couldn’t agree more at first, then……从窗户的式样和结构上看,很可能是Pella做的。我家(1912年建,1999年买的)一层和二层的(除了一个很小的外)所有窗户都是80年代末最晚90年代初装的Pella casement窗户,里面是跟视频里的老窗户几乎是一模一样的实松木和颜色,外面是免维修的铝面板(cladding窗框结构)。长话短说,这类‘独特的风格’和高档(实木casement window)的窗户通常是要定制和由厂家认可/指定的安装工安装的才会有随之而来的保修服务。去年4-5月,换了六个地下室的窗户,跟楼上近40年前的窗户外观很近似,因为是同一个厂家(Pella)做的,窗户是2021年10-11月间在厂家技师和有30年在老房子上安装经验的技工来量过尺寸和搞定式样(像我住的百年以上的老房子是在当地的Historic Society有记录的,是不可以‘随便’改变外观的,市政府对装修老房子的鼓励是符合保护老房子的要求,最主要的是房子的street appearance,可以拿到装修总值的10%去抵税-tax incentive)就定好了的,包括拆老窗户(至少有四扇窗户是1912年建房原配的),安装和外面的trim,六个新窗户总共是$1万4的样子。所以对我来说(所有的厨房橱柜都是自己做的),有能力,本事和‘经验’(know what he's doing)换窗户的人不太会为了DIY而DIY的,更多的因素是‘需要’和其他限制,在没有看到40年老的窗户到底如何不行了的具体情况下,也谈不上什么‘舍本逐末’了。
@rayjing8592 Жыл бұрын
@@-ltdiy1652 as you mentioned that Pella brand window, I googled and found that it is a luxury window that I never know. The KZbinr, ZUDIY, didn't use the same brand window to do the replacement. He simply bought a three layers vinyl or aluminum frame window to replace the original Pella windows.
@-ltdiy1652 Жыл бұрын
@@rayjing8592 well, one thing I learned when replacing those basement windows in my houseI was that sash windows or wood casement windows (meaning the window opens) are very expensive to begin with. I have two Pella casement windows of the same size 30”x34”, the one on the street side needs to be two-light (only opens on the right side, kinda like the old window in the video) in order to keep the same street appearance of the old window for the tax incentive, the one on the back side is single-light and opens as well. The price difference is ~$500 where the single-light window is about $1900. With that said, my educated guess is that similar wood casement window would cost in the neighborhood of $4k. I am sure that Mr. Zu had done a lot of research and fully understands the pro’s and con’s of replacing a large window by himself. From what I noticed, it’s on the back side of the house overlooking at the patio, there isn’t much of ‘独特的风格‘ per se, also from the ceiling height, the house was probably built in the 50’s if not later. So, when a window at the end of its service life and Mr. Zu could save $2-3 grands by doing it himself, he has everything to gain and nothing to lose. 所以说,根本就谈不上什么‘得不偿失’。As for your last comment, (unless I don’t know what it means exactly) if you do a search to see what kinds of projects that the internet would consider as ‘for DIY’s sake’, you probably won’t find replacing window as one of them.