Рет қаралды 12,986
Lithuanian folk song from Lithuania Minor region.
Arranged and performed by Eglė Girskaitė, Ula Braziulienė, Liepa Girskaitė
Camera - Eglė Girskaitė
Jau aušt aušružė,
Žadin mamužė:
- Kelkis, jauna mergyt!
Dar n‘atsikėlus
Klausiau mamužės:
- Kur dėjai vainikėlį?
- O aš įdaviau
Vainikytį tavo
Kieme jaunam bernyčiui.
- Oi bernyt bernyt,
Bernyti mano,
Kur dėjai vainikėlį?
- Tai aš įmečiau
Vainikytį tavo
Į srovingą upužę!
Vainikytis plaukia,
Gulbikė šaukia,
Tai man gražu klausyt!
Mergyte mano,
Kaip dreba bėrs žirgytis.
Taip tu drebėsi,
Mergyte mano,
Kad mano valioj būsi.
Tai penkis metus
Tave nebausiu,
Pakolei apsidžiaugsiu.
- Ar taip kalbėjai,
Šelmi bernyti,
Kol mane perkalbėjai?
Neketinai bausti,
Ketinai pajausti,
Ant rankužių nešiot.
The dawn is already breaking, my mother is waking me up:
Get up, my sweet young girl!
Before I had even got up, I asked my mother:
Where have you put my wreath?
Oh, I have given your dear wreath
To a young lad in the yard.
Hey, lad, my dear lad,
Where have you put my wreath?
I have thrown your wreath into
A fast-flowing river.
As the wreath floated away the swans were chirping,
It's so nice for me to listen to them.
Look well, my dear lassie,
How the brown horse is shivering!
That's how you will shiver too, my lassie,
When you will be my wife.
I won't punish you for the first five years
Till you will have had rejoiced enough.
Was this how you were talking, you rogue lad,
When you were proposing to me?
You were not going to punish me, you were to condole me,
To carry me in your arms.