Japanese Hospitality: Why It’s Not Always Relaxing for Foreign Guests|The Austin and Arthur Show

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The Austin and Arthur Show 

The Austin and Arthur Show 

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@theaustinandarthurshow Ай бұрын
今回の会話の英日字幕付きの動画とスクリプト、会員限定のコミュニティ、月1回Austin and ArthurとのZoom晩酌は「AAフレンズ」でご利用いただけます! 詳しくはこちら→ iu-connect.com/aa-shokai
@jirobear9532 5 сағат бұрын
Young hakujins get excited easily. It's fun to listen to their talk.
@yoko9914 Ай бұрын
最近このチャンネルを発見してほとんどのエピソードを見ました。本当にいつも興味深い話題ありがとうございます。 よかったらこれで作の陽山一滴水を試してください。おすすめです。
@theaustinandarthurshow Ай бұрын
Thanks so much! 1月の動画に公開します
@Hide-youtube1 29 күн бұрын
I'm from Japan, studying English. I love this KZbin channel. I've watched every video. Cheers.
@ysuzuki9799 Ай бұрын
I am Japanese grownup in Japan but now living in the UK. It is a very interesting episode. Thank you for sharing about it. I am working in a restaurant but as you said American tourist tend to trying to customise their menu. Once, one lady asked about patty only(no buns) for our sliders and she was so upset and looks confusing when our chef refused due to it is not part of our menu. Also Americans want to change choose veggies in salad or garnish etc more then the people from other countries 😅 I am looking forward for tipping culture episode. As in Japan and UK we tend to add service charges on top of your expenses, although in uk it is optional and technically you can remove if you don’t want, and not in Japan as it is part of your bill and mandatory. On the other hand, service charges in UK is going for employees (by the law) but in Japan it is just going to the company as par of sales. And in the past, actually Japan has tipping culture as well, 心づけ kokoroduke. And still works in some industries like ryokan, wedding, funeral, constructions and more. But they are fading with modarnization. So I’m very interested how you guys talk about this topic! Thank you again for interesting video!
@GoldenSuperKamichu Ай бұрын
いい意見だね。たしかに昔ながらの旅館の仕組みを知らない外国人にはショックかもしれんね。言われてみれば、私も子供の頃に初めて旅館に行った時は布団を敷いてあることで同じような疑問を抱いた気がするけど、それが面白くて布団の上や中にぬいぐるみを入れておいたら、夜に観光に行って帰ってきた時には敷かれた布団の中にぬいぐるみの顔を出して寝かせてくれてあって面白かった。 大きな観光地でなければ、まだまだ外国人向けの準備や説明が不十分な旅館もあるんだろうね。食事時間が決まっていることについては仕方がない気がするけど、旅館側も布団を敷いたり挨拶に回ったり他のいろんなサービス業務を減らせるなら減らしたいだろうから、カスタマイズできたりするとお互いに良いかもね。 レストランの接客は、チェーン店でない店や居酒屋なら、関東と関西で結構違うよ。関東は話しかけないのがマナーになってるらしいけど、関西、特に大阪では店員が話しかけてきたり、客が話しかけて雑談することはけっこうあるよ(だから、私たち関西人は関東に行くと接客態度が冷たく感じることがある)。
@ちゃちゃこ-y2y 27 күн бұрын
8:39 I assume Austin means MINSHUKU(民宿).
@kazumiiramina4738 23 күн бұрын
That’s why you need a vacation from vacation :)
@browniehrh3225 26 күн бұрын
I think he is talking about minsyuku not ryokan.
@JLB_Yantee_USA 28 күн бұрын
nothing beats round tables! and lighter wood colors!
@Groundhoggie_ Ай бұрын
The traditional Japanese beds are what Japanese do. If you hate it, don't stay in Ryokan. I understand what you are saying, but you can't tell it to them because thats what they do. They are not trying bothering you. That's Japnanese lifestyle.
@bishoppeter4660 29 күн бұрын
I disagree with your opinion I like Ryokan except the bed making part. Like Austin and Aurther mentioned it's unconfortable to feel someone was in the room. The objective of the Ryokan is the guest could relax. You can always tell the staff to not make the bed.It will reduce the staff's task, totally win-win situation.
@ipd7933 22 күн бұрын
Yeah you should never complain about the way Japanese companies make you work because that’s the way Japanese people have been doing. if you are not ok with it, then leave Japan. I’m sad there are such stupid guys like you living next to me.
@tkhr716 12 күн бұрын
旅館を使ったことがなく、普段布団敷かない外国人が布団敷けるん? 机と座席をどかして布団敷くって発想ある?どこでどうやって寝たら良いんだ!って文句言うのがオチじゃねぇの? そもそも布団敷いてもらいたくないなら、チェックインの際に不要の旨断れば良いだけ。 そんなことも知らずに「布団敷かれた!びっくり!行き過ぎたホスピタリティだ!嫌い!」なんてほざかれても、、
@星野三郎-v6y 25 күн бұрын
ホテルだってベッドメイクや掃除はしてくれるでしょ。 旅館でもホテルでも「身の回りのことを使用人がやってくれる」っていうある種のノーブルな価値観ってのがあるのは洋の東西同じじゃないのかな。 それが好きか嫌いかは別にして。 むしろ西洋のほうがそういう価値観が好まれるように感じるんだけどな。 あと旅館の場合、布団をお客に任せるわけにはいかない、ちゃんとかたずけてくれないと部屋が汚れるし衛生的に問題があるから。 そこは外国人でも理屈で理解できると思う。布団はベッドみたいな据え置きの家具じゃない、あくまで寝るための道具。
@Candysweetcandy 29 күн бұрын
旅館とか暫く行ってないですが、ホテルがある場合はホテルを選びます。楽ですので。 昔は「ペンション」なんていうものがあったんですが、今もあるんでしょうか…。(旅館より更に家族経営の宿泊スタイル)
@kachishu 27 күн бұрын
@akiraishii7871 25 күн бұрын
@Greenforrest7342 27 күн бұрын
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