My czech is getting better but not good enough for the podcast. My hope is to be able to also listen to the czech podcast, but this english one will do fine for now :)
@C.F.Podcast Жыл бұрын
That will take some time and we appreciate a lot your determination! In the meanwhile, enjoy the English episodes. ;-)
@jozefmorvay6854 Жыл бұрын
Super podcast "hoši", James je super týpek a dozvedel som sa nové veci, ktoré som o ňom nevedel. Netušil som že je právnik a zaoberá sa obhajobami. Evidentne mu chutilo aj pivo 😀🍺 Mali ste super otázky a pobavil ma aj "štandard" dvanástich zbraní. Čakal som na číslo od Karla 😉 Držím palce a teším sa na ďalší podcast. Robíte to veľmi dobre 👍👍👍 Jozef z Nitry.✊
@Dstev98141 Жыл бұрын
So, here I sit at 2AM just finishing up my first but definitely not my last visit to your channel.! As many retired folks know you have to make that trip in the middle of the night, you grab your phone and check notifications, I see James has shared a new Podcast with us! After a day where my Bears found a way to lose, and the Saints had a bye week I stayed up to have a listen. I must admit I am a James fan. I like to consider him a friend, he is truly enthusiastic, authentic and accurate in his passion for firearms! You had great chemistry with him, and it shows. He let slip a side that is often missed by his domestic followers. Thanks for having him on! Smash that subscribe button I sure did! Shotgun, yes; CC Pistol, yes; SBR/PCC, too many: Full size pistol, yes; revolver, yes; 22 rifle, yes; AR/AK, yes: Bolt gun, sold...definitely more than 12...Thanks again!
@Someone-out-there Жыл бұрын
Great one. You nailed it. 👏👌 Keep doing what you are doing.
@C.F.Podcast11 ай бұрын
Thanks man! We will!
@rickrowe3903 Жыл бұрын
Great podcast
@gurunugget Жыл бұрын
great cast, thanks guys!
@C.F.Podcast Жыл бұрын
Thank you for spending time with us 😉
@lukasnovotny1393 Жыл бұрын
Děkuji za další naprosto unikátní podcast se světovou gun-celebritou rovnou kdejakému herci či zpěvákovi. Podle mě snad nikdo nevěděl, že zároveň stíhá i právničinu :) Opět jsem díky Vám procvičil svoji bídnou angličtinu. By the way přihřeji si trohu polévku napadnul Vás pan Reeves sám nebo jste si vzali vzali inspiraci z jednoho z mých minulých komentářů ?🍲
@C.F.Podcast Жыл бұрын
Tak komentáře poctivě čteme! Setkáni s Jamesem bylo domluveno už dlouho dopředu, ale inspiraci si pro domlouvání dalších hostů bereme! 😉
@Redacted-Information Жыл бұрын
@timothyhastings9597 Жыл бұрын
If I if just looked that this video, with the volume off, I would think it’s just 3 American guys talking.
@C.F.Podcast Жыл бұрын
Oh… sorry for that, next time we will wear our traditional czech costumes 😉😂
@timothyhastings9597 Жыл бұрын
@@C.F.Podcast I didn’t expect you to be dressed like you’re going to dance around the Maypole but, I must admit, I didn’t think you would be dressed like a one of us. Anyway, good show, I subscribed. Of course I’ll only be able to watch the ones you do in English, but I’ll take what I can get.
@andrewjohnson6907 Жыл бұрын
Is this going to involve another story about James getting shitfaced because he skipped the "Bread you kinda eat"?
@LeoHanchen Жыл бұрын
Man Hes a real ni**a ❤
@Redacted-Information Жыл бұрын
YUP I QUIT the channel during those shows. I hate Shot show content