只要有OHIP, 医院內所有費用O. 但事實係医院開單問政府攞錢, 明碼實價(at a already negotiated fixed rate). 其實医療費我哋己俾咗$$, via 平時俾嘅不同稅項, 所以唔係可以講係全免費....如果要医重病, 就會觉得好値得
@CaHongMui8 ай бұрын
@stephenxiao68838 ай бұрын
Great to see that your thumb got much better at the end of the video. Re emergency room in hospital, don't feel bad when there is a need, although nobody want to be sick or abuse the medical system. Infection can be life threatening if you are unlucky to contract serious bacteria e.g. flesh-eating disease. All the best !
@CaHongMui8 ай бұрын
You’re right. Infections can have serious consequences😖Thank you for your kind wishes!
Walk in clinic waiting time is much faster than emergency. Average 10 -12 mins for case in walk in clinic. Total time should not over 1 hour in walk in clinic. Time is money.
@sx_ca8 ай бұрын
You only have one life, life is priceless
@TheJlee288 ай бұрын
I waited for 3 hours at walk in to get a massage physio note for my mom 😢😢😢😢 It depends on your luck 🍀
@CaHongMui8 ай бұрын
I visited the walk-in clinic before heading to the hospital after work, but it was fully booked. Unlike hospitals, the walk-in clinic isn't open 24/7😢
@CaHongMui8 ай бұрын
How true!
@leenoneedtowork8 ай бұрын
take care
@sabinalau47788 ай бұрын
government will be paid to hospital cad1000 for this visit. thank you ohip
@@DChan-mn7qh North York General 而家係重災區,高速發展區但又沒起多的床位。反而疫情間,我去了 Michael Garron emergency 兩次,只等了兩個小時,醫生好仔細。Michael Garron 係 Covid Hospital, 可能啲人覺得冇必要都唔好去,所以唔使等咁耐。而家睇病講運,最好唔洗去醫院,要去冇計。
@CaHongMui8 ай бұрын
我都覺得加拿大醫院處理急症效率好好👍🏻👍🏻我咁小事都3個鐘就搞掂 I’m sorry to hear that…我明白你一定好難過💔5年了⋯但失去媽媽的痛苦可能像昨天一樣深刻⋯你要加油呀💪🏻
@TheJlee288 ай бұрын
@@DChan-mn7qh 咪只信數據,Trudeau 話經濟增長你信唔信啊!人地話 Vancouver Toronto are the most livable ,打 min wage 工租屋住,試下。入醫院都講運數架! 你自己上網睇下宜家 North York General Emergency ward, 吓死!昨年我在 North York General 開了眼手術,真係做得非常好。但係急症嘅嘢真係要睇運氣。如果重病我一定唔入Michael Garron, 但係一啲佢地強項研究嘅手術,Michael Garron 做得非常之好。我個 plastic surgeon 係100% 5 stars rateMD review, Michael Garron staff surgeon 來的。我又要搵佢去除腫瘤啦,因爲我很容易生皮下脂肪瘤,開手術有勁疤,但她開的不會,仲 OHIP 包,神奇!因爲她是頂級癌症研究醫生,用我的腫瘤來做實驗。Michael Garron 的 chronic pain clinic 是全加有名,有長期痛症的病人,是很容易長腫瘤,有些會變癌症,但我的全部是良性。 所以我話疫情期間我入咗去 Michael Garron Emergency, 真係幸運,冇人去。而家又唔知啦! 第一次疫情間急症入 Michael Garron 時,因為落大雨,我又唔敢搭車, 自己行去,然後成身濕曬。我搵唔到急症室入口,有個去上班嘅員工,拍卡俾我入前門,然後教我行去急症室。個護士見到我係度等時,成身濕曬,佢拎咗一張好暖既毯嚟俾我,非常好招呼,很暖心。 乜ranking都冇用,實際,和運氣。久病成醫!
@TheJlee288 ай бұрын
@@CaHongMui 只信數據,聼下實際體驗啦!離地就係呢D!
@TheJlee288 ай бұрын
@@DChan-mn7qh michael Garron 係全加開第一間 fertility clinic,chronic pain department 又最出名。心臟病癌症梗係唔睇佢啦,你淨係識得睇 overall ranking。我話:我疫情期間好幸運入咗去嗰度 Emergency, 因為冇人去啊,傻人! 問非所答答非所問。