LCW hits back almost every shuttles "TOO SLOW" and this may let go to LIN DAN use the most least time or as fast as the opportunity to hits back to "killed" the shuttles.. LCW should learned and aware his mistakes... MUST NOT WAIT THE SHUTTLE IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO HITS BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.. and not to play as many as many badminton patterns or to gambling his lucks in future.. because LIN DAN hits back in less than seconds very shuttle... not like LCW.. many times waiting the shuttles almost falling in the line below this arm-rest.. or even many times the shuttles almost touching on the ground on its own court-floor.. this will let LIN DIN more relax and have the extra times to estimated that where the angles of the shuttles will be coming back in my hand.. SORRY!! i use broken English... i finished only SJKC standard six... i can speak littles English but poor grammars... 🤭🤭🤭 if u agreed.. pls press 👍#THANKS