係呀..... I feel ya so badly. Mate, nobody seems to understand this and as soon as I tried advocate the idea of spreading out, don't hole up making some of places like a hotspot..... 就 label 我分化 L..... 香港人, please listen to your fellow hongkongers who's also British..... 我哋 no longer in Hong Kong and we are a country, 我地好多地方㗎, 好學校亦 spread across the country, 唔需要全部 chi 埋一齊㗎...... Please...... 利申, 我唔係住 Sutton, 唔好話 Sutton, London 都唔係, I have lived in London for long enough to a point that I actively avoid entering the city.
@ricchrono5907 Жыл бұрын
我啱啱先睇到 so called Sutton 公屋大廈條片.... 話香港人互助, 香港人社區..... Truthfully that's like a freakin alarm ringing right next to my ear.... 香港人要有智慧, be more considerate.
@someernie6179 Жыл бұрын
其實英國鄉郊啲人都幾排外 當初脫歐都係依個原因
@patricktse100 Жыл бұрын
多謝綠豆資訊, 認同香港人大多數都願意在社區付出, 期待下一集.
@plwt5966 Жыл бұрын
Richard 真係好好人!
@ckm2012 Жыл бұрын
@amandaa1wong Жыл бұрын
無論身在何處,勿忘初心 💛
@chukuen Жыл бұрын
@OnefromEarth Жыл бұрын
@wilsoncheng6134 Жыл бұрын
Richard is really really helpful! Great Thank you for him!
@wtam1519 Жыл бұрын
Good to find HKers can get together sharing their view and helping each other. 💪💪
I love real Hongkongers! God bless! I will fly to UK next month from US for sightseeing n visiting. Will not go to China .HK till the political situation improves.
@hydichan8480 Жыл бұрын
上周末去朋友在 Sutton開的中餐館, 聽了一晚苦水, 她說最近很多香港人來餐館吃飯, 本來生意多了應該很高興. 但有幾次來的人都沒禮貌地自己㨂枱, 二三人要坐大枱,會任意拉隔離枱的椅放自己的包包, 點餸亦沒禮貌....怎至請過新來的做 part time 樓面, last mintue 告知不上工或上工後不久不返工亦只是早一晚通知, 令餐館人手失去預算....她説對 BNO來的很失望, 也不會再請不負任的 BNO人. 我一邊聽一邊很氣憤, 他們的行為令其他香港人不受歡迎 ! 他們在香港也是這樣嗎 ? 希望他們自重, 不要影響香港人的形象. 😐
@ricchrono5907 Жыл бұрын
有時..... 係我哋對香港人嘅祈望太高 🤷🏻♂️ 我自己身為 British, as well as hongkonger 都好矛盾. Protect and sustain hongkong culture 係好, at the same time have to admit 好多 hongkong culture 亦唔係好野, 希望真香港人, 擇善固執, 保留好嘅, adopt what's best in new one.
住遠啲就係因為方便嘅地方治安唔好, 唔住 new built 係因為 new built 嘅 quality 唔及舊屋好, granted, 舊屋當然要翻新. Most of us prefer houses over flats, unless confined by the job location. Budget tight 去 London 住係 making your life difficult, 唔係一個明智嘅選擇, 而且 major cities, 治安唔好, 呢方面如果你已經在地, 我相信都唔需要 emphasise. 治安永遠 comes first, over your job, and your kids.
@lisaland152 Жыл бұрын
@@ricchrono5907 It seemed like a older generation who from Hong Kong, and I was preached by you! 我最主要目的係你去到人哋地方,都未站穩住腳!就有人發出訊息表示我哋嚟到英國,就會同人哋本地人爭屋住、爭學位、爭資源咁!咁要點做好呢?唔同英國本地人爭,咁最好就係唔好嚟英國囉! 我話大家鍾意嘅屋唔同,都唔算形成同本地人爭,爭都係同新移民或香港人爭,你哋就focused on houses not flats 🙄tight budget and making life difficult!關你咩事?!佢哋要問你借咩? We’ve talked about Sutton where a zone 6 city of London, I can trust them arrange a good budget for their living in London!
我可以話, 9成人唔覺自己大聲, 更加 not aware 大聲用其他人聽唔明嘅 language 講野其實好 rude. Rewind 番 couple of years ago, 大劣大媽蝗蟲大大聲 ge le gwa la, up 埋哂啲唔知乜話 in Hong Kong, 我相信大家都唔會好受呱 right?