ITS OVER! This TikTok Ban Could Change Everything, Logan Paul Threatens To Sue, & Today’s News

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Philip DeFranco

Philip DeFranco

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@SmolFenFen 5 ай бұрын
The FTC banning non-competes is huge. Non-competes affected me directly. I was a software developer in the financial technology industry and lost my job due to COVID when the company I was working for laid off all contractors. The non-compete that I signed prevented me from working in other FinTech jobs and made it dramatically harder for me to get back into the industry while it was at its lowest. If you work in IT, having to change the subject matter you work on every time you change jobs is just a nightmare. I'm fine signing a non-disclosure, but non-competes are evil.
@Cashhhhew 5 ай бұрын
It still applies with layoffs?! That’s beyond absurd.
@wolfundersurface 5 ай бұрын
Congrats being the featured furry in IT lol no shade, cute pfp
@anxious_alien90 5 ай бұрын
Phil: "statistics was the only class I enjoyed!" My husband, currently doing stats homework: "Fucking psychopath."
@taylorbug9 5 ай бұрын
I think everyone would agree with your husband LOL
@msdouglas12100 5 ай бұрын
God I hated stats!! And then as it turned out I didn't even need it.
@Deadpool3E 5 ай бұрын
To be fair, Statistics was a pretty fun class for me when I was going to community college before heading on to university.
@InvaderMedia420 5 ай бұрын
Wait, your husband didn’t know he was a psychopath. Everyone knows Phil is a psychopath. Anyone in the independent news industry is a psychopath end of discussion.
@maeahem 5 ай бұрын
Statistics was one of the courses when I was doing my psychology BSc I was super scared of. Because I’d grown up believing that I was bad with math and numbers. But I always did the best in that class somehow. Maybe, how the data was presented, I could understand it better. But then, I also scored highly on the psychopathy scale so maybe your husband is on to something 😅
@cwreshot14 5 ай бұрын
In early 2020, I was working at a grocery store with a terrible manager who refused to give consistent hours. I got a job at another store in town for an extra two days of work because I needed money due to mounting debt and no other places accepting me. I told her that my schedule had changed to accommodate. After her forcing to tell her where I applied and nearly forcing me to leave, I had to turn down the new job due to the noncompete clause. Those clauses shouldn’t exist for people who just need to get by and can’t get enough money to make ends meet. Who cares what other store I work at, just let people show up and do their job and go home. Thankfully I left there soon after and am much happier where I’m at.
@Sunari 5 ай бұрын
Damn that is rough, but glad you found something that makes you much happier. They really out here thinking that if you have the price of lettuce memorized at both shops you're going to drop that hot knowledge on people so they can go to the other place and its crazy. Its probably some odd "brand loyalty" mentality (like you can't just recommend the other place outside of work hours anyways), but its funny/odd to think a grocery store might have trade secrets they're trying to hide.
@Sniperbear13 5 ай бұрын
that makes zero sense to me really. its not like you are gonna have knowledge that is all that secret that could ruin other stores.
@catsncrows 5 ай бұрын
What is it with the grocery industry and awful management? I worked at one for years and I saw some violent things
@cwreshot14 5 ай бұрын
@@Sunari It was such an obnoxious situation. My manager had a closed door meeting with me and brought in another department manager to witness any interaction, so she was fully prepared to fire me on the spot. She brought out the handbook and showed me the small section way in the back that had the clause. Either way, a few months later I quit on the spot but not without first telling her every thought and feeling I had.
@cwreshot14 5 ай бұрын
@@catsncrows The amount of laws she broke from violating HIPAA to denying full time benefits while giving full time work (she would mark us down as part time employees and give 40hrs a week). HR did all they could to protect her and she’s still there 4 years later. Every bad experience I’ve had in a job came from working at a grocery store
@MissAnn999 5 ай бұрын
Non-competes have gotten out of control. I've seen fast food employees have to sign them, where you can't work for another fast food place within a certain number of miles for three years after leaving a job. Some towns aren't even three miles long. It's insane.
@DeeDeedoestuff 5 ай бұрын
I work in schools and one I signed was I can’t work in any private school in the county. Luckily I moved 60 miles away and work in public school now and don’t have one.
@Superellysan 5 ай бұрын
I adore the argument of “oh companies won’t put in the resources to train and retain employees!” as if a place that doesn’t raise wages over the years or that feels like the only way to keep people on is to shackle them to their desk is actually putting in the time effort or resources to train their employees well and provide for them as people. Like no they’re already viewing their employees as overhead cost at that point and boy do they wanna slash those costs. You think they’re spending money on employees? Yeah right
@WummerBummer 5 ай бұрын
Especially when many companies already don't want to put in time / effort into training employees. Why else would there be such a widespread issue of requiring multiple years of experience for an entry level job?
@frostfang1 5 ай бұрын
Yea I was like "uhhhh they already aren't training employees, they just rely on hiring employees from other companies to do that, or somehow expect that's what college was for"
@DorianGrayClampitt 5 ай бұрын
A bunch of them were charging employees for training! “You have to pay 8000 dollars for petsmart dog training” was something Phil covered a couple years back.
@britpretty 5 ай бұрын
They've gone full mask off. They would rather have wage slaves than treat employees like human beings. Pretty disgusting comments when you really think about it.
@matsir8048 5 ай бұрын
The negligence in the American healthcare system is mind boggling. Used to work in a biolab, and the amount of mistakes I had to fix, that even trained CLSs and Doctors made, were day to day. False pregnancies, incorrect blood work/covid test results, misplacement of samples -all because my leads wanted to be on their phones or get the shift over with. Like, these are people's lives we were affecting. Genuinely hate to see more examples of how devastating it is.
@H3000-i5q 5 ай бұрын
I was in the hospital for months one time and with them drawing my blood twice a day every day for that long my veins were tapped out and the nurses had such a hard time getting blood out of me. After one blood draw the lab lost all my blood vials and called up like oh just redraw it. I wanted the nurses to let me call them and tell them to find my damn blood 😂
@MarianahsTrenchGal1 5 ай бұрын
Even more mind-boggling is the fact that you guys have to pay an arm and a leg for healthcare and this still happens. Imagine going into debt for healthcare and that same healthcare fucks you over... Jesus christ
@SirrCommander 5 ай бұрын
😂😂 “wet and confused” caught me way off guard 😂
@JustSomeGuy-xe2mf 5 ай бұрын
The noncompete ban is the best thing that’s happened to the working class in a long time.
@Smart-Towel-RG-400 5 ай бұрын
espsecilly when they are doing it for like jimmyjohns blocking people from leaving to go to subway or other sanwitch places
@AngryReptileKeeper 5 ай бұрын
Great, now do NDAs.
@NigerianNinja-d6h 5 ай бұрын
Um, if you have to worry about non-competes, you're probably not working class 😂
@Heldemon 5 ай бұрын
@@NigerianNinja-d6h Did you miss where phil mentioned even some minimum wage jobs do it? Also, someone in these replies just mentioned that jimmyjohns does it. Going further down, there are people mentioning grocery stores, construction companies and software companies that all use these.
@Window4503 5 ай бұрын
@@NigerianNinja-d6h🤨Read the comments and tell us that working for places like grocery stores and construction isn’t working class.
@AgentX2006 5 ай бұрын
Just want to point out that "Russia's significant gains" in eastern Ukraine over the last 2 months amounts to a total area smaller than Brooklyn. In the last 2 months Russia has captured a grand total of 136 square kilometers. The area of Brooklyn NY is 180 square kilometers. It's really not significant gains. It's miniscule and has cost them hundreds of armored vehicles and tens of thousands of lives.
@taylorbug9 5 ай бұрын
They just call it significant so it doesn't hurt Putin's feelings.
@Vicioussama 5 ай бұрын
And Ukraine's younger generation has been decimated... long term this is bad for Ukraine.
@zydrate3539 5 ай бұрын
How many gumballs is that though? It seems like that would be a better number to present to Putin.
@DanielRodrigues-qr2sd 5 ай бұрын
Yoooo Russia has captured a perfectly average sized area. Some would say it’s actually above average in size…
@danielc9967 5 ай бұрын
@@VicioussamaThat is false, the average Ukrainian soldier is 35-40 years old
@moondog2010 5 ай бұрын
I don’t know about human medicine residencies, but in Veterinary medicine we have a huge problem with public universities imposing non-compete clauses on their residents that cover hundreds of miles and force newly minted specialists out of state.
@LKMNOP 5 ай бұрын
I find it hard to believe that anyone could use hydrogen peroxide instead of whatever solution they were using for the embryos. Having worked in labs all my life things are labeled. I really don't understand how that happened.
@bmljenny 5 ай бұрын
It's just that extra little 2!
@reitasfangirl 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for explaining the 'missing comment commentary' from the past videos. Glad to know it's a timing issue rather than falling by the wayside. Getting to see people's perspectives on the stories and knowing others can relate, it's one I look forward to watching.
@Brando68933 5 ай бұрын
Holy sh*t. The embryo situation is absolutely so sorry. My heart goes out to these families. Even if it is an isolated incident, like you said, Phil. Negligence, negligence, or extreme negligence. It shouldn’t be happening.
@nbarnes6225 5 ай бұрын
I work in the health field. The hospital/health corporation in my area is nearly a monopoly. It'll be interesting to see how many of our doctors start private practices once the non-compete is gone. Hopefully it will get more specialists here...which is desperately needed.
@Alexander_Darling 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for including the morning in your intro, I sure feel included as I get ready for work on the other side of the pond 🥰
@rachdachamp6047 5 ай бұрын
OMG! The non-compete story genuinely brightened my day and gave me some relief! I found a job in the industry I'd like to start a business in (different business models, target markets) and I was terrified of how broad the non-compete seemed. Can't wait to see this go into effect!
@Rigel_Chiokis 5 ай бұрын
Regarding trade secrets, there's another tool called a Non-Disclosure Agreement. An NDA doesn't stop you from working wherever you want, but if you disclose the info you agreed not to, you're open to some potentially massive penalties. Also, if your industry finds out you don't honour an NDA, other companies won't hire you.
@IdealConscience 5 ай бұрын
Another part of trade secrets is that you should actually pay those employees who are involved in company secrets incredibly well. Not good... Incredibly well. It was always the case to do that until "NDA" meant that companies can pay $70k salaries to crucial employees.
@liquidminds 5 ай бұрын
tbf. The lawyer can be right in claiming that Prime is toxic and shouldn't be consumed by anyone, while Logan Paul an be right in claiming that he followed all regulations and that it is legal in the US. Something being bad for your health has never stopped the FDA from allowing it...
@annacynthia28 5 ай бұрын
1. Different PFAS chemicals require different treatment methods and a pilot study would have to take place to see if they are being effectively removed. 2. PFAS is in literally everything, not just the “plastic bottles”. It is rampant throughout our world because it was excessively used in many, many products and they stick around for a very long time. Just because it’s in so many things and likely other processed drinks, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to remove it. 3. The EPA just adopted a set of MCLs for some PFAS chemicals. There are thousands of PFAS chemicals and now there is a maximum contaminant level for 6 of them. If you want more info about it, I suggest you look those up and it will explain a lot of how all this works.
@davidandrews5262 5 ай бұрын
Yeah i think logan may be the low hanging fruit. Easier to go after him rather than cocoa cola or giant conglomerate manufacturing mafias directly. But i am tired of seeing products sold that say they are known to cause cancer and birth deffects. Tired of being given an allowable amount of poison. I vote for no poison! All in the name of cooporate proffits. Publicly traded compnanies are the root of most evil in our world.
@danielscottlive2081 5 ай бұрын
I love that more mainstream attention is coming to PFAS! I work for a company that specifically treats PFAS in water, and while I can't speak to the specific claims of the Prime lawsuit, Logan is absolutely right, both about the pervasiveness of PFAS and how hard it is to detect. They are absolutely everywhere, and while we have known that they are harmful for several decades now, they were not specifically designated as hazardous chemicals by the EPA until very recently, as in TWO WEEKS AGO. So just because companies may have PFAS in their water supplies, that does not mean they are breaking any rules. Most of the regulations do not go into effect for a few years. He is also right about how hard it is to get accurate readings on specific levels of PFAS. When you're dealing with levels as low as we are with PFAS, in the parts per trillion or even parts per quadrillion, it is incredibly difficult to get an accurate reading. When we test our streams, will send the same samples out to get tested multiple times and come back with results that are several decimal places different from each other. One of the biggest difficulties is that we know that even extremely low levels are very harmful, and yet with the current technology, it is incredibly hard to detect just how much is in each sample. I am not a fan of Logan Paul AT ALL, but in this specific case, it appears he's done a lot more research than many people making claims against Prime.
@leftisthindrance 5 ай бұрын
Sorry I don’t trust Logan nor his brother. Any claims he makes i won’t believe until it goes to the courtroom where all the evidence is on the table. He will say everything he can to make himself not the bad guy by denouncing and defaming his opponents. He has scammed people for years why should I trust anything he spews?
@TheSummerCoast 5 ай бұрын
Well, I'm glad Prime isn't killing people (hopefully), but given LP track record it's easy to see why people are more than quick to assume he is screwing others for monetary gain.
@stephen0042 5 ай бұрын
@@TheSummerCoastI am too, Im not a fan of Logan Paul but Im glad that Prime is not making consumers sick (hopefully of course)
@TrueMakedonia 5 ай бұрын
Ah yes, Logan Paul, a person well known for his honesty is telling you to drink his sludge
@chaosSpectre370 5 ай бұрын
I was today years old when I learned that the U.S Chamber of Commerce is not some group thats part of congress, but the largest lobbying group in the US that is not actually a govt agency. No wonder no one knows wtf is going on anymore. That name is incredibly deceptive and gaslighty
@uh8myzen 5 ай бұрын
I'm not taking shots here, but I'm a little shocked that this would be revelatory information. Chambers of Commerce aren't a uniquely American thing. They were first seen in Europe in the very early 17th century, and their purpose was always to promote business interests. I live in Canada, and we have a national Chamber of Commerce and every town and city I've ever lived in or been to had a local one as well, and they were all very open and clear about the fact that their purpose was to promote business interests within their jurisdictions.
@NickPCage 5 ай бұрын
You know the people that print our money aren't part of the government either right? the people that loan our own government our currency is i repeat not part of our government .
@arozeisarozie 5 ай бұрын
@@uh8myzenChambers of Congress aren’t heavily covered in state curriculum and if parents don’t teach it, you aren’t going to know. New cycles don’t hone in on that info., here.
@uh8myzen 5 ай бұрын
@@arozeisarozie Wow. I would have thought that it would be part of a high school civics curriculum at least. That's why I was surprised. It is actually pretty important information given how influential the Chambers can be on local and federal politics, at least they are in my country.
@keilius 5 ай бұрын
@@uh8myzen Well, and some of us were home-schooled, so we only learned what our parents taught us. My parents just pointed me to their old school books and said, "Go for it." I didn't know this until today, either, and I'm 44.
@fraliexb 5 ай бұрын
18:00 Non-compete clauses remind me of how Americans get healthcare. You have to decide, keeping your healthcare or finding a job you love.
@jazzgod21 5 ай бұрын
The Non-compete story: Was friends with a local Doctor that had to sign a non-compete when he signed in to work at a clinic right after school. Great Dr, patients loved him. when his contract was up though, he wasnt allowed to take a job at the other major hospital in town. (the hospital he worked for eventually got shut down by the feds for having substandard practices, if that gives insight into why he didn't want to continue to work for them). because if the non-compete, he had to move his family amd work nearly an hour from our town. This non-compete did nothing to protect the employer, and hurt not only the dr, but a small community with already limited Drs in a country with a dwindling amount of family practice Drs.
@LordBenjaminSalt 5 ай бұрын
In the UK, non-competes are unenforceable (but oddly are still often in employment contracts) and companies still often provide lots of training to their staff. They just find other ways to trap them in unhealthy work environments. One of my previous team leaders had her degree paid for by our employer when she worked in HR but had to stay with the company for 6 years, or reimburse them £27k for her degree. When our HR department was centralised to another site, she was still bound to our warehouse but had to switch to an operational role, and spend another 3 years doing jobs completely unrelated to the degree they'd paid for. So naturally she was basically forced to do all of the shifts nobody wanted, and routinely burdened with extra duties because she couldn't leave...
@grizgoat 5 ай бұрын
the lawer had the most tiktoker response 😅
@genevievegalvan1516 5 ай бұрын
Wow that’s crazy I used to drive by that Newport Lido building every day I worked. How sad !!
@LawlessChemistry 5 ай бұрын
I have been watching Prime commercials of people drinking Prime and my eyeballs have cancer.
@arrondarrow782 5 ай бұрын
@nathano5834 5 ай бұрын
Trade secrets are typically safe gaurded by NDA's. Corporations don't need non-competes; They just want to keep paying their employees as little as possible without fear of them jumping ship. FTC is right to jump in on this and protect the people
@godlynewbie 5 ай бұрын
sadly has taken far to long for this to be done
@Mirality 5 ай бұрын
Employment contracts always have a section on trade secrets that's essentially an NDA anyway. That's not what the non-competes are for. The non-competes are mostly about salespeople not stealing their client lists and poaching customers to a new company.
@ImmortalRimas 5 ай бұрын
It just speaks volumes when TikTok is banned in it’s own country of origin!🤣
@MatthewJemilo 5 ай бұрын
I love that you recorded so many of these in advanced!
@ashisalrtaken 5 ай бұрын
Someone's lawyer REALLY wants a payday. 😂
@BorkoBungleberry 5 ай бұрын
I find it hilarious that the US Chamber of Commerce is worried about the Non-Compete ban impacting employee training and development, implying they think business currently do a decent job at this. Based on my personal experience and what I've heard from others, training & development is already pretty lackluster at most companies. I work for a fortune 500 company and barely had any training or development assistance when I started.
@dogtags21 5 ай бұрын
Talking about ever day viewers got me thinking about how long I've been following this show. I started getting phil-d in right after my oldest daughter was born, 2011...that's 13 years...I've been watching this show religiously for 13 years 😅 DAMN!
@NeonWave91 5 ай бұрын
Hearing that this show comes out in the afternoon in California feels weird. It's usually around 6-7pm in the east coast and I almost always end up watching while eating my dinner.
@Fluffymonkeyem 5 ай бұрын
I watch if while having my afternoon snack or late lunch
@denizbenz 5 ай бұрын
I usually watch it on the toilet when I'm supposed to be working
@DaxSkrai 5 ай бұрын
Non-compete agreements are insane. Imagine getting a master's in something and then never being allowed to use those skills with any other company after your first job after college, who likely pays garbage because it's entry level (in the sense that out of college you won't have much experience). That's crazy to me.
@AndrewHorsford 4 ай бұрын
Some day I'd love to see a behind-the-scenes video that's Phil telling a news story without the jump-cuts every few words... not to see "aha! he's flubbing the lines!" but to see the way he speaks and thinks about what he's saying and the things he has to talk about to deliver us the prime-cut news we all love so much 😎
@KuromisHotTake 5 ай бұрын
The ivf story is so heartbreaking. I found out recently i have Endo and i most likely won’t be able to have children. My heart goes out to these women and men who had to feel this loss so deeply. So tragic. All that money, hope, and anxiety. That employee is reckless, and it’s horrid the carelessness . Money can’t fix that hurt.
@DarthChewie 5 ай бұрын
U.S. Chamber of Commerce about Government: Don't Micromanage us! U.S. Chamber of Commerce about Employees: WE get to choose where YOU'RE allowed to work
@piciaxel 5 ай бұрын
Hearing that banning noncompetes incentivizes corporations to not invest in training is wild since they were not investing in training anyway. This is the literal reason why there are almost no junior positions in certain fields.
@rvre 5 ай бұрын
IVF clinics in the US are so sketchy and fucked up Smh what
@francoiscorneliusvanheerde8398 5 ай бұрын
Here at my university cafeteria in South Africa, they are quite literally giving prime away when you buy potato chips that cost less than 40 American cents
@CrushedFemur 5 ай бұрын
It's crazy for the CoC to call getting rid of non-competes a government overreach. How is a non-compete a business infringing on my personal liberties?
@RamzalTimble 5 ай бұрын
I've worked in laboratory settings for nearly a decade now, and I am not surprised about the IVF story. You run into some technicians that just don't give a damn because they're burned out from being overworked and underpaid but that is and never will be a valid reason for clear lab failures to be swept under the rug/ignored. There's also the sad fact that managers will cover for the techs they like while not even giving a slap on the wrist. I recall reporting a technician for backdating daily equipment checks to my bosses boss because I knew my direct supervisor wouldn't do anything about it because they knew each other. Guess what happened? I was the one who got their job threatened for it. There was also a case where a patient had their sample sent for testing and the sample became cloudy after just 2 days of incubation. I suggested that my coworker who was doing the testing to do additional contamination testing--and guess what? They didn't. For 20 additional days. Take and find out that patient had stage 4 cancer. I scolded them to think if that was their family member waiting for those test results, how would they feel. The answer? "Well it's not and it's over. So we'll just retest when the new sample gets here." People forever being lazy and cutting corners.
@taylorbug9 5 ай бұрын
Report them to the government. Companies will never care what they mess up. Tell the news. Tell them you want to be anonymous.
@olorin3815 5 ай бұрын
​@@taylorbug9 government isnt gonna do jack shit they are all in it together unless it hits major news noone gonna give a crap
@RamzalTimble 5 ай бұрын
@@taylorbug9 works if you can catch the company off guard/they have bad lawyers. Otherwise they close ranks FAST and everyone relies on vaguely worded SOPs for protection under their own BS. Also when I reported that along with the racism I faced at one particular job, I’ve been punished by having to log all of my breaks when no one had to and been threatened to be fired. I packed my shit up and got a new job. Unfortunately I maybe in another situation where people are trying VERY HARD to commit fraud. It’s frustrating but I have the ability now to make sure we are in compliance as opposed to not. It’s wild how people make their entire personality out of “it’ll be fiiiiiiine” / “but I’m lazyyyyyy!” Makes me sick.
@RamzalTimble 5 ай бұрын
@@taylorbug9 as much of a cop out as it sounds; that hardly works. I know because I’ve tried. After I did they closed ranks and lawyered up well. I got passed up for promotions and my coworkers were excused by being blatantly racist to me on two accounts. The stress from that and a failing marriage had me attempt suicide. Got a new job, rinse and repeat. Hell just today I had to CONVINCE my peers to not allow what I can only describe as committing fraud for 13 years to continue-and we develop devices that go into people’s cardiovascular systems. One coworkers counter argument being that doing quality testing would take too long/cost too much. I really don’t understand why these people find themselves in careers where they should be focused on helping others but instead opt to harm because it will save 15k USD/having to do five minutes of documentation.
@TheGamerGurls 5 ай бұрын
My current job doesn’t have a non compete contract, but has a non compete bonus, which I think is the better move to encourage people to stick soley with a company. So instead of being forced to not compete just to have my current job, we have the option to take a monthly % bonus on our commissions, if we don’t compete. We still have people that compete, because their current situation is more financially viable; but for most people the extra incentive is enough to earn and keep that loyalty.
@xXTONALLIXx 5 ай бұрын
That is insane that a clinic for embryos does not require training, I have worked in medical assembly companies and they all have you to go through training every 3-6 months. That is just for devices that stay in the body or are one time use for surgeries. I don't understand why it's different for such an important process as an embryo's
@TRIGG262 5 ай бұрын
Jokes on that lawyer I saw that comment while I’m at the gym 😂😂😂😂
@lovly10000000000 5 ай бұрын
Regarding the TikTok ban, I’m genuinely just tired. I live paycheck to paycheck, struggle to pay for food, work 40 hours a week minimum and find it difficult to pay for medical necessities…. Yet it’s TikTok our government is voting for. I chipped my back tooth a few months back, but I’m so afraid of the dental copay/bill that I haven’t gone to get it checked or fixed. I owed $300 in taxes and literally broke down crying while paying it because I knew how difficult it would make the month. And I know people have it so much worse! There’s so many other issues me and so many other Americans are screaming over and it feels like the government no longer cares. I just want to be able to enjoy life sometimes and not be in this constant drought.
@torijeri 5 ай бұрын
the only way i know this show comes out around 2-3 every day is cus I have therapy right after so it’s a great source for me to learn about stressful news stories and immediately have my therapist to talk to lol. So thank you Phil & your whole team for doing so much work to get them out DAILY! it’s a lot of work and I commend you all so much.
@ToreDL87 5 ай бұрын
So the show pulls you down, and therapy pulls you up? How about, give the show a rest, and let therapy actually cure you?
@torijeri 5 ай бұрын
@@ToreDL87 this was just a lighthearted comment about how much i appreciate their work. Nothing more nothing less.
@lazav 5 ай бұрын
15:51 The new FTC rule will be devastating for smaller skilled labor businesses. Employees will come, “steal” processes, that it took the owner years to make, then start their own LLC.
@lovely3044 5 ай бұрын
My bf was offered a job at a local Vape shop and even he had to sign a non compete saying he couldn’t work for the other vape shops in our city for 5 years after the end of his employment
@henry5274 5 ай бұрын
Won’t VPN’s get around any TikTok ban?
@KimandKamJam 5 ай бұрын
@ashisalrtaken 5 ай бұрын
If you wanna cough up your money monthly on some VPN service to watch some goofy kid dancing that's your choice bud 😂
@justinaubin5174 5 ай бұрын
There is also an attempt to ban VPNs in congress right now.
@LuiBei1994 5 ай бұрын
Yeah but at that point china is getting less info from less people in the US.
@OfficialKraze 5 ай бұрын
Phillyd Spotify is perfect for me
@luckyleprechaun420 5 ай бұрын
My first job was at a grocery store in 2004. I made $5.15 hour and had to sign a 1 year non-compete.
@deadlytoxin 5 ай бұрын
Someone should tell the Chamber of Commerce that the only insentive for a business is $$$. It costs less to have well trained, happy, motivated employees than to have a high turnover rate. Their insentive for training employees is that they will be able to do the job they are hired to do? And it saves money. I see this for what it really is. Businesses scared that they'll actually have to pay attention to employee retention because they won't be able to legally force someone to stay.
@Nygaard2 5 ай бұрын
It’s amazing how many rules the US has to curtail workers’ rights.
@thomasledwidge8538 5 ай бұрын
Firefighter here - PFA’s are in literally all modern synthetic materials from your clothes to your furniture to your cleaning products to your food
@nuka6226 5 ай бұрын
Lol 61 billion to Ukraine while the U.S Marine Corps yearly budget is 51 billion
@judithbradford9130 5 ай бұрын
It's disgusting how easily "business interests" insist they won't invest in workers unless they OWN THEM.
@ethankillion786 5 ай бұрын
The most interesting take on this has nothing to do with Prime or Logan Paul - it's the setting of a precedent regarding PFAS in manufactured drinks. It might be the first in a wave of many, given how far reaching the PFAS issue is likely to become.
@bowzofoshu6695 5 ай бұрын
I used to work for the Purple Shipping Company, and they have non competes even at the lowest level. I had an employee that mentioned near upper management that she got a 2nd job at the post office making $5 more an hour and she was immediately told she needed to resign from PurpShip or the post office. I immediately lost one of my best people who wanted to work both jobs for a month to get extra money
@lyrasspontaneouscinders127 5 ай бұрын
Very interesting point on the PFAS limits from the state and EPA. Robert Bilott, the attorney who's been a spearhead against DuPont in several PFAS cases, repeatedly claimed in his book Exposure that the EPA limits intentionally ignored the science and allowed way more PFAS than the health experts recommended. This is the book Mark Ruffalo's Dark Waters movie is based on and is worth the read. The lawsuits he spearheaded are essentially why we talk about PFAS and it all stems from one guy's cows dying in West Virginia.
@averyeml 5 ай бұрын
You know you messed up in your search for internet drama/clout or whatever when you make me side with a Paul Brother
@velcro-is-a-rip-off 5 ай бұрын
The federal government has an entirely different list of priorities than most every person in the country. No end in sight. Anyway, happy hump day!
@WaynePentony 5 ай бұрын
always surprsing when the US actually make in strides in worker rights but pleased to see it happen. hoping other countries can follow suit, 'non-compete clauses' unecessarily shackle employees to their workplace when they know if they want to try earn better money or work conditions elsewhere they'd have to change industry or wait out the clause. companies can easily amend contracts to protect trade secrets and implement really easy positive change to decrease staff turnover - this is a big win for workers
@simsationalstoriesau 5 ай бұрын
This is the earliest I've ever seen a Phil DeFranco video ! 9 minutes ago! ⏰
@MarianahsTrenchGal1 5 ай бұрын
Logan Paul saying something that could be considered "smart" was not on my 2024 bingo card
@MisterFerv 5 ай бұрын
You've done it for a bit now, but I wanted to make a point for thanking you when you greet us with a "great day and morning the next day" ("Hope you're having a fantastic Wednesday evening or Thursday morning!"). I feel seen as one of your international viewers, who doesn't get a chance to get my news til the morning after you've uploaded stateside.
@NeonGore 5 ай бұрын
inflation isn't calming down the last 3 inflation reports came hotter than expected
@Shannaniganz 5 ай бұрын
“4 seconds ago” dang i beat the notification today lol
@NickPCage 5 ай бұрын
Tik tok should be banned along with everything else that makes us stupidier.
@nimrodery 5 ай бұрын
Excellent, banning American politics would be amazing.
@gameboy0139 5 ай бұрын
While it can be argued that the FTC overstepped with its ruling, non-competes as we know need to be severely restricted. When you are under a non-compete, you usually can't even work in the same industry related to your job. When your career is hogtied by a non-compete, it gives employers all the power in the relationship. You either work at a place that you absolutely despise or uproot everything and essentially start from scratch. The COC's argument that it companies will be disincentivized to making good training programs reeks of copium. If you have to shackle your employees to their job with a non-compete, there's something seriously wrong with the way your company runs things. It has been shown time and time again that if the workplace is a positive one, many people will forgo a pay raise to stay at that company. People leave bad management, not bad jobs.
@artisttommy1994 5 ай бұрын
Fellow Philly-D fans - does Zbiotics actually work? An ad backed by our boy is still an ad, I’d love to hear real experiences.
@dracoreeper 5 ай бұрын
That non-compete is a godsend to people you have no idea, some people are just trapped and can't move forward, that bill helps people have power instead of just the corporation
@Nightstick24 5 ай бұрын
22:39 Did you just assume that I’m *NOT* wet and confused? I must assure you, I am indeed *saturated* and *bewildered* Phil.
@lilac841 5 ай бұрын
There is no reason to have non-competes when you still have NDAs in contracts. If the concern is that employees will steal ideas and bring them to another company, then an NDA already legally covers that. Non-competes only exist to trap employees at a job.
@mikeroni 5 ай бұрын
I disagree that removing non-competes would hurt workers. If anything, companies will be more incentivized to treat their employees well if they’re more likely to leave.
@bleard345 5 ай бұрын
Please keep the funny outros....for all the bad, life sucks stories we have to have just bc thats the news those always make my day...."and ill see you to-monday, nailed it"
@blackdandelion5549 5 ай бұрын
I have had to sign a non-compete clause in an industry I got a license in and I can speak for the industry having this as a standard where many non-compete contracts would include working within a certain radius of the current employer, say 25 miles. This means if you left that job you would need to drive a substantial distance for your next job or move.
@relytbunny 5 ай бұрын
Leaving them wet and confused is my new slogan, thanks Phil!
@jameo6381 5 ай бұрын
i would probably pay for the app. Anything to support the show/avoid the ads.
@FlowWolf7 5 ай бұрын
FYI to color blind viewers Phil is wearing a dotted pattern shirt Red/Green there is no message or significant design. It is not ugly, but funish. Just letting you know to Phil you in
@WavesWatershine 5 ай бұрын
I work at a Grocery Store Under Kroger's Umbrella they already don't do enough Training. So Ban not competes so Companies can actually care about training employees
@evilcoffeemug5605 5 ай бұрын
small note: "could be a war crime" is less accurate than "if true would be a war crime"
@nickrwidmer 5 ай бұрын
I had a non compete contract that prevented me from working the same field for a year I had to get a job in retail from health care for over a year before i could go to a different employer
@villakillareal 5 ай бұрын
No compete clause never made sense to me. Imagine going to college for a specific industry like engineering or finance, racking up tons of students loans, and then getting barred from that industry cuz of a non compete clause. Maybe this will encourage companies to start treating people better and actually giving them proper raises so employees don't have to job hope to get the raise they need
@nilesyensel7516 5 ай бұрын
5:01 In regards to the “TikTok ban”, isn’t this the same company that directed users to flood staff offices with calls, some of which IIRC included some that said that they would harm themselves if it went through? Also, if the CEO is claiming they have no ties to China, then why was the Chinese Government lobbying on their behalf?
@RawDawgRandy 5 ай бұрын
Could you imagine how incredible America could be if the federal government didn't send all this support to other countries? Like investing in our infrastructure. Since private companies don't want to spend the money doing so unless they need to. We're not advancing really at all in the world except military.
@RoyG.BivDevoe 5 ай бұрын
Even though there is a concern about former employers giving away trade secrets brought up by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, this concern is moot because a lot of companies that hire people have an NDA when you sign with them anyway, whether compete or non-compete. If they don't then an NDA is more than likely to put the companies/employers at ease about trade secrets being leaked by former employers under this non-compete ban. As for the concern with this ban on non-competes will cause employers or companies to not put in as much effort into training potential hires, that's a decision that would be consciously made, probably made out of suspicion or a preconceived notion that the employee/s are going leave as soon as their feet enters the building or after a few days. It's irresponsible and it develops poor business accumen for people who actually *want* to stay and work fo them.
@The_Faceless_No_Name_Stranger 5 ай бұрын
The concerns about government overreach is very real and personally i always concerned about it. That being said if companies were behaving and not abusing clauses and their power over employees then wouldn’t need the government to get involved. If someone wasn’t fucking up too much then you wouldn’t need a supervisor standing behind them to make sure they dont screw the pooch.
@mickeymorant 5 ай бұрын
I'm inclined to believe Logan simply because I've never seen him so eager to actually argue the facts of a situation like that. Normally it's either ignoring, deflecting, claiming ignorance, or fake apologizing. But this time he looked like he wanted to jump through the screen, like he was SO excited to argue the facts. Seems overjoyed that for once in one of these scandals he's actually in the right. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
@leeroyo 5 ай бұрын
If businesses are annoyed about workers able to change jobs then they should consider making the job worthwhile.
@AerynFyr 5 ай бұрын
I'm really interested to see how this non compete ban could affect those in the service industry. I work in hospitality and I've never been able to get a second part time job at another hotel since every hotel is in competition with each other, and I'm unable to work more than 40 hours a week with any one company. I don't care about industry secrets, I just wanna make more money.
@lunacouer 5 ай бұрын
I really hope the FTC ban of non-competes leads to legislation. This doesn't just affect employees. For example, when my wonderful doctor was leaving our clinic - a clinic that is 95% bankrolled by Medicaid patients - she wasn't allowed to tell us where she was going due to a non-compete clause. Luckily Google is a thing so I moved to her new clinic anyway. But instead of being able to easily transfer my records to her electronically, records that are necessary for my care, records they would've happily sent to any other provider, I had to "sneakily" request my personal copies and then take them to her new place for them to scan in. Otherwise it would've looked like she told me where she was going. The fact that this mostly government-funded clinic was more worried they might lose some of those dollars than with their patients having access to the best providers for them is unconscionable. Non-competes shouldn't even be a thing in healthcare, but given that they are and for all the other reasons you discussed, we're well past time for a ban on them.
@markmarkmarkddd 5 ай бұрын
The FTC ban is wild. Generally good for employees for sure, but this is going to cause a mess of lawsuits. People will attempt to throw that in with all sorts of employee agreements and the amount of intellectual property being taken from one employer to another is going to be massive. As an IP lawyer this is good for business lol but I'll definitely be interested to see how this is skirted by corporations
@BigMonMulgrew 5 ай бұрын
I love how he says the bottles are from the US like the US is associated with high quality. I hate to break it to you guys but at least outside the US your food is associated with cheap, bulk and over processed not quality.
@moonlighthudak 5 ай бұрын
It's crazy how the American people are suffering but the government would rather send money to other countries instead of helping it's own citizens.
@KingKasper69 5 ай бұрын
Hoping Non-compete agreements are thrown out. It'll greatly help people who are looking to find new work and maybe make employers pay more to keep us around
@rainfinger 5 ай бұрын
The US ban on TikTok will fail, understanding most young Internet users know about VPNs, allowing them to login from Europe.
@enviousleaf123 5 ай бұрын
They don't need certification or advance training and it still costs $25,000???? Yall telling me getting IVF is going to be $100,000 then if they hire the best people. Wild. I think if we need to stop with trying to artificially enable pregnancies for people that willfully waited too long.
@kylemaclachlan7279 5 ай бұрын
The reason for the missing viewer spike is at least in part to European viewers such as myself. If you are after 15:30 pacific that is after 00:30 here and I have gone to sleep by then.
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