10:16 *Events* 10:54 CDI enables you to create an observer pattern without actually implementing the classic oo observer pattern 11:02 you are able to inject an *event handler* that's tied to a type and then able to produce those events 11:13 *caution: event handling is not asynchronous* 11:56 code demo 12:38 web socket code demo 15:47 demo 15:57 16:05 post 17:23 question: is it a kinda long polling? 17:25 answer: no, because of the *web socket* 17:36 web socket gives u full duplex communication 18:05 what does *web socket* do: 19:29 magic glue - 19:51 the JEE "magic glue" is *CDI* 20:54 *interceptors* 22:42 Qualifiers 23:57 How does it work 27:20 conclusion
@ruixue69553 жыл бұрын
0:53 intro 1:46 What's Broke App 2:23 It's also going to send events to *web socket* 2:32 dependency injection 3:32 how does dependency injection work in CDI 3:34 @Inject - 3:37 type-safe 3:48 counterpart in *Spring* - @Autowire can be swapped out with @Inject 4:17 Scopes 4:55 @ApplicationScoped - like classic *singleton* 5:13 @Dependent 6:18 6:35 DAO - @ApplicationScoped 7:49 code walkthrough 8:57 DAO implementation 9:02 @Default
@christianweaves41877 жыл бұрын
Great presentation and a nice simple demo to go with it, can I get my hands on the project src? Thanks
@brunosantos23459 жыл бұрын
Justin, can you send the sampleador code? Grate tutorial!
@timwit3337 жыл бұрын
Is it possible that you send me the code? I would love to have a closer look at it. Thanks.