Jain 108 Recaps the Eric Weinstein Interview with Terrence Howard

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@jimstandish7563 6 ай бұрын
Joe needs to interview YOU and Terrence !
@Skonie012 6 ай бұрын
ABSOLUTELY, this guy is more respectful
@greglovelace246 6 ай бұрын
​@Skonie012 he may not be near as wise in these subjects. And if he isn't, what would be the purpose of his speech if we can get more wisdom and more efficiency through someone else.
@takodawhitefeather 6 ай бұрын
About 8 years ago, I had a dream that I was in a craft that looked EXACTLY like the linchpin. It was metallic gray and the only way to describe its shape is to compare it to a dodeca-looking golf ball. There were 100's of us in these interesting looking space suits, and the objects were controlled by our thoughts. At one point, they bumped one another, but they didn't get damaged or make a sound. They touched like two pillows, even though they seemed to be extremely dense/heavy. They were really beautifully crafted. I believe what Terrence is describing was exactly what I witnessed in my dream.
@bororobo3805 6 ай бұрын
@@takodawhitefeather Maybe if you remember harder, you'll also remember backflipping out of your mother's cooch and rope skipping the umbilical cord. 🙃
@mcdart2606 6 ай бұрын
You ought to send your account of your dream to TH. Something tells me he’d appreciate it, since TH admits his insights came in dreams.
@poettreeclimber 6 ай бұрын
THIS is the most fairest summary/assessment I've seen so far! Thank you!!!
@FractalEarth 6 ай бұрын
What comes first-the art or the science. When the science dries up and withers on the vine, as Eric keeps insisting, artists like Terrence come along with fresh insight and a connection to our ancient knowledge that shakes up the scientific community, causing all that rotten fruit to fall to the ground so the new paradigm has room to grow.
@andreuswilsonwilson9140 6 ай бұрын
Imo Weinstein refused to answer questions that Terence proposed in efforts to make his points but instead used academic language and condescending comparisons to deflect and to constantly insult Terence instead of ever just admitting he didn’t have an answer or just engage it the thought provocation that was the basis of most of Terence questions. He tried to come of open minded but refused to open his mind instead seemed to be more focused on protecting the “old guard”
@slcinaus 6 ай бұрын
I got the same impression ... but maybe they need to work together to help each other . He’s aware that the science world is toxic, you could see him trying to break free of it in certain parts. Social conditioning, Terrance would help Eric break down those walls and Eric could help Terrance with more technical aspects.
@ONEYEDPiRAT 6 ай бұрын
If you're able to find Eric Weinstein's colleagues in physics and listen to how they speak it just comes with being highly intelligent. And Terrence didn't learn their language this is where he was being corrected not to say that the language used by the highly intelligent is correct lol because of how incredibly detailed and intricate these ideas they develop are and the language to define the ideas is the same way. I really like the analogy about hitting on 19 when playing blackjack 21 and busting
@rayh4975 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely spot on!!! 👍
@Justmekpc 6 ай бұрын
Terrance just makes shit up and you wonder why people can’t answer him? 1x1is 1 not two no matter how much drugs you do
@chuichongo3898 6 ай бұрын
Eric is the fundamental science handler ....
@mariaoharra3024 6 ай бұрын
@timinthesun 6 ай бұрын
We have to allow people to interpret reality from a different perspective. It is the only way forward
@kricketflyd111 6 ай бұрын
I was disappointed with Erick because he disregarded the significance of the flower of life. The teachings of Rudolph Steiner are about our soul/spiritual growth as above so below dimensional time/space that of God's Geometry of creation. We develop with dimensional/being understandings leading to our next manifestation but No, Erick shut the door on such teachings and tried to recruit Terrance into his lower orbit. I love these discussions, they help everyone and look forward to more. IMO ❤ p.s. would love to see Jain on Rogans show with Terrance. 🎉
@RickLambert963 6 ай бұрын
Two things surprised me about the Joe Rogan interview with Terrence Howard and Eric Weinstein. Eric Weinstein didn't know about the Flower of Life until Terrence Howard upset the whole engineering/physics community. Terrence Howard fails at grade school level math. Math is counting. 0, 1, 2, 3... Addition 0+1=1 apple 1+2=3 apples And so on. Subtraction is reverse. 3-2=1 apple 1-1=0 apples And so on. Zero isn't a quantity. Multiplication is counting in sets. Any sets of 0 apples is sill 0 apples. 1 set of 1 apple = 1 apple 1 set of 2 apples = 2 apples 1 set of 3 apples = 3 apples 2 sets of 1 apple = 2 apples 2 sets of 2 apples = 4 apples 2 sets of 3 apples = 6 apples Division is reverse. 6 apples divided into 2 sets is 3 apples per set. And so on. Accounting money is strictly addition and subtraction. No where in accounting is money being multiplied. What kind of stupidity do you think Terrence Howard is making in his "loops" math? There's some great videos explaining that. Terrance Howard is almost completely mathematically illiterate.
@kricketflyd111 6 ай бұрын
​​The math didn't bother me because of my interest with the flower, I'm always wanting more understanding but rarely find anyone discussing it. I watch geometry programs but only see 2 dimensional drawings and nothing more. I think there are stages of dimensional development where the flower is just out of our reach to comprehend so when someone seems delusional talking about the flower I'm all ears. Rudolph Steiner has said that he gets his material from recorded writings of clairvoyants and mystics, where as the initiate is working to become clairvoyant giving him sight of the unseen that is necessary to see spirits within their mediums, earth,air,water and fire(elementals). Then comes the understandings of the alchemist and the information of the flower opening up universal understandings of time cycles, spiritual development, our solar system and purification of body and soul. It just gets more interesting at every step.
@RickLambert963 6 ай бұрын
​@kricketflyd111 Bravo! Please don't stop. One of my favorite is Knew Geometry. George (I'm not even going to try spell the last name). A samadhi, satori, nirvana, awakening, enlightenment, kundalini experience... can be achieved through meditation and study of the geometries. These geometries are like looking into the mirror of what we really are. Fibonacci sequence, Phyllotaxis, Plutonic Solids, Golden Spiral/Metalic Spirals, Flower of Life, Golden Circles, Seed of Life, Mandelbrot Set, Tetractys, Tree of Life/Ankh, Tetragrammaton, Eye of Horus, Nine Code, Vortex Math, Solfeggio Frequencies, Cymatics/Chladni Patterns, Turing Patterns, Zero-point, Sonic Geometry, Music Geometry, I Ching/Yin Yang, Trion Re', E8, Hopf Vibration, Primer Fields, Sir/Shri Yantra, Merkabah, Magic Squares, Precession of the Equinoxes/Great Year, Yuga Cycles, Time Wave Zero... "Miracles" of the Bible explained by modern physics. Facts of Faith. Moody Science Classics. Did Jesus walk on water? It seems possible. Emotions are not just feelings; they resonate with frequencies that can profoundly impact our mental and physical well-being. The “Spane” Scale of Emotion, which is a conceptual scale developed to measure the intensity and frequency of emotions, places authenticity at a higher frequency than love. When we understand that we can move mountains together as a collective consciousness, the control systems will fall away. Every emotion, thought, words spoken or written affects water and plants. We have the power to make heaven on earth immediately. A great place to start is with water because it is extremely susceptible to our influence. The double slit experiment provides no evidence for consciousness causing collapse of the wave function, but it also provides no evidence against it. What gives credence to the Copenhagen interpretation is other experiments such as Emoto's water experiments, and his rice experiment we can do at home for a few pennies. Also there is Backster plant experiments, Mythbusters did an episode believing that they were going to debunk this by replicating the experiment, they ended up confirming it. Every emotion, thought, or word spoken/written affects this seemingly solid nonsolidity realm we are calling reality. I've done some of my own experiments with water and plants. Water is extremely susceptible to our influence. Then I looked up one day and realized those big fluffy things are water, I found new superpower. The experience is still awesome, I love to demonstrate and teach Atmokinesis as in cloud manipulation. It still seems "miraculous." Namaste. In Lak'ech Ala K'in. Tathata. Shivoham. Ashe.
@RickLambert963 6 ай бұрын
​@kricketflyd111 "I want to know the mind of God, the rest are details.” Albert Einstein. "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." Max Planck. First cause is mind/consciousness. Mathematics existed before human minds. Mathematical laws were discovered not created. We are still learning mathematics from nature/universe, it's part of science. Mathematics can only reside in the mind or minds as abstract ideas, concepts. We can only describe and illustrate concepts. Philosophy, science, engineering, and physics does its best at understanding nature/universe. The language of the universe is mathematical/geometrical. Science, engineering, and physics is spoken mathematically/geometrically. Mathematics requires a mind because math is conceptual. The universe must have a mind. If something can occur in math, it can occur in the physical world. Why does the universe obey mathematical laws? Consciousness, the mind of "God". Explain the hard problem of consciousness. Explain math without mind. You can't. The laws of mathematics are conceptual because "God's" thoughts are conceptual. The laws of mathematics are universal, they apply everywhere because "God" is omnipresent. The laws of mathematics are invariant because "God" doesn't change with time. "God" is beyond time and made time. "God" thinks mathematically, therfore the way "God" upholds the universe will be mathematical. The laws of mathematics are exceptionless because "God" is sovereign. There is no aspect of creation that is out of "God's" control. Spiritualism and materialism are both parts of the veil. All matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are energy beings in a connected universe. Energy beings being bamboozled by BS (belief systems). One consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. Sui generous perspectives as the universe has solved for everything. One energy connected in a fashion called entanglement. I am sentient consciousness manifest in holographic fractal dimensionality as energy. I can neither be created or destroyed, only altered in form. As above, so below. As within, so without. A grain of sand in the universe, a universe in a grain of sand. All is in everything, everything is in all. I am that I am. I am. Namaste. In Lak'ech Ala K'in. Tathata. Shivoham. Ashe.
@mochapella 6 ай бұрын
yes, Eric really missed a couple of flotillas of boats
@terryrobinson5250 6 ай бұрын
Terrance is on to something, self taught. It's incredible the knowledge he gain with out college,PhD .
@geriwurth7782 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this wonderful summation! Love your helpful pictures, models and diagrams. 👍🏼 And thank you for YOUR work and curiosity.
@britneytezino3187 6 ай бұрын
Terrence needs support just like we all do to come into our vision.
@EvidenceOfTheDivine 6 ай бұрын
You need support to try to enter Terrence's vision. Getting into your vision is easy. Knowing is easy... understanding is hard.
@danielonearth 6 ай бұрын
@@EvidenceOfTheDivine I’ll throw one tasteless opinion if I may. I believe it’s ultimately Terrence’s job to convey his vision to us. That’s the ownership we must take if we’re trying to convey something to others. But as the OP suggested, we can support him in gaining greater clarity of his own vision. This in turn will help him to convey his ideas better, and so ultimately more of us will understand. Mutual support system. I see truth in your message too. We should also be proactive in trying to understand his vision, rather than passively waiting for him to feed it to us. So the point is, I don’t see OP’s comment and your comment as colliding but rather as complementary. Sorry for the long reply lol.
@EvidenceOfTheDivine 6 ай бұрын
@@danielonearth Bro. I see your point. But, people like Eric is so convinced he is in the right, he fails to even try. I think Terrence has conveyed his position more clearly and persuasive than Eric. This is why he blew up whilst Eric didn't when he presented his dumb self-validating ideas. Terrence's positions tap into people's intuitions, because he is in the right path. Einstein said, "If you can't explain it simply, then you don't understand it enough". This is what happens to Eric, and what doesn't happen with Terrence. The worst type of blind people are the ones who don't want to see. You know I am right, but your explanation is that most people are idiots and uneducated, when this is not necessarily the case. It's called reasonability. Terrence's position has it. Eric's one, not.
@danielonearth 6 ай бұрын
@@EvidenceOfTheDivine Oh man, my comment was specifically about your reply to OP’s. I agree with most, if not all, of what you say about Eric. When someone is indoctrinated (domesticated) for so long, whether by others or by themselves, that becomes their truth. They forget they are looking at the world through glasses. To truly know and see, we must take our glasses off, but unfortunately, that’s not the case for many of us, including scientists. That’s why people like Terrence are crucial and needs all our support. He brings an energy that has the power to shake up the room. It makes people to question, and potentially wake up. But this will come with many difficulties. Because being awake among sleepers is like walking around a room full of snakes. They wanna snatch the awake and put him to sleep.
@collinbergkamp7077 6 ай бұрын
That Rogan episode was priceless. As are your amazing research and videos. I would love to see you educate Weinstein and the rest of them on the Flower of Life, the Vitruvian Man, etc... Please keep teaching us. Thank you!
@shellhawkens 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your review about that podcast, and finding the gem in it. I was hoping that podcast would have had more discussion of Terrence's ideas and work between brilliant minds, and less instruction on how to talk to the establishment without insulting all the egos. I would love to see you and Terrence have a discussion, I think that it would be way more interesting and constructive.
@JillyGabrielson-ts5ck 6 ай бұрын
Thanks Jain...exciting times!
@britneytezino3187 6 ай бұрын
This is great!, I’m truly saddened that Dan Winter disagrees with Terrence and said he was mentally off, both have been my teachers and you as well. It’s unfortunate we don’t realize that we’re each a piece to the grand puzzle 🧩 the puzzle that shifts us from linear paradigm to non linear paradigm.
@L_Train 6 ай бұрын
Terrance IS mentally off! The things he says can be concretely proven wrong. Weinstein is a grifter and this Australian guy has his head in the clouds and the sand at the same time. The are NOT geniuses. Theyre just self fellating marks.
@Cheesymac19 6 ай бұрын
It’s very puzzling to support someone like Terrence that firmly believes 1x1 = 2. Let me ask you, if I were to pay you $1 an hour and you worked one full hour with me. How much do I owe you?
@DenisDamulira23 6 ай бұрын
Appreciate your time. I too watched it and didn't understand half of it, but this clears up a few things. Appreciate you brother.
@GeometriaMistica 6 ай бұрын
The movement of many people in search of ancestral knowledge is interesting. Thank you very much for sharing this knowledge. You are a great inspiration!
@Sage_1230 6 ай бұрын
Terrence had already developed his drone, and Weinstein gave him props. Thank you
@kombumerribee7522 6 ай бұрын
This last episode with Joe, Eric and Terrance was my favourite to date. Would love to see Terrance and Jain collaborate
@WaveformV1.0 6 ай бұрын
Hi all, I’m new to Terrance’s work having seen the interview on JRE just recently. I have viewed both interviews only the once so far. I don’t believe EW is genuine in his approach but I don’t know much of him whatsoever. That is my intuition on the matter. Regardless we need a part 3 or 4. I have passed the interviews onto my friend who has technical skills and much experience. I look forward to rewatching the interviews and learning more.
@xave3829 6 ай бұрын
Two cents…EW is almost being TOO genuine in his approach
@tshepo5 6 ай бұрын
Need to get you on the Joe Rogan show with Terrence asap. Keep the momentum going
@melissahalsted5148 6 ай бұрын
I’m so glad to see you here on KZbin sharing your wisdom, Jain108!!! Thank you for sharing!
@Guthealthbosslady 6 ай бұрын
Well done Jain ❤ Beautifully explained xx
@freepeace9067 6 ай бұрын
Very insightful interpretation of events. Thank you.
@shaylove3786 6 ай бұрын
Jain, Terrence does not have an error in his work, instead he was able to harness the discrepancy in order to create the Lynchpin. Look at that section of the podcast again. It was beautiful to see them demonstrate using the songs to explain the phenomenon, eventually getting to the point where Eric says you have a Pythagorean comma in the middle of the Lynchpin and Terrence says with a smile yes I do. I also got the sense that Terrence is saying that the key is to use geometry rather than algebra. I am not a mathematician but that was incredibly inspiring. Well done to Terrence and to Eric and Joe.
@ucheedochie3475 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your review. I prefer your softer and more respectful analysis of what went on between both men. I didn't really see a respectful dialogue. Eric was very condescending but Terrence kept it respectful by not pushing back in a rude manner. It was Terrence that kept it respectful, not Eric because I lost count of the number of times Eric told Terrence that his ideas are bullshit and that he is always 'teaching'. Here is my take: 1. Terrence is an independent thinker. The academic mafia doesn't like that. They want control. They want to approve whatever is put out there as scientific discovery and breakthrough. In other words, like the cabal that runs the world, they want to regulate human ideological development. I have a problem with that and so should you. 2. Was Eric really trying to help Terrence? I don't think so. What he basically did was smack him around an infinite number of times and then paid him a backhanded complement to make it look like he means well. Eric is part of the establishment. Don't forget that. I don't trust anyone from the establishment. These are gate keepers. 3. Eric was sent to reign in Terrence, not help him. When he offered to give him an 'elite review' what I saw was a guy trying to control another guy. I heard Eric say he will only review his work if Terrence agrees to his terms (dropping 99.9% of his work to focus on one fucking drone). In other words, Terrence can only go forward and prosper on their terms. 4. Here is what we know and it is what makes Terrence unique. He has been able to find the metaphysical connection between the Ether/ astral and the physical world regarding geometry, physics, mathematics and even chemistry. The academia doesn't like that because they deliberately side tracked the ether to control human potential. That's why Terrence kept insisting that everything vibrates while Eric disagreed. This is a battle over acknowledging the existence and influence of the ether. The gatekeepers don't like that. They go to mad lengths to keep science and spirituality separate. Why? To limit human potential. 5. Finally, while it is okay to pick the brains of geniuses like Eric and Neil, Terrence shouldn't seek their approval because he will never get it. The academic cabal will never embrace him as one of their own because his work invalidates theirs to a significant extent and opens up the human potential. Notice how irritated Eric got when Terrence refused to take credit for his own work by saying that an angel gave him all these ideas? Exactly. The cabal doesn't want spirituality mixed with science because when that happens, they get exposed and we get liberated.
@Liv-b3h 6 ай бұрын
Yes! ☝🏻 That's also what I seen here and agree. And just look how fast this interview was set up to shut Terrence down. 1 month from the viral video between Terrence and Joe. I do believe in criticism as we can all learn from it so we can grow and fix our errors. But if you look closely, it was more of a full discredit to his whole way of thinking and then saying "oh but your linchpin is dope"
@RMCAV 6 ай бұрын
And the fact that Eric kept alluding to the fact that what Terrence was doing was ‘dangerous’ was all I needed to hear. I do believe he was sent to control him and even discourage any further patents. Terrence shouldn’t share with any of these vultures. His ideas will be hijacked, perfected, monetized, and he’ll be minimized or eliminated.
@Jain108Mathemagics 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your in-depth reply. I was trying to be kind to both parties and not get emotionally involved, but you have done well to be so bold and speak your truth. This topic certainly needs more minds like yours and others to thrash this out. I really appreciate your honesty.
@ucheedochie3475 6 ай бұрын
@@Jain108Mathemagics Thank you.
@paulanthonybradley7561 6 ай бұрын
Little baby > alotta dirty bath water!🤔
@salviacat144 6 ай бұрын
There's really nothing wrong with him repurposing the prefix super and combining it with the word symmetry. If Eric is as big brained as he makes out to be then surely he can see what Terrence is trying to achieve by using super-symmetry that way. It gets on my nerves that people aren't doing that more often. There are plenty of words that share the same notation but not the same connotation.
@michaelnardini4934 6 ай бұрын
Very humbling; very helpful video
@cgab12 6 ай бұрын
You can’t use geometry to describe forces, you have to use physics and math, and not the kind where 1x1 does not equal 1.
@bororobo3805 6 ай бұрын
Everybody knows 1x1=2. What are you talking about
@terrymullins3292 6 ай бұрын
Math came from the geometry
@cgab12 6 ай бұрын
Open your high school geometry book, and try to find where it discusses electromagnetism.
@maaduece5132 6 ай бұрын
Some guys have made the lynch pin design fly with a drone hardware
@DangleSan 6 ай бұрын
@2:30:00 I appreciate you pointing out that Terence's flying machine can do the same maneuvers UFO can, I've been thinking that since the thirst time I saw it but you're the only other person I've seen link the 2
@tinkerbellstar-ik6zu 6 ай бұрын
Eric Weinstein said it as well during the joe rogan podcast
@CarbonDragonFly 6 ай бұрын
Plenty of People got it you just don’t follow enuf of them to know nor do they need to say it
@DangleSan 6 ай бұрын
@@tinkerbellstar-ik6zu It's more accurate to say he glossed over that fact in half a second, The thing that makes it so impressive is that it can make the maneuvers of A UFO it should be the highlight the starting point when talking about it not "oh yeah it's cool it can do this and it can move on 6 axes and it can kind of do stuff like a UFO" He glossed over what should have been the focal point
@candicejones2127 6 ай бұрын
Was wondering if you would comment on this podcast. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge to bring clarity.
@creezonline 6 ай бұрын
Well broken down, thank you !
@zachvinka6764 6 ай бұрын
Since larger elements have more mass due to bonding energies, how does the bond angle coincide between the elements?
@caynetheunissen2102 6 ай бұрын
i love it. i love listening to the passion im a fan
@Angelmojo 6 ай бұрын
Appreciate your more positive take on it. I couldn't watch the whole thing I felt like he was being okay but it seems like they were laughing at him. I'm glad to hear you got that message from it
@pamelafrancis4476 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. The Trion-re (Michael R. Evans' "space between curved lines") is evidently always in motion.
@michaelrevans1 6 ай бұрын
The reason you get a gap is because geometry at its elemental core is dynamic and bends to fill any gaps no straight ridged lines! Geometry at the Planck dimension is in constant flux. By the time it becomes complex enough to see it it appears straight and ridged.
@michaelrevans1 6 ай бұрын
None of. your models are flexible and dynamic
@catmanjosh 6 ай бұрын
So refreshing all I’ve seen are headlines for videos disrespecting Terrence these ,every person who’s ever made huge advances for humanity have to have a bit of crazy in them 😂
@geometryexplainseverything4926 6 ай бұрын
Those Cubeoctedrons are in perfect equilibrium, yet its when they "jitterbugging " energy is released, so that gap is because like you say everything is in motion? But I'm sure you know this anyway?
@bebenurse62 6 ай бұрын
Oh, interesting observation!
@bryantwilliams1186 6 ай бұрын
Jain! Great always love your videos been following you for years now. Perhaps that gap represents "motion" or "Consciousness" or the/a portal into a spiral (wave function)..??
@KS3_Samela 6 ай бұрын
You so Humbie sir, thats why i subcribed from the ptevios video.
@KMarcucci7 6 ай бұрын
Could that missing gap be the snapshot of the actual particle, which when observed, is completely different based on the consciousness of the observer, which takes a “photo” of the particle, which comes up as a “buckshot” of probabilities. Which basically speaking, allows for that individual variation of change that is filled in by the subconscious mind of the observer of the particle?
@robinhedstrom6565 6 ай бұрын
The 120 degree angle Terrence was talking about has to do with the negative space between the circles in the flower of Life and That is what he created his lynchpin from. That is what he used in the simulation and the recreation of Saturn and the hexagon at the top. Thanks for the Video.
@Duckvan79 6 ай бұрын
Hung on to every second of this, wonderful to see the support for new innovation and collaboration ❤ halfway through the podcast too. Worthy sub sir 😊
@randomstuff797 6 ай бұрын
Eric responded to things at times like a Condescending ass, eric is mainstream and wont agree because his credibility will be revoked people need to wake up the future is coming things change accept it.
@Kemet3.0 6 ай бұрын
"Yes, we love it. I think you guys are onto something here. If you and TH focuses on fundraising, you could raise 20 to 30 million."
@surfingmushroom 6 ай бұрын
Yessss, this is what I wanted you to respond with your thoughts to
@brigadier99 6 ай бұрын
Totally disrespectful interview. Terrence will never be accepted by the science community as it tears down their fundamental beliefs. He needs to set up a crowed fund and teach a new generation.
@charlotteh8174 6 ай бұрын
Typical response of an intellectually inept, emotionally immature fan boy. Be objective, analytical and logical, like Terrence, and like Eric. Do better, be better.. let us all grow together and all tides shalt rise us all equally.
@brigadier99 6 ай бұрын
@@charlotteh8174 Not everyone sees the world as you do. This is why wars are created people like you forcing your ideologies on people by trying to belittle because you think you know best. Get over your egotistical self and allow people to think freely without being ridiculed. Fall back and be humble with your westernised brainwashed state of mind
@Opinlinz 6 ай бұрын
​@@charlotteh8174 To be fair the old paradigm is collapsing and a new wave of information is being introduced into the consciousness. That's why the old scientific approach doesn't understand what Terrance is saying. I wouldn't understand if I hadn't studied for over 10 years about this subject matter. It's easy to be dismissive of what we do not understand but current science is filled with a lot of theory and theory isn't necessarily based on fact
@AbilityWars_Yt 6 ай бұрын
Terrence makes me want to believe but Eric is a great voice of reason It’s also a phenomenal the world is talking about these subjects but many thanks to the Platform that allows this.
@Altprophet 6 ай бұрын
Eric was trying to give him the language to help him as well as trying to understand ernestly what Terrence was tslking about. Terrence needs to learn to listen, Eric will come back with new thoughts on the subject.
@ብርሃኑአይነታው 6 ай бұрын
I mean gate keepers like Joe rogan dont interview guys like You Dan Winter and others who spend all their life for the real TRUTH??
@WW11110 6 ай бұрын
Terrance is uneducated but is smart. Eric is the man.
@brigadier99 6 ай бұрын
An advanced race from another planet can say that about us the way the world is at present.
@chuichongo3898 6 ай бұрын
Eric is the handler
@poogapooga3176 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for not berating other people’s beliefs and findings unlike other channels.
@darkspy1277 6 ай бұрын
Eric was using the term of being for an against but did his best to make the world know he basically is a lunatic in certain spaces even though terrence done so well to be so self educated. I think that is very commedable.
@mtccrazy889 6 ай бұрын
A bacteriophage NOT a virus! I recommend to read `A Farewell to Virology` by Dr. Mark Bailey ... or some other peops like Lanka, Perth Group...etc.
@mcdart2606 6 ай бұрын
Eric Weinstein is immensely educated. He freely admits he is 🤷🏼‍♀️ when it comes to anything outside of the conventional box and remotely esoteric. He does himself and TH credit by sitting down with TH, gently correcting TH’s terms, pronunciations, etc., which TH knows he needs to be taken seriously by the ivory tower of academia. The glaring truth is, as smart as EW is, he simply cannot keep up with TH’s channeled concepts, they’re much too far outside of EW’s convention and comfort zone.
@chuichongo3898 6 ай бұрын
Salute Salute
@mcdart2606 6 ай бұрын
@CrabLightning 6 ай бұрын
it’s almost as if someone immensely educated can’t make sense of a crazy persons bullshit
@brucecompton1930 6 ай бұрын
Eric science and math are broken, and Terence Howard does not need his or any other review. Eric and the science community are mad, Terence Howard destroyed their work overnight!!!!
@brigadier99 6 ай бұрын
@@brucecompton1930 destroying their life long work and centuries before them 6000 years of delusion
@oliveleaf9426 6 ай бұрын
Joe Rogan please watch this and get Jain on your show !
@pocket83squared 6 ай бұрын
" _Maybe_ he mistook that...[for] the Tetrahedral reality." Hmm. Maybe. That's some pretty intense supposition, but I'm pretty sure what the guy saw was three lines meeting, and thus intuitively understood this to be any other 120° joinder. My reasoning? It's the explanation that requires the fewest assumptions. It's also my own default Euclidean-biased and 2-D conceptual assumption for any three-parted intersection I happen to encounter. Whether or not Mr. Howard's ideas have any merit to them, he's really been getting elevated by the _Chauncey Gardiner_ effect lately. Lucky duck gets to fly to the Sun. He's like a rogue wave of unlikely circumstances generated by a social appetite for seeing 'establishment' academia falter. Time will tell, but in the meantime, I really don't want to put too much thought into what looks like (at least at first glance) a whole lot of celebrity conjecture that's getting undue attention.
@danzigvssartre 6 ай бұрын
Weinstein did not tell Howard that if he focuses on his lynchpin he would "be a real contributor to the ancient knowledge of the universe." He told him that if he focuses on the lynchpin, he might be able to build a nifty drone. Not quite so grand.
@brofessormex 6 ай бұрын
I hope Eric teaches him. Because he knows Terrance has been touched by an angel and he cannot interpret what he's seeing. I have the same gift
@FractalAnatomy1 6 ай бұрын
Hey Jain great recap thanks!! I’ve been wondering what you thought of all this. What is your take on his assertion that the Platonic solids aren’t real. I think they are valid vectors of force and so conceptually needed. What do you think ? ❤️🙏
@Jain108Mathemagics 6 ай бұрын
Hi there, I agree with Michael Evans, that there are 5 straight-lined Platonic solids, but if we consider curvature, then we have the Trion Re which obeys Euler's Formula that states that Vertices + Faces minus Edges equals 2, and the Trion Re does this having 2 vertices, 3 curved faces and 3 curved edges... so yes there are 6 Regular (not Platonic) Solids. Eric Weinstein also defended that straight-lines do exist like we see in crystals etc... It's all a great debate, and a healthy one. Hope to catch up again soon.
@FractalAnatomy1 6 ай бұрын
@@Jain108Mathemagics thanks Jain! always a great deep dive with you - blissings sent till next time.
@ElusiveCube 17 күн бұрын
they call near misses, and there is lots of such structures, you can fuse 5 , 1/2 reg. octahedrons and same thing happens.
@christialuella6594 6 ай бұрын
I’m no genius but the breathing in and out of the Platonic solids creates the curves line, as told by Michael Evans
@tfalani3861 6 ай бұрын
Before the show that included Weinstein I do remember you stating the imperfection of those shapes coming together. Nice work. Also, Terence does have to be careful because Weinstein did tell him that he the establishment will find a fault in his work, but with his other ideas they will steal it and claim it so Terence has to be on to it.
@ronaldcollins5327 6 ай бұрын
Chesterhedron anyone ?
@wayanthomas969 6 ай бұрын
The heart! Watching Frank toss around his creations during his videos is very entertaining
@Walizen 6 ай бұрын
Breaking free from the Cartesian paradigm
@brianprusak3725 6 ай бұрын
120° west of Giza is the longitude of Memphis, TN where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated...it's also the same longitude as Tikal in Guatemala and where two underground nuclear tests were carried out at Salmon Site in Mississippi in the '60s. 120° is indicative of there being an involvement with tetrahedral geometry in all this. The same concept applies to 120° east of Giza which is the approximate longitude of the 2011 earthquake off the coast of Japan. The longitude of Giza itself is also the same as that of Chernobyl in Ukraine.
@AlxnderNZ 6 ай бұрын
This made my pentagonal tunnel light up 🍇
@ElectricGeology2025 6 ай бұрын
Not only does the Lynchpin drone fly with perfect maneuverability. The Lynchpin design is responsible for perfectly creating the planet Saturn (without gravity and the accretion model) complete with rings, atmosphere and hexagonal pole. Terrance's video, "Terrance Proves Gravity is an Effect, Not a Cause", shows just that.
@MylezNevison 6 ай бұрын
How can you say nature doesn’t make perfected geometry, if humans *are* a part of nature and we (a proxy of nature) create perfect geometry? Cymatics also create extremely symmetrical geometrical patterns via sound waves.
@Palitzonsky 6 ай бұрын
😂... i love your editing
@juju2B 6 ай бұрын
It only takes imagination to have a great idea, now to make the math to fit the idea:)
@domcailliez8469 6 ай бұрын
@shiroartboy9931 6 ай бұрын
great job summarizing a 4 hour podcast!
@MargO-8610 6 ай бұрын
The sign that says 75 on the NATO stage is the same shape as the flux capasitor. 🥚 2:45
@Noemi-h2u 6 ай бұрын
Terrence needs to enroll in university and get the degrees
@flixlove1221 6 ай бұрын
why do we need to 'prove" everything we playfully discover. just build it! imperfect perfection is source! even the aliens aren't perfect/ that's the blissfactor. :-) had to type this. grateful for your explanation. Love you!
@alanfoulkes3330 6 ай бұрын
Eric Weinstein was not really explaining or questioning some of the crazy claims that Terrance was making regarding electricity and the shapes on the circle of life.People were completely confused, he basically said stick with the drone engineering project, not because of the institutes but because he was not coherent or making sense with his other claims. What is visionary about that?
@alanfoulkes3330 6 ай бұрын
So many people get sucked into this stuff, a genius needs to be able to articulate his/her ideas to other humans so they can validate... Presenting an animation on the circle of life, suggesting it creates electricity is not being a genius... aligning vibrational frequencies to elements is really cool - not his work. Other than a drone design that some hobbyists are playing with I'm unsure why he is interesting?
@alien_xenomorph0 6 ай бұрын
While Eric Weinstein's and Terrence Howard's ideas are interesting, it's important to distinguish between speculative theories and validated scientific work. Consider: - Weinstein hasn't published peer-reviewed papers on Geometric Unity in scientific journals. - In his own words (downloaded from the website and his own "draft" paper), he's "not a physicist and is no longer an active academician, but is an Entertainer." - He labels his work as "entertainment" and a "draft in progress." - The copyright notice treats it more like creative content than open scientific research. (this is serious!!) There's a thin line between sci-fi and science. Real scientific breakthroughs require: - Peer review (A process where scientific work is evaluated by other experts in the same field before it's published in a journal, which ensures quality and validity of research and identifies potential errors or weaknesses) - Mathematical rigor (To use precise and formal mathematical reasoning and proofs to support scientific claims, which would ensures logical consistency in theories) - Experimental evidence (That Data collected through controlled experiments or systematic observations that support or refute a hypothesis, which validates or challenges theoretical predictions and to helps refine existing theories or inspire new ones) - Scrutiny from experts in the field (meaning that critical examination and analysis of scientific work by other specialists in the same or related disciplines, which would again identify potential flaws or oversights and to maintain high standards in scientific research) The rigorous standards of scientific research, designed to ensure reliability and accuracy, can sometimes be misinterpreted by aspiring scientists such as Mr. Howard or Mr. Weinstein or any other theorists as a form of gatekeeping by an exclusive "royal society" that only accepts ideas aligning with established beliefs, especially when their own unconventional ideas face difficulty gaining acceptance in the scientific community. Being open-minded is great, but in science, extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. Let's appreciate interesting ideas while also respecting the scientific process that has led to our current understanding of the universe.
@ivanstaana9314 6 ай бұрын
The binding of arcs/semicircle that is why the lynchpin still have straight lines.... Which if you think about it Terrence himself didn't follow through- Pentagons? Have straight lines... 120° curves the line can extend to connect, not the side of the shape...
@TedProgler 6 ай бұрын
Come on... your volume on recording is too low - get it together
@val1702 6 ай бұрын
I agree!!!!
@brendawilliams8062 6 ай бұрын
Why weren’t different professors like you invited. Disaster
@ExpertAdviceTV 6 ай бұрын
Please get a mic
@alexanderjackson9302 6 ай бұрын
Lol. Yes
@dorianatripodi5204 6 ай бұрын
Soccer ball is made with 20 exagonal pieces and 12 pentagonal
@theamcfarlane237 6 ай бұрын
💦 Thankyou Jain ⭐️⭐️⭐️ much appreciated 💦💚💚
@svendabs1200 6 ай бұрын
Please jain look up Carl Munck - The Code
@_John_Sean_Walker 6 ай бұрын
A hexagon has 180° - 60° = 120° times 6 internal angles.
@juju2B 6 ай бұрын
Maybe the little error makes perfection:)
@fpvangel4495 2 ай бұрын
Mathematics are of no use im afraid, you must understand Walter Russells work and my decodings of it, this will help you all a great deal. I can prove there is a Creator, even show you their glory and how it has been represented throughout time.
@ichigokurosaki2838 6 ай бұрын
What are your credentials?
@dylanbartlett3555 6 ай бұрын
Did he refer to him as a genius..?
@neuraaquaria 6 ай бұрын
Beautiful analysis. I'll definitely check out the original podcast sometime soon. The only thing I'm worried about, as an aeronautical engineer, is the turbulent airflow that arises from all these blades being so close together. It creates lot of drag and reduces efficiency. If you solve that challenge, then you pave the way for the next generation of propulsion.
@Jain108Mathemagics 6 ай бұрын
Yes, this is what Eric was attempting to say to Terrence, to focus on Engineering...
@juju2B 6 ай бұрын
It only takes imagination to have a great idea, now to math to fit or work for the idea:)
@renata639-y4n 2 ай бұрын
@ONEYEDPiRAT 6 ай бұрын
Come on now we watched it for 4 hours cuz we were drinking with the boys lol
@DawudAmunRa 6 ай бұрын
Wow. You COMPLETELY misunderstood the conversation. There was no correctable error with the linchpin. Weinstein called it genius because it does work, by ignoring the gap inthe angle (108 v. 109.5) . The whole musical about even temperament was a setup to illustrate TH,'s genius. Wow. You really missed that whole point. You should watch that part again
@maitaimik 6 ай бұрын
I believe the Emperor's new clothes are simply beautiful.
@pug9431 6 ай бұрын
It really disappoints me that my fellow spiritualists and new agers dismiss and accuse Eric Weinstien of all sorts of bad intent and disrespect. That was absolutely not the case in this interview. If you interpret him as disrespectful, undoubtedly that is your own ego getting hurt because he expresses truths that go against your belief system. And there is A LOT of bullshit in modern spiritualism and new age exploration that needs to be criticized. Even Terrance Howard was not offended, he was absolutely appreciative of Eric's input. Modern science is not false, but it does not concern itself with facets of existence that are discerned through intuition and perception beyond the 5 standard senses. Terrance Howard is likely seeing reality in a new and profound way, but his articulation of his ideas is unavoidably flawed and needs critique and refinement by highly accomplished people of all backgrounds.
@joekiplik9108 4 ай бұрын
Easier to check early indication of T theory Check his paten , did it develp base on his theory ? Does it work and aligned with his theory .... If yes than it has early indication that it has possibility he might be right And worth to dig deeper. Fact speak louder...
@redmed10 6 ай бұрын
Terence or eric neither mentioned tetrahedrons. Neil degrasse tyson gave terence an elite peer review 8 years ago and terence learnt nothing from it. Just like he'll probably not learn anything from this 4 hour podcast.
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