Things I STRONGLY DISLIKE About Each of the 16 Personality Types

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It's Just Kevin

It's Just Kevin

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@czechmix221 2 жыл бұрын
As an ISTP, i can tell you the reluctance to accept help is because 1. we dont want to be a burden on anyone or we dont want to owe anyone anything, and 2. Because we want to prove to ourselves that we can do it. As for the going back and doing everything ourselves, its not that we dont trust you, its that we trust ourselves more or we want to verify it.
@elishaso Жыл бұрын
Spot on
@forthenextgenerationacts1762 Жыл бұрын
cool.learning my friend's personality because of these videos and the comment section.
@ClubENTP 3 жыл бұрын
"ENTPs Too Inconsistent To Tolerate?" That’s Impossible Because I’m Consistently Inconsistent Making Me Consistent. You See How That Cancels Itself Out. lol
@ClubENTP 3 жыл бұрын
So, You’re Annoyed With Us ENTPs Asking “Why" All The Time. Why Is That?
@novaimperialis 3 жыл бұрын
Oh yes, my shadow type. I both love and hate you. Still, you are a good partner in brainstorming when my lazy brain can't do Ne. It's interesting that with my ENTP friend he doesn't even have to answer my questions. It simply makes me to answer them myself through his thinking predisposition or something. It's quite something different. He only states if he agrees or not with my ideas. Also, how do you make an ENTP to be interested in a specific subject? My friend had became pretty good at Te and he doesn't like anymore to waste his time on subjects that he's not interested in. He's almost as if he is an ENTJ/ENTP hybrid. I would like him to get involved in socionics and MBTY to find solutions together, and also find a sense of closeness due to both sharing those similar interests. I'm open to hear strategies, my shadow ENTP!
@ClubENTP 3 жыл бұрын
​@@novaimperialis Well, My Frien-emy. It Looks Like You Already Know How To Engage An ENTP Because You Asked My Advice. We Love Giving Advice. Here’s the Thing About ENTPs. We HATE Waisting Time. It’s A Mortal Sin the Older We Get. You May Have To Ask More Questions About His Views On A Subject And If They Are Disinterested In the Subject they May Become Irritated With You And Want To Leave the Room. Either It’s A Subject that they Don’t Feel Particularly Comfortable Discussing Because they Know their Opinion Will Play Out In A Total Disagreement that Will Lead To Nowhere Because You Might Be Stubborn In Their Mind Without Critical Thinking. If You’re A Feeler, they Might Tip Toe Around Your Feeling In Certain Subjects. It Really Comes Down To the Combination Of the Two Of You. It Maybe That They Have So Many Things In Their Minds They Don’t Want To Clutter their Mind With Nonsense. I Think The Best Way To Get Close To An ENTP Is Quality Time Listening To Him. We Need A Quiet Audience To Listen Until We’ve Completely The Line Of Thinking In It’s Entirety And that Could Take 3 Or 4 Hours Depending On How Elaborate The ENTP Has Developed their Idea. They May Sound Like they Want To Argue their Points But they Just Need To Externally Bounce them Off Anyone Who Will Listen. That’s It, Shadow. Make Sure You Subscribe To My MBTI Comedy Talk Show “Club ENTP” And Have your Friend Enjoy The Chaos With You And Both Subscribe.
@ruthmariesaunders4805 2 жыл бұрын
but if your consistency is because you are inconsistent are you a paradox or is there more? -INTP
@boxy_tocs2035 2 жыл бұрын
@@ClubENTP as an Intj im just annoyed when you (some of you types) keep asking why in unnecessary things (That's all)
@candicesmith6126 3 жыл бұрын
As a rare, special INFJ unicorn... (sorry, couldn’t resist). But seriously, I appreciate you calling out the “rarity” thing with our type. It has always bothered me when others or online things bring up “INFJs are super rare!” Even if it was true, rarity is only a number. A statistic. And it can always change. It isn’t a personality trait. Our function stack order and our strange minds makes us weird and “misunderstood,” and we would still be weird even if we were the most common type.
@Gio-sx7kt 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly, there's no escaping this weird mind trap
@fleetingfootnotes9133 3 жыл бұрын
Considering most other INFJ's are spotted zebracorns, a simple unicorn might be rare indeed.
@barrydworak 3 жыл бұрын
As the lone ISTP in a medium-sized business filled with NFP types who were like walking, talking, self-aggrandizing iridescent unicorn farts, and a few SJs who kept the office from floating away on the breeze, I was as weird and misunderstood as any INFJ ever is. The NFPs thought of themselves as "the creative" people, and I thought of myself as someone who actually had to build things and make them work, largely from scratch and based on my own ideas because I often had nobody I could even brainstorm with. I also wrote training manuals that made people laugh and learn, trained people, got constant feedback and improved work processes, etc. But don't tell the NFPs that anyone else is creative. :P Yes, I know, ISTPs are also somewhat "rare" by some measures, but that isn't what this is about. It's really all about the environment. Go to a machine shop and you might find several people, all of whom help each other with tasks spontaneously without saying much, or anything, then go back to their lathe or CNC mill. They're all ISTPs and they literally know what the other is thinking. Maybe that would be a lot weirder than being the weird one!
@-.Ren_Ren.- 2 жыл бұрын
Ps. Y'all INFJs are _not_ as rare as you were, you've dropped to the 4th place overall. *The facts have been updated.* ENTJs are the rarest. ✒🔱
@pragnya_mati 2 жыл бұрын
@@-.Ren_Ren.- yeah even enfj are now the 2nd rarest type :0
@viicxyz 2 жыл бұрын
As an INFP, I agree that it's difficult to know what we're feeling. We mostly don't think our feelings are relevant, so we don't share them.
@adrenalineactivate 2 жыл бұрын
I think my feelings are relevant and I wish I can share them more often. But Ik other people doesn't feel the same way so I don't. I also don't want to be judge, cause like he said, I don't want my personal value to be judge and be mindlessly step on. I'll take it personally even if they didn't mean it, so I rather not give them an opportunity to hurt my feelings.
@darlinqq_ 2 жыл бұрын
I've found my people
@maniacallyhappy 2 жыл бұрын
@@adrenalineactivate Isn't that essentially judging those around you tho before giving them a chance to make their own mind up in the regards? I've had situations where people have completely caught me off guard with their insight into situations that have been eye opening regarding who they are as people and possibilities that I may have never seen if it wasn't for their input. I'm an INTP and one instance was with seeing how my Dad (ESTJ) reacted to a situation when I was younger. It really redefined how I saw him from that point on... outside of having issues with him thanks to his complete disregard for others in regards to their feelings conflicting with my baby Fe.
@junejuly6060 Жыл бұрын
@LizzMo 3 жыл бұрын
ENFP is spot on! LOL! We will NEVER comply, will never submit, and will never be controlled. The more you try, the more defiant we become. 🤷‍♀️ And yes, we are a tad bit eccentric.
@tellaphon6718 2 жыл бұрын
On purpose? Like non-organically? - isfj
@Mangled_Babe 2 жыл бұрын
Second that
@maniacallyhappy 2 жыл бұрын
If you're constantly defiant, how defiant and non-conformist can you take it? I've seen people take it to a very predictable level that leads them to think they're not being controlled, but totally being manipulated.
@LizzMo 2 жыл бұрын
@@maniacallyhappy I will cooperate and be a team player as long as it doesn't go against my Introverted Feeling/values/morals/beliefs and what I truly want in life. I value belonging to a small group of my choosing, so I will cooperate with them. The defiance I speak of is when people expect us to conform to society, conform against what we believe, follow the rules just for the sake of following the rules (like in the case of tradition) or follow the rules when the rules don't make sense, etc. An ENFP has the tendency to blow up traditions that are outdated, irrelevant, or harmful to others. In general, we hate large, controlling entities and systems that restrict freedom and autonomy. We are innovative, and have new ideas about how things can be improved. We don't just follow the crowd, or follow the way things have always been done.
@maniacallyhappy 2 жыл бұрын
@@LizzMo Almost sounds like INTP regarding disregarding shenanigans that don't make any sense and having to think outside of the box regarding a better way to figure things out... just gotta research it first 🤣🤣🤣
@DarkBlazeLeggendaxu 3 жыл бұрын
It's nice to have you back. I'm - probably™- an INTP and the thing about not being convinced until I research about "it" and discover "it" myself really hit me. It often happens. I still don't trust it being true though, so allow me to go and research about this. 😛
@infdox9051 2 жыл бұрын
eg, the random gene therapy aka the recent "vagzines". things don't add up
@velnz5475 Жыл бұрын
It makes sense, id like to look into it before I make a convincing comment deconstructing this however
@paulakrumin8 3 жыл бұрын
Infp here. Sometimes I spend a stupid amount of time attempting to articulate my feelings to (semi) willing audience. Not sure whether they become more awed or more scared. It's a toss up, frankly.
@liltunturi1251 5 ай бұрын
yup looking for that one awfully specific word.. and if you describe how you felt with the incorrect word, you feel almost like you lied to them or something lul
@messinalyle4030 Жыл бұрын
INFP and I thought your point of view on us was very interesting. I'm a little surprised anyone would see me that way. Personally I feel like I go through cycles of over-explaining my feelings, having people get lost in the details, project their own shit into what I'm saying, and get hung up on points that totally skew their perception of what I was trying to say--and then I fall into a "What's the use?" frame of mind and start distancing myself from people at the first sign that they might not understand where I'm coming from. So if I'm tough to read, that's probably why. It doesn't help that what with my autism, ADHD, and rejection sensitive dysphoria, I'm always scared to death of coming across as "too much." And I'm prone to take things super personally, though I think I'm getting better about that with age.
@matthieuvilleneuve9101 3 жыл бұрын
There's a saying in French (my native language) that roughly translates as: "You're never better served than by your own self." So true. -ISTP
@kaannagumanov1185 3 жыл бұрын
A really introverted saying
@crunchyandmagnificent5646 3 жыл бұрын
Same in russian: You want something to be done well, do it yourself >ESTP
@t1guel469 2 жыл бұрын
@@crunchyandmagnificent5646 In Portuguese there's that saying too
@willywonka6948 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an INTP and I constantly reinvent the wheel. I'm not sure why, but I guess I just have to feel confident about it and the only way to feel confident about it is to completely understand it and the only way to completely understand it is to start from the beginning and question why every new idea is being put into that concept. Then I need some breathing room after the new idea is connected with the concept to let it soak in and experiment with other alternatives. It's kind of annoying, but when I'm finished with the idea, I can argue the heck out of it. And, boy, do I love doing that because I get to show off this building of ideas that I designed and I get to show how stable it is to anything trying to bring it down. And, if something does bring it down, then it's time to rebuild an even stronger structure. But it does take a lot of time. It took two years of research for me to conclude in atheism. Do you know what I could have done in two years? Instead, I committed to being that annoying guy at the party, starting conversations off in the most arrogant way, like, "You seem like a smart guy..." Why am I like this?
@9SMTM6 3 жыл бұрын
Well, I can give a few reasons from the top of my head why I need to reinvent the wheel. 1) it's how I keep my Ti sharp 1.2) it's how I build new connections and concepts that help me understand other things in the future 2) when I don't and just accept things the way they are it usually doesn't end well because I fucked up some Sensory detail, because my head was somewhere else. I have to be engaged in new activities with my head, otherwise I fuck them up. 3) there's enough times where reinventing the wheel made a better wheel (yeah that analogy kindof doesn't work...) Also, at least personally, not really an atheist. Mostly agnostic, I'll fall back to the belief I was born into, which is fairly laissez faire, at times.
@MaysField 2 жыл бұрын
I find many INTPs very adorable when they type their thoughts process out. I feel like they would be extraordinary researchers.
@nobodynowhere21 2 жыл бұрын
This was adorable. I think I can literally hear the other ENFP's swoon somewhere in the collective unconscious.
@riphihe 2 жыл бұрын
@@MaysField haha i do that all the time at work., im like i shouldn't be doing this on teams but i still do it anyway and then try to delete it before anyone sees it but then delete it anyway after everyone sees it and you see big chunks oout of conversations that instead of having important answers or replies just says message deleted (undo)
@greenlimabean Жыл бұрын
I'm intp and I like to be wrong. Then I get to learn something. Being right all the time is so boring.
@actionchaplain1 3 жыл бұрын
It seems that with the Introverted Thinking dominants you've met its all about trust. ISTPs can't trust something unless they do it themselves and INTPs can't trust something unless they research it themselves. Though of course not every single member of these two types necessarily operate in those fashions.
@tigerheaddude 3 жыл бұрын
Very nice way of putting it
@SaturnTheStar 2 ай бұрын
As an INFP, I COMEPLETLY agree. I have major trust issues for no-good reason, and even if I say somethings okay, I always take a subconscious note of that. Lol I might just be weird
@yuishizu2 3 жыл бұрын
Phew, ISFPs didn't get roasted as much as I thought we'd be. Just a comment on ENTJs: I have a good ENTJ friend who often asks how I'm feeling. Is she a rare breed of ENTJ? I don't know, but I like it :) But yeah, great vid! Great execution too, as always XD
@emilys3638 2 жыл бұрын
Haha yes, I braced myself too!! I even asked myself at the beginning, why am I willingly subjecting myself to a video that practically promises to offend me?? 😂 But my curiosity overruled my fear and I just HAD to know what he would say against us! Lol! I actually do work on trying to be easier to read, but I always end up feeling like I might be talking too much about myself. So my balanced compromise (I hope) is to only volunteer information about myself and my particularities if it's directly relevant to the conversation or situation. I'm wary of coming across as self-centered, but I'm happy to share more about myself if people are *genuinely* interested and well-intentioned about how they'll use the information.
@sweetbeep Жыл бұрын
...are you sure she's ENTJ?????
@dotiemodanza6563 3 жыл бұрын
As an intp, that hits the spot lol. And I feel like like I do that usually because I'd like to come up with research of my own then compare the facts I find with the person I'm talking to. I have an intp friend and we both do that - if one of us comes up with an interesting topic to talk about, we both research on our own and then compare what we gathered. From there it becomes a very engaging conversation
@Overt_Erre Жыл бұрын
really on point i'd say, i feel criticized, but not offended at all. That's the optimal range
@fernandesadrienne28 2 жыл бұрын
Being an INFJ, i never knew how rare the type was. I just felt so shocked that it was so relatable because before taking the test i laughed about it in my head saying "this is gonna be some horoscope shiz where if you read the description of all the types then you'll relate to all of them because the mind makes connections that way". So i didn't take it seriously but i did answer honestly because I can't lie to myself and God. Anyway, it felt good and oddly surprising that i related so much to this type. Coz there are so many things that so many people relate to and i pretend to relate to, so that they don't feel like I'm being a party pooper. Anyway, I found out my weaknesses and am trying to work on them. Cooking REALLY helps with Se because it's the only time I'm not doing Ni Ti. Painting helps too but i get really pissed off with myself if i mess it up even a little bit. Even though it's not for anyone to see but myself. I hate disappointment and i hate disappointing mysel.
@anakerendoofenshmertz9985 Жыл бұрын
I wanted to correct you on the basis that INFJ's are the rarest type. There was a video done by Frank James ranking the rarest types and in the first one, he found out that the information used in that video was outdated. Unluckily, that is the info that is posted on most sites, but he found the true statistics and did a part two to correct himself. I don't want to spoil things too much, but INFJ was dismantled by someone else.
@jenj9005 3 жыл бұрын
infp: you don't always need to know what they're thinking & they don't want you to.
@adrenalineactivate 2 жыл бұрын
As an INFP, I think my feelings are relevant and I wish I can share them more often. But Ik other people doesn't feel the same way so I don't. I also don't want to be judge, cause like he said, I don't want my personal value to be judge and be mindlessly step on. I'll take it personally even if they didn't mean it, so I rather not give them an opportunity to hurt my feelings.
@M.Moadeli123 Жыл бұрын
Damn this was hysterical yet so very accurate. I'm an enfp personally, and that circus act was funny as hell. I gotta say though, with age I've become one of the most reliable people around. Seem more like a blend of enfp's fun loving quirky self, mixed with istjs reliability and loyalty. 35 here btw. Side rant. Someone needs to make a video on young x type vs mature x type, as far as them having developed ALL their functions. They're a different breed once they've made full circle. Food for thought. 😉
@greenlimabean Жыл бұрын
Big time a different breed. I'm intp and 50 yes old. I rock the FE; wheras I could never younger. We need life experience to develope our functions
@loisrabies8713 3 жыл бұрын
This is hilarious and truthful
@inezsanchez1034 3 жыл бұрын
I’m an infp 😂 I loved your description. I won’t mention what I’m into but can definitely feel personally offended by something someone says if it resonated with me. If it doesn’t strike a cord with me I can’t bother to listen or be interested in any way, it’s just too boring. 😬 But I’ll never be mean about it. 😊
@theflev-matic4892 3 жыл бұрын
You didn't roast me enough
@heynelly7771 2 жыл бұрын
This is too accurate, ow. Also somewhat enlightening. As an INTJ, this is what I’m thinking for (1) the ‘omniscience’ and (2) the pattern catching. 1. I know I’ll never know everything, which is existentially irritating, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have specific reasons to do something or not. I was an ass in my past life, so nothing is simple if I’m involved. I can never seem to just tell someone something and be done with it. I don’t want to have to explain anything to you. But if you’re owed a reason, I’ll try to give you an honest answer. It just happens to be a vague one. Whatever it is probably isn’t worth the effort to effectively articulate both what needs to be said and what you’ll hear. Things get lost in translation. I don’t want to deal with it. If it is worth it, I’ll do my best to explain. But, if you in turn don’t believe or care about what I say or mean, I just wasted my time. Either you suck, or there’s a larger misunderstanding that needs to be addressed. That means I have to wait for a time you’ll be receptive to dealing with it, or more likely, watch for a chance to demonstrate otherwise so you fix whatever on your own. Which is a pain, but often needs to be done. 2. I try to not get stuck on revelations too much, but. I have a system, ok. I just discovered something that needs to be integrated into that system, which is my literal worldview. What changes? How? Why? What else might I find? What will I see and do everyday from now on? I might get a little carried away. Obsessed is a strong word for those with no attention span. I’m going to be stubborn about it because it’s my worldview, but if you make a point about how I’m being dumb, I’ll take it to heart and recalculate. I hope you do, it’s the only way you’ll be spared for seeing me act like a fool. Can’t see merit in numerology, but I do deem the importance of things through their relationships to other things. My system is adjusted and recalibrated all the time. It effects everything, including who and how I am, how I approach things and people, so if you’re seeing something I’m not, feel obligated to tell me, please. It would never be expected, but immensely appreciated. (I’m not racist, but if I was, I’d want you to tell me. I’d thank you if you slapped me as needed.) I might be awkward with compensation, but that would be deserving of it, at least to me. If I ask what cookies you like, don’t question it. For the INTJ’s sake. And yours, if you mock the effort.
@asma-mushtaq 2 жыл бұрын
@emilyjh75 Жыл бұрын
ISTP, accurate. I don't trust stuff, or really even understand stuff well, until and unless I do it myself. I don't mean to downgrade other people's efforts, I just don't "get it" by observing or listening, I really need to interact with the thing myself. I also have an INTJ friend and she makes me nuts with how closed minded she is. She is 100% convinced she's right. She loves to complain about life problems, but refuses to admit she made any error in the situation. 🙄
@villainousextremity Жыл бұрын
I'm INTJ and I usually know what I'm talking about once I have facts and evidence to support my vision. But I'm not closed minded nor do I complain about life problems. I just tend to shrug it off and move onto the next thing cuz ain't got no time to lament and mope around. Ik u prolly don't care but I used to be ISTP when I was a kid....don't know how I changed into INTJ lol. I'm not spontaneous but I still have traits that relate to that of an ISTP which is leave me the hell alone and I'll leave you the hell alone. Also...I highly doubt ur friend is an INTJ if she's not willing to try new methods and learn new things.
@NocturnalCachalot 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, never trust information that I didn't retrieve myself from some very trustworthy sources and yes, has to be SOURCES, it's important to use multiple reliable sources to get trustworthy data 😂 We never know how informed opinions are or aren't after all. If I am asked though, I'll always supply multiple solutions to a problem (even though I am quite antisocial) ☺️
@benjaminharmon6541 3 жыл бұрын
Not enough views, man. I knew what the Ti dom answer would be.......Trying not to make other people feel like idiots in my presence is a lifelong project. Thank you for calling us out lmao. And I don't *usually* do other people's work over again unless it really hurts me...I just don't ask for help. But thank you for being a helpful person.
@hannahsonnenburg7718 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing my type first, saves time 😌
@DragonshotProductions 3 жыл бұрын
Very Te thing to say. I’ll sit here and daydream all day lmao. -INFP
@hannahcruz1440 3 жыл бұрын
ISFJ Dad. INFJ Mom. INFJ Brother. ENFJ Brother. INFP Me. If I don't know how to say what I felt or learn to communicate, you can bet this bunches would try to track it out council it out teach it out of me one way or another.
@shannon1242 Жыл бұрын
Lol yeah for me (INFJ) I don't need an INFP to tell me how they feel because everything they are doing, not doing, saying, not saying is letting me know how they feel.
@JadedbutnotJarred 3 жыл бұрын
As an ISFJ, I feel compelled to speak up for the ISFJ community (because we hardly ever speak up 😂), You're right, we are very hesitant to try new things but this hesitancy, when compared to ISTJ, is usually internalised and outwardly we end up agreeing to those awkward and unappetising new things that we don't wanna do because of Aux Fe. Well i do anways, not so sure about any other ISFJ...😂. (I thought i'd mention it because it's a reoccuring theme that typologists keep mentioning, the rigidity of ISFJs. I'm only rigid in my internal mind, outwardly, i'm very open and flexible, but usually against my wishes 😁). Loved your video 👍.
@aichilovewisdom 3 жыл бұрын
I'm most of the time similar to you. I have a hard time turning down someone or saying no and do new things against my will, hesitantly or anxiously. But if I really do think I can't do it or can't adapt to the sudden change I would firmly say No.
@vivaleroca7511 2 жыл бұрын
I have an ISFJ friend who portrays herself as talented, extroverted, and very spontaneous. You can easily mistake her as an ESFP. Months of getting to know her and the patterns just pop up, such as how much she hates the things she portrays herself to be good at. She does them mostly to put up with people's expectations. I find that the internet's portrayal of ISFJs being rigid can be false at times, but reading this comment, I've affirmed that this rigidity is moreso internal than outward.
@WirelessHood 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly feel like infjs that brag that say they are rare are probably posers, because as an infj I really hate people who brag about something going on in there life and honestly think that rare things aren’t something thing to take for granite, I feel like real infjs don’t try to drag people the wrong way with them and honestly try to stay as closed off with talking about there overall feelings about most things
@liltunturi1251 5 ай бұрын
yeah Infjs are usually very self-aware and self-critical, they dont care about boosting and bragging. They also like to be neutral, they dont really value things like that, they value trust between other people the most. Like Isfj they will do whatever is in their power to help out their loved ones, to the degree of abandoning their own needs. My older brother is INFJ, I am INFP. We get along very well. He knows what he should or shouldnt say to me, he always asks if I am ok with this and that, he can communicate in a way to avoid confrontation at all cost. INFPs also hate conflits and arguing, but we also have strong sense of who is pushing our boundries and act accordingly. If we can avoid that person we will, if we cant avoid that person tho, we can get angry too. I never seen my INFJ brother get angry really. I love my brother, you are right about infjs. have a good day
@Snarl_Marx 3 жыл бұрын
"This not a John Hughes flick, turn it down a bit." Never. This isn't even my final form.
@Lilly_the_arrtist 5 ай бұрын
8:42 ahahahah that’s so true it must be a struggle with us but I’m happy I’m not as annoying as other types :}
@LooneyTiksCrap 3 жыл бұрын
INTJ, & yes, I do "know" things. However, I also know that I don't know everything and anyone that thinks they do is only fooling their self. I can typically give explanations, be it simple or... not. I always hated the "because I said so" type explanations, so I don't care to do that. I can't deny the "oh god, I don't want to do that thing because I have a very vivid imagination and no, just no." does exist. ExTJs - Don't micromanage me... SJs - Don't judge me... FJs - I don't always see it for what it is in the moment (on account of my own shortcomings), but I know the manipulation is there. I don't trust it & as such prefer that at a bit of a distance. ESxPs - Probably more ESTPs (or perhaps lack of input with ESFPs)... the impulsive nature, admirable at a distance (sometimes) but nerve-wreaking up close. The appeal of fire. Not sure what negatives to say on the rest atm, so I'll leave it at that.
@sandraclark2235 2 жыл бұрын
I find you very insightful, Kevin. I have read extensively about the MBTI, and you are able to hone in on each one of them. I am an INXP.
@viki9451 3 жыл бұрын
I love this so much thank you
@Maria_Svetlana8847 Жыл бұрын
Entj(i dont find it offendsive) some of us got trust issue due to backstabbing ,black mail plus we do like to get along with others also love your videos . The shorts about entj and estj as bfs id love to date the esp entj said " We better dress/look well honey We are a powerful couple" my goodness! Love that line! 😍🥰😭
@hardygal2 3 жыл бұрын
As an ENFJ who does work customer service, I'm pretty sure I'm probably the worst cashier at my work place in terms of keeping up a good facade, and weirdly enough I feel very bad about that. I've been having my soul sucked out by this job for two years, man, it's really hard to say "How are you??? Have a good day!!!" and actually mean it by that point. But at least I'm not being fake, so there's that
@sad_doggo2504 Жыл бұрын
This tracks. Customer care isn't a social exercise, but a mechanistic one, designed to appease a company's bottom line. Ergo types that have a thinking function in their top two slots are going to fair better here, and I would imagine types that have Fe or Fi in the second two might get a boost, but types I've seen with a feeling function in the top two have actually suffered in one way or another.
@nerysghemor5781 3 жыл бұрын
Welcome back and I hope things are going well for you! I know things got crazy for you a little while back.
@_chrismis_7964 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I totally agree on your view on ISTJ. Im mean I am really open for new things to explore but not on every field haha. If I look at cooking and a friend ask me to cook a certain food like pasta, I would be thinking „Man I eat pasta so many time, it’s noting special looking at my past cooking experience or I don’t like soup I have eat every soup sort out there and I basically hate every soup (except 1 sort which I could eat sometime) and if a friend shows me a soup he wants to make I would be very uninterested, even if I haven’t tried it because I am focused at my past food experience. And yeah I’m pretty good citizen haha
@enlightenmentbarbie Жыл бұрын
Hiya. I’m Intj, it’s true that I personally get obsessed with certain things, systems… but! I always give it reasonable doubt. Because I know there are also a million other weird systems that could describe a thing. Not to mention systems that I haven’t investigated yet. I love being right, haha, and I often am. But ultimately I know I can’t truly know anything. Ultimately the vast reality we inhabit is a delightful mystery that I’m passionate about investigating. I will say though- I have a friend that I broke up with who was (I think) istp. He drove me absolutely crazy. I love the guy but what a total mindfuck this human was to me. Incapable of planning ahead, took no feedback, acted like my ideas were his ideas, and what I perceived at least was that he was extremely manipulative in how he conducted his life. Would never be upfront about his feelings about anything. Literally told me he didn’t understand how peoples emotions worked. Very self centered but really good at what he was trying to do- if only he could get out of his own way and learn how other humans prefer to operate and sync with them he could be way more successful in the way he wants, then he has been. Yeesh. Thanks for coming to my stupid comment! 😂
@OreadNYC 3 жыл бұрын
When I started watching this video, in typical INFP fashion, I was thinking: "Uh, oh...what's he going to say about INFPs? I hope he won't be too critical." Of course, what he said wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be...and if I'm honest, at least in my case, it's fair comment. I'm aware of the fact that I'm a deeply emotional person yet not good at sharing what I'm feeling with people and I tend to keep my cards close to my chest. This is mainly because like many INFPs, I received a lot of disapproval and negative feedback as a child when I did express my feelings -- the impression this created was that most people either don't care very much or at least don't really understand and tend to see being sensitive as being a bad thing. As a result, I feel something of an affinity with Elsa from the Disney film "Frozen" and have even started saying that I "pull an Elsa" when I'm starting to become emotional and shut people out because I don't know how they'll react.
@Takisan111 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I've also had the same problem with not sharing my feelings to due bad feedback in the past. I'm also neurodivergent so I am essentially always rolling for disadvantage in every single conversation. I'd say something, they'd take it a way I didn't intend, I'd apologize, and on and on until I start apologizing at the first sign of conflict, they'd tell me I don't have to apologize and now I get teased for apologizing for apologizing. It is a horrible loop that has taken me a long time to actually make some progress on.
@infpforever. 2 жыл бұрын
Sameee!! I have the same feeling!! What I noticed was that mainly all mbti KZbinrs while ranting about personalities tend to put IXFPs at the end and tend to be less critical of them. It’s because of their MBTI wisdom that they can predict that IXFPs might take this seriously and get offended.
@natraia 3 жыл бұрын
I’m not a Se dom, but my comments regarding your appearance have always been genuine, I swear! (Your hair is great, learn to live with this fact dude) I’ll keep these comments to myself from now on then… lol 😳
@jenniferhanses Жыл бұрын
I can accept coincidences as an INTJ. To a point. I will consider what's going on both in a reality where it's a coincidence and one where it's a carefully crafted plot. Just for my own safety so I know what to expect because either proposition could be true. There's also a point there it can't be a coincidence. I have this general weird ability when walking under flawed streetlights to make them flicker. I do not know why. I do know that it's happened too frequently to be a coincidence, though it could have something to do with electromagnetism of humans. I just know it's really weird.
@economidesband7517 Жыл бұрын
As an INFP, you’re right! I’m very stoic…
@wynstansmom829 3 жыл бұрын
5:29 ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 327-329. The fact is that the numbers pre-existing in nature are presumably the most fundamental archetypes, being the very matrix of all others. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol II pages 327-329 and I am a The Life Path Number 4 which is associated with people who are practical, sensible, pragmatic and Rational by nature. They are quite methodical and well ordered apart from being efficient in their essence. It means they have a rational thought process while making any decision in life. and your content is #1 @It's Just Kevin... welcome back.
@sophiaredwood5825 3 жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t go up a down escalator! I hate even going *down* the down escalator! Escalators are scary. I won’t stop eating my sandwiches with the ends of the loaf of bread, though. ~ENFP
@dominoot2652 3 жыл бұрын
Wait you also do the thing where you take the symmetrical opposite side for the bread so you have even bread sizes??? Lmao Is this an ENFP thing?? I usually just take from the middle instead of the ends cause it’s more convenient (same principle though)
@charlesmyers9107 2 жыл бұрын
as a member of the INFJ clan, I can appreciate the comments. Yeah, most days I don't know my butt from a hole in the ground, and boy have I gone down too many rabbit holes (the mysterious guru vibe has been useful though hehe)
@voro4762 3 жыл бұрын
As an ESTP I was actually paying attention to your hair for some reason :DD
@Human_01 2 жыл бұрын
@yeaesthetics3195 7 ай бұрын
Im paying attention to his voice lol 😭 "sounds chad" In my mind the whole time
@Duck-wc9de Жыл бұрын
As an ENFJ, before I started reflecting about personality and my own personality, I just thougth I didnt had one. I'm whatever the social context requirest me to be, sometimes the way I am would come out, specially when I was to tired to perform, and people would ask me if I was sick or mad... No... I just have an depressed bitch face when I'm being myself. But "Tab" thing is quite real, I feel like I keep records of everybody I know, not to force them into good actions, but to know how worthy of my effort they are. I'm more willing to put 100% to people that are relativelly higher on that imaginary list, while doing the minimum that regular politness requires to people that I place lower.
@supermannnblablabla 2 жыл бұрын
Oh the ENXP part got personal real quick 💀
@fwoop4848 2 жыл бұрын
Undoing people's help and redoing it themselves even though the end result is the same is the most ISTP thing ever. I hate accepting help, if I do I'll feel like an idiot that can't do jackshit on their own. I like to rely on myself and be independent. It gives me a sense of security and control. Like if I mess up It'll be my own fault. Actually, my teacher pulled me aside like a week ago to talk to me about this. She was like "I think you don't like asking for help" and "Are you getting along with your classmates". I can understand why she thinks I don't like asking for help, but it was weird how she was worried if I'm getting along with my classmates. Maybe because she thinks I'm too blunt and straightforward to them? I don't know. I'm not interested in being any of my classmate's friends, so I'll be extra blunt to signal that I'm not looking for new friends and to fuck off. Is that strange? -ISTP
@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 3 жыл бұрын
I think not needing help applies to both IxTPs, ISTPs are just more blunt about it due to SeNi. For me, an INTP, I generally dislike help amd intrusions upon my personal space, but its more of a performance anxiety thing rather than that famous TiNi lone wolf syndrome. For INTPs, I'd say the bigger issue is that they are so augmentative that they never really contribute anything useful or valuable besodes refining or visiting pedantoc sefinitions and categorizations. Its a type lf independence, but its more suggestive and "polite," with greater concern for the possible outcomes of letting others peak into your world. For ISTPs, I'd say their hot blooded and impulsive resistance to help and input because ISTPs often desire more independence than any other type besides the ISFP. I think their De propells them into powering through nivel sensations amd obstacles with Ni to motivate them with novel insights and epiphanies. They have a vision that will not be touched by other's grubby hands, wheras INTPs are directly motivated and captured by Ne bringing in ideas.
@nerysghemor5781 3 жыл бұрын
As an INFP I will ask for help sometimes but what I hate is when people stick their noses in without asking.
@touchy4110 Жыл бұрын
ENFJ, it's like they're perpetually being in customer service. Oh, sht💀
@PyriteObsidian 3 жыл бұрын
This video I laugh so hard and so real. Met some ESTP, ESFP, ENFP, ENTP and yeah.... High five to ENFJ and ESFJ are really good with giving guilt trip lol Was friend with a couple of INFPs but only found myself frustrated for they are too idealized and never listen, they are generally nice and all for kindness, just very bad without growing for better. PS. ISTJ are very socialized which turn out we don't share same value in many way.
@TheOriginal_Unaleska Жыл бұрын
I have had the unfortunate pleasure of knowing two ENFJs. One was my ex-partner who was emotionally manipulative (even if he wasn't aware of it). The other, was a manager who conspired and manipulated my co-workers into outing me out of the company. I was at that job for almost two years and she was in the company for 2 months. Even though I left (there was other problems in the company besides the manager), she was fired for "bullying", I wasn't the only one she picked on. And YET despite this, ENFJs are meant to be one of my most compatible types as an INFP. Guess not for me. Screw those manipulative a-holes. However, my mum is an INFJ and we get along great. As for INFP flaw. Yeah.... this comes down to trust. If I trust you, I will be more willing to be open. But the trust is very thin, and any slight or any wrong argument, whatever and I close up. Vulnerability is my number one fear. No one can see me upset!! Or weak!! rawr!
@liltunturi1251 5 ай бұрын
I am INFP, my mum is INFP, and my brother is INFJ. I am way too similar to my mum, when it comes to struggles and the idealistic mentality, always trying to give benefit of the doubt, always being considerate to others and trying to see the good in people rather than the bad. And I totally agree, trust is everything. We got a strong sense of boundries, if someone is doing us wrong, we will cut them off without arguing or drama if possible. With my INFJ brother, we have great relationship, but he is more sacrificial and willing to limit himself his personal needs, to help his loved ones. Which can really become a problem. Me I know when I need to put all focus on taking care about myself and sometimes I really cant help it, but to leave the plans for the day and just be alone in nature, thinking about life and being nostalgic about past, it is a therapy.
@crypton..4486 2 жыл бұрын
😅 to be honest, i came up to see this video to know if i have any behaviour that really annoys people, or is really bad for me too. So that, i can at least try to change a little bit. Thanks for your opinion😊 Oh,Infj here.
@TEAMHYBRID007 3 жыл бұрын
I would have to say you hit the nail on the head with the theme park ride with the chairs and swings and chains I rode one of these once and I was thinking the exact same thing I thought I was going to be a KZbin video
@darlinqq_ 2 жыл бұрын
Im glad you didn't go that hard on us infps bruh 😭💀
@allisonkampa8500 2 жыл бұрын
As an esfp, I absolutely got distracted by that tiny little swoop in your hair
@treblestrings6263 2 жыл бұрын
"It's hard to convince of anything unless they discover the truth for themselves" This is bad because???
@bresilva3484 3 жыл бұрын
Hi missed you💞 I'm an INFJ✌
@alisalim7801 3 жыл бұрын
Nice Work!
@angkim3111 3 жыл бұрын
@sweetbeep Жыл бұрын
Commenting just to represent the ESTJ lol! ..I don't see any other ESTJ! Crazee
@MsSirAndy 2 жыл бұрын
You're so great man
@ijn1216 2 жыл бұрын
This is the nicest break down of what you don’t like. Your kindhearted 😂😀
@helenailusion9091 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed with this 4:00 My Sister is sooooooo into his values, what about the others? She really doesn't put in the shoes of others, only when I pointed at the perspective.
@nateq 3 жыл бұрын
My ENTP brother is so annoying. I tell him that I'm gonna go to the store, or go on a walk, or do anything else and he asks me "why?" Idk maybe because I want to and it's nothing to be surprised about??????? (Yes, I'm mad at him) ~INTP
@sophiaredwood5825 3 жыл бұрын
Ooooo, this interests me, because I’ve wondered how different INTPs and ENTPs are for a while. What do you think sets you two apart the most, even when you both have the same functions?
@JadedbutnotJarred 3 жыл бұрын
Intps are fuelled by understanding each abstract thought that pops into their head and developing a logical framework. -Entps are fuelled by seeing the patterns between each abstract idea with much less logical frameworks between them. Intps internally debate themselves. -Entps obviously externally debate. Intps usually have a barrier around their logical framework, it's personal to them and will only share with those that are worthy (i.e can match them intellectually). -Entps overshare 😂.
@nateq 3 жыл бұрын
@@sophiaredwood5825 I think it can be more of a sibling relation and the fact that he's only 12, less then the MBTI types, but he's more outgoing, more blunt, more often speaks his mind than I do, more interested in other people - looks like he's just an extrovert lol - he gets angry easier, he takes pleasure when making me angry (it's possible he's becoming a sociopath). He has different hobbies to mine, however we both game a lot, but Idk if it's again about MBTI type. Hope I helped :D
@Takisan111 3 жыл бұрын
Could be worse. He could also be a narcissist. An ENTP that's embraced their more toxic traits and refuses to accept that they are ever in the wrong is one of the most horrific creatures you'll ever encounter. My younger sister is one such ENTP. She used to keep me up at a night because she was bored, she would ask me my opinions about something and then proceed to tear that opinion apart piece by piece until I feel like a stupid loser, she would go on a long tirade about what an awful person I was for saying something in just the wrong way or for not automatically knowing what she was thinking, and she her favorite game was to intentionally poke at one of my core values just to make me "debate" her and it would always, without fail, end with me in tears. She once got me into a debate on why I didn't want to debate her. My ESTP brother was always a pain in the ass but she took it to a whole other level. What's worse is that she played the supportive sibling when I was suffering from severe depression and would act all sweet and nice but still throw in jabs and insults under the guise of being helpful. I'm an INFP, I am not built to deal with this. Cutting her out of my life was something I hated doing but I simply could not move forward in life with her around.
@nateq 3 жыл бұрын
@@Takisan111 wow, just wow, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you're better now without her
@artastheiitheprince2075 2 жыл бұрын
I really dont think im an INTJ but i can realte to them somehow also to INFJ and ISTP... But i think im too soft to be an istp, although thats the result I get in a clinical test 🤧 By the way kevin, I find you and your content very interesting to watch! And honestly you become my favorite MBTI VLOGGER! You even surpass frank james in my list of favorites.... Keep doing your content kevin! Support from the Philippines 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
@luisguimaraes5682 3 жыл бұрын
My family’s types: Me: ESTJ Mom: ESFJ Dad: ENTP Grandad: ISTJ
@Human1136 Жыл бұрын
6:32 dead ass I'm an ISTP used to be an INTP but I hardcore believe in numerology/synchronicity lol
@TrebleKnight 2 жыл бұрын
lol you need a doctorate in psychology and English, to figure INFPs out. Heck I'm an INFP and I'm still confused
@axbeta0079 Жыл бұрын
I must say, i was laughing through most parts of the video 😂😂😂, you put it all together in a fun way 👍
@scarlatti9130 3 жыл бұрын
Oh man, INFPs can be hard to handle. I wonder how well they can be associated with selfishness, or at least how the can come off so.
@lybo1581 3 жыл бұрын
The story of my life...
@tigerheaddude 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think it's selfishness but more like being self absorbed and unable to see other people's view on things
@deleteyoukai3041 2 жыл бұрын
@@tigerheaddude which is why developing that Ne auxillary can help get us out of our Fi - Si rut
@loverofthelord372 2 жыл бұрын
hey so im an enfj, and how i felt about what you were talking about certain people like me is: I laughed my ass off. but genuinely, sorry if we ever come off as fake we usually only have good intentions. (usually). i can't exactly speak for EVERY enfj but, you know. i think the points you make are fair
@lourenssianturi4373 2 жыл бұрын
you had an ISTJ feeling on you and i am right. you had ISTJ father, yes!! as an ISTP or INTP (i always tested as both of it) i dont do what you said. i really thankfull if someone helps me. and i gave sollution even tho noone is asking. except that person ever annoy me/distract me/being evil to me or others/humiliate me/try to compete with me. just dont annoy ISTP or INTP and they will gladly to help. but if you annoy them, they will shut up. and they will remember too. and they know if that come from your personality or you just in really terrible mood and you dont mean it. they know and they remember. they will forgive but they will remember, they understand what happend. just dont hurt them, please.
@lourenssianturi4373 2 жыл бұрын
yes, i remember too, if someone hurts others. cause i have Fe, if people hurt, actually i feel hurt too. whether they were hurt by me or by others.
@Milena-ix5mq Жыл бұрын
Liked and subscribed
@wisdomtooth2340 2 жыл бұрын
This was illuminating!
@borninracooncity 2 жыл бұрын
as an ENTJ it’s pretty intriguing but we don’t usually mean it literally. we may sound very straightforward but it’s usually in order for the other person to understand what we’re talking about and tbh Sometimes i do feel a lil but bad after they look like they’re hurt from our words but it has to be done 🤷‍♂️ and even if I want to say sorry I think it wouldn’t matter at this point
@vanjanikolic6701 3 жыл бұрын
Yo I have to do all the work cause i have to make sure everything is done right! I will go over everything u did and i will fix it if it needs to be fixed.... and it doesnt matter if the end result is the same if the steps u took are not perfectttt..... thats just how i am man, i cant change that :') so yeah, alls true lol - istp
@Ney194 2 жыл бұрын
my favourite question is 'why' and I'm inconsistent like an 'ENTP'. I like some kind of routine and hesitate to explore like 'istj' and 'isfj'. I have a facade of feelings to accommodate people around me like 'ENFJ' and ESFJ'. I may or may not redo something someone did for me because I'm not satisfied or just want to learn it myself like an 'ISTP' or 'INTP'. you may find yourself steping on one of my values and oh boy I leave you like an 'ISFP' or 'INFP' :'D
@peesukarhu_OFFICIAL 2 жыл бұрын
Nailed it!
@jimmydebb3402 2 жыл бұрын
Thought I might be the ENFJ who ran out Fe, like completely. I strongly feel that I’m so different from the ENFJ around me which are trying to be nice and social experts in a certain group soooo hard; While I was like not giving any attention to people around me and would constantly remain very speechless 🤐. At most I could react like: “Uh-huh? Is that so, not bad” on the surface but I already tore the guy who’s talking to me apart like thousand times. And my for my only interests: Anything from the nature except from Human Beings
@tibisan3503 2 жыл бұрын
ugh... one of the best ways to convince intps directly, is prob to exaplain and example with concepts... which can be quite hard and unnatural for most other types, and thus repeating reasons why it can be hard to get around things you dislikes about certain types... ^ practically pointless point but the thought process aka the approach entertains myself, just like how math works when u get the same answer with different method, yeah
@waftsofpetrichor Жыл бұрын
As an infj, let me confirm that we are not the rarest personality type anymore. That’s the entj now.
@chamosphere3725 3 жыл бұрын
Entj w/ intp + esxp subtypes. Yes, strangle the exfj's.. with truth words. Same here with having many of those being directly toxic with my life. I like your approach with the negativity being productive criticism in a way or just, it can be a hive mind of how you have felt and it is good to address it. Or some theraputic shit like that-- *cough* Thank you *cough*
@sanghitadey8475 Жыл бұрын
I'm an ISFJ. You are spot on. 🤣
@fresfres5065 Жыл бұрын
“They’re not as annoying as they are concerning” - pretty much sums up Fi doms
@maha_13 3 жыл бұрын
as an infp, i vouch for the infp one
@gelatine7770 3 жыл бұрын
Omg me and my BEST I mean BEST like DONT YOU FUKCING DARE QUESTION IT friend and Ive had people say that to me before but me and my infp friend and me an ISFP are just like wdym we understand eachothers emotions just fine bro Also I feel think it might be very true cuz I try to hint at people about how I feel and I feel like they just never get it and maybe that's why
@Bleeding_Titanium Ай бұрын
You said some good stuff about INTJs but you don’t know what inside the mind of an INTJ.. we do understand and can figure out things we never heard or read before because we are in a constant thinking process and we are very passionate about knowing things and understanding things. Standing front of the elevator for 5 minutes made me understand the engineering of the elevator and how exactly it’s working(even though I never read anything about it. So it’s not just nonsense! you don’t get it because it’s just your mind can’t comprehend the power and intelligence of a high level INTJ.
@fleetingfootnotes9133 3 жыл бұрын
Ah, the video about the fourth function that's not called the video about the fourth function. Ye gods, then you say we keep re-inventing the wheel? Ha, gotcha!
@dianahidalgo8446 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an ENTJ, and that's essencialy how my brother would describe me
@kreeshika2239 Жыл бұрын
As an 75% entp and 25% enfj I agree with you.
@PhilorChill 2 жыл бұрын
my introvert ass hounding my infj sister with "How CAN YOU NOT HAVE AN OPINION!!!!"
@30ajgo 2 жыл бұрын
You two huh? Man I feel sorry for her.
@audrey8444 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you 💓🔮🔮🔮🔮💓
@thirstykayak246 8 ай бұрын
Dead on!!
@تايفلافل Жыл бұрын
0:04 omg me too🙂
@เหมียวเหมียว-ณ7ซ 2 жыл бұрын
Nooooooo, your hair is great.
@renaissancecards 2 жыл бұрын
I don't talk about the rarity of my type because I'm an infj-t so I'm a bit more socially anxious and I worry that if I do say that then I'll annoy ppl which obviously is the case lol ~ infj
@shadyhaleem1313 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve always seen this guy has a typical ENTP-Ti subtype; now it’s confirmed, he’s an INTP.
@piratealeks6865 3 жыл бұрын
What do you mean, Ti subtype?
@shadyhaleem1313 3 жыл бұрын
@@piratealeks6865 Well it’s not really “approved” by a lot of people, but every mbti type can go three ways: classic XXXX, XXXX dom subtype, XXXX parent subtype. I suppose it a subtype focuses more with the function itself and can possibly be more developed with other functions.. like ENTP-Ne subtypes use Ne and Fe more than ur typical ENTP/ENTP-Ti.. Personally, it makes hella sense and can make u quite see the difference between two people from the same type
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