franco, from autarky to free market, from mandatory Catholicism to religious acceptance (with catholic preference) from women with no rights to being allowed to join the workforce (with some women being put in power by franco) Calling franco a fascist is missing the picture, he was a pragmatist, a political chameleon, he would abandon an ideology when it stopped being useful, he was the greatest general of his time (by the words of the Alfonson XIII and the second republic), you don't become the best if you are too set in your ways
@Oppetsismiimsitsitc Жыл бұрын
@@mulamulelilumadi4717 Simply put, not really. The original Falange (Española) were fascists, but they were crushed and absorbed by Franco. Franco kept some of the trappings of fascism (decreasingly so post-WWII), but no worthwhile scholars on fascism consider Francoist Spain to have ever been fascist.
@andrescolomarcedeno9952 Жыл бұрын
Catalonia is Spain bro
@nickzardiashvili624 Жыл бұрын
@@thatonejoey1847 I remember reading in the "Skeptic's History of Spain" how Franco, the head of both the army and the state, would qualm the army by telling them there was nothing he could do with those pesky politicians and qualm the politicians by saying the army would never agree to what whatever the politician demanded at the time.
@WillySalami Жыл бұрын
When is Fascism defined or really explained here? This almost looks like the right calling everyone socialist or communist. There's no such thing as Liberal/Democratic Fascism, as Fascism is inherently Authoritarian, National-Conservativism and stuff like that are "Democratic Fascism"
@TheWizardGamez 11 ай бұрын
Fascist would argue that since they were elected (or at least not kicked out) that the people defacto supported the regime. Fascism. As defined by Mussolini was syndicalism(unionism) of the nation(the Italian people). Mussolini wasn’t too racist when defining what an Italian was, which is probably the biggest difference between “Italian fascism” and “national socialism”. The problem when we call these movements far right is that we mute our and silence basically any of their arguments. Syndicalists and socialists both want to increase taxes, both want to limit trade(since it is bad for the economy, they’re wrong) and they both want to increase government oversight of the private sector. That’s the main problem. Economically, there may as well not be a distinction between fascists and marxists-leninists. The only difference is the “in-group” and even under Marxism, they were pretty discriminatory on who was the “in-group”
@chiarayavhnoska966 8 ай бұрын
Dunno where you from, But as an Italian, do not count of finding a rationale or coherent principles in our history or culture ... Maybe that's why we invented fascism, we recycled a mafia banker'son into the first monster populist (Berlusconi)... And I guess when understanding any fascism, one needs to be aware that it's not as much an ideology, with any clear points or direction, As much as a propaganda fueled cultural narcissism, with a typical tale of lost grandeur due to some evil entity... It's about capitalising on tribalism in industrial fashion.
@WillySalami 8 ай бұрын
@@TheWizardGamez Can't agree less on the end, but I get the point.
@WillySalami 8 ай бұрын
@@chiarayavhnoska966 alr
@mr.iiconic 4 ай бұрын
Did you just say that democratic fascism doesn't exist and then give your opinion on what democratic fascism is?
@DavidWestwater-vq6qy Жыл бұрын
If you have a far-left you're going to have a far-right
@adamscott3304 Жыл бұрын
works the opposite way too, far right parties will create far left parties.
@Gargeler Жыл бұрын
🤣🤣both comments made it funny ya we're humans after all, easily unsatisfied being, and easily corrupted by power.
@nonewnameformenuhuh9594 3 ай бұрын
where was the far right in the USSR
@panzerbanz7296 Жыл бұрын
So where is the problem? Italians can govern their country however they see fit, or is it now a bad think cuz they dont have a leftie goverment?
@lawpete556 Жыл бұрын
no, its a bad thing because its a *fascist* government, its morally correct to hate fascism with all your heart, and if you dont hate it with all your heart youre not a very good person to put it lightly, hope this helps :)
@danielutriabrooks477 Жыл бұрын
​@@lawpete556Being a good person is when hating "fascism", the more you hate "fascism" the more gooder you are
@who41683 Жыл бұрын
nothing about the current government of italy is fascist, maybe study a bit about the topic and listen less to mass-media?@@lawpete556 you might be surprised how much smarter you become when you are actually able to think for yourself
@accurategamer7085 7 ай бұрын
Governing with human rights, facism stands against all that. It's fun and games until you are under fascism too.
@qdaniele97 Ай бұрын
"Where is the problem?" I would say that students beaten up in the streets by police for peacefully protesting while neo-fascists (by their own admission) are able to gather in the hundreds to homage old-fascists (and war criminals) with the roman salute might be seen as a slight "problem". But not by you I guess
@bryant-fr7sr Жыл бұрын
I did not see a single policy by the right wing parties examined in this video. Just calling something fascist with no actual analysis of their positions is garbage.
@bryant-fr7sr Жыл бұрын
I otherwise enjoy your content. But hoped you had a deeper sight on the subject. I don't know much about Italian politics
@maxharbig1167 Жыл бұрын
@@bryant-fr7sr WEll it doesn't seem that he does either.😀😀
@Rey99m Жыл бұрын
It's a party made of people that have Mussolini's statues in their living rooms and that celebrate the March on Rome that Musdolini did. Seems pretty fascist to me
@who41683 Жыл бұрын
Do you have a source for that or are you speaking out of your ass? @@Rey99m Cause from what I can see what you are falsely trying to talk about is the fact that the actual fascist party of Italy had a little event to commemorate Mussolini's March, which they organized to happen on the same day as Meloni's inauguration. Seems to me like you are either purposefully spinning the narrative and spreading misinformation to fool others or you are so beyond clueless and delusional that perhaps it's time to put away the keyboard and pick up some books cause you've got some reading to do. In fact, Meloni has denounced Mussolini and Italy's fascist past: "Meloni, who is Italy’s first female prime minister, denounced fascism during her maiden speech in parliament on Tuesday, saying she had always considered Mussolini’s racial laws to be the “lowest point in Italian history”." Any more deluded braindead comments you'd like to share with us? @Rey99m
@dokidelta1175 Жыл бұрын
@@Rey99m No that's not sufficient. You have to demonstrate what fascism is and how this party fits the bill. Them using the same symbol is not enough.
@czar6203 Жыл бұрын
Another thing to note is that fascism in Italy was never unpopular even until Mussolini’s death.
@Doge811 Жыл бұрын
No, fascism was quite popular until it brought Italy to war and followed nazism, as Churchill himself said if Mussolini died in 1939 there would be statues of him all over Italy, when Mussolini brought Italy to war and when it was clear there Italy wasn't doing well it's support dropped Mussolini unlike Hitler was removed and incarcerated by Italians on their own and then was freed by nazi Germany and put in charge of northern Italy with the support of the German army.
@czar6203 Жыл бұрын
@@Doge811 yes his popularity dropped but he's still very popular. And no, "people" didn't depose him. It's just a coup inside his own party. Also, the "people" that hang him upside down was the communist one.
@riccardomallardo7779 Жыл бұрын
​@@Doge811it kept being popular, after italy got invaded by germany there's been 350.000 paetisans, but the volunteers who enrolled in Mussolini's army and kept fighting on the axis side were 520.000 instead. The antifascists might have won but they were outnumbered, things would've gone differently without the allies support
@arthas640 Жыл бұрын
Didn't they depose Mussolini in an attempt to remove fascism and after Hitler turned Italy into a puppet state didn't large parts of the country aid the allies? Wasn't Operation Gladio all about crushing the rabidly anti fascist communists that were prevelant around the country?
@arthas640 Жыл бұрын
​@@riccardomallardo7779it's arguable the fascists could say the same about Germany. Hitler had to liberate Mussolini and put him back into power, backing him with German soldiers to keep him in power.
@GiacomoSorbi Жыл бұрын
As much as I dislike meloni, she is not really a fascist and no voter in their sane mind would have voted for her because of her alleged inexperience, since she has been in Parliament since 2006, also serving as a minister for Berlusconi. I really think that people are using the term "fascism" as a blanket term to mean "right wing people I dislike", since what is happening in Italy now has nothing to do with historically defined fascism - luckily.
@MJHdesproj Жыл бұрын
Always be wary of any explanation that judiciously avoids defining what it is explaining...
@gameredgaryt Жыл бұрын
Soo nowadays people call conservatism "fascism"?
@swift4420 Жыл бұрын
Italy has nothing similar to conservatism, It's not conserving anything, It's just reverting human rights.
@MegrelMamba Жыл бұрын
​@swift4420 who's human rights? The migrant's?
@gameredgaryt Жыл бұрын
@@swift4420 very fun, lmao. which human rights? did you even read what you typed?
@Xinjiekou_新街口_Station Жыл бұрын
Found the j00 snake in the grass!
@norikofu509 Жыл бұрын
Criminals arent human rights@@swift4420
@TheWizardGamez 5 ай бұрын
You can’t just point to some symbol and claim that that is the reason fascism never died. That would be like republicans pointing to democrats and yelling “you instituted Jim Crow”. We accept that people and parties change. So actually explain the policy. If they are fascist, explain how they want to have 0 immigration. How they want to force the unholy union between the public and private sector. How they want to practically nationalize all industry. How they would like to impose copious regulations including price and wage controls. That’s just the economic. Ultimately, I’m of the belief that the best way to debunk a shit ideology is through economics. And just like the communism from which fascism is birthed. It doesn’t work.
@hvacsoldier1554 Жыл бұрын
Neo-Fascist = Enforcing the Law or Something? Neo-Fascist = Government Structure Reforms? Neo-Fascist = Nationalism? You keep dodging a coherent definition.
@tombranch2261 Жыл бұрын
Neo-facist, and ultranationalistic, far right form of government obsessed with demonizing minorities, praising past mythic ages of greatness that may or may not exist, dividing people with fear, hatred and paranoia.
@dirtydeeds4free553 Жыл бұрын
I would love to know more about this, in terms of how the party is related to fascism, instead of calling it fascist. More than just a lineage, but in schools of thought preached and practiced by said party.
@widmawod Жыл бұрын
Our president of the Senate (one of the most important offices in Italian politics) has a Mussolini shrine in his house. When confronted about fascism, these people don't say openly they condemn it. A lot of these people have been seen in fascist gatherings and there's footage of them saying appalling things trying to emulate Mussolini or Hitler.
@dirtydeeds4free553 Жыл бұрын
@@widmawod no no no no, i need more than just saying fascist, i need to be shown policies, speeches, or ideals. They are nationalistic, sure, do they call for any of the policies that extreme nationalists would, or just the average Italian
@francescomaccioni3460 Жыл бұрын
​​@@dirtydeeds4free553 a few daya ago one member of that party wrote a speech identical to the speech that mussolini did after he ordered the assasination of Matteotti. I don't have time right now to tell you the details but i am sure you can find more of them online
@dirtydeeds4free553 Жыл бұрын
@@francescomaccioni3460 i need more than words, words mean nothing, i need something much more substantial
@mathias5578 Жыл бұрын
@@francescomaccioni3460 Seems like you are fond of fascism that you know all of that
@mists_of_time Жыл бұрын
As as Italian. You did a great job with this video. There's a very very very tiny mistake on Prodi's party symbol at 5:18, but whatever. I'm really impressed with this, you really did a great job. Anyway, about Meloni's presidential reform. I really don't think it will go anywhere. She needs 2/3 of the parliament to make such constitutional reform pass. Without it, she needs a referendum and it would be something very dangerous for her. Legally speaking it would not be a problem for her, but it would be a vote of confidence by the public. On top of this, you should consider that president Sergio Mattarella is quite popular with the public, such referendum would be a vote on his figure too. It's not the first time someone try to reform our Constitution, but they all failed in the end. I really can't see this proposal as anything serious and I hope this comment will not haunt me in the future lol.
@spectacles-dm Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much! Those are great points to consider.
@giacomoneri1782 Жыл бұрын
​@@spectacles-dmIf people didn't feel a threat to democracy from the unelected Mario Draghi government straight up shitting on human rights and banning people from working, the elected Giorgia Meloni government (who got plenty of popular support) is nothing to worry about. Incompetence is more of a threat than authoritarism. For the presidentialism, it's FDI wanting Italy to have a system similar to the one who runs France. The problem is that France got proper trade unions, who organizes strikes if the government shits outside the toilet. In Italy trade unions sides with banks against workers, so a France-like system would very much not work, as it doesn't work now with parliamentarianism. But maybe it can solve part of the "jumping parties" issue, since as you noticed, elections only causes politicians to leave the loser party to join the winner one, making democracy only a fancy name.
@giacomoneri1782 Жыл бұрын
​@@spectacles-dmNeo Fascism isn't that much of a threat either, Fascism itself was not even that bad, at the time it was one of the most popular and progressive ideology in the world, knowing USA had apartheid, UK and France had colonialism, Germany had Hitler and Russia had Stalin. But Giorgia Meloni can't be Fascist by definition. The Fascist ideology is very sexist, and sees women as child bearers, no real Fascist would have a woman as a leader. The problem are incompetence, and the addiction to USA leadership, making them as war mongering as the actual Fascists just to please USA government against the Italian people's will. But i have to say, the other parties are even more warmongering and USA oriented, expecially the "left wing" ones (which are really more right wing than FDI). Meloni was one of the most moderate and popular candidates.
@gabem.5242 Жыл бұрын
@@spectacles-dm In short, in the Italian Consitution it's extremely difficult to change stuff without having almost everybody on board, by making a "Consitutional Law": that's because the previous one we had (the "Statuto Albertino"of 1848) was so easy to change just by using normal Laws it was genuinely ridiculous. It goes like this: let's assume the Government, or 500'000 people or 5 out of the 20 Regional Councils ask for a Constitutional reform. You can pretty much change anything BUT you can't change Italy from a Republic to something else, you can't change the civil liberties other than expand them, can't divide Italy or let a part of it secede, can't change ANY of the first 12 articles (the "Supreme Principles"). If the Constitutional Court gives you the green light for the reform you want to do, you must win FOUR (!) voting sessions: one in the Camera and the other in the Senato where you need 2/3rds of the total headcount to vote favorably, and the other two where you need, again, 2/3rds to let it pass smoothly. The latter ones are to be held at least 3 months after the first two. If, for whatever reason, the second voting at the Camera and the Senato doesn't go over 50% +1 of the total, the Law is put on hold and a popular referendum is held. If the Referendum doesn't get at least 50% +1 of the valid votes in favour of the Law, the whole thing is scrapped.
@tafazzi-on-discord Жыл бұрын
a few constitutional reforms have went through. Last one on a referendum, we shrank the number of parliament members (I voted against it but whatever)
@CRUELLANDER 8 ай бұрын
If Italy is fascist, are they going to invade Albania, Greece, Malta, Corsica, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, and North Macedonia?
@maxharbig1167 Жыл бұрын
Why is Italy a "flawed" democracy? A country that has no natural resource but manages to give a decent standard of living to the majority of its 60 plus million citizens., is the third biggest ecinomy in the EU, has an excellent balance of payments, a high level of household saving and a national health care system that ranks second in the world after France according to the WHO. I could go on about workers'rights and benefits compared to the US but I won't bother. because facts probably don't interest you.
@maxharbig1167 Жыл бұрын
@@RobespierreThePoof Well I've lived and worked in many European countries with Italy as my base since 1970. Italy managed to get through the anni di piombo, (the lead years) The Red Brigades, the mass bombings ,ike Brescia and Bologna, and almost daily knee cappings for several years.,, it's even managed to really reduce the impact of it's various mafias in the last 50 years. He should have been here af ew decaes ago like I was and seen how it has been transformed. Remember that, given their history, Italians do not like or trust "strong government". They are prepared to put up with a certain amount of chaos, incompetence and if you live here and wish to prosper you have to learn "l'arte d'arrangiarsi". Even Mussolini said "It isn't difficult to govern Italians,. It's impossible."
@jasminehasan890 16 күн бұрын
The usual negative propaganda against Italy
@medicardi8188 Жыл бұрын
First of all Giorgia Meloni in 2008, was appointed Italian Minister of Youth in the Berlusconi IV Cabinet, a role which she held until 2011(the youngest minister in the history of the republic) ,so she had some experience in public affair. Secondly , I think neo-fascism is not a real problem in Italy but incompetent, populist and ideological politics are the greatest danger. As a Italian young man I'm really worried about the future of my country because the goals of this government are to build a bridge over the Strait of Messina and squander public money instead of improving the living conditions of citizens and create opportunity to the young Italian. Italy have a lot of problem, the real thing we need is a change of people's mentality.
@giacomoneri1782 Жыл бұрын
Il cambiamento necessario sarebbe quello di smettere di legittimare la classe politica tutta. Ci vuole un po' di sana dissidenza. Ad esempio, col green pass, la gente avrebbe dovuto rifiutarsi di chiederlo e di mostrarlo, così come la polizia avrebbe dovuto evitare di controllarli, non avendo neanche l'autorità per farlo. Altre leggi ad esempio, come i divieti di accendere camini e fare grigliate, o il divieto di rimuovere le nutrie (ma anche arbusti e altra monnezza) dagli argini dei fiumi, dovrebbero essere assolutamente ignorati. E le tasse, non dico cosa, ma ricordiamoci che molti di quei soldi vanno a foraggiare la corruzione e le banche straniere, una piccola parte viene usata per il paese ed i cittadini. Perché non applicare sanzioni economiche ad un ente che razzia la metà della ricchezza dei cittadini e che li ricambia vessandoli con leggi punitive?
@giacomoneri1782 Жыл бұрын
In sostanza, meno rispettosi delle autorità, più rispettosi del prossimo e del proprio territorio.
@RobespierreThePoof Жыл бұрын
I would be curious to hear more of your thoughts on that bridge project. I probably agree with you. But my first thought was that Infrastructure projects in the South of Italy could help to improve the economy in Sicily, Calabria, and Naples. Am I wrong?
@mmarques2736 Жыл бұрын
​@ems4884 you are right, the south of Italy has been long forgotten by its country, and such kind of infrastructures should have been implemented 20 years ago, the reason it didn't happen is mostly due to an hard to understand radical prejudice from most of the country towards its south.
@reinoutjeisgruwelijk Жыл бұрын
Saying that a political party is fascist is a bold and extreme claim. I'm a bit shocked that nowhere in this video the claim that FDI is fascist is backed or supported with arguments.
@crunter6523 Жыл бұрын
Did you forgot the part where their simbol is literally the one of the post fascist party?
@averiWonBTW Жыл бұрын
@@crunter6523 if they used the hammer and sickle, would you call them communist instead?
@crunter6523 Жыл бұрын
@@averiWonBTW yes, because one chooses the simbol to show to their electorate their ideology
@averiWonBTW Жыл бұрын
@@crunter6523 that’s all it takes to convince you?
@crunter6523 Жыл бұрын
@@averiWonBTW Why do you think FOI put on a post fascist flag then? was it for the memes? Could it be for the same reason why comunist parties put on the comunist flag?
@stevens1041 Жыл бұрын
Why is the English speaking world so obsessed with fascism in Italy? The fact of the matter is, Italians have a lot of rights for workers and great healthcare system, with good vacation time, and many protections for its people. The real fascist countries are those office park nations where corporations and banks run the government. Use your imagination to figure out which countries fit that description. Fun extra fact, Mussolini once said fascism is defined as fusing government with corporate interests.
@briananderson7285 Жыл бұрын
We have a lot of fascism in the west , they just call themselves antifa and blm an call everyone else fascist or racist.
@mulamulelilumadi4717 Жыл бұрын
They dislike collective systems of government, the anglosphere tends to lean towards individualism.
@ddicin7759 Жыл бұрын
@@mulamulelilumadi4717 Individualism is the key idea in Anglo-flavoured forms of governance. At the heart of such systems lies the idea of competition and an aversion to excessive cooperativeness in all its forms.
@mreden9306 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely ! Feel same about my Ukraine - before 2022 almost every woke-media wrote about "sever right-wing, fascist extremists and neo-Nazis" here, while it is literally prohibited under the law to support such things. Sometimes I think they just hate politicians which like their nation and don't support corporate-globalism.
@sebastienholmes548 Жыл бұрын
That's not what fascism is.
@ad_astra468 Жыл бұрын
We have many problems in Italy, fascism is not one of them. Low birthrate, organized crime, high government debt, economic stagnation and illegal immigration are the actual problems we must worry about, not “fascism”.
@qdaniele97 Ай бұрын
I would've thought the same before ready the commment section under this video. Now I know we have a big problem with fascism
@ad_astra468 Ай бұрын
@@qdaniele97 Yeah I have also changed my mind in the past 10 months, we definetely do have a fascism problem.
@emanueledionisi9359 Жыл бұрын
A video on how the mafia influences Italian politics would also be interesting. For example, the Italian Communist Party, which was very popular, has always been excluded from Italian politics with operations such as "gladio" in which Christian democracy and the mafia collaborated to intervene in case the Communists had won the elections,The problem before "mani pulite" was so great that the secretary of the Communist Party, Enrico Berlinguer, defined the problem of Italian politics as "the moral question". And after the end of the first republic the situation hasn't improved, there are many areas that are still controlled by the mafias, and Silvio Berlusconi,Who was the most influential politician of the second republic, was investigated for having associated himself with the mafia and P2 ("propaganda 2" a Masonic group that wanted to organize a coup). The situation is more serious than it seems to many Italians
@svennielsen633 Жыл бұрын
Fascism was the MILDEST FORM of totalitarian dictatorship that the world has seen. Conditions were far worse in Lenin's and Stalin's communist dictatorships, in Nazi-Germany, in Pol Pots Khmer Rouge, in Ho Chi Minh's Vietnam, in Zimbabwe, in Khomeini's Iran and so on. Mussolini was an imperialist but he was nothing compared to Stalin or Mao. Oh yes, at the terror murders of the socialist Brigado Rosso were far worse than anything committed by the Fascists back in the days. PS: Mussolini was a socialist himself. He was expelled from the party only because that he believed that Italy should take active part in WWI. Fascism is a branch of Communism and Socialism. The only difference is, that Fascists and Nazis do not believe in one centralized world dictatorship (or as Lenin called it: Internationale).
@The-christian-state 6 ай бұрын
indeed my friend
@vercringetorige Ай бұрын
LOL what a load of bullshit
@dokidelta1175 Жыл бұрын
I would really like to know more about what "fascism" means to the author of this video and how the party pursues fascist policy. Since this was not touched on, I as an outsider (an ethnic Italian who has never stepped foot in Italy) still left this video with little understanding on this new fascist movement in Italy.
@didonegiuliano3547 Жыл бұрын
I'm an ethnic Italian born and bred in Italy, lived here ever since (I've spent time outside my Homeland, but still I live here) and indeed this video didn't even try a) to understand historically what caused Fascism and which of the many forms it developed is still persistent (or what it stands for, for example); b) to show real Neo-Fascist movements (albeit less politically prominent than FdI), as CasaPound Italia (whose activities I've attended sometimes). Giorgia Meloni may have been a Fascist while young (Idk really, I wasn't even born yet), but sure as Hell she's now a regular conservative, more "left-leaning" in socio-economic matters compared to US conservatives (but that's because she's a continental European), and more patriotic than local Christian Democrat conservatives (a.k.a. Catholic Church moral guide supporters, who at times side more with the Church than with the Country). One thing she may have retained from her (alleged) Fascist past is a certain sense of Europe as our 'common Home', so to celebrate a not better specified unity of European national peoples made of (blood, maybe? Too risky these days to say), culture and Christian faith and values. She usually talks about a future 'Confederation' opposed to the current decadent EU.
@MilwaukeeF40C 8 ай бұрын
Fascism is a loaded term. Technical fascism is private business interests closely formulating state economic policy to benefit themselves ("state control of privately owned production" from a Marxist viewpoint). Technically every state has fascist aspects, including the ones that Marxist actually implement. Now, leftists use the word fascism to refer to authoritarian statism that doesn't align with THEIR preferred form of authoritarian statism.
@GuscioRosso 8 ай бұрын
As italian i feel offended by all those bullshits. I am fascist, i hate Giorgia Meloni, cause she's not fascist, she's not even nationalist. Leave. Us. Alone. Woke shit.
@charliesargent6225 4 ай бұрын
Italy's TRUE economy and debt: The richest in Europe in savings and one of the highest in home ownership, have 4X less debt per household than the Dutch, 8th in the world in household net worth, 4th in Europe, 7th in the world in National Wealth, In terms of private wealth, Italy ranks #2 after Hong Kong in private wealth to GDP ratio Italy has the world's 8th highest quality of life 8th largest exporter in the world World's seventh-largest manufacturing country 3rd in total NET contributions to the EU Italy: #10 Ultra High Net Worth Individuals Above USD $50M.. #7...just below India that has 25X the pop. Number of Millionaires by country: #7... In REAL wage growth, not skewered by exchange rates...between 2017 & 2018 in increased millionaires... #1 Gold reserves... #3 (from official eu statistics):industrial production by country Germany recorded the highest value of sold production, equivalent to 29 % of the EU total, followed by Italy (18 %), France (12 %), Spain (9 %), Poland (5 %) and the Netherlands (3%). The other 21 EU Member States contributed with smaller shares (up to 3 %).14 lug 2021 Italy’s poorest region in the south Calabria has an average salary not far below Spain’s richest, Madrid. According to the German institute Stiftung Markwirtschaft, in 2018, the aggregate explicit debt + implicit debt of Italy is 122%, lower than the German one at 170%.
@Castle743 9 ай бұрын
My gosh The man's hatred does not end..
@JosefPiano Жыл бұрын
Calling Meloni fascist is such a moronic take
@JosefPiano Жыл бұрын
@ronbalo2261 eww
@tombranch2261 Жыл бұрын
Considering she has openly admired and even promoted Mussolini, its a moronic take to not consider her fascist.
@tomgibson6801 Жыл бұрын
she is though
@colmdoyle8169 Жыл бұрын
"Everyone i dont like is a Fascist." Is this just a rebranded Vox channel?
@taranbaze1448 Жыл бұрын
"My preferred party didn't win so I'll call the winners fascists despite obviously having no idea what fascism means."
@widmawod Жыл бұрын
So many many people (journalists, newspapers, analysts, etc.) describe these parties as neo-fascists. What Italy replies is "they are not, shut up, all of you are wrong and have no idea about Italian politics", since us Italians have a problem with giving authority to experts. Why is there a friggin flame on that damn logo if they're not fascists? Why can't they say "I'm not fascist" directly and openly? I don't care how you identify if your actions show otherwise, and the world acknowledges that.
@Alexander-vo4gv Жыл бұрын
did you watch the video bro
@taranbaze1448 Жыл бұрын
@@Alexander-vo4gv yes. This page implicitly calls Brothers of Italy a fascist party.
@crunter6523 Жыл бұрын
​@@taranbaze1448 because their symbol directly calls back to the italian post fascist party, plus meloni directly praised Mussolini as a politician in the past
@paprikaman1124 Жыл бұрын
That's the American way lmao Buzz words 😊
@c0461-e1s Жыл бұрын
Misinformative and biased uploader
@tectagon 7 ай бұрын
Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao!
@ulissebordoni5879 10 ай бұрын
This video is very flawd and misleading. In Italy is not a problem because Fratelli d'Italia is a moderate-right not fascism.
@pinotpinotpinot Жыл бұрын
I highly dislike the notion that germany was "aggressively" denazified. It was not. Yes a direct nazi sucessor party was not established, but a lot of formerly devoted nazi functionaeries could fully establish themselves in important institutions in the brd. Especially emphasized should be judges (and the judical system as a whole), politics (especially the cabinet of Konrad Adenauer) and the bnd, our foreign intelligence agency. The latter is very outrageous as it was directly headed by Reinhard Gehlen, a former nazi senior intelligence officer. To no surprise more recent studies found that a surprisingly huge amount of former nazi collegues of him found their way into this institution. To sum it up: Except the very high ranking personell no one really was punished. Furthermore they were even able to keep or be appointed to highly important societal positions where they were pretty much free to shape and influence. This myth of germany being some kind of absolute success in denazification only leads to furthere embolden our current right wing extremists. Not only can they more easily distance themselves from their ideological forefathers (because well, there surely couldn't be a hugely successfull extreme right wing party with nazi-esque tendencies in the denazified germany, right?), they also use this myth to compress nazism. According to them nazism ended 1945 when the few real nazis in germany (who apparently only tricked all the good germans, so you could say that they were even victims too) were convicted. And thats that, after that, no more nazism and "anyway all this talk about nazis is way overbord isnt it? other countries are allowed to be patriotic and nationalistic too, but only germany is not - what a disgrace for the proud german nation."
@spectacles-dm Жыл бұрын
You make some good points. But there is a difference between "former nazi functionaries continuing to work in the government, doing the bidding of non-nazi elected officials," and the persistence of nazi ideology in German politics. Regardless, the phenomenon of the survival of the Nazi bureaucratic apparatus is very important! In fact, we may have a video coming soon on that topic...
@frodojuniormlg653 Жыл бұрын
Great video! but i do think it missed something i was left with the question why is that party "bad" other then by association with previous bad movement? i am sure there are plenty of examples why they are not fun people to have at your dinner party but please give me something more then fascism bad and they have the same logo i want to judge people's actions not there friends or origin
@unionpepe7864 Жыл бұрын
Yeah he doesn't actually have an argument for that. They're pushing some of the best reforms in decades
@RobespierreThePoof Жыл бұрын
​@@unionpepe7864That's highly debatable, to say the least. But yes, the video is too short. It should definitely have described Meloni's agenda in full.
@Cosmstack Жыл бұрын
So, where does the fascism come in? Being vaguely related to a party that used to be fascist, which later moved to national conservatism, doesn't prove much. People and parties can change their ideologies over time.
@RobinTheBot Жыл бұрын
I think the video made this connection and nuance clear. Rebranding hasn't actually changed it much.
@danielutriabrooks477 Жыл бұрын
No man, you just aren't seeing it, the PSI's pacifist stance will make us lose the next battle of the Isonzo and surrender Venice to those filthy Austrians
@CedarHunt Жыл бұрын
​@@RobinTheBotIt really didn't. The entire video was completely absent of substance showing anything they are doing that could be pointed to as an example of fascism. It leads to the conclusion that there is nothing to point to.
@jorenbaplu5100 Жыл бұрын
The video isn't about explaining fratelli d'italia's specific politics and wheter or not they are fascist. It's about explaining why they're there and how they got here. I think the exploration of *why* they are what they are does deserve another video though
@danielutriabrooks477 Жыл бұрын
@@jorenbaplu5100 So, the video isn't about analyzing and categorizing a specific party's viewpoints, it's about bad-mouthing their members and voters by portraying it as a boogeyman by assuming the worse possible outcome and hoping that the viewers eat it all up, got it
@mr.mystery9338 Жыл бұрын
God bless Italy. We shall stand up to the ""officials"" in brussels. 🇮🇹🇹🇩🇨🇵🇪🇦🇵🇹
@Bread-nx9fo Жыл бұрын
what is bro yapping about
@mr.mystery9338 Жыл бұрын
@@Bread-nx9fo bro is yapping about the common denominator of all rich greedy and corrupt officials that run the world. If you know, you know.
@princekalender2154 10 ай бұрын
The whole Europe has a problem of violent immigration, that was encouraged by the centre and left parties, but let's imaging the Fascists are still alive. Way to ignore the elephant in the room
@AnP865 8 ай бұрын
It was encouraged by Russia to try and destabilise NATO and fan vague knee jerk sentiment like yours so Putin has less opposition.
@AverageOlympiaEnjoyer 7 ай бұрын
​@@AnP865you do not know what you are talking about
@footbroke Жыл бұрын
@Т1000-м1и 6 ай бұрын
Well here's the conclusion of the Mario Draghi saga
@KissSlowlyLoveDeeply-pm2je Жыл бұрын
The only issue with this perspective is that DFI is not a neo-Fascist party. Other than the symbol, they have no overlap with Fascism.
@elgenerico6263 Жыл бұрын
This film is interesting as a presentation of Italian political history, but it’s main thesis - that Fratelli d’Italia is a movement with fascist undertones - is essentially a long stretch of guilt by association between at least five different political organisations existing within the last century. And that’s just a poor argument. What do they actually *do* in government that justifies claiming that there’s a fascist problem within Italy?
@alastor--radiodemon7556 Жыл бұрын
As an Italian. Oopsie dasy
@B727X 7 ай бұрын
W . F this cuk
@dakotamills3540 Жыл бұрын
Interesting to claim fascism without ever defining or justifying it past pointing to a flame symbol
@moonam8389 Жыл бұрын
Are the other three Switzerland, Japan and Costa Rica?
@jeannovacco5136 6 ай бұрын
When a video uses the words fascism or neo- fascism in every other sentence ( sometimes twice in a sentence) it should be pretty obvious let the intent is to smear the political opponents of those who look back to some early or mid-20th century model to claim they are against fascism as the antidote to socialism. Nowhere in this little history is mentioned the effects of the European Union and the problems it confers on its members whereby monetary authority is separate from fiscal authority. Appointing an Italian as head of the central bank is just window dressing, but I think that's over now. Greece paid the highest price for this anomaly during the financial collapse at the beginning of this century. Nowhere in this discussion with its pretense of objectivity is the technical definition of fascism whereby the interests and powers of state are bound together with those of business / industry. IMO, in today's world it's the authoritarian EU that offers the greatest threat of fascist totalitarianism. Some conventional wisdom has it that Italy's constitution was designed to keep it unstable -- and it's framers did a really good job of that. Other commentary suggests that in the late 1940s the USA rigged the Italian elections to keep the defeated country's communists out of power. However the insistence on tracing a thread of fascism from the 1920s and 30s to the present day suggests that the real opposition is to nationalism and national sovereignty of any country, especially in Europe but throughout the world. The open borders globalists try to criminalize the official acts of Matteo Salvini in standing up to non-governmental " philanthropic" organizations (NGOs) picking up sub-Saharan migrants from the waters close to Africa -- and rather than rescuing them and returning them to their starting place, transporting them to the boot of Italy and surrounding Italian islands to be processed and even relocated at continuing cost to the Italian government and taxpayers. There's 8 billion people in the world and the billion is a thousand million. Depositing any portion of those primarily economic migrants who aspire to a better life and perhaps government subsidies in the European Union -- or Italy as the gateway -- can only be a destabilizing force, a burden on taxpayers, and a distraction to the government of this nation of less than 59 million people and falling. The history of fascism and it's links to nationalism seldom same informed by the understanding that neither Germany nor Italy had completed unification before 1871; this means that during the 1920s and 30s the diverse people of these geographical regions, some of whom remembered the times before unification, were highly susceptible to calls for national unity and ambitions to take their place on the world stage. That's not what's going on now. National autonomy and sovereignty are being undermined and challenged by global technocrat forces and giant monopolist companies reliant on 24/7 surveillance and operant behavioral conditioning in the wake of the great beta test of population compliance which we experienced as the Covid-19 pandemic. Nationalism, pursued in the preservation of national sovereignty and economic integrity thousands of years of culture, is not some far-right totalitarian, authoritarian threat today -- but instead the antidote to one-size-fits-all single point of control ideologies aligned with elitists who are bought and sold by aging billionaires who need a hobby, a pastime, and have appointed themselves to reform the globe according to obscure academic utopian thinking which is barely applicable as the world dynamics hurtle ahead clinging to the tales of rampaging technological change. If it weren't for the propaganda machines working overtime since 2015 to cast pragmatist outsider American president Donald Trump as a Nazi authoritarian fascist dictator, it wouldn't look so suspicious for political opponents to find an excuse to label Meloni and her party as having fascist origins. Yet, those propagandist spinning their "narratives" didn't succeed in destroying Salvini and they won't succeed in destroying her. The technocrat globalists seem to have decided to outsource governance throughout the world to socialists and their central planners, but people are figuring out that the economies of these nations need thriving families and entrepreneurial energy before redistribution and over-regulation are given a role. Otherwise ever smaller slices are being distributed from a shrinking pie. 10% of the 8 billion people in the world amount to 800 million. How is Italy supposed to deal with that influx? How is Europe? How many people are actually working full-time in Italy? Google the Cloward-Piven strategies introduced in the US in the mid 1960s to understand how flooding and overwhelming the social welfare benefit systems with beneficiaries undermines those systems and leads to social conflict and chaos, and the eventual upending of all social political and economic systems. It's really time to stop identifying with the idealistic movements of the 19th and 20th centuries which were taking on the rulership classes of royalty and nobility and the abuses of emerging industrialists. There's a new threat that promises to return most of the world's population to serfdom, peonage, and slavery -- and that threat should not be confused with the threats of land empires and mercantile empires, or of flamboyant demagogues whose message was amplified by radio and cinema. The greater threat is 24/7 electronic in optical surveillance, digital trackable currency which outlaws folding money and coin, just-in- time inventory systems that can be crippled by restrictions at the world's great canals, religious extremism associated with medieval warlords, and of course the supranational contracts and agreements supporting non-negotiable binding lengthy and detailed contracts imposed on our devices at the point of use -- which cannot be ignored when one wants to continue to function, by, sell, travel and obtain and provide services in this postmodern world. Efficiency is not the highest of first principles. Italy looks to be better off with Meloni than without her, as she seems to be able to slice through some of the rhetorical entanglements of Italian politics and stand for practical solutions. People should be more worried about the treaties and entanglements of NATO, and the UN and the EU setting up conditions throughout the world where the who wants Nations to relinquish their sovereignty and where defensive mobilization the provides echoes of the mindless loyalties of national leaders that sparked World War I (which historians tell us led to World War II). There's a lot of developments in the world today more "dangerous" than Meloni and her party. Fear-mongering, even in narratives like this video which masks itself as objective and diagnostic, could lead unintended consequences for Europe and the wider world. Or maybe the warmongers and the revolutionaries intend more deadly conflict.
@davidfosca1044 Жыл бұрын
I live in the United States like many people in the south west who have European surnames, Mexicans have Spanish surnames yet most aren't Spanish, the same with many Native Americans that have English names, I fall in the same category. The point I make is that anyone that believes in their country, culture, racial, ethnicity, or a political belief that doesn't agree with the globalist new world order agenda is labeled a fascist. I like many throughout the world would be labeled a fascist since I believe in my country, Constitution, and I'm adamantly opposed to the globalist elites agendas.
@who41683 Жыл бұрын
"fascist", "socialist", "nazi", "communist" are all just buzzwords meant to represent anything someone disagrees with
@darklazerx7913 Жыл бұрын
How could a party that didn't consider itself fascist and commonly called post fascist be called neo fascist?
@mmarques2736 Жыл бұрын
Because of the supported ideology. E.g. North Korea does not call itself a dictatorship, quite the contrary, they call themselves the "democratic republic of Korea", but that does not make them a democracy, that's not how it works. Of course that the Fratelli d'Italia is a neofascist party, there is little room to doubt it
@MalachiCo0 Жыл бұрын
One major problem with the premise of this video: Giorgia Meloni isn't a fascist
@jorgejaviergonzalez9003 Жыл бұрын
Do one for Mexico, the political situation rn is not the best
@jorgecuevas8843 Жыл бұрын
Hope he sees your comment before it's filled with angry bots. :/
@Otterdisappointment Жыл бұрын
Concerning as the Tricolor “Democratic/Liberal Fascist” factions is Welfare Chauvinism seems to be the big platform that is actually concerning. Meloni showing her true colors as a Christian Democrat surprised me. I had my deep concerns but her defiance of her own party by creating a coalition with Christian Democrats from Forza and PD, supporting Ukraine, the EU and NATO earning then party’s anger won my support.
@DavidWestwater-vq6qy Жыл бұрын
It isn't that much of a surprise when you really think about it I mean a lot of Italians died on the Eastern front so killing Russians isn't really something that pisses him off that much
@gamerdrew2761 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for exposing the failures of democracy
@mmarques2736 Жыл бұрын
That's a stupid take. Even if you could frame this as "failures of democracy", there are plenty of democratic countries with different structures in which this won't happen. If you really enjoy dictatorships, leave us alone and move to North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, or any such country, enjoy your dream, and let us enjoy our life in a more civilised fashion...
@mmarques2736 Жыл бұрын
@reineke7379 the way I see it, what is failing is our approach to economics, which is still based on the 70's ideology from the Chicago school, and has become too common sense to let go after Tony Blair came up with what he called "the 3rd way" in the aftermath of Thatcher's years, and most of the Western countries followed that con concept. Liberal orthodoxy has become more of a religion than a social science, but we can change that. In the aftermath of the great recession, people supported dictators and things got worse, far far worse. Than came the Breton Woods conference, we redefined the monetary system, and implemented Keynesian policies, and everyone got better. Than came the end of Vietnam war, the US needed to pay the war bill, and Nixon ended the Bretton Wood system, paving the way for the neoliberal policies which are still guiding us today. That's what is failing, that's what needs to change. Like Clinton said in the 90's - "It is the economy, stupid". Of course, what we call democracy today, can evolve in many directions, it suffices to notice that in Europe and North America, no country has a system strictly equal to any other country, all have differences in their electing schemes and government roles. It won't stay static, but if history, and I mean history since the past 6000 years, have taught us something, is that non-democratic institutions only benefit elite groups, and I don't want to go back there.
@jacobrose6661 Жыл бұрын
Great video! My girlfriend is Italian and I love learning more about her county's social and political history. Would love to see more videos in relation to Italy :)
@juanrossi731 Жыл бұрын
Fancy editing does not equal reliable sources..sir.
@tiziocaio3612 Жыл бұрын
oh, well, you're sure gonna love it, especially after WW2, it's a complete mess, from piano solo and operation Gladio to the P2 masonic lodge, the years of lead and the attempted Borghese coup, topics that sadly aren't much explored, and here in Italy are mentioned only in documentaries and are absent from history books, except for the years of lead which are still remembered as one of the most chaotic periods of the so-called "first Republic"
@laurentb7178 Жыл бұрын
Yiou are just looking propaganda
@scipion34 Жыл бұрын
@@laurentb7178 Why? What is exactly wrong with the video?
@TheJon2442 Жыл бұрын
Just visit, especially Rome.... The corruption is evident on every street!!!!
@aldo_agazzi Жыл бұрын
this is incredibly misleading, borderline outrageous, specially in the end, ranking society and politics; Italy is one of the MOST corrupt countries in EU, organised crime captures local and national politics, we have many restrictions on free speech and when it comes to free press we are not only at the bottom of Europe but in the worst scores of the world. The fascist party is banned by constitution so technically there is not an universal freedom of political representation (despite the Economist data). but most of all, the "parliamentary perfectly bicameral" system has gigantic problems of democracy! because it completely gets rid of the separation of powers between executive, legislative and judicial: the parliament makes and takes the executive without accountability or binding rules. Italians have not the right to vote for our prime minister and (parliamentary coalitions are not even biding). For a democracy to work the legislative power shall not interfere with the executive and viceversa, it goes without saying that electors might chose a candidate for the regional government based on different criteria than their representation in high and low chambers (but even here they make the same job despite being created for different porpoises) and even different parameters for their president or prime minister that we never chose or decide when he-she must go. all those scores are even misleading or misinformed. Is a good starting point to use the Economist data, but just by looking at how the indexes are built one that has done a minimum of research should know when such indicators don't adapt to a country.
@marcogarzia1443 Жыл бұрын
As an italian political scientist I have to say that you did a great job for a 13 minutes video. I recommend to the American audience to dive deeper into the "years of led", they will surely find it fascinating!
@360tailslidfaceplant Жыл бұрын
Some operation that rhymes with dadio?
@Fiegl23 Жыл бұрын
@@RobespierreThePoof European culture is strongly traditional and everything was kind of "fine" until the 2008/2009, cause before a relatively good economy was cooling down the zeal of people. Later on the financial crisis and next the public debt crisis across the European continent and the austerity measures taken to "save" the economy made the continent poorer, and with the COVID crisis next we find ourself in an even worst condition followed by the war in Ukraine. All this crises and the bad problem solving management, especially with the austerity measures, lead to the today situation. We are just poorer, caged in a system of rules that we created by a moral supremacy and now we are searching for answers in our old traditions and national identities. Europe lose itself with austerity and no sense regulations on regulations. Compare the two different paths take one by Europe and the other by the USA and the rest of the world to solve the financial crisis back in 2008/09 and you will have many answers.
@m.m.1301 Жыл бұрын
I would also recommend the Americans learn more about the years of lead, since they were responsible for it
@360tailslidfaceplant Жыл бұрын
@@m.m.1301 As an American I will not take this slander. We were way to busy interfering in the politics of other nations like Guatemala, Colombia, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Israel, Egypt, Korea... and many more to care about what you pasta bois were up to. 😁
@m.m.1301 Жыл бұрын
@@360tailslidfaceplant you know what we say: if you've done 30 you might as well do 31
@Т1000-м1и 6 ай бұрын
Refrigeration stat is genius
@spectacles-dm 6 ай бұрын
@kevinsworldK.w69 Жыл бұрын
As an Albanian, i am very scared
@CaesarsLegion1 Жыл бұрын
Cry about it weakling
@roccosfondo8748 Жыл бұрын
Don't worry, we are not going to invade you again. The invasion of Albania was a mistake.
@KL-zg7lu 2 ай бұрын
This does begin by saying that Italy is mostly democratic, but msi is still present in parliament, and fascist ideals and behavior (control, etc) are still propagated by SOME. We have a real problem with one person in my neighborhood who is horrendously brainwashed and fascist. It's obvious the person making an assumption didn't watch the video.
@MikeMadari Жыл бұрын
You lot are the coolest geopol channel on KZbin, bar none. Keep cracking on, please 😁💪🏼
@tomso9246 Жыл бұрын
Is this a bigger problem in the South ? Is Italy split like that ? Is north Italy stable and non/less fascists ?
@purpleelemental3955 Жыл бұрын
That's not a problem. That's a blessing for an italian nation
@adrianopandolfo Жыл бұрын
@juanrossi731 Жыл бұрын
@@adrianopandolfohe’s not wrong
@alex30425 Жыл бұрын
It’s a stupid thing many Italians are too stupid to understand that a fascist should never be trusted.
@DrVictorVasconcelos 5 ай бұрын
As someone who lives under a multi-party presidentialist system that works well, that just looks like dual party propaganda to me. Peru's example was terrible cherry picking. Would Peru not be unstable right now under a different system?
@gmanplaysgames256 Жыл бұрын
Harps on about "neo-fascism" without even defining what that actually means. As an American with some friends in Europe I followed 2022 over there pretty closely. Meloni wants Italy to take care of Italians first and especially to put Italian families first, plain and simple. It's very telling that the side of the aisle that loves to toot the "strong women in power" horn hasn't celebrated Italy's first female PM. When the Syrian refugee crisis occurred in 2016, the Eu took in 600,000 of them and as of 2022, six years later, nearly half of them were still sitting around doing nothing and collecting a paycheck funded by European taxpayers, nearly 300,000 ABLE BODIED ADULTS that are fully capable of doing some form of work to support themselves, just getting a free ride off the backs of the working people of Europe for 6 entire years, and they don't even have the courtesy to assimilate into the culture, as we saw in the UK where after bringing all of these people in the rate of sexual assaults on women TRIPLED, or as we now saw in France where a Muslim teenager in a stolen car was shot by police after a high-speed chase where he nearly ran over 2 innocent bystanders but was forced to stop because of other cars at a red light and then attempted to speed off again (high speed chases are very dangerous for all parties involved and for other drivers and pedestrians for obvious reasons), most of the people that were rioting after this, turns out, didn't even know about the incident and were just rioting because they saw other Muslims doing it (if you actually study the Qur'an there is a principle known as Taqiyya, where believers are directed to play nice and act peaceable until they have sufficient numbers to violently overthrow the other culture), the UK board of tourism has to warn tourists not to visit certain neighborhoods around London as they are just pockets of Sharia Law at this point. Now stack this with the destruction of the family unit by incentivizing men to not stick around and women to be sexually irresponsible by giving single parents a pile of free handouts, not to mention free abortions on top of a declining birthrate in general in a country with an aging population (I REALLY hope I don't have to explain why having a massive swathe of retirees and very few able-bodied young workers is a big problem) instead of encouraging people to pair up and take care of each other, then you look at things like the rate of mental illness and incarceration, as well as the significantly lower average wage of people raised in single parent homes vs both parents and you may wonder, HMMM, WHY ON EARTH WOULD ANYONE WANT TO PROTECT THEIR OWN CULTURE FROM THESE OUTSIDERS OR WANT TO BRING BACK A FOCUS ON FAMILY?! The true agenda of those that oppose people like Meloni is revealed clear as day, destroy the culture and the family of Europe (and the US) and Canada), replace them with third-world imports and expand your own power base.
@Massimiliano13182 Жыл бұрын
"Brothers of Italy" Meloni's party may have retained the Tricolor Flame, but it has nothing and I underline nothing in common with the Italian Social Movement. And I'm not saying this to defend Meloni. On the contrary, precisely because I would be the first to vote for MSI if its founder and main representative were still there: Giorgio Almirante. But Almirante is no longer there. He died years ago. The party passed under Gianfranco Fini who changed the MSI into AN (National Alliance) and deprived the party of all its ideological sentiment, transforming it into a mere shadow of itself, especially with the alliance with Umberto Bossi's Northern League and Forza Italia of Silvio Berlusconi. Once faces have changed, ideas have changed, historical party figures like Storace have kept well away from AN, and the tricolor flame has completely lost all value or symbolism. Meloni is no different from Fini. There isn't even an epidermal cell of Neo Fascism, the party has evolved into a conservative party (very light), good only for making clichés from the top of the stands, then in practice I don't see any difference with the hated PD (democratic party, i.e. the monopoly of the Italian left) Meloni's party is a Eurocentric party, like the left. And it doesn't do anything that the Brussels dictats don't want. There is no fascist or neo-fascist drift in my country. There are only two parties in Italy that proudly claim to be Fascists: Forza Nuova (FN) and Casapound Italia. Taken individually, these two parties account for less than 2% of the votes. Let an Italian tell you. There are Fascists in Italy and there will always be. But they do not govern and they never will
@MuhammadAhmedMubashir Жыл бұрын
feminists: We need more strong independent women in power **meloni becomes pm** feminists: NOOOO, nOt LiKE ThaT
@ryleynadhir4685 Жыл бұрын
I don't think what feminists ever wanted was fascist women in power. The UK isn't good, because it's had 3 women be PM in the past 40 years. Women are absolutely underrepresented, but what's needed isn't fascists
@lawpete556 Жыл бұрын
yeah... what's the joke here? its the exact same with Margaret fucking Thatcher, a horrible human being who is directly responsible for like,,, the majority of the problems Britain is facing at the moment. think critically, when a feminist says they want a strong woman in power they don't fuckin mean a fascist or a neolib or some shit, they mean a decent person who will affect change, not someone who will keep the status quo of the patriarchy.
@wilhelmbittrich88 6 ай бұрын
Just being honest here, but that tri-colour flame that the fascists use in their symbolism is a great looking thing.
@fernandosanchez9726 Жыл бұрын
The no military one is definitely Costa Rica, it's the only central american country without military.
@ungeneer1506 Жыл бұрын
Them and Panama
@thomasgrabkowski8283 Жыл бұрын
@@ungeneer1506Panama is due to US not allowing them to have military after US invaded. Also for a long time, they were a military dictatorship
@DaiXonses Жыл бұрын
Can you do Spain next? I'm Catalan and the current political conflict (which is delaying the correct functioning of the elections and has out the results in a stall). All of this because they won't give us the right of self-determination. Visca Catalunya lliure 😎
@shatbad2960 Жыл бұрын
Extreme Right: The crazy notion that your country should be run for the benefit of its NATIVE people and that the law should be enforced particularly on illegal immigration. Please.....
@manzmatt3679 5 ай бұрын
as an Italian I admit that this video is right on many parts however it is now old, a new updated video would be nice as FDI has brought many negative reforms, and in my opinion it could lower Italy by many points, mainly in the "society" category
@charliesargent6225 4 ай бұрын
@simoncollins6529 Жыл бұрын
Good for the Italian's. Americans should focus on sorting out their own problems before worrying about what the Italian's are doing
@pomodorino479 8 ай бұрын
Here in Italy Meloni is doing a great work
@michelegionno Ай бұрын
We really have no other parties.
@joeyjojo84 Жыл бұрын
I visited Italy in 2017 and I was surprised to encounter people that were openly fascist. I ate in a restaurant where one room had a wall covered in photos, posters, and newspaper clippings of Mussolini and Hitler. The whole wall, floor to ceiling.
@siyacer Жыл бұрын
Stay out
@panthekirb7561 Жыл бұрын
Giga based
@MrDude826 Жыл бұрын
If they bring back the Roman Empire , I'm in.
@JordanG-ds1ii Жыл бұрын
a truly noble an unamerican response.
@roccosfondo8748 Жыл бұрын
Yes but no North Africa please
@mathiaslist6705 Жыл бұрын
Sorry to say that, but compared with the USA the democratic system in Italy seems pretty healthy and alive. I mean imagine you can come up with a party and have it into congress within a decade from literally zero. No way, that could happen in the USA. And remember January 2020 where US democracy would have nearly ended.
@PlanetZelka Жыл бұрын
People want order and cleanliness.
@Myname-cb9ru Жыл бұрын
As an Italian, this is a great video but I feel like a lot of importance is given to the FDI, when to be honest, it's just another party that will be out of government in a few months
@Helga7850 Жыл бұрын
Tesoro mio...da italiano non pensi che la destra stravince proprio per vendicarsi della sinistra salottiera e spensierata che ha distrutto il paese Italia con i porti spalancati e il pull factor? Sai...perché conosco diverse persone che votavano sinistra e adesso votano destra solo per vendetta verso la sinistra immigrazionista.
@rhythmicmusicswap4173 Жыл бұрын
foreing people underestimate the instabilty of our governemts, i'd say she will last till december
@DanielMorales-my4ez 9 ай бұрын
They're still there
@Azaduur Жыл бұрын
Imagine living somewhere that prioritized the wants and needs of the majority of its inhabitants. That would be crazy.
@s0Iare 2 ай бұрын
The people have a right to choose their political parties.
@VelikiDim Жыл бұрын
Cry about it
@changingpeopleslivesmoon2993 5 ай бұрын
Fun fact. Fascism. Came from Roman Empire
@wildfire9280 5 ай бұрын
*Fasces, not fascism.
@changingpeopleslivesmoon2993 4 ай бұрын
@@wildfire9280 really please explain
@CaesarsLegion1 Жыл бұрын
Ah my favourite channel the "Marxist Spectactles" channel!
@mulamulelilumadi4717 Жыл бұрын
Do you consider yourself a fascist? Why or why not? Are you anti socialist? Why?
@mariacami-im1ik Ай бұрын
Han sputato sul loro nome... Non lo possono cancellare.
@JohnnyMarksVideos Жыл бұрын
Your videos provide such great information while also inspiring me to dig into even more. It's not an easy balance to strike but you guys always crush it!
@Helga7850 Жыл бұрын
Hello, I am from Italy. Such a video doesn't bother us Italians at all. For example, Italians think very poorly about Americans since they elected that Muslim President in 2008. You guys have never understood the Italians' mindset or the Italians' psychology. Italians are proud of being defenders of white Christian Europe. The label "racist"? they couldn't care less about it
@Marxism-Leninism137 Жыл бұрын
As an italian, i can say there are more fascists here than what you think. Even though they didnt vote for a fascist party, they're everywhere. We also have still the Mussolini's grand daughter that makes fascist propaganda and organizes fascist parades.
@iosuai1351 Жыл бұрын
Sounds amazing!! Julius Evola would be proud of the perseverance!!!!!
@ebinboiz8914 Жыл бұрын
@Baby1245 Жыл бұрын
Looks like a Roman Platform... I think Italy is better as Roman with all Roman issues as thier form of government... Republic.
@chadofmercia2448 9 ай бұрын
Wheres the Problem?
@brad7073 Ай бұрын
No way you just gave Italy a Doug score bro 😭😭😭💀
@annoneemoose Жыл бұрын
Italy becoming based again.
@barsukascool Ай бұрын
1:07 yeah the National Syndicalists are the ’extreme right’, compltely
@fifacraft49 Жыл бұрын
Family values=facist bahahahahaha
@jasperfromming6633 Жыл бұрын
No ???? These were not even mentioned in the vid what are you thinking ?
@ShadowSkryba Жыл бұрын
I don't see them creating much of a threat. The moment they do stuff that is too reminscent of the 1920s they will be shut off. And the issue of a one party presidency can be easily avoided with a ranking or star voting method.
@spooqus6541 5 күн бұрын
And what exactly about this party is fascist?
@444-w8k Жыл бұрын
Calling meloni fascist as if she hold a candle to a man like musolini in terms of sheer will, ambition, and power is laughable. Shes simply a populist, thats all
@Flesh_Wizard Жыл бұрын
It's like comparing a laser pointer to a military missile destroying laser 😂
@owennilens8892 Жыл бұрын
Bicameral systems are very common actually
@JWZ44 Жыл бұрын
I dont think italy is fascist, i think italy and mist of europe are absolutely fed up with the boatmigrants
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