LAY MÖN TEN DREL PAK SAM JÖN SHING GI TENG DU Upon the wish-fulfilling tree of good karma linked with prayers GYA GAR SHAR GYI MA JA ZHÖN NU YANG PHEB JUNG the youthful peacock of East India alights. MA JA'I DUK KOR DAM PAI CHHÖ CHHOK LA GYUR DANG Turn your parasol tail towards the sacred teachings ZHÖN PA NGA TSHÖ T'HAR PA'I LAM NA ZHIK ZIN YÖNG so we young ones can reach the path of liberation. SÖD NAM CHID KYI GYAL MO SHING TA LA P'HEB PA'I The chariot of the meritorious Queen of Spring has arrived. LHO MÖN SHING LÖI TSHAL GYI KHU JUK GI SUNG NYEM The melodious voice of the cuckoo from the forest of Lhomön YA GI DRI ZA'I BU MÖI LING BU LAY NYEN PA with a song sweeter than the flute, up there with Gandharva's daughter YAR SUM NOM DA SO WA'I TEN DREL LA YAK JUNG an auspicious sign enlivening the three months of a good summer season. DIR DÜ LAY MÖN T'HUN PA'I DOR JE YI PUN DROK Vajra brothers and sisters gathered here, with complementary good karma and prayers, NGA TSHÖ'I LA MA ZHUK PA'I CHHÖ RA LA P'HEB DANG please come to the sacred place of our guru. MIN DROL DÜD TSI THUNG WA'I GA TÖN GYI NGANG NAY Through this festival of delight, drinking the nectar of initiations and teachings. NYAM GA LU RU LEN PA'I KHYED CHHÖ SHIK YÖD DO there is a special joyful experience song. DE CHHEN P'HO GYUR MED PA'I ZHUK DRAL GYI Ü NAY In the center of the seated line of unchangeable great exaltation, LHA DANG LA MA'I ZHAL RAY MA GOM KYANG JAL we have seen the wisdom deity and our Guru's face, even without visualizing. MA DANG KHAN DRÖ'I NYING T'HIK ÖDSAL GYI THEK PAY By the Clear Light Vehicle, heart drop of the wisdom mother and Dakinis, JA LÜ CHHÖ KUR DRUB PA'I NGÖ DRUB CHIK ZHU-O* may we accomplish the siddhi of the Dharmakaya rainbow body.