When the tattoo is new, it looks bright and cool. But over time, it gradually looks dull. At that point, in my opinion, it doesn't look good anymore. It actually looks messy to me. Anyway, to each its own, you do whatever you want to do. Remember, tattoo is not good for some job positions.
咁你又冇噉講,我冇紋身,但唔反對亦冇贊成戓反對,紋身系極之個性化嘅事,冇人可以啊支阿左,系紋身呢件事上,大家都有自由選擇權利,to 紋 or not to 紋 ,all up to you. I would respect whatever they choose from. 唔撚中意可以冇睇,但系請尊重人,冇刁生哂。
@menlingerietryon17945 ай бұрын
你有你紋身自由 我有我負面唔鍾意既自由
@白娘娘6 ай бұрын
@beautifulanchor30726 ай бұрын
@Arking8885 ай бұрын
@BloodyDevil6665 ай бұрын
@lyl9175 ай бұрын
@hinokd17936 ай бұрын
做地產紋身有咩問題? 乜嘢少咗一班客?你係俾人歧視! 香港個社會根本就矛盾兼落後
@ipdavid10436 ай бұрын
it creates so much skin damage and to Immunsystems