Thank you for making this video. I am one of those kids with staunch Christian parents and I very much agree on point 2 & 3. I have stopped going to churches 20 years ago. For me my reason was due to the environment in the church set out by the leaders and followers. It feels hypocritical and judgmental. One simple example was when I was young we were seated in a circle and very kid have to say out their prayer aloud. I hated it A LOT. There is no option to skip. You will be looked as u have an issue if you skip. Although they say its is ok .. in actual fact, we all know that you will be judged. I was not very expressive and hearing those kids that are very good with word articulate prayers easily stresses me out and demoralize me every time. This went on for years and finally I just decline going to this kind of Christian gathering. I never understand why we need this public display of giving worship in a congregation. No public display of worship does not means the person love and believe God any less than those who can do so better. Till today sometimes i run into some of them who are still attending church, the topic would be asking you to explain why are u not attending church, which most time I cannot be bothered to explain to them. You do not need to go to a church to show that you believe and love God.
Totally agree. We never let the children skip church for any activities so they would understand the importance of joining church. We don't chase after our kids to study, we just make ourselves available to them when they need help, even if they failed in school we don't think it's that important. If they end up going to hell what's the meaning of going to great schools and getting a great job? God can change people, so leave them in God's hands. My son never had tutoring, and so as expected he didn't do well. One day he suddenly told us he would be reading the bible everyday, after that his teachers always comment on how loving and caring he is, and what a good student he is and his grades automatically went up. Have faith in God and you will see light.
@@kikilee91052 我沒有寫書,不過有些類似像我這樣的人有開頻道,如歷史的江湖,她就把聖經如何錯誤說明的滿清楚,滿有系統的。我會這麼想也是比對我認識信佛教和傳統信仰的人說的報應 (karma) 概念 ,而我又是經濟學家所以會應用經濟學的一些道理來看一些社會現象。很多傳統宗教的人,對做壞事有禁忌,是因為覺得會有報應。但是加入或是信基督教,其實跟買保險的概念很像。保險業有一個 Moral Hazard的問題,簡單來說,買了保險的人,反而行為會更冒險、放縱、變得不那麼謹慎小心,因為覺得有保險承擔。基督教裡,有壓迫人的行為的人,跟買保險的心態很像,所以在有不當行為之後,還覺得無後顧之憂,甚至在日常當中更變本加厲等,畢竟認為有耶穌會承擔、付賬,所以在別人眼裡,真的無可理喻,不能溝通。跟認為有報應的人溝通,那可能還比較能勸說。 如果用經濟學或是投資學來看基督教,應該會下基督教是詐騙的一個結論,因為投注少(按照約翰福音說的,信或是聽到耶穌就可以了),卻允諾報酬無上限,如得到永生和天堂裡的一些冠冕、財產等。有很多詐騙投資的案例手法跟基督教推廣的模式是非常類似的。If it sounds too good to be true. It's probably too good to be true. 再說了,基督教喜歡說耶穌滿足了律法,所以基督徒基本上是不守神在舊約裡重複說明是永恆的律法。但是如果你去觀察,很多基督教會要求會友守舊約裡十一奉獻的律法。按照道理,十一奉獻是舊約律法,新約教會為何other舊約律法都不要求守,翩翩在能幫他們斂財的地方,要求人守呢?
西方的龍是壞的。東方的龍是好的。中國反對西方把中國的龍翻譯成 dragon,堅持要翻譯成 loong。不過我的了解是,龍 (Dragon or loong) 跟魔鬼,跟撒旦 Satan 都沒有關係,因為「魔鬼」devil 是第一世紀才發明的,撒旦 satan 在希伯來文裡是動詞,是阻擋的意思,是一種工作、功能,並不是魔鬼 devil 的名稱。所以猶太教並沒有魔鬼,也沒有天使背叛。基督教新約裡出現了魔鬼,而且耶穌怎麼知道魔鬼長什麼樣子,還滿讓人匪夷所思的。 魔鬼在第一世紀其他的寫作可以被找到,是很時代性的產物,被後來人拿來使用,而且基督教為了加深大家的映像,用魔鬼來恐嚇大家,所以就謊稱 Ezekiel 書裡形容 Prince of Tyre & King of Bablyon 的形容詞,都是在形容天使的墮落。嗯。天使的設定是沒有自由意志,只能聽從神的指令,哪來的反抗? 天使做阻擋的工作時,也是聽命行事的。基督教扭曲形容 the book of Ezekiel,Prince of Tyre & King of Bablyon 變成墮落的天使,猶太人真的是對基督教如此的行為無言以對。 基督教文化本來應該是來自猶太文化,但是他們並不尊重猶太文化,自己篡改,後來演變成現在你了解的西方文化。 猶太教,也就是舊約裡,沒有「 原罪」,也沒有「 魔鬼」。創世記4:7, 神對該隱說,罪是可以被制伏的,你要 master sin。既然神說人自己可以制伏罪,又何必來一個救主救人脫離罪?這就要說到基督教添加了什麼,才會有所謂的救主。那就是「 原罪」和「 魔鬼」的發明。 而救主是什麼?對猶太教來說,是最後的一個君王,在末世時統治以色列人,救以色列離開戰爭,最後統治一個和平的世界。彌賽亞是希伯來文,受膏者的意思,是受到祭司或是先知膏抹頭部有的稱謂。以色列出過許多的彌賽亞,沒有所謂的 the Messiah (Ha Mashiach) 會拯救人脫離罪的狹制 。而且,耶穌也從來都沒有先知還是祭司如此被膏抹頭部,被宣佈成為彌賽亞。 基督教添加解釋,把撒旦變成魔鬼,把耶穌變成彌賽亞,還把不可能會遺傳的罪變成會遺傳。以西結18章就足夠證明不可能有原罪。整章說明的很清楚,沒有人可以擔當別人的罪。 基督教創造了「 原罪」、「 魔鬼」,所以才須要耶穌來救。猶太人並沒有被這些創造出來的觀念脅迫,所以自然也不須要被基督教那般的拯救。況且,新約裡說到舊約裡的預言時,通通是亂套用。新約把所有舊約重要人物的形容,都錯誤套用在耶穌身上。新舊約在比對之後,必須下新約是編造的故事的結論。那要證明舊約是否也是虛構,倒是要用不一樣的方法,要用邏輯和歷史記錄比對。比如說,摩西真的有帶領人出埃及嗎?按照世界歷史,出埃及那時,應許之地迦南和曠野其實都是埃及的地盤,所以要如何出埃及? 美國其中一名開國元老 Thomas Paine,就在他的書裡把聖經許多的矛盾,和可以證明錯誤的地方寫在他的書 "Age of Reason" 裡。不過書的 Part 3 幾乎沒有出版社敢出版,因為涉及到耶穌如何是虛構的,所以印刷本幾乎都沒有,但是網路有免費的。 不同人對聖經裡諸多的編造和錯誤的處理不同,美國第三任總統就把舊約全刪去,新約把神話等敘述都刪去,最後自己編輯了一個 Jefferson Bible,圖書館裡是可以借到的。 而猶太思想家 Spinoza,質疑希伯來聖經,被 excommunicated from the Jewish community.