So selfish, because it might affect your property resell value, then it became a problem… excuses after excuses… speechless
@octomammoth1 Жыл бұрын
This is one of the reasons housing prices in HK remains sky high and keeps growing unchecked. Too many people with vested interests who care only about their profits and who don't give a damn about the less privileged being forced to live in sub-par environments. Property speculation has always been the bane of affordable housing anywhere in the world and needs to be curbed. On the other hand, it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense for the HK government to spend so much of taxpayers' money building temporary homes only to tear them down 7 years later. Even short-lease public housing in Singapore for example lasts 30 years at least.
@falling_banana Жыл бұрын
im thinking exactly the same thing 咁都講得出口 仲要 理直氣壯 how on earth u can say it with a straight face i hv no idea