Jason and Tahani failing miserably at the judge's test | The Good Place

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The Good Place

The Good Place

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@someoneontheinternet9617 2 ай бұрын
Tahani may have failed the judge's test, but she passed the biggest test of her life: getting over her need for approval from her parents. Edit: watched the episode again and realized Tahani technically did pass. It was a test about not caring about others opinions and when she left that room she truly did not care anymore about others opinions. In the rest of the show, we see the Judge doesn't understand/consider nuance and technicalities, she strictly sticks to one single definition of everything, and had to learn to for this case.
@acebase555 2 ай бұрын
Right? She also passed every room except her parents. She did really well. She did the second best after Eleanor.
@gideonlyons3697 2 ай бұрын
O.M.G so Amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ChrisA100 2 ай бұрын
Except she doomed her friends to return to the bad place in the confrontation
@frankfrank366 2 ай бұрын
The test was more educational than anything.
@mary-janereallynotsarah684 2 ай бұрын
The all knowing burrito wasn't all knowing.
@tabby5228 2 ай бұрын
She may have failed, but I’m proud of Tahani. Her parents were horrible and she finally stood up to them.
@zoomzoomzoohouse 2 ай бұрын
Jason's "But you already knew that! That's the test!" followed by Judge's "Yeah thats not some revelation. I explained that very clearly" ICONIC
@RobertJ-vo4bk 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, you don't know what iconic means.
@zoomzoomzoohouse 2 ай бұрын
@@RobertJ-vo4bk good for you?? I dont know what- ok "CLASSIC" hope youre happier lol (im guessing that's still off for you? semi-genuine question idk what you have in mind)
@oneandonlyjark 2 ай бұрын
@@zoomzoomzoohouse They didn't phrase it in a good way, but it is true that "iconic" wasn't the best word to describe that... however, it isn't entirely inapt (inapplicable) and does kinda work. The whole thing with "as long as people get the gist of it, who cares" doesn't fly in the end, bc our lives should always be about gradual improvements and trying to optimize after experiencing sub-optimal conditions. That includes getting tips from observers. The only things to consider here are: - are the observers being tactful? - is the observed open to suggestion or is the methodology that's under review holding any meaning for them? Life is as deep as one makes it, and the reality is that evolution is inextricably linked to small improvements over time. Every aspect of our lives is shaped by some sort of evolutionary process and our actions in turn shape that process for the next people (our kids). Regardless of whether one believes the biological evolutionary theories or not, there is still personal growth, social and technological evolution happening all around them.
@JohnSmith-bn5mi 2 ай бұрын
I like the theory that as she went on, the doors would have been harder for her to pass up. Implying she cared more about what her bikini waxer thought of her than her childhood friend. But also that the last two doors were likely her "Team Cockroach" friends and her sister.
@rahileshanbi5551 2 ай бұрын
To be fair, you know your childhood friends by heart, so one's more likely to be enticed to hear what this stranger who waxes their privates has to say more than their friend.
@ruijie1961 2 ай бұрын
Tahani really shouldn't be faulted. The test by the judge was a terrible one anyway. She shouldn't NOT care about how others see her as that's a very normal response for a human; something an unempathetic Judge wouldn't understand. If she could enter each room, hear what they thought of her and still come to an acceptance of it, that would have been a better test. She didn't need to resist hearing other's opinions of her; she needed to be able to accept herself DESPITE all that is said about her.
@gayjebus4079 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, the harder test would have been doing that and parsing between what was and was not constructive criticism
@baintreachas 2 ай бұрын
i mean, it wasn't that she couldn't want to know what others thought about her, it was that she had to put that desire aside for the greater good. and the idea that "let me just see what they're saying and then i'll totally be chill and accepting about it" is such a trap, particularly when it comes to people you know you shouldn't be listening to (in this case, her parents). it's less like asking your friend how they would describe you or how you come off, and more like reading strangers' instagram comments at 3am
@brittanycoolidge4101 2 ай бұрын
People on Earth are going to judge you regardless if you are a good person or not, so I have to agree with you. Never hearing anything negative about yourself and ignoring those people doesn't prepair you to have thick skin, for high confidence or be able to keep your own when someone does say something negative. It just makes it easier for you to get your feelings hurt and deep down be wondering what people think of you which is her entire problem. Her parents are major narcissists so it's no wonder why she spent her life living for approval, it's not because she actually IS full of herself it's just how she was raised. People sometimes are a victum of their circumstances whether they are aware of it or not, unfortuantely it took her afterlife to figure that out. But the rest they come up with for the rest of the people on Earth does HELP those to either move past it and become better people or stay the same. Id argue she did improve a lot but no one is perfect either, in actual heaven you aren't subjected to be perfect but to admit to your own faults and surrender that to a higher power. Tahini test is the one I disagree with the most. If people have to be perfect to get into heaven then no one would be in it. They miss the entire point of the afterllife.
@ggr1zz 2 ай бұрын
There is caring what people think about you and there is being obsessed with it. Her whole life she was obsessed with how others saw her. Every decision she made was based on her parents, her sisters and her “friends”. Moving past that dependency would be healthy.
@TheKartana 2 ай бұрын
The problem isn't that she did it. She knew failing the test risks the eternal afterlives of all her friends. The choice was between something she wanted (information and closure), and doing something to help other people. She failed.
@sigma0443 2 ай бұрын
The judges reaction to Jason's plight at the end is so hilarious 😂😂😂
@uhoh2825 2 ай бұрын
Both of these are tests about impulse control which is really cruel and unusual but it makes sense that the judge, at this point in the show, would think they are valid
@mary-janereallynotsarah684 2 ай бұрын
She can't call herself all knowing having never been to earth.
@goodfortunetoyou 2 ай бұрын
@@mary-janereallynotsarah684 Nonsense. Imagine having every person's soul connected to a recording device that transmits the soul's experience to a heavenly library. Now imagine being able to download and experience that as if you're in the matrix. All the knowledge of being a living thing on earth, without stepping foot there.
@ardenskylark6235 2 ай бұрын
I mean...Chidi still spent over n hour chosing *a hat* so whilst I agree there are some flaws - like the video games being a bad thing - they weren't all cruel and usual.
@uhoh2825 2 ай бұрын
@@ardenskylark6235 I agree that Chidis test is fairer. But to be honest I view all of the tests as failures. You cant really distill someones morality or self actualisation down to a black and white single test. I’m not using cruel in a dramatic sense I just think the tests were punishing and unnuanced and reflected the judges outlook. Which is pretty bad at this point in the show. I don’t think Jason’s test proves anything and I think Tahanis made good choices in hers, she just didn’t make THE good choice.
@ardenskylark6235 2 ай бұрын
@uhoh2825 yeah I agree they are skewed and it's addressed a little later in the episode where Eleanor tells the judge her impartiality is an issue as they don't empathise with what humans actually go through trying to be decent. Jason's test was about controlling his impulses..he didn't stop to consider what the judge was going to say about regarding the test is all. The whole show was about addressing morality and ethics to a conclusion where they designed other systems to use..if the judges tests were perfect it would've ended right there.
@jenniferhanses 2 ай бұрын
Tahani failed the test, but NOT badly. She was actually doing a really good job until it came to her parents. And while she did still fail, that failure marked some personal growth as she was able to confront the people who hurt her, people who should have loved her unconditionally, and tell them off and actually verbalize all her pain. So yes, she still failed. But she actually did great on the test. And her failure brought her resolution to some of her issues.
@thegreenmercenary 2 ай бұрын
Yes, the point of this episode is that all of the characters had come a long way, but they weren't ready yet.
@DKannji 2 ай бұрын
@@thegreenmercenary It was also meant to show that the Judging standards of the Judge were archaic and not good tests for humans.
@jayrobillard 2 ай бұрын
Tahani's test is so wild when you really think about it. The goal is to get through the red door without opening any others. Presumably the closer Tahani gets to the red door, the more tempting the names on the plaques become. When Tahani stops at her parents' door, she looks down the hallway and from her perspective we see the red door and two other doors left. One door has a plaque and the other doesn't. Since these two doors are right next to the red door, they are presumably even more tempting than Tahani's parents' door. The door with the plaque is probably Kamilah, considering how much of their lives were spent in competition against each other. But what about the unmarked door? Why doesn't it have a name? Who is inside that room?
@OromoTay 2 ай бұрын
The Brainy Bunch!
@rahileshanbi5551 2 ай бұрын
I think it might be her own door which is why it doesn't have a name.
@Heightren 2 ай бұрын
@shadenox8164 2 ай бұрын
Might be the other members of Team Cockroach. Knowing what the first true friends she's ever had think of her might be pretty tempting.
@Plethorality 2 ай бұрын
Manny is such w brilliant actor. Every utterance is perfect.
@Ay-2077 2 ай бұрын
Tahani's test was the most difficult one, we would all have gone crazy at that
@corrymuth2997 2 ай бұрын
At the same time , you literally never need to open a single door, and the actual task is exceedingly simple
@rialovs 2 ай бұрын
@@corrymuth2997it’s not just that simple. Tahani longed for acceptance and acknowledgement from her psrents all her life- including her afterlife. We ALL would’ve failed.
@Ay-2077 2 ай бұрын
@@corrymuth2997 Tahani did that, but I guess it was different when it came to her parents, she died because of their rejection
@sws212 2 ай бұрын
@@rialovs No, not all of us. Even if there are people who are self conscious, they know what's at stake. Close your eyes and run towards the door. There are plenty of people in her situation who would've ignored the urge. No rule in the good place about people not being needy, they just needed to hold it for like 5 minutes.
@ethank5059 2 ай бұрын
It was difficult for her but it wouldn't be difficult for everyone. Elanor (at least Earth version) would have had absolutely no problem ignoring all the doors because she didn't value other people or what they thought.
@keara.ls3 2 ай бұрын
Here I repeat the wise words of the all-knowing judge Gen… “enngewegge gebewegee deddewebedegae?” 😂😂😂🤦‍♀️🤌 5:01
@paulelliott3220 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant series and the Judge was great Our two heroes failed but they were damn tough
@shirtpost 2 ай бұрын
Dude all of us would've failed that Tahani test LOL
@brittanycoolidge4101 2 ай бұрын
That judge missed the whole POINT of the test, it's not about whether you actually open a door necessarily as it takes a very evolved person to do that at times and depending who was in your life. The whole point should have been despite what her parents say about her she had the confidence to tell them off kindly, be honest and then walk away. Sometimes people like that in our lives NEED to hear that otherwise no change will occur. I disagree with how that test was used and she should have passed it. Old tahani would have gone into EVERY room and made a scene. Narcissists NEED postive attention and will do anything to get it, however her time in the afterlife strengthened her more.
@spyrofan9681 2 ай бұрын
Shirtpost? Is this an account just for commenting on goodplace stuff?
@shirtpost 2 ай бұрын
@@spyrofan9681 I wish LOL. Also finally someone got the reference, I'm giddy like a demon experiencing human life for the first time.
@Janae2000 2 ай бұрын
@@shirtpostyou’re so cute stop
@Planetyyyy 2 ай бұрын
No? Most people wouldn't. Especially considering the stakes, most people would bolt to the end
@abhiabhi8763-q2q Ай бұрын
This was one of the best series that kept me intrigued till the end
@fireflyeclipse 2 ай бұрын
I truly don’t understand how Tahani’s parent’s true feelings for her were of disappointment. She’s beautiful, intelligent and a world-renowned philanthropist. Her biggest flaw is her competitive relationship with her sister which is exactly what they wanted! I truly don’t know how in the end they don’t value her at all!
@profchaos91 2 ай бұрын
Could also just be that the test was designed so the door inhabitants were just generated from tahani's mind
@jesse3525 2 ай бұрын
Abusers' reasoning is never based in logic - or any rationality for that matter. The only slightest idea I have for a parent to actively resent their child is so that they don't have to deal with their own self-hatred. You don't feel like you need to ever blame yourself, if you push every single little problem onto your kid. It's a phenomenon called "scapegoating", a horrible reality that too many people are going through right now...
@MengyaPanda 2 ай бұрын
Some ppl will always find fault, you can save kittens but they see you wasting money.
@caradarling 2 ай бұрын
They’ve made up their minds that she’s a disappointment, so to them she is a disappointment. Simple as that. Logic of parents is not always logical.
@shadenox8164 2 ай бұрын
There's this thing known as a golden child, some parents like Tahani's pick a favourite and that one will always be their perfect child that none of their siblings live up to.
@scrubyscrubrton 2 ай бұрын
I've only seen clips of this show and it's great how youse guys in the comments are talking about Tahani's Personal development HOWEVER Can we show some Appreciation that Jason Actually Did win that game of Madden which was a Comparatively Herculean effort on his part?
@parkerbond9400 2 ай бұрын
You could easily win Tahanis test by just not reading the placards.
@frankfrank366 2 ай бұрын
But they wouldn't give us her test. That test is only for people so hyper obsessed with what people think that they couldn't resist reading the names.
@christopherverdery1294 Ай бұрын
@3:59: "We don't want you to 'hulk out,' as it were." I love when real life foreshadows itself.
@monwheajeng2717 2 ай бұрын
As far as I'm concerned, Tahani passed the test with flying colors. The judge's test criteria was junky.
@santed.4109 2 ай бұрын
You just failed this test 😂
@aravindrenmahenthiran6827 2 ай бұрын
I feel so bad for tahani
@Sirenhound 2 ай бұрын
Tahani walked down the hallway, Tahani walked through the red door at the end. Did the Judge say anything about what she couldn't do that was edited out or something?
@8bitbumps 2 ай бұрын
The test wasn't about following instructions, the test was to see how much she cared about what people think of her. Telling her not to walk in would just show how well she can not look at doors and go straight to the front
@Benrman 2 ай бұрын
It’s been a while since I watched the show, but in the conversation with her parents, she says “you don’t know what I risked to come in that door”. So she definitely knew that she wasn’t supposed to.
@shadenox8164 2 ай бұрын
It's pretty obvious the goal was to not give into her need for approval by opening the doors.
@TheMpo1986 2 ай бұрын
She spent so much time worrying about her parents she passed up hearing what her sister thought.
@catazanoni1455 2 ай бұрын
I can't blame Tahani I'd might be tempted too
@Minidollcollector 2 ай бұрын
Jason was bound to fail anyway if I’m honest because come on it’s Jason
@aznthy 2 ай бұрын
@homerman76 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, he's the one member of the group that hadn't quite become better by this point due to his lack of impulse control (which is why he was tested on his impulsive nature.) He definitely does get better as things go on, but the lessons he learned hadn't all quite sunk in yet.
@dylsaster 2 ай бұрын
I liked that as the Judge said, he still showed some improvement while playing. He is shown meditating to calm himself and think more clearly and focus on his goal, to save his friends, and I really like that touch for some reason. But yeah, he still needed to go a long way from there.
@nainarai8377 2 ай бұрын
Tahani didn’t fail miserably! I mean even though she failed, I say she succeeded in defeating her insecurities when it came to dealing with her parents and sister.
@nat_lumos Ай бұрын
Jason meditating was he converting into a monk.
@thetalee117 18 күн бұрын
"I even ate a cheeto." "-GASP-"
@chrisarcher1146 2 ай бұрын
I don’t think the writers really wanted Tahani to fail, but I don’t think they wanted Jason to be the only one, either. Obviously we needed Eleanor and Chidi to win at football, arson, weddings, art and irony.
@totalweirdo8538 2 ай бұрын
I mean, Chidi also failed
@MegaKaitouKID1412 2 ай бұрын
Eleanor was the only one who passed-- the Chidi that was with her through her test was a part of her test, while Chidi's actual test was making a choice, which he failed to do.
@shadowmaster1313 2 ай бұрын
Also Eleanor passes partly because she works out her Chidi is fake, so we don't know if she'd been fooled better if she would have passed
@Andesu 2 ай бұрын
Wow the "hulk out" reference was a nice touch.
@thomasmneff 2 ай бұрын
Considering that this is years before her role in She-Hulk. Something tells me the casting directors at Marvel were TGP fans :)
@thenadie8 Ай бұрын
Being tested for responding to your childhood trauma..... cruel.
@glanced9684 2 ай бұрын
Kamala Harris was so good as the Judge
@karmad1429 2 ай бұрын
Jason's character of lacking intelligence proves that heaven-hell concepts are lacking intelligence... It is a very good show. This show has lots of considerations in philosophy.
@sirdan_982 Ай бұрын
Tahani fail the test as it wasn't about facing your issues and deepest fears, on that she passed. It was about her impulsive control that she suffer from and ended up driving doing one thing that killed her. The best way to test someone on their impulsiveness is their test them on tempting offers like a devil giving them their heart's desires, the judge's test was on the mark. After all this was to see if she can truly be selfless at they all agree to on "All or nothing" deal, If one of them fail them that person would sent their friends down with them. Jason fail the test rate off the bad, as he cave into his desire impulsively refusing to listen to others, that let him die the way he did. The only one of the four who passed the test Eleanor even after learning the others fail the test, she protect their friends feelings in display of selflessness than to rude in the other face who she thought was always better than her. Tahani did grow from the experience as you saw the confidence of personal growth but regret failing an condemning her friends for all eternally. Chili only get better then when he all his memories returned over 800 lifetimes of experience, honestly is pretty low since Jason did better since he did had good intention as he thought winning the game would help his friends. The Judge did say before she get cut off, with Jason you have play this game to pass the test. Still a fail since was impulse control test. So it was out of good intention.
@atticstattic 8 күн бұрын
"well-fed" Ouch!
@Hathumie 28 күн бұрын
I still think that this should have won Tahani in the test, she didnt meet the requirements but still beat the aim of the judges game. People need closure.
@aimee2338 9 күн бұрын
Most of their tests were unfair. Tahani was essentially subjected to mental abuse as a child, desperate for their love above all else, couldn’t resist testing if they cared for her. Chidi’s test was purely about his anxiety, which felt unfair. As for Jason, he’s probably too clueless for any test to actually work.
@Ralerv 2 ай бұрын
"Shut up and go away"
@Ralerv 2 ай бұрын
Tahani's fail was remarkable -Kamilah's something
@josiahperez7941 2 ай бұрын
Hey does anyone know why this channel started posing again?
@lillylovescats13 2 ай бұрын
no idea but I hope something is happening
@AWriterWandering 2 ай бұрын
They probably noticed it was trending and decided to capitalize on it
@lurvig 2 ай бұрын
I don't really understand Jason's test. He was supposed to play games no?
@shadenox8164 2 ай бұрын
Nope, the trick was he could literally just ask to not play.
@alanmichael5619 2 ай бұрын
Sort of - the criteria of the tests was never truly explained to any of them. e.g. Eleanor was told she could just go straight to the good place if she let the others go to the bad place. But the test was about her selfishness, so she needed to not take what was offered to her. Even though "fake Chidi" was persuading her to go to the good place. Jason's test was about impulse control - he failed because he didn't even let the judge really explain to him what the test was, let alone considering all the potential options.
@HighFlyer96 2 ай бұрын
Sean downvoted this video.
@kinglibra912 2 ай бұрын
Hulk out😅😂
@Michael-dy2lb 2 ай бұрын
Tahani had one job. Walk down the hall and exit through the red door. She's a smart woman. She knows this is a test. The red door is right there. Walk, one foot in front of the other to the red door. Open door, through door, close door. Done. Your soul is in good shape. But no ... she couldn't turn off that part of her personality for 15 seconds to save her own soul knowing that it was part of her that was landing her in the Bad Place. She's got no excuse. Jason, on the other hand, is an idiot.
@brittanycoolidge4101 2 ай бұрын
I actually disagree, the whole point of that test was to see HOW many doors she would actually open, being that her parents are major narcissists she spent her whole life trying to please them in order to feel good about herself. She never had that other option on Earth and finally started working on herself. Old her would have opened every door and had a fit about what people were saying. However, by ignoring all the doors except her parents, realizing that they were never going to think highly of her regardless and confronting them was a huge improvement. Narc parents rarely get reality handed to them and as a child of one it is HARD to walk away knowing you aren't the problem. She was a victum of her environment and could have been a lot worse. In this test she showed more strength and btw if perfection is the only thing to get you to heaven NONE of us would be there. It is about owning up to your mistakes and putting them on a higher power and accepting the consquences and being better for the next time. THAT should be the takeaway, not what the judge said.
@M.W.2 2 ай бұрын
​@@brittanycoolidge4101 her whole arc was supposed to rise above her need for attention. What she did here is not some great act but damning all her friends to eternal damnation to get some satisfaction against a figment of imagination in the shape of her parents. It's not perfection to care about others destiny more than confronting your fake parents to get 15 seconds of satisfaction. What she did here is just plain selfishness that showed she was still a deeply flawed character
@M.W.2 2 ай бұрын
She didn't own up to any mistake, the memories of this day were erased until she didn't need them anymore. Eleanor is the one that accepted her mistake of wanting the test to be valid for all of them or none and despite passing she chose eternal damnation with her friends. This is not a good moment for tahani. When she met her sister on earth was, but she didn't have the memories of this test. So it doesn't help her grow at all, it just show us she's still a self absorbed person up to that point
@brittanycoolidge4101 2 ай бұрын
@@M.W.2 well wouldn't that be Michael and the judges fault then? in real life we wouldn't forget and use that as a lesson, which this show did not do.
@Michael-dy2lb 2 ай бұрын
@@brittanycoolidge4101 While everything you wrote is accurate, I still disagree with you in one respect. We're no longer talking about life on earth. She's the afterlife. The rules of the test were explained to her by the judge. It was very simple. The red door is right there. Walk to it without opening any other doors, and she couldn't do it. She failed.
@vjgaming4066 2 ай бұрын
I feel this show would have killed if this was a British show. US doesnt do well with intelligent writing.
@frankfrank366 2 ай бұрын
you mean it would have been more popular? possibly but 53 episodes in just a 4 year span is relatively untested on British people.
@shadenox8164 2 ай бұрын
It did kill though and it handled its ideas well. It wasn't just released in the US.
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