@C Conan : Hi C Conan, Merci beaucoup. I don't know if you speak Mandarin, English or French but I couldn't speak French so I wrote in English here just in case you can't understand my Mandarin in the back. lol! I apologize for my ignorance. Thank you so much for sharing the video with me. This is really cool. I am sorry that I didn't see your message earlier and I apologize for the my delay in replying your message. You have a wonderful day. 謝謝您的分享 您分享的影片非常有趣 我到過 Québec City 但是我不太懂法語 只能聽懂極為簡單的法語 (雖然非常想學 但沒時間 以後有時間一定要學會 呵呵)要是沒有路人幫我 我簡直就是文盲 當時給我的刺激真的很大 連停車都怕吃罰單 覺得總有一天一定要把法語學好才行 哈哈 啊 對了 我記得去魁北克的那天 剛好在餐廳工作的一位小姊姊跟我說 她第二天要啟程到台北去唸書 真的很巧 蠻有趣的