Ai Ling Ng 你们傅瑜之流做的事情不就是民进党九合一前的奥步吗,打算挑起两岸对立助选,结果中共没有配合没有回应没有怼,弄的空欢喜一场。而你们的统派人士一直以来不是都在被霸陵吗?说好的言论自由呢?至于我们中共的默许,那是我用词谦虚。真实的情况是如果不是中共希望我们的艺人能配合国家一直推动的两岸民间友好往来,我们的一线艺人真的不会集体去捧场,不去就不去中共也不能强迫他们去,然后这也不是主要因素,主要还是我们都爱戴李安导演,李安导演盛情邀请大家都不想推脱。没想到你们台独这么不识抬举
There is a reason why most countries’ workplaces normally don’t encourage employees to overly discuss politics and religion believes. If you have any professional sense, you should know that in any professional environments, you should focus on having everyone willing to be there to work towards the same goal instead of using “freedom of speech” as an excuse to offend people. It’s like you invite some guests to your house then discuss on what you think are bad things about your guests’ families. That’s not called freedom of speech, instead, that is called something I can only say in very offensive words so I won’t go there. Also, for people that don’t care about feelings of people surrounding them, they have no rights to discuss the reaction of others. I suggest next time when you go to a bar and when someone spit on you on purpose, you stand there and return a smile to that spitter to “demonstrate by example”:)