君馨的...愛情故事 My Love Story (下集) || Grace Wong 王君馨

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Grace Wong Official Channel

Grace Wong Official Channel

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@carcarfong6812 4 жыл бұрын
你呢個分享好寫實 我諗係感情入邊冇人冇動搖過
@kinkikwok304 4 жыл бұрын
@bikkigogo 4 жыл бұрын
@kach-mf8kz 4 жыл бұрын
下次同Danny一齊做Q&A 😛😛🥳🥳 Share interesting things with us
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
008001 kach he’s too shy 🙈🙈🙈
@mandy3948 4 жыл бұрын
Grace Wong Official Channel 😭😭
@wentingfu9929 4 жыл бұрын
听了你的故事真的好energize me!!作为一个从未谈过恋爱的女生真的有时候会迷茫什么时候会遇到对的男生,会羡慕那些看起来就很sweet的couple。但我觉得可能一切都要慢慢来,爱情也可能并不那么理想化,都需要两方的细心经营和相互体谅。Grace你真的是一个很暖心的sister,很少见到如你一般真实坦诚的艺人,谢谢你的分享❤️ wish you have a good day every day!!
@corapoon5155 4 жыл бұрын
"很少見到如你一般真實坦誠的藝人" 我也認同, 所以我很感激Grace這次的愛情分享♡
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Wenting Fu thank u so much!
@pangesther520 4 жыл бұрын
@小萍-f7q 4 жыл бұрын
@ychan9458 4 жыл бұрын
唔知點解睇你既片唔會在意佢係好長既video 好自然就會好投入睇哂同聽哂你既分享 好感動 我好inspired 多謝Grace
@corapoon5155 4 жыл бұрын
Grace 和Danny 心𥚃都有神,两個人坦誠相對就係彼此信任的表現,就如在上帝面前坦誠自己,相信和交託自己給神, 從而得到神給予的祝福, 是一份最珍貴的禮物。 Grace和Danny都可以為對方作很大付出, Danny願意為Grace 選擇係香港住, 我覺得這個付出實在太感動了。我都是在香港長大的女孩, 現在身於加拿大溫尼伯,我很理解這個是一個十分難的決定。Grace 是一個很出色的藝人,當然有時總會有一些出眾的男生去追求她, 但她一直堅守信念, 始終認定Danny是她的唯一。 Grace好專一,我相信她在婚姻後亦都是不顧一切去做好, 而且也是一個十分worship 和humble 的基督徒。自己係單身族,我會嘗試聯繫神,希望神能夠幫我去安排,讓我能夠擁有一段為彼此恆久付出的愛。♡♡
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Cora Poon amen! God bless you dear! He has the best plans for you, get to know God n trust Him! You’ll be in the best hands!
@corapoon5155 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you your words Grace , very grateful to know you 🤗🤗✌ happy marriage 💏
@winghimliu3840 4 жыл бұрын
@believei6379 4 жыл бұрын
@Stella-lm1qi 4 жыл бұрын
好想睇你可以同 Danny 一齊拍一條 vlog, 好好奇你地平時會做 d 咩😂🙈
@tokk1013 4 жыл бұрын
@gloriasun4998 4 жыл бұрын
這是我目前聽過最美的福音了 ❤ 我曾經也經歷過很類似的感情,現在正處於「希望把自己留給對方」的階段,即便對方不是基督徒,我們隔著遙遠的距離,甚至沒有什麼聯繫,但心裡祈禱上帝的帶領,也希望能好好保守自己。謝謝妳願意真實的分享 😇😇😇
@michellelai2635 4 жыл бұрын
@soniacheng207 4 жыл бұрын
@yanfenfang4810 4 жыл бұрын
@hingho4495 4 жыл бұрын
@yuenyuenwong7499 4 жыл бұрын
Grace 聽完你條 生命見證嘅 video,感覺神真的很像三角形上的尖頂, 另外也很認同, 一條線嘅比喻, 你就係咁真實嘅女孩, 漂亮嘅內心, 坦誠嘅內心, 你㗎 另外一半 真是有福了, 主佑。
@weiijesss7129 3 жыл бұрын
1.我今年19岁,(刚好在听你说着19岁的感情)您以上说的都跟我相似,分开过....最快乐和不快乐的时候都想身边有他在,分开时候也对别人有好感,可是觉得自己始终要的还是他......喜欢跟他和他家人一起相处因为感觉有爱很温馨。我们没有什么印证,但我们有缘分,小学中学同校,虽然大学不同(在中学的最后一年才认识)。但是我们品味性格相同,所以能够认识彼此,在彼此眼里只想幼稚,外人眼里一起长大一起成熟。希望12年后还是同一个人。谢谢您的分享,让我更认可我的爱情 因为也有人跟我一样的经历?😛我希望这辈子一直是他......... 2.还有还有😛我是你的粉丝,非常欣赏你 继续做自己爱做的事,同时希望你会坚持演戏 喜欢你的每个动作和眼神表情(同时继续唱跳)哈哈❤
@smimming932 4 жыл бұрын
君馨妹妹 : 為妳感恩, 上帝已經一早為你們預備的。 三角形的關係 : God , you, Danny So true! 20 年前, 我和先生愛的引證, 這個三角關係也是我們印證之一呀!
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Smile wow amen!!
@keirawu7550 3 жыл бұрын
So sweet! 我同男朋友都係一個係美國,一個係香港,疫情關係一年未見。遠距離戀愛當中,除了保持透明,審視大家的方向、步伐是否一致,是否享受對方的陪伴,我地都會不時審視大家在relationship中自己同神的關係,有無更加close to God, 同埋為對方祈禱,為我們的關係祈禱,將一切交在神手中,求神的帶領,我們互相陪伴,一起學習,一起成長!Thx God!
@hanhanchan3879 4 жыл бұрын
唔知點解睇到好想喊喔~ 好難得的一段感情,因為呢段影片更加認識你,好欣賞你們
@joanelim1225 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not Christian, but I'm so enjoy and appreciate your sharing ☺️
@piggy-cc4060 4 жыл бұрын
我好喜歡你講嘅一個點“遠距離戀愛一定要好誠實,好透明”。 乜都講,其實好重要
@jeanjasmine 3 жыл бұрын
all people who trust God genuinely have a heavy soul and so do you guys. 我也是曾经为了当时的di̇stance relationship 以选择不喝那杯咖啡,反而结了婚,很可惜到最后我还是选择 I want my life back。
@DaughterKing4ever 4 жыл бұрын
thank you for this love story! I think you guys are so sweet and your story made me realized that God is in control of everything and He is there through temptations, ups, and downs....I hope you guys are growing and growing in Christ! God bless !
@mmhongkong9427 4 жыл бұрын
I am not Christian. But I admire how you both have faith in God. What inspired me most is how your husband has a heart of gold and embrace you everything. Truly never take things for granted and I like the way you were so being honest.
@poonwanyee 4 жыл бұрын
睇完上下集嘅分享好感動。我係一個經歷緊婚姻失敗嘅單親媽媽。在我失落嘅時候信主,曾嘗試帶埋前夫(當時的丈夫)一齊返教會但他心太硬,不願接受,最後我地離婚收場。最可憐係我嘅女女,佢面對唔到爸爸嘅離開,經常情緒失控... 希望我和女女盡快走出呢個陰霾,我也好想遇到一個同行者。為妳感恩呀Grace,願主嘅愛一直充滿妳的家!
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Abigail P please keep praying for your daughter, God will answer prayers! Bless you both!
@soniacheng207 2 жыл бұрын
@suzannelim7280 4 жыл бұрын
Long distance relationship is the hardest especially when there is no trust. Been there and even till today, me and my husband is still on long distance relationship. If it’s not for this covid 19 lockdown, I would have long gone back to Melbourne. Love the illustrations on putting GOD in the middle of a relationship. Once again, thank you on sharing your experiences
@shureal 4 жыл бұрын
Grace: “Appreciate it your relationship”. Me: I’m still waiting for the first one.... Thanks Grace, all that you said is right. I appreciate you story and advices about relationship. Now it’s hard to find someone like that, but I’ll never give up and I still have some hope.
@jho8270 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Grace, wow such a nice love story. I like your honesty. I think Danny should be really happy with you as wife :). Lucky him.
@CarmenChanLeung 4 жыл бұрын
感謝grace的見證分享😍 原本我都想,不如開個見證篇,分享下神在我生命上的奇妙經歷,點知無端端聽到grace妳的見證,好鼓勵,好似係度肯定緊我都要分享下自己的生命故事。 有空過來我度坐坐,互相鼓勵😎
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Carmen Chan Leung yes ah , our biggest blessing is sharing our testimony with others!
@Psychocandy-q6z 4 жыл бұрын
I like people being honest and serious about relationship. I am so impressed about how you asked your husband if you can go for a coffee and how he answered you. No one in this world would think it’s a big deal now. You deserve each other. Happy for you both. 💞💞💞
@tifftam3384 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Grace, 聽到你既分享好鼓勵, 一個好好既見證..作為基督徒都要向你學習(although I didn't meet my right one yet).....hope you can share more God's words in this channel ;) 加油
@nomiyaku1909 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Grace, 我係無意間聽到 LIGHT IT UP被吸引入來,因我本身喜愛Hip Hop 風格既歌,而且Video很像我喜歡的某一個美國歌手風格(請別介意),拍的非常好,因我不睇電視,所以唔識你,還以為你係邊到既歌手,真係唔好意思. 於是點入去睇睇就聽了你愛情故事上下集,分享得非常好,好有道理,相信很多人,什至是弟兄姊妹都要向你學習,而且你凡事先求告神,現在很少在娛樂圈的人能做到吧,你真的很棒,感謝主,求主保守你及你身邊的人,阿們🙏 (我本身什少留言,但聽到你喜歡看留言,所以就留一下,鼓勵你多做見證多分享,謝謝)
@amuhinamori9368 4 жыл бұрын
It was so encouraging watching your video! My boyfriend and I just started dating, and it was really such a good reminder how Christ was the centre of our relationship and in drawing closer to God, we're working on the foundation of our relationship. Relationships are tricky to navigate, but I'm really glad that you openly shared your experience, and I will continue to trust in God to see where this brings me :))
@uofudoutiditd8567 4 жыл бұрын
期待Grace下次share friendship嘅片🥰
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Uofudou Tiditd friendship is important one
@seannicholas4440 4 жыл бұрын
@teresav9928 4 жыл бұрын
I’m currently recovering from a toxic relationship. I pray to god for guidance and try to be faithful towards the unknown future. Hope to hear your advice and stories about dealing with the toxic relationship. Btw, you’re so inspiring, love you! ❤️
@kloei 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve never been in a “successful” relationship (however you want to define successful), but I do always believe that god has plans for you which is why I never get down on thinking why am I still alone? Thank you for sharing your beautiful relationship and how there’s always hope and success stories of how relationships are meant to plan out in the end 💕💕 wishing you guys the very best
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
kloei awww don’t ever have that mindset, have faith that He has the best plans for u, to prosper you n not to harm you!
@AL-uy2bj 4 жыл бұрын
等左一個星期,終於有下集啦😀Thank you.🙏
@jasminetse5496 3 жыл бұрын
@cheekong7788 4 жыл бұрын
Whenever you’re determined to do something, there are always going to be roadblocks and challenges along the way that make it seem impossible for you to get to the end point. So great to hear that you were able to overcome all those. Very inspiring!
@babesukiyan 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your sincere sharing, Grace! :) 希望你可以分享一下你同老公既相處之道,例如,吵架既話點處理?~ Hope to see you more on KZbin :)!
@ivylim8238 4 жыл бұрын
那个三角形的比喻真的很好! God is so good! 希望你继续为祂讲见证!
@hanfamily4572 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Grace, this is Christina. I commented on many of your videos before but that got taken down. Happy to be here again! 😊
@gracengo2799 4 жыл бұрын
thank you G’Racie. I am G’Racie too. I love your sharing and also your dance. I am not Christian yet although i had lots of chance to know God in my life. what I want to say is your video is quite inspiring. 👍🏻👍🏻 I m quite looking forward to watching ur video about some toxic relationship u had.
@JeanetteKYZ 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Grace,雖然我今年只有13歲沒有談過戀愛也沒有經歷很多事情,也沒有聽過朋友家人跟我分享這一種的“故事”😅但從這個影片中你教了我很多道理,這些道理不一定是我談戀愛的時候才會用到,可能在處理和朋友上的關係也會用到的。將來,或許10后到了23歲,會再次回來看這部影片,到時候可能會領悟更多☺️ Thanks for sharingヾ ^_^♪
@en-en-en-en 4 жыл бұрын
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Yes amen!
@bbaa778 4 жыл бұрын
@lky4874 4 жыл бұрын
睇完真係覺得好幸福同奇妙😍好為你感恩神係你地中間嘅作工😻你講嘅三角形更加令我知道神係夫妻之間嘅關係係咁重要!!!祝福你繼續靠住神同你老公好sweet咁一齊行落去❤️❤️(哈哈前果兩年咁啱係gem concert果度 睇住你同你老公kiss😜😜甜甜的)
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
lky 🙈🙈🙈
@girlblue9668 4 жыл бұрын
You not only have a attractive appearance,but also have a kind heart.❤I've learnt a lot from ur love story like being transparent to the one I love.I really want god can come into the relationship of my boyfd and I,yet it's difficult .My boyfd doesn't believe in god.I hope there will be a miracle that god changes what he thinks.Thank you for sharing ur lovely ,inspiring story.
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Berry Blue keep praying and God will keep listening n blessing u!
@shanpp9 4 жыл бұрын
@stephaniewang3282 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I never watch your drama before. This video is so powerful, and you are so authentic. I have a lot of troubles in my life I don’t know who can give me some direction and how.
@wendychan1551 Жыл бұрын
@srxc2901 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Grace, I'm not a fan of yours, but your video popped up on my youtube. You are leading a great example of how a loving relationship should be and I'm very impressed with your commitment towards Danny. You are blessed with him and he is blessed with you. You will have a long loving life together. The characters you portray in your TVB series do not reflect the greater person you are. I hope your story gets shared and help the many lost souls out there who are jumping from one relationship to another, so they learn to understand the meaning of love and not just companionship. Love SONIA
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
NG VLOGZ thx for the loving message. My characters are def way more fun when they r nothing like me. That’s where the acting is needed so I’m happy with this career. Every role helps me to appreciate my hubby more. Cuz I usually have unhappy relationships in my roles.
@haileyw2342 4 жыл бұрын
grace, i am so invested in your love story and genuinely enjoyed listening to every bit of it!! you’re like a sister anyone could talk to and i would love more videos on these topics and life advice! listening to your story as someone who has never experienced requited love or a romantic relationship really gave me insight on what a relationship has to offer. it honestly seems quite scary because we all dream of being in love but only imagine the positive sides to it when realistically there will always be hardships and struggles that we have to go through in order to create a healthy and loving relationship. every girl always dreams of falling in love and finding their mr. right but are we capable of maintaining a healthy relationship? when i see and hear about others’ hardships and relationship problems, the practical side of me kicks in and i start to fear and wonder if i’ll be able to love someone so transparently. from the people i’ve encountered and dealt with especially during the most recent times, my guard has been up but now higher than ever. i realized that there could be people out there with intentions you’d never even imagine but then there really are those people. i would consider myself conservative and traditional, so maybe it’s a culture shock or something to me but honestly i’ve lost a lot of trust in people, especially guys that approach me. i’m afraid i could never have my guard down. or is it that when the right one comes, then i’ll just naturally gradually put it down without realizing? i never thought about the argument scenario like what if the low key stubborn side of me throws a tantrum? generally a rational person, will i be irrational when i get into a relationship? then when these thoughts come to mind, i kind of am glad i am not in a relationship, but deep down i know i’ve been wanting to have that person in my life for the longest of time. i’ve spent an incredibly large amount of time alone already, travelled and explored alone, lived my entire life spent alone, i really wish i could have the most compatible person join me now.
@meltravel2597 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I'm still waiting for God to arrange me a Mr Right. Hope im able to share my good news with you soon ❤️
@nevislin3994 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Grace, 為妳同先生有一個甜蜜又奇妙的經歷,天父係你地的最perfect的媒人!睇完你的分享,我都忍唔住要追住老公隻手,心裡感恩天父都俾我地相識相愛。 我地都係教會認識,一齊服侍,在服侍裡面更認識對方,到結左婚,真係有好多功課要學習,包括兩個人的成長背景,遇到事情的做法等等都會衝擊我地的關係,不過每次都要記得愛裡沒有懼怕,愛是恆久忍耐,感恩主,攬返又冇事了😂祝福你地都係唔會含怒到日落,給予盼望俾對方,委身對方,建立喜樂的家庭💕
@rarity537 3 жыл бұрын
After listening to your experience, I am even more sure that you are my idol. I think your experience is really arranged by God. I hope that the relationship between you and your husband will always be good. ❤️希望你永遠都係基督徒❤️
@prislim1307 4 жыл бұрын
I like your sharing very much. God bless your marriage with Danny 😍
@romeochan2610 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks sharing and your truth. Proud of you and hubby grow in Gods love. I m at 50's still searching and learning the clarity of a blessing. 💪💪
@YinmeiZ 4 жыл бұрын
I suddenly found this video. I like your love story!!! My boyfriend and I are both Christian. We had been together for 8 years. Hopefully, we can have a stable triangle relationship too.
@Jesuslove220 4 жыл бұрын
@nanajiawei 4 жыл бұрын
终于等到你的part2啦。真的非常谢谢你分享你的故事。 我也希望会有属于我自己的故事那天。也期待你有机会把你故事拍成MV。😊 最喜欢的是你真的是我见过那么多的艺人,是愿意一个一个comment 看和回复我们的。😊
@Nana-bs1ii 3 жыл бұрын
今日第一次睇你兩首歌嘅video同埋睇你呢個KZbin分享,首先兩首歌真係好好聽同埋你跳舞真係好好睇、亦都拍得非常好,性感得好高貴好浪漫。 PS: 祝福你們永遠幸福快樂。
@ilovefllm 4 жыл бұрын
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
ilovefllm He’s always there, like a papa watching his baby.
@hebefung560 3 жыл бұрын
thank you for the sharing~What you said was really touching.感恩我地有免費既陽光同空氣^^
@abbyhui9893 3 жыл бұрын
thank you for the genuine sharing Grace!! You are so blessed by God!! Through your sharing, I can see that God has been really guiding you and Daniel, on both your personal lives and the relationship xx It was really hard to see an artist really devotes and commits their life into Jesus...being a Christian and a person also in a relationship with a Christian partner, I feel like I am also experiencing a similar life with you......those temptations and struggles...they are very very true...and these reflects that how much we need God......thank you for all the sharing!! May you and Daniel have a fruitful life in Christ and to remain in Him for the rest of your life!
@mssiuwhite 4 жыл бұрын
謝謝你咁透明的分享,好有感受💓 我同我老公都long d左一年,學你所講,我同我老公都好坦誠相對,坦誠另我地冇隔膜,有人approach 我,我亦會同佢講,我咁樣做,佢話令佢更放心! 感覺心裡更有大家💓 之後回港便結婚了💓
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
mssiuwhite congrats!!!!! 🍾
@chun4633 4 жыл бұрын
I clicked in this randomly but it is what I need. I just can't stop crying watching both episodes. Grace, I think God is speaking to me through you. Thank you for filming this.
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
tiffanymachun bless ur heart ❤️
@block_chain 4 жыл бұрын
long D的透明度很重要 very true
@bikkigogo 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your love story and how you and your hubby overcame all the obstacles and finally 2 become 1. I'm suprised that you would admit that you had true feeling towards your co-worker and confessed that to Danny. You are a brave, true, honest woman. You definitely deserve the love from your loved one. Hope you both keep being honest, trust each other and overcome any future obstacles and live happily forever in your marriage.
@ring0470 4 жыл бұрын
多謝你ge影片, 好多POINT都深入我心, 多謝分享好多神帶俾你地ge經歷, 我信心太不足, 亦成日好曳想遠離神, 多謝你出片提醒我有神喺身邊, 祝福你地兩位在神的愛中繼續成長同幸福!
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Winjoyfun yes a God is always there, even when we are distracted.
@juliachan8853 4 жыл бұрын
@kathieleongsw86 4 жыл бұрын
It's not easy to have a trustworthy relationship.... I broke up with my ex for about 3 years 8months..... He betray to me n get married after we broke up... It's was a bit hard for me to trust Love...but when I listen to ur story I feel GOD really love you n your husband....he show you a signal that a good n correct way to stay close in this relationship..... I hope one day I can find one like urs too. Love your story to the max, Take care. God Bless you and your family.
@perfectlife2444 4 жыл бұрын
好鍾意你的分享, 期待你在此分享關於你婚姻的各種事, 也期待你下一條不良關係的影片 Support! Support!
@idachan9556 4 жыл бұрын
Thank God ,thank you Grace, 你既影片好真實;我宜家係單身,但係心入面一直有個問號,宜家呢個世界真係可以有好多選擇;誰可以保証呢個就係最好呢~ 當你好愛呢個人既時候,你就真係唔想佢傷心,唔忍心都傷害佢。三角形既關係都好正,好叮一下既感覺,謝謝妳
@hannic.5605 4 жыл бұрын
Your experience is so relatable. I'm 23 right now, currently doing long distance. I had many temptation along the way too. But I always ask myself, if he is worth throwing everything i have with my boyfriend. And I can honestly say no. I still have doubts but no one new could ever replace what we have. Now we are forced to do long distance for long due to covid 19, sigh. Anyways, thanks again for sharing, maybe your marriages advice will come in handy in a couple years of time. Hahaha stay safe!
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Hanni C. Haha marriage advice. Ok I can try a video on that too.
@eunischen7254 4 жыл бұрын
@shoamakawa4304 4 жыл бұрын
真係學到好多嘢!Thanks for sharing🥰 祈禱你同Danny永遠幸福😇
@chowspeakout 2 жыл бұрын
@Christycat 4 жыл бұрын
多謝Grace! 你嘅分享好真誠,一定幫到好多人,特別未認識上帝的人!
@kenau4206 4 жыл бұрын
多謝你好充滿正能量既videos!🙏🏻💚 尤其今日既社會同周遭環境,大家需要更多既愛同能量💚 亦都好期待你更多既sharing/ Vlog💚 Thanks Grace!
@mmkklliicc 4 жыл бұрын
對於一個冇太多人生經歷又係成年左無幾耐嘅我這 睇完你條片真係學到好多野 都inspire到我 同埋都prove到兩個人會一齊 點都會一齊 呢樣野 多謝你嘅分享啊:)
@clarachan4406 4 жыл бұрын
Having a community in faith and the right people to ask really matters... In the past, I always asked the wrong people who gave me "earthly" solutions to my relationship and made me even more anxious. After 10 months I met the people in my current church and we looked into the relationship in a godly way that helped me make a tough but significant decision in life. Thanks for being transparent with us as well! God bless xoxo
@kwanfadera 4 жыл бұрын
This is just a gift. Not many people have firm and only confirmation, or even cannot get a proper guy in her whole life. For me this is just magic. But good to know somebody can experience it.
@sheyuii 4 жыл бұрын
真係好感謝你 願意咁真誠去分享你的故事!對我幫助好大,知道應該怎好好珍惜另一半!
@aznxxazn 4 жыл бұрын
I have to admit, I was not fan of your dramas before. But one day your video showed up a a "Recommended Video" on my page, so I decided to click into it. Through your videos I can tell you are a very genuine person and got to know you better! Thanks for sharing! Never you were studied in Babson before, but sending love from Boston! ❤️
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
aznxxazn sending love to Boston as well!! ❤️
@Nata-xh6jy 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your love story and how God gave you and your husband confirmation! 真摯嘅分享睇到我眼濕濕❤️提醒咗我夫婦同神嘅🔺關係!同時提醒我要同神保持更緊密嘅關係💗從前我只知道幕前嘅你,期持之後睇到你更多分享!基督徒藝人真係唔容易。好多試探同掣肘。加油💪🏻
@maggieyau9876 4 жыл бұрын
@我是誰我在那-x6z 4 жыл бұрын
@michelleyap4810 3 жыл бұрын
非常感谢你分享你们的故事。也让我更加明白夫妻之间的relationship 🥰
@chanicelim8247 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing grace! Im a baby christian and just had my baptism on February this year . I got so much encounter with god and so many spiritual blessing from him . God bless you and your husband!
@mlee7635 4 жыл бұрын
It is indeed hard for the long distance relationship but God is good. You gave a very good testimony .
@selahlee6628 4 жыл бұрын
thanks God for using your testimony to encourage us:) want to hear more stories/ miracles you have experienced !
@FancyWong 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your testimony Grace. It really helps me make a decision on which guy to choose. I am Christian and I met a Christian man eight years ago. God told me he was the one but later the man and I argued and I left him alone. I met other Christian guys from time to time. Before I decided to date someone, I always asked God for directions. However, God has been saying no about dating other guys. And I later found out those guys were not good guys after a few years. God reminds me to return to the guy that I met eight years ago. I texted him and he has not dated other gals after me too. He has changed a lot and is studying at a seminary. He wants us to be together again. There is another nice guy around but I agree with you that it is a temptation and I need to avoid it. Ty Grace.
@GraceWongOfficialChannel 4 жыл бұрын
Fancy Wong sweetie if God told you He is the one, then trust God n don’t let go! I hope he also got confirmation about u too!
@ycoolyi 4 жыл бұрын
係KZbin channel中,令我看到一個更真實、要美麗的Grace❣️
@kathyyan227 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being so candid and sharing your story Grace ❤️ ... and incorporating your Faith in God into the story - how you use your faith to veto you away from betrayal and temptation :) Need to archive this one and relisten in my times of weakness. ❤️
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