€ function is overevaluated! How could € work? How could EU be able to integrate past communisum? Alone by price stability? I doubt. € has the same problem as $. Would € become as sub currency under $, if it is officially under Nato?
I think that the whole discussion is at wrong base. The discussion is concentrated under present financial markets of credit markets which make the system unstable and runs to collapse. Because the trade system was collapsed! At the beginning it was trade system collapse which was forced to reform by flexible capital markets. But the capital markets works so fast that the real production makets of trade markets is not able to follow. The result was high goverment debts and unstable political system.
坦白講上🈴組織和金磚成員國!肯定成員國們會越來越多!而且全部成員國是向着中國人越嚟越強大!而且不久將來G D P和軍事力量也會替代美國?成為全世界🌍綜合國力最強盛的國家⋯⋯所以上合組織和金磚成員國組織!肯定會吸引全世界🌍各國加入!首先肯定會吸引全球南方各國加入上🈴組織和金磚組織!坦白講:國家綜合實力才是 (王道)!!現在的中國已經是世界🌍制選中心和高科技創新中心!還有中國人的軍事力量越來越強大!只要十年左右時間!中國人的海上軍事力量?中國人的核動力航空母艦戰鬥群!加快替代美國巡視全世界🌍海域和重要海峽!本世紀中葉 中國人肯定會替代美國成為無敵的超級強國!G D P也會是美國2倍以上的經濟實力!軍事力量也會是無敵存在的一一