"if you consider Malta to be a country" , no, it is a country.
@ibx2cat6 жыл бұрын
sorry I misspoke - I meant microcountry. Nobody disagrees with it being a country I hope
@music24hour6 жыл бұрын
@@ibx2cat :) just saying it before you get some offended Maltese 😂
@TimothyCarmain6 ай бұрын
Maybe he meant the Palazzo di Malta in Rome, the headquarters of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta which they moved to after losing control of the island of Malta, and which is considered extraterritorial?
@koantao83216 жыл бұрын
I lived 30 years near Campione. Fun fact: Italian police cars are allowed to travel between Campione and the Swiss border in Chiasso, so you might encounter Italian police cars on the highway in Switzerland.
@setholson426 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: Italy's GDP can be devided with 1 Trillion between the 4-5 northern regions, and 1 trillion between the remaining 15.
@v.sandrone42686 жыл бұрын
using tax records you are right. I suspect the actual ratio is not as stark.
@thetechoasis21796 жыл бұрын
it indeed is, the south is fairly poor by european standards.
@Valery0p56 жыл бұрын
Rip Trinacria :(
@pitmezzari28736 жыл бұрын
Yep the north is economically better.
@kalyka986 жыл бұрын
If the south didn't have all the mafia it would be as rich as the north
@RRRR-jr1gp6 жыл бұрын
Pope: -We'll build a wall and make Italy pay for it!-
@Senor_potato6 жыл бұрын
If you consider malta a country? I think that the U.N. condensering it a country makes it a country
@parka0m4856 жыл бұрын
I think he meant the order of malta
@emptychair39324 жыл бұрын
some would say it should be Italian, others British and others independent.
@JonasKrag4 жыл бұрын
@@emptychair3932 what
@emptychair39324 жыл бұрын
@@JonasKrag what do you mean what? the Maltese people are closely related to Italians, and some would say it is Italian clay. Similarly, the British controlled Malta for a very long time as a useful site for naval power projection in the Mediterranean Sea, similar to Gibraltar. Some would say the long amount of time being under British control means it should belong to Britain, again, like Gibraltar. proponents of Maltese sovereignty would argue there is a distinct Maltese identity and would say the current situation of an independent Malta is best. probably most Maltese fall in the last category. I don't understand how it's confusing to say that some people think Malta should be a part of another country. happens very often.
@emptychair39324 жыл бұрын
@email saya the Y-DNA haplogroups align well with Sicilians/some southern italians, who themselves are similarly mixed with Arabs and the like.
@EdMcF16 жыл бұрын
In Rome, there is the even weirder Sovereign Military Order of Malta at 68 Via Condotti, it is an 'embassy' without a country, a building that has extra-territorial status as a relict of the Knights of Malta. It is subordinate in some ways to the Vatican, but separate. After WW2, it ran Italy's airforce. The Master of the Order is the Lord of all he surveys, as long as he doesn't look out of the window.
@Speedyconnor184 жыл бұрын
“The mountains in the north are a great natural defence” Laughs in Hannibal
@thefirstprimariscatosicari68706 жыл бұрын
8:10 And the Swiss constantly cross the border to go shopping since everything costs less in Italy without any loss in quality.
@mygetawayart6 жыл бұрын
well we constantly cross the border when we wanna run away from our government. Switzerland is basically our Canada.
@lore30986 жыл бұрын
There is quite a difference between Italian supermarket meat and Swiss supermarket meat regarding quality (And it's usually better in Switzerland)
@emilianomerli6 жыл бұрын
cousins = cugini cuisine = cucina
@lore30986 жыл бұрын
Pippo I’m not saying meat in Italy is bad quality, but the meat you can buy in Italian supermarkets and big chains is usually worse than the meat you can buy in Swiss ones
@fabioferrarese56006 жыл бұрын
@@lore3098 well apart from the fact that it's not true, but apart from that fun fact almost no one buys meat in sw cause it costs a LOT
@TheMarioManiac6 жыл бұрын
But Toycat I thought you were Italian with how much you move your hands?
@ibx2cat6 жыл бұрын
my hands are Italian
@avsgaming036 жыл бұрын
i have drove on the A2 road past italys exlave in switzerland
@mrnovember12305 жыл бұрын
@Slithermotion5 жыл бұрын
@@mrnovember1230 ...maybe one of his italian neighbours is sitting right under the sight of the camera so he can act with those authentic italian hand gestures. you never know.
@daddylonglegs39785 жыл бұрын
Not as fast as he moves his mouth. Slow down for Pete's sake!
@FilippoR6 жыл бұрын
Mont blanc? is M O N T E B I A N C O
@tentifr6 жыл бұрын
Filippo Ricci monte bianco, esatto
@Ryan_Winter5 жыл бұрын
He couldn't even pronounce the French version right, be happy he didn't butcher the Italian term.
@IlGab025 жыл бұрын
@Gina G No, i live in Valle d'Aosta and we only learn french in school
@battlefrontquickscoper6475 жыл бұрын
@Gina G He's saying that no one speaks french anymore in Valle d'Aosta.
@battlefrontquickscoper6475 жыл бұрын
@Gina G Because MONTE BIANCO is shared by france and italy so MONTE BIANCO/MONT BLANC
@ImOompaLoompa3 жыл бұрын
San Marino was not "invaded" by italian troops during the unification because they previously granted asylum to Garibaldi (one of the italian "leaders"). When the troops got there years later, he remembered their help and the king of Italy decided to let them be a sovereign country (even tho it would have been an "invasion" i don't think anybody else in Europe would have gone to war the help San Marino...pretty sure 95% of the world population had/has no idea that San Marino exists.)
@pompmag6 жыл бұрын
You missed the oddest enclave in Italy! The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta, has territory (2 buildings) in Rome. It sort of is and sort of isn't a full country but by many measures it is and it is recognised as such by over 100 countries and has permanent observer status at the UN. It is therefore the third microstate within Italy but with the even odder situation that both it and Italy recognise that they each have sovereign rights over the two buildings it occupies so they have this shared territory thing going on. Love the borders videos by the way, especially the ones where you go into detail or down rabbit holes.
@EdMcF16 жыл бұрын
What are the two buildings? I know about the one at 68 Via Condotti (Via Condotti is posh, a bit like Bond Street in London).
@Quintinohthree6 жыл бұрын
Thing is, those really aren't enclaves. They're not sovereign territory. They're the equivalent of embassies, fully Italian land Italy can tell them to leave whenever but where Italian law does not apply.
@Jivvi5 жыл бұрын
@@Quintinohthree That's why the Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a nation, but not a country, whereas the Vatican is a country, but not a nation.
@im.not.typical916 жыл бұрын
Shocking Fun Fact of the Day: in Italy they speak Italian
@brandon91726 жыл бұрын
Every 60 seconds in Italy a minute passes.
@mario70496 жыл бұрын
Lol, no
@im.not.typical916 жыл бұрын
@Sander Skovly you're ruining my Fun Shocking Fact of The Day!!!!! I LOVE ME PLEASE ,from Arizona, ruler of pigeons demand you remove your comment!!!!!!
@im.not.typical916 жыл бұрын
@Sander Skovly thank you
@santinomamone26746 жыл бұрын
Love Me Please!!! Fun fact I can speak fluent Italian and Calabrian dialect ... the north is industrial Andrew Fiat ... ect .... did you know Istria wants to become part of Italy again ... Istria ... fiume ... Dalmatia ... France got land bc of Monaco
@FilK796 жыл бұрын
You are totally wrong about the Italian-Slovenian border. One of least-inhabited? And then you see the city of Gorizia crossed in center cy the border splitting thee city into Gorizia and Gorica, then you say there are no issues? Because you didnt heard them doesnt mean there are no. Actually are plenty of issues, Italian minority in Istria, Slovenian on Italian side, much tension actually.
@afilanus70843 жыл бұрын
I'm Tyrolean and I can definitely tell you that pretty much every Tyrolean wants South Tyrol to join Austria again, but Italy would never allow that to happen peacefully because of the enourmous economic importance.
@TragicTester0343 жыл бұрын
can undestand terentino being italian but not South Tyrol
@SmashingCapital2 жыл бұрын
You cant talk for everyone or the majority bruh
@afilanus70842 жыл бұрын
@@SmashingCapital except I do because I'm from Tyrol and I know what the people want. North, East and South.
@SmashingCapital2 жыл бұрын
@@afilanus7084 bruh bolzano has over 100000 people living in it and thats just one city alone, you are telling me you know what each of these people want?
@SmashingCapital2 жыл бұрын
@@afilanus7084 if you are speaking about majorities then you must know the opinion of each individual or you wouldnt be able to identify it as a majority
@ertio12976 жыл бұрын
The video is very interesting, but I just want to point out one thing: the province of Trieste was already a part of the Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. What happened one year ago is not that Italy abolished its provinces, but Friuli did. As of now it's the only region, autonomous or not, to have abolished provincial-level administration completely, but there are plans to do the same thing in other places, for example Saridinia
@mygetawayart6 жыл бұрын
didn't they abolish provinces everywhere and replace them with Metro-Areas for big cities (call em big cities...)?
@CeccoGrullo6 жыл бұрын
My Getaway most provinces are still in place. Only a few provinces (a dozen out of more than 100, I think) were replaced by _Città Metropolitane_ , around the biggest cities.
@CeccoGrullo6 жыл бұрын
Alec423 uhm, no.
@pitmezzari28736 жыл бұрын
@@mygetawayart no, there are a few metropolitan cities but the rest are provinces
@LucaSalemi6 жыл бұрын
We sort of planned to abolish provinces for a long time. For technical reasons, only regions "with special statute" could actually do so. Sicily did it first, but it's sort of fake (provinces were basically renamed). Sardinia actually planned to do it even earlier, but the first time it was in conflict with their regional constitution. Then again, they were doing it for fake like Sicily. Only Friuli-Venezia Giulia did it for real. Meanwhile, in "ordinary statute" regions, a few provinces around major cities were renamed into "metropolitan cities" as well. Then a constitutional referendum that, among other things, allowed for the abolishment of provinces, didn't pass. So: no we are not really abolishing provinces, except Friuli-Venezia Giulia did, Sicily and Sardinia did it for fake, provinces already "abolished for fake" in ordinary statute regions should revert back to being pronvices, and nobody cares.
@davidjc036 жыл бұрын
Please do this with The Netherlands
@akim15266 жыл бұрын
could you do a video on the netherlands?
@tipperary45256 жыл бұрын
Akim no.
@thebottlewithoutalix28066 жыл бұрын
Actually, a discussion of the seas would be cool.
@michaelfisher92674 жыл бұрын
Along the French-Italian border, Tende (Tenda) and La Brigue (La Briga) were transferred from Italy to France in 1947.
@zano99immort993 жыл бұрын
that's right, but also other territories, mostly the French obtained control of some major Alpine passes in Piedmont, Liguria and the Aosta Valley
@hafizfirliansyah77844 жыл бұрын
Romance-Speaking States In Europe: Moldova. Romania. Italy. Vatican. San Marino. Monaco. Swiss(Italian,Romansh,French). France(Including French-Speaking Of Alsace-Lorraine,And Wallonia In Belgium). Andorra. Spain. Portugal.
@samuele70986 жыл бұрын
I am glad you showed the map at 14.00 because most people think that South tyrol is the entire region and that everybody living in the region speaks German, while actually the southern province of the region, although historically part of the county of tirol, was never a predominantly German speaking area as you see from the map, and it also isn't named south tyrol (hence the name of the region: Trentino-alto Adige/südtirol, which is divided in the 2 provinces of Trentino and alto Adige/südtirol)
@riccardopeduzzi93426 жыл бұрын
Trieste is completely italian, the slovenian community is composed by immigrants or workers. You have forgotten to tell about the most important italian land stolen by Jugoslavia, the istrian peninsula (as bigger as Tyrole)!!
@Tovi12096 жыл бұрын
Istria was not stolen but liberated
@riccardopeduzzi93426 жыл бұрын
@@Tovi1209 say this to those 250000 Italians which were expelled from their home in Istria by Jugoslavians (for not mention those 23000 italian soldiers and farmers trowed in caves by Tito liutenant). I have been in Istria this Summer... It's how I said.
@Tovi12096 жыл бұрын
You have been in Istria maybe you need to live in Istria to understand that history does not start in 1945. Maybe check the story about the italian regime in Istri, Quarnero, Zara, Fiume from 1918- 1943. Their behavior to the local slavic people. Also check the story of how Fiume was liberated by D'Annunzio. Istria was liberated from the fascists not stolen.
@riccardopeduzzi93426 жыл бұрын
@@Tovi1209 the istrian question began much before than first world war, exactly during Venezian domination before and Austro-Hungarian domination after. Since those years there where arguments between sealine Italian polulation and mainland croatian and slovenian polulation, so fascism regime was just the last phase of this long fight, which Jugoslavians won After the war, in the same way as Italians could have won against Jugoslavians: making get out all slavic polulation from Istria and Dalmazia (Like Israel with Palestine). The mistake made by both countries was to stole also lands which didn't were a national land, just for Revenge against the ennemy. Finally, italians lost the war and another italian land (the most of croatian coast and islands) was integrated completely in a foreign country, populated by foreign people.
@Tovi12096 жыл бұрын
So Istri wasn't solen since originali it was not theirs. "Italians lost the war and another italian land (the most of croatian coast and islands) was integrated completely in a foreign country, populated by foreign people." Which islands and coast? Tell me the exact names of the island and parts of coast thet are integrated completly in a foreign country, populated by foreign people.
@Alexander24719946 жыл бұрын
In particular about Trieste you are simplifying way too much. Trieste is the last part of our Istria-Venezia Giulia, lost in ww2
@giuseppecoppola3153 жыл бұрын
you mean trieste venzia giulia? even if venezia isn't there? man italy's weird
@Alexander24719943 жыл бұрын
@@giuseppecoppola315 lol there are three Venices
@giuseppecoppola3153 жыл бұрын
@@Alexander2471994 cos- che? quando? perché?! com'è che non lo sapevo
@korotan6583 жыл бұрын
@Alexander24719943 жыл бұрын
@@korotan658 last time we met you didn't exist and Lubjana was our city. Shut up please
@robinvossen78216 жыл бұрын
Love the border video's. .. China is a good candidate
@Jack-lm8ry6 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is not China.
@Roca0056 жыл бұрын
Most of the Adriatic coast was Italian in the past as well!
@Roca0056 жыл бұрын
Aleksej Savodnik actually it was all Roman lands before the invasion of the Slavs...
@Roca0055 жыл бұрын
Jeb Bush Istria for example was Italian up to the 20th century as well as other territories.
@cacchettamarciakk92344 жыл бұрын
@@Roca005 in reality we Lombardinian invaded the Roman empire...so shut up moron ! Your country stole Istria
@parabelluminvicta83803 жыл бұрын
@@cacchettamarciakk9234 you mean longobeards
@SmashingCapital2 жыл бұрын
@@cacchettamarciakk9234 what
@kevinlandrini67996 жыл бұрын
it's pronounced Kampionay (Campione- champion in English). I am from Como and I can tell you there is an actually a border where they check whether you are carrying things through the border although they dont stop you unless you are unlucky.
@oops32666 жыл бұрын
1:08 does anyone dispute that Malta is a country?
@lore30986 жыл бұрын
As the video is quite recent you should probably know that the casino in Campione actually recently went bankrupt and some people in the village would want it to become officially Swiss. Also the history you described for the Italian speaking part of Switzerland is not completely accurate.
@mrspoorwegovergang11856 жыл бұрын
You completely forgot the italian minority in Slovenia and Croatia. Istria was part of the kingdom of Italy and italians were, by large, the majority of population along the istrian coast (not inside). Nowadays Grisignana has an italian majority of population (about 60%) and Buje is about 35% of italian population.
@cristiandumitrescu17446 жыл бұрын
@Blabla Rech you should talk with a German in South Tyrol and he would say that Italy is better then Austria. Thay have their autonomy in one of the 8 powers in the world. They have one of the best wellfare in the world.
@cristiandumitrescu17446 жыл бұрын
@Aleksej Savodnik its not stolen...simply with the treaty of London(1915), Italy at the end of the war, would have Istria and Dalmatia. But with the enter of U.S. , President Wilson declared the "14 points of Wilson" that was in contrast with the Treaty of London because in Dalmatia lived more slavs but the territory was promised to Italy. Italy wouldn't join the war if they wouldn't have Dalmatia, so they deserve it. If Dalmatia would've given to Italy, Fascism wouldn't grow up and Hitler wouldn't be influenced by that. So WW2 was Wilson's fault.
@mrspoorwegovergang11856 жыл бұрын
@Aleksej Savodnik you are right. The Pula arena and the temple of Augustus were built by Croatian people. You have unveiled the most well kept secret of the world: Romans were not latin but a glorious Croatian tribe
@ferrenberg6 жыл бұрын
Cool borders and enclaves. I didn't know about any of them apart from San Marino and the Vatican City. Italy doesn't seem too boring to me now!
@italianpc41196 жыл бұрын
@giuseppefavata45416 жыл бұрын
Italian Mapper and Istria, Malta and Fiume
@emilianomerli6 жыл бұрын
Yeeeah sure. Because Austria actually never oppressed minorities, right? Every single ethnic group who made the Austria-Hungary has always had a separatist movement, Hungarians, Serbs, Croats, Italians, Czechs, Poles, Romanians... While we can argue if the province of Bozen is Italian or not you cannot call it oppression, you are basically autonomous, you are entirely free to keep practicing every single aspect of your life (your language, your culture, your money, your landscape, your habits), so please tell me, What is that you don't like? (And "You don't let us join our brothers" is not a valid answer)
@apvtethic88186 жыл бұрын
@fabioferrarese56006 жыл бұрын
@Blabla Rech better than ethiopia
@apvtethic88186 жыл бұрын
@Al-Jumaeyli Al-Qaysi Al-Dawseri الدوسر Malta was traditionally considered part of the italian geographic region, that's why is claimed
@crazygollum626 жыл бұрын
You didn't talk about Gorizia and Nova Gorica :(
@michaelbednarski46016 жыл бұрын
I went to Gorizia and Nova Gorica. The architecture is very different on both sides. The cities are very distinct even though they are beside each other.
@tilenHD4 жыл бұрын
@@michaelbednarski4601 i count them as 1 city
@Staniele3 жыл бұрын
I actually live near nova Gorica and let me tell you every time I see a welcome to Italy sign I just wanna terret down why because that territory is never supposed to be Italian
@caitxox88126 жыл бұрын
Wait why would Malta not be considered as a country
@parka0m4856 жыл бұрын
He meant order of malta
@davidroddini15125 жыл бұрын
Parka0M I ah would love ah to order a Malta but ah everyone just ah sells ah milkshakes.
@isaibro6 жыл бұрын
Good vid as always but I was expecting you to talk about the Italian speaking communities in Croatia! I guess it’s not exactly related to borders tho...
@stephenflerisoler47575 жыл бұрын
How come no mention has been made of Malta which is in the south of Sicily? It is a very small country. It is a group of islands.
@davidebonannini6406 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, Italians love Albanians and Romanians. Namely, the 1st and the 2nd most loyal and numerous guests of Italian prisons (source: Italian Min. of Interiors).
@peterbound21193 жыл бұрын
you are the king of messy summarisation
@syifone88436 жыл бұрын
love how this is just a fun facts series now :)
@ericvulgate6 жыл бұрын
love your enthusiasm for the subject matter. i learn a lot watching your channel.
@dario24396 жыл бұрын
The casino "campione d'italian" don't exist anymore, it got bankrupt and close
@rampazzodavid466 жыл бұрын
What he said about Trieste was totally wrong...
@kalyka986 жыл бұрын
@Blabla Rech We have two states inside us, are we so intorelant? Coming from Naziland i suppose is quite the hipocrisy
@tentifr6 жыл бұрын
Blabla Rech ahh, gli idioti esistono sempre
@nogatonis1944 жыл бұрын
@@kalyka98 ok liberal
@Staniele Жыл бұрын
what... duede we are here and we are not leaving.
@Lorem_646 жыл бұрын
Is there a country that doesn't recognise Malta?
@NathanPortelli196 жыл бұрын
@liambleasdale17076 жыл бұрын
Nathan Portelli I love Malta 🇲🇹.
@santinomamone26746 жыл бұрын
Lorem_64 Malta is cool
@cillian946 жыл бұрын
@Sander Skovly it's in the EU so that means at least the other 27 EU stares recognise it .
@tomasroma23336 жыл бұрын
Sander Skovly Thats true but each EU member has a veto for letting a country in. So if a country in the EU didn’t recognise Malta they would just veto its membership.
@et76039 Жыл бұрын
Italians in the UK go back almost 500 years. In the mid 16th century, a Venetian businessman named Tagliaferro moved to London. His descendants became one of the First Families of Virginia, by which time the spelling had become altered to Taliaferro, and sometimes given the phonetic spelling of Tolliver or Toliver. In autosomal DNA tests, this can show up as a trace of Balkans or central Europe. Southern Italy is home to two distinct dialects of Albanian. Three villages near Rome speak the Shtokavian dialect of Croatian.
@buzz-9x5 жыл бұрын
Is Dan Marino from San Marino?
@arx35166 жыл бұрын
Italy needs South Tyrol because of geographical/defence reasons, the Brenner pass is there, if Tyrol was all austrian then Austria would have a territory beyond the Alps, a huge advantage if Austria wanted to invade.
@Quintinohthree6 жыл бұрын
In this day and age, what is the point of Italy defending against Austria though?
@moritzgschnell61476 жыл бұрын
Austria couldn't invade italy anyway😂. Borders shouldn't be made so there good for defence but rather ethnic
@arx35166 жыл бұрын
believe me defence matters. even if Austria doesn't invade Italy, what if another country invades Austria and wants to proceed toward Italy? Historically Italia (as in the historical/geographical region) has always been the peninsula right south of the Alps, wich is the foundation of the modern concept of Italy. Having another nation protruding trough the Alps would be inconceivable for modern Italians.
@moritzgschnell61476 жыл бұрын
@@arx3516 Well the "Salurner Klause" would not only be the ethnical border (between trentino and south tyrol) but also good for defence. So that would be the best option.
@rbrassey98536 жыл бұрын
You said that it is uncommon to cross borders whilst skiing. There are loads of them from France to Italy and Switzerland
@TerryT3046 жыл бұрын
I'm not religious but I think the Vatican City thing works, Jerusalem should have the same status so no one country claims it.
@kalyka986 жыл бұрын
The Vatican city was accepted by the Pope many many many years after the unification, under mussolini, only because the pope admitted he had no chance to get their land back anymore. In israel everyone thinks they can still win
@litenantjv6 жыл бұрын
+Andrea Pesavento i think this is the smarter tought i ever read about Jerusalem a neuter city no palestine, no israel.
@lokesrum6 жыл бұрын
Can you explain Switzerlands borders as well?
@salvatorederosa69375 жыл бұрын
Fun summary. I rewrote a book about Campione for its benefits about 20 years ago. It actually has two postal codes a Swiss one and an Italian one and two telephone services. Regarding Trieste, it's not in Italy actually but just administered by it. It is a "free territory" under the Allied Mandate of World War two and formally ruled by the USA and the UK. As it happens though they pay full Italian taxes to italy, much to the chagrin of its residents... The Vatican keeps out the "migrants" while berating Italy on tsaking them in. Also the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua is Vatican Territory and the Sovereign Military order of Malta is a country in the middle of Rome the size of its headquarters building!
@ThursdayNext676 жыл бұрын
There's also the tiny Principality of Seborga who claim that they're not part of Italy
@blackbirdsnake31076 жыл бұрын
i like the shorter videos like this you could do brazils borders
@francescoanastasio20216 жыл бұрын
The Vatican cannot be considered in any way as an exception of the ordinary concept of "country", and yet has an economical activity. It has a very powerful central bank, one of the most rich and influent in the world, and - I hope I'm not wrong - one of its top managers is an American university professor. They also have other estates and buildings throughout Rome and within the rest of Italy. The Vatican has also its own juridical system, until the 60s they even had the death penalty (although just formally). So, if this is not a country, I wonder what are your criterias for defining a country as such!
@MajorwindyАй бұрын
It’s not a UN member state and doesn’t seek to behave like ordinary nation-states because it isn’t.
@EvaHarding6 жыл бұрын
I've skied from Italy to France, its pretty underwhelming
@v.sandrone42686 жыл бұрын
you should try taking a jet ski between Mexico and the USA - it gets you heart rate pumping. 🐺(coyote not a fox)
@michaelbednarski46016 жыл бұрын
Tende and La Brigue went from Italy to France in 1947.
@IlGab025 жыл бұрын
@decorn25426 жыл бұрын
Please do a border video on Hungary. Hungary had amazing history and I would love to learn more about it
@L-mo6 жыл бұрын
You didn’t mention Aosta on the Italian side of the French border where the speak French.
@jacopo695 жыл бұрын
Only few people speak French and it isn't even French, it's Patoi
@lucdebado4 жыл бұрын
Rectify: in Aosta Region, local people do not "speak French". Nowadays, locals in the large majority speak Italian and many are ethnic Italians. Along with that, many speak (also or primarly) the local variations/dialects of Arpitan, which is *not French*, and it's the truly authentic and native language of the region. French indeed is recognized as regional official language as well (along with Italian and Arpitan), and therefore taught as compulsory subject in all local schools. It can be used in public, but its current status is due to political and diplomatic reasons (post-war agreements between Italy and France), and to the political, social and cultural prestige that French had historically in the region (as the language used by the elites and the most cultured people in the past). But today for pretty much every local French is just a second or third language they've learnt at school, in TV, etc. Mostly they're not French native speakers. In fact French is today the first language/mother tongue (native speakers) for only 1 or 1.5 % of the total population. While Italian is the mother tongue/first language of some 77-78%, and Arpitan is the one of about 18% of them. At the end, it's interesting to mention that in Aosta region there's also an officially recognized tiny German-speaking community, concentrated in only 3 towns in a lateral valley. And it exists also a sizeable Piemontese-speaking community especially in the some towns bordering that region.
@L-mo4 жыл бұрын
So, in summary, some people speak French in Aosta.
@L-mo4 жыл бұрын
Italian and French are the official languages, though the native population also speak Valdôtain, a dialect of Arpitan (Franco-Provençal); 50.53% of the population can speak all three languages.
@lucdebado4 жыл бұрын
@@L-mo indeed, if with "some speakers" we mean just 1-1.5% (native speakers) of the total population, as i mentioned in my previous message. Then, many others are obviously bilingual or multilingual, for the reasons I highlighted above, but in those cases French is not their first language, nor their mother tongue. Therefore, it's not that much relevant in this very context. Nowadays, almost a similar percentage of locals is able to speak some English too...but certainly they're not considered "Englishmen" nor "anglophones" for this reason. The role of French today is mainly just diplomatic, scholastic and partially administrative. To make it even clearer, this region has a *very different* situation from, for instance, the one of Alto Adige/Sudtirol, where a large majority of the local population consists of *actual ethnic Germans* and of Tyrolean & German *actual native speakers* till this very day. For the rest, in summary, you're then repeating some of the facts I myself have already described above. You will then agree that what we've clarified now, is slightly different from your very first statement above: "In Aosta they speak French".
@alessiorenzoni55862 жыл бұрын
🇮🇹🇨🇭Italian Switzerland includes the entire Canton of Ticino and the Mesolcina valley of the Canton of Grisons; the Bregaglia and Poschiavo valleys must also be included, physically detached from the remaining part. In these areas, Italian is spoken almost exclusively and the dialect is of the Lombard type. It is recalled that the Canton of Ticino was ceded by the Duchy of Milan to Switzerland in the first half of the sixteenth century; it was part of the dioceses of Milan and Como until the second half of the nineteenth century. Communications to date are more intense with upper Italy than with the rest of Switzerland. Val Monastero (Canton of Grisons) and the Simplon Pass (Canton of Valais) also fall within the geographical borders of Italy; the inhabitants of these two strips of land are respectively Ladin and German. On the other hand, there are some small territories belonging to political Italy but geographically transalpine: Val di Lei and Livigno.
@michaelhaywood82623 жыл бұрын
Do most people in Trentino, [city of the Tridentine Council of the Catholic Church in the 17th century], which was in Austria before WW1 and in Italy since, speak Italian or German as their first language?
@lucabralia51253 жыл бұрын
Trentino is mostly Italian, the German part is in Alto Adige
@permiebird9376 жыл бұрын
Interesting video, thanks. I had never considered the border of Italy in such detail. I don't know if you are interested in historical borders, but a really interesting border in Italy is the former "Republic of Cospaia" created between Tuscany and Umbria in the 15th century. The country's border was made by a survey error. The locals took advantage of their independence and made money from smuggling and tobacco. The small independent country lasted until the early 19th century.
@alecpies6 жыл бұрын
There is a difference between Jetskiing and skiing over the Italian/Swiss border
@1101100106 ай бұрын
I just came here from The Tim Traveller's video about Campione because I felt like I was experiencing a déjà vu! I was sure I watched something about the town but I didn't know who made the video and when. Turns out it's a random Minecraft KZbinr's second channel geography video from five year's ago! 😄 I loved these videos, thank you for making them 🧡
@MrKinghuman5 жыл бұрын
Damn, this must have taken a long time to put together
@GavinLepley Жыл бұрын
Not really. He just spends half an hour happily ranting about facts he knows.
@ANTREU966 жыл бұрын
As a half italian half austrian guy who has been brought up in Milan and Vienna the alto adige / süd tirol discussion get quite complicated lol
@motionxt6 жыл бұрын
As a half italian half austrian guy here too (raised in Austria), I do believe that the part of South Tyrol where there is a clear Austrian majority should be able to join the rest of austria (as long as the majority of each affected town/county agrees).
@TechnoGuys993 жыл бұрын
@@motionxt when you lose the war you also lose territory, when they give back Savoy, Nice, Istria and Dalmatia (I don't include Corsica because that really should be Italian as the Treaty of Versailles of 1768 says) we will be able to give you South Tyrol
@eunanavesani60743 жыл бұрын
@@motionxt go to Austria.
@TheZett2 жыл бұрын
@@TechnoGuys99 Or you just hold a public vote and let the people living in the area decide their own fate. It was done for the Saarland and the now Danish parts of Nordschleswig, so why cant it be done for Südtirol?
@TechnoGuys992 жыл бұрын
@@TheZett because it is idiocy, it would create a precedent for every other separatist group in the world, moreover Italy was much more fragmented than you think, my village of 20k people was independent until the mid-1700s, so were many others , think if they all had the opportunity to ask for independence ...
@katharinazipelius61086 жыл бұрын
40 minutes detailed border videos !
@anenbychick6 жыл бұрын
Vatican city is smallest country in the world? Looks like you never seen the Military Order of Malta.
@Jivvi5 жыл бұрын
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a nation, but is not a country. The Vatican is a country, but is not a nation.
@lukearmfield21926 жыл бұрын
I've just been to Rome and loved it and liked the fact I got 2 countries in 1
@justinecatto79864 жыл бұрын
So many reasons you would want to go to Italy :Coronavirus says no
"It's not going to start any fun war" emphasis on the word fun
@gerokollmer7336 жыл бұрын
I like the depth you go into the topic with, I am acquainted with all the borders you mentioned here except the campione one. By the way, you might like the train station of „bayerisch eisenstein“, the Czech/ German border runs right through its hall and is demarkated with a yellow marking on the floor.
@ibx2cat6 жыл бұрын
I'm covering the Czech Border next and that is in fact news to me!
@tomasroma23336 жыл бұрын
1:09 sorry but who doesn’t consider Malta to be a country?
@felixvanmears6 жыл бұрын
It's a independent nation
@tomasroma23336 жыл бұрын
Thezifi yeah thats what im saying. Doesn’t everyone think that.
@johanna-hypatiacybeleia24656 жыл бұрын
It's funny at 6:54, speaking of the "fun blend" of languages across borders, at the Italy-France-Switzerland tripoint you say "French up here, Italian down here in language..." while pointing to Aosta. Aosta is the one part of Italy where French is spoken, where French is an official regional language.
@FilippoR6 жыл бұрын
Also in Nizza they speak Italian
@johanna-hypatiacybeleia24656 жыл бұрын
@@FilippoR Nizza meaning Nice in France, which used to be part of Liguria.
@charliestuart93746 жыл бұрын
@thisisdeathhec3 жыл бұрын
I used to watch your Minecraft videos. Now I watch your geography videos.
@Hoehlenmaensch6 жыл бұрын
Haven't had Internet for 2 weeks. How i missed this stuff
@koenbobeldijk6 жыл бұрын
The double ski resort also has a view on the most beautiful mountain of europe, it is a great place to go, i only went there in the summer but through a brand promotion my father went heli-skiing there, i was so jealous
@themadmanwithapen5 жыл бұрын
Fun fact, like how Tirol is German speaking, Aosta is French speaking!
@thecommentaryking5 жыл бұрын
Aosta is not French speaking, only a minority speaks it, with a majority speaking Italian
@Hugo-cn9no5 жыл бұрын
@@thecommentaryking Nope Im from Aoste Valley and we speak french
@thecommentaryking5 жыл бұрын
@@Hugo-cn9no Doubt
@louisbeerreviews89645 жыл бұрын
TheCommentaryKing wrong
@thecommentaryking5 жыл бұрын
@@louisbeerreviews8964 doubt that
@eken_27305 жыл бұрын
There is a skiing competition that starts in norway and the finnish line is on the swedish side ive been there waching my dad crossing the boarder
@ericlewis24244 жыл бұрын
0:56 that's not where indonesia is...
@oddjobplayzps43143 жыл бұрын
thats the flag of monaco
@andre00000000073 жыл бұрын
awesome job bro, the question of Trieste needs more explaining though.. apart from the fact that it was never slovenian (it was part of Austria-Hungary of centuries, then Italy invaded/liberated - depending who you ask - after ww1. also from 1945 to 1954 it was divided (like Berlin) and wasn't italian. it was FTT-VFG = Free Territory of Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia. administered by the allies. there were 2 zones, Zone A and Zone B. A= democratic, allies and B=communist, yugoslavia. Zone A went to Italy (basically only the city of trieste) and zone B was given to Yugoslavia (because of the cold war/stalin). i believe the border was not officially accepted by Italy until 1976 as they wanted Zone B back. in effect Italy lost all of Istria - down to Pula and the dalmatian coast after ww2.
@mr.jeffjeffun12123 жыл бұрын
Here in Slovenia we have a saying "Trst je naš!" - (Trieste is ours!) - I do not belive that the relation is relaxed
@SmashingCapital2 жыл бұрын
Most of the adriatic was italian before what happened to the italian that lived there
@daveadams76094 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the interesting tour of Italian borders! I recommend the Dreilanderich ski resort for cross border skiing. 🎿 I lived in Villach, Austria on Lake Faak for a couple of years. You can bicycle from there across the Italian border.
@nevecenere6 жыл бұрын
Wow! you know so many things! have a look on Gorizia. It's a big italian city close to the slovenian border where half city is in italy and the other half is in slovenia
@jameshudson1695 жыл бұрын
You promised a discussion of Malta. The Order of Malta is smaller than the Vatican City. It is inside Italy and yet has no area. The semantic implications are mind boggling!
@thesuomi85506 жыл бұрын
Ibx2cat is a weird version of Geography Now
@justinbaranski59626 жыл бұрын
Good Stuff man! I like the long, in depth videos. I'm a border junkie too. When will you do Mexico and other Central and Southern America countries?
@psd_seth6 жыл бұрын
I’m probably going to Italy soon!
@ibx2cat6 жыл бұрын
same, for the first time surprisingly
@lemao_squash44866 жыл бұрын
Borders of New Zealand next
@ibx2cat6 жыл бұрын
best video on the channel
@Lorem_646 жыл бұрын
@@ibx2cat we have some pretty interesting islands
@christopherellis26636 жыл бұрын
Don't, it is only good for getting to Slovenia
@brennanando6 жыл бұрын
France has many regional languages, but unfortunately, they have no legal recognition and risk extinction.
@Leo-uu8du6 жыл бұрын
Many of them are already extinct, especially the romance ones
@DanMan50006 жыл бұрын
I mean... French is a romance language
@brennanando6 жыл бұрын
It's always a bit sad when you go to places like Nord-Pas-de-Calais and see Flemish street names, but according to Wikipedia only around 20,000 people speak the French dialect of French Flemish daily now.
@Leo-uu8du6 жыл бұрын
Breton, German, Occitan, Catalan, basque,... all of them aren't own languages, they are just french dialects, aren't they? ;)
@brennanando6 жыл бұрын
German and French are basically interchangeable :D
@utilizator5006 жыл бұрын
What the hell does he say in the intro?
@ibx2cat6 жыл бұрын
Hello I'm toycat and welcome back to another second channel video
@ZacharyKing92 жыл бұрын
Actually San Marino was founded in 301 AD so it is also the oldest country.
@Briefklammer16 жыл бұрын
@ibx2cat hi i am also a big border fan and thought i know all crazy borders. But last time i was following borders in google mapsand i found a pretty crazy border in Slovenija/Hrvatska. The cities are called Brezovica pri Metliki and Brezovica Zumberacka. Please tell me if you knew it before :)
@Briefklammer16 жыл бұрын
thanks for nothing :(
@tadeued6 жыл бұрын
Could u do a video about the widest countries from west-east and north-south points?
@alessiorenzoni55862 жыл бұрын
🇮🇹🇫🇷🏔MONT BLANC BORDER DISPUTE WITH FRANCE The question of the border on Mont Blanc is long and complicated. It was placed for the first time at the time of Napoleon, because before the Mont Blanc massif was entirely included in the kingdom of Sardinia of the Savoy. With the military victories of the then French general, the Savoy family had to cede many border territories to France, including the region of the same name. Those transfers were formalized in the Treaty of Cherasco of 1796, which indicated rather vague boundaries for the highest peaks of the massif, following the lines of the military ridges - and therefore of those considered by the respective armies - and not of the natural ones. With the Restoration, the Napoleonic conquests were canceled, and Savoy returned to the Kingdom of Sardinia, with the Savoy who established a border on the Mont Blanc massif for the internal border between the Duchy of Aosta and the Duchy of Savoy. This border passed right on the summit of Mont Blanc, dividing it in half, and would then be used to delimit the border between Italy and France a few decades later. In 1860, in fact, the treaty of Turin was signed with which Vittorio Emanuele II ceded some border territories to France to repay the military aid received during the second war of independence (the one with which the Savoy conquered Lombardy from the Austrians ). The current territorial dispute dates back to that time: Italy today considers the Italian-French border that contained in the Treaty of Turin, which divides the summit of Mont Blanc between Italy and France. A few years later, however, the French army produced its own geographical map of the massif that included the summit of Mont Blanc in French territory, which was then also taken up by civil cartography and was used to resolve another territorial dispute - internal to France. - after the Second World War. In the territorial conventions that were ratified by the United Nations after the conflict, however, the Treaty of Turin was respected, with the border crossing the top of Mont Blanc. As the cartographers Laura and Giorgio Aliprandi, considered the leading experts in Italy on the subject, explained, France says it no longer has in its archives the maps illustrating the Treaty of Turin, and for this reason on certain occasions it has shown that it considers valid the boundaries of the Treaty of Cherasco which attributed the entire summit of Mont Blanc to France. In fact, the border between Italy and France passes over the top of Mont Blanc in most of the interpretations, from official NATO cartography to Italian maps to those of Google or Apple. The portion of the territory we are talking about is a high mountain area, so there are no physical borders or settlements, with the - important exception - of the Torino refuge and the Punta Helbronner cable car station, which are located a few kilometers away. line of sight from the actual summit, just on this side of the Italian border. The Torino Refuge was managed until 2013 by the CAI of Turin, and then by a family from the Aosta Valley, and Punta Helbronner can be reached from Courmayeur. They are in fact Italian settlements, but the refuge - the station no, a few meters away - falls within an area that France attributes to itself in its maps. Normally, in short, the French claim to the summit of Mont Blanc and the other portions of the disputed massif has no concrete consequences. But every now and then this open question arises in the form of local ordinances by French municipalities just across the border.
@vincentfarace44945 жыл бұрын
Corsica is not part of France is a colony of France. Corsica is the little sister of Sardinia lot of relatives in Tuscany and all over Tirrenian sea, Rome is more close to Corsica than the most Italian region, Corsican language is 100% Italian language and 100% Italian Territory and 0% is France, everything is Italian in Corsica. If Genova is Italy Corsica supposed be Italy too. Sorry for my English.
@Hugo-cn9no5 жыл бұрын
Wha t a joke
@vincentfarace44944 жыл бұрын
I say Corsica is geografily and naturaly is 100% Italian territory including Corsican people and Napoleone Buonaparte all of Italian origin. Corsica is Italy colony of France, i am Corsican and like Sardinian and Tuscanian i am Italian for ever, no one can split us, Corsica is part of France only in of false fake piece of paper, if Genoa, Tuscany, Sardinia and Rome is Italy Corsica is Italy.
@vincentfarace44944 жыл бұрын
@@gelo56 Corsica is natural 100% part of Italy territory, artificial official colony of France NOT part or territory of France, including Napoleone Bonaparte and Family.
@arx35166 жыл бұрын
I wonder what would happen if neighboring countries ask Switzerland to join their confederation, like Italy, France, Germany and Austria asked to join, would Switzerland be okay with that?
@NorthRemembers6 жыл бұрын
Probably not if the country is too big and the result would change the "balance" of Switzerland too much. For example after World War 1 Vorarlberg, the westernmost part of Austria, wanted to join Switzerland (since the Habsburg-Empire was no more), but Switzerland declined because Vorarlberg is mostly catholic and the balance between Protestants and Catholics would have been massively shifted in favor of catholics.
@zek92776 жыл бұрын
We want the collaboration with Barbie from Geography Now. NOW.
@santinomamone26746 жыл бұрын
Zek ._. Barbaro rocks !!!!!
@alessiorenzoni55862 жыл бұрын
🇮🇹🇭🇷🇸🇮😭Another geographical region of the Italian Peninsula is Venezia Giulia, which determines its eastern limits. The political border in this area differs considerably from the natural one: the small transalpine territory of Tarvisio is Italian, once a German language (Tarvis); the Republic, on the other hand, understands only a small portion of Venezia Giulia. The border, in fact, instead of following the main watershed of the Alps, traces a very irregular path, cutting the city of Gorizia in two and excluding from Italy: the upper Isonzo valley and its tributaries, the Karst, Istria, the valleys of the Piuca and Circonio (the belonging of these valleys to the territory of the Peninsula is controversial), Kvarner (with the islands Cres, Lošinj and Veglia) and the Liburnian coast with Rijeka. The eastern Italian border between the two world wars, on the other hand, included almost all of Venezia Giulia and for the most part followed the natural watershed; remained excluded from the Kingdom of Italy: the Circonio basin, the Eneo valley, the Liburnia from Fiume to Buccari and the island of Veglia and small transalpine portions were included near Idria and Mount Nevoso. Administratively, the Venezia Giulia region was then divided into four provinces: Trieste, Gorizia, Pola and Fiume. The Slovenes and Croats together constituted about half of the total population and were concentrated mostly in the countryside and: in the upper Isonzo, Idria and Vipava valleys (Tolmin, Caporetto, Idria, etc.), in the area of Postumia Grotte, Villa del Nevoso and San Pietro nel Carso, Liburnia and inland Istria, these areas are extensive but with low population density. The division between Slovenes and Croats roughly traces the current state border between Slovenia and Croatia. The Italians were mainly in the cities and major villages (Trieste, Gorizia, Fiume, Pula, Parenzo, Rovigno d'Istria, Koper, Labin, etc.) and in western and southern Istria. The division between Italians and Slavs traced the current border between Italy and Slovenia up to Trieste, while in Istria the situation was much more complex, so much so that it was impossible to define an Italian-Slavic dividing line. On the other hand, there were very few areas of Venezia Giulia where Italians or Slavs were totally absent. The percentages of Italians in Pula and Rijeka were about 80%. The predominant cultural character of a large part of the region has always been Italian and many Slavs - unlike the Italians - were bilingual. The ethnic cleansing carried out by Tito starting in 1943 and paid for with the blood of 20,000 Italians who died between sinkholes and concentration camps and the consequent emigration of the 350,000 Italians has almost completely slavised Venezia Giulia, thus marking the death of a culture that for centuries had characterized the area. Today in Venezia Giulia there are about 30,000 Italians, who are hoping for future laws that adequately protect them.
@edwinmartinbreimo35816 жыл бұрын
wikipedia says that the casino is bankrupt in Campione D Italia
@jacopo.casellato2 жыл бұрын
1- Don’t talk about Trieste as it is Slovenian if you do not know history 2- a chill border between Iugoslavia and Italy is just crazy to even think
@Quintinohthree6 жыл бұрын
Talking of stealing the Mont Blanc, did you know the peak is currently in the Netherlands?