Become a PRO Driller With These 6 Tips | Deep Rock Galactic

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Javarak Gaming

Javarak Gaming

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Today we have some more tips to go over and this time for the power tool fan known as the Driller. I'll give you some helpful advice on some strategies for how to improve your driller play.
Intro: 00:06
Role: 00:39
Tip #1: 01:10
Tip #2: 02:04
Tip #3: 02:52
Tip #4: 04:03
Tip #5: 05:05
Tip #6: 06:38
Outro: 7:47
Hi there, I'm Jay! I'm here to help you with all the latest video game tips and tricks.
This video is made for entertainment purposes only.
Deep Rock Galactic:
Publishers: Coffee Stain Studios, Coffee Stain Publishing
Developer: Ghost Ship Games
"Avocado Street" by Wes Hutchinson
#gaming #drghostgaming #deeprockgalactic

Пікірлер: 79
@afton8783 Жыл бұрын
Alternative title: how to make the Geneva Convention look like a to-do list
@Trialsphere Жыл бұрын
When OSHA takes things too far…
@Humpty_Alexander_Dumpty 11 ай бұрын
How to make chernobyl look like a damn pic-nic
@checkmate058 Жыл бұрын
The terrain shapeing is so important. So many caves have ledges and slopes that limit movement and block sight lines. You can and should fix that by cutting off the corners and fixing janky terrain.
There is something that A LOT of players neglect about Driller. Yes, he drills holes, and can create tunnels, but that's just the concept you give to new players, the "advanced" and crucial thing to learn in DRG is that THE most dangerous thing in the game aren't the bugs... It's the *ENVIRONMENT* And though it only really applies in haz 4 and 5 (occasionally haz 3), it's always great to teach greenbeards that as a Driller you can "Landscape". Get this, you, as a driller, can turn shitty terrain into flat ground. Those crystals and stone pillars that jut out of the soil and make it extremely hard for you to move around, or to spot and shoot bugs? You can break them and get clear sightlines and nice terrain. There's a tunnel that has loads of debris and making the area hard to move for 4 burly dwarves? Just drill them. A short and inconvenient wall surrounds the minehead station? Angle your drills slightly upward and walk in paralel around that wall to create a ramp for teammates to move more quickly. A massive, and I mean MASSIVE stone pillar is on the spawn room where you want to fight dreadnaughts? Drill in a spiral, up the pillar, cut it off from above, then, toss a c4 at the correct height, to completely euthanize that damn eyesore on the map. :)
@timothye.2902 5 ай бұрын
a great place to start practicing this is on Drilldozer missions. The Heartstone always has those curved spike protrusions around them, and as a Driller I always level the two closest to Dotty. If you can notice a difference in sight lines using that consistent, staticly-generated terrain, you can start looking for places in the random terrain that would benefit from the same
@ArchaeaChasma Жыл бұрын
As a scout main, I’m always fearful of the driller
@DirtyDwarfFTW Жыл бұрын
No matter where I shoot, I somehow always hit scout.
@chaoticcosmos7588 Жыл бұрын
One thing to note. Satchel charging doesn’t work gain the benefits of pots of gold. Nor does removing all terrain around a deposit.
@skarmex3439 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, the description specifically says, "Gold collected with your pickaxe," doesn't it?
@DirtyDwarfFTW Жыл бұрын
Once, in preparation to very hard salvage defence, i massively terraformed huge chunk of the cave, leveled whole mountain, used four pieces of C4 to strategically raise the ceiling, smoothen floor and removed small obstacles just to turn around and see my full fledged circus of teammates manually digging bunker around the comm.
@videonmode8649 Жыл бұрын
I'm still amazed that players want the drillers primaries to have "armor breaking" mods or OCs... His entire arsenal practically ignores armor.
@LordRazer3 Жыл бұрын
Just because you can drill to the drop pod doesn't mean you always should. Remember low oxygen mission's are a thing and this could quickly lead to you all dying. Also you really should build satchel changes 1 of two ways. Fighting or terrain. Simply because this is one of the only thing's in this game where you lose ammo on a resupply because it rounds down
@winterine4827 Жыл бұрын
Additional tip/cheese: On sabotage missions, you can drill to above the caretaker, and then throw your c4 on top of it to deal damage to all the open vents simultaneously. It doesn’t work well at doing damage to the open eye, but it speeds up the process of getting it vulnerable for the rest of team (and you!)
@Psychohistorian42 Жыл бұрын
Can verify that strategy. We tried it on the roughest Sabotage run I was ever on as Driller. Pretty sure C4 to the dome made the difference that got us out in one piece.
@jakeryan2805 Жыл бұрын
This is required now every time I do these missions. I will play driller to make sure someone is doing this. dying before even getting an eye open used to happen way too often. Now 2 satchels gets the vents almost down so the team can finish it quick and go for the eye.
@cybel4820 Жыл бұрын
As a scout main, the four shits stages are kinda easy if you are high enough(i also use m1000)
@t.n.e.4884 3 ай бұрын
@Mushboom37 8 ай бұрын
I’m always a little mad at myself for gravitating toward being a die-hard driller main while I was a greenbeard, cuz I just can’t play any of the other classes without feeling almost naked, due to the lack of drills.
@damaddude3396 2 ай бұрын
As a Greenbeard who started yesterday, I appreciate these tips even a year later
@einkar4219 Жыл бұрын
if you are surrounded by the enemies remember, if your drills can shred through terrain they can shred through the bugs and they have ridiculous fear multiplayer and on top of this they count as mele weapon so vampisim works with them
@LordRazer3 Жыл бұрын
I'd be afraid to if I saw a little angry man slammed an industrial drill into the side of a friend and drill a hole through him
@Psychohistorian42 Жыл бұрын
An old strat I read when I started out swore on using Vampire with Iron Will with properly specced drills. Never got the hang of it, but it's made for clutch plays.
@ogsmokeblowa1567 Жыл бұрын
@@Psychohistorian42I still use it just need to find any health or pickaxe, throwing axe, n grind them up works
@Raclex13 Жыл бұрын
That satchel charge bunker is an interesting idea. Will definitely give it a go, but honestly I find it better to just create kiting routes so I can keep on the move, rather than forcing myself up against a wall.
@falcie8505 Жыл бұрын
4:46 rip bozo on the left
@TheRealBarrettWood Жыл бұрын
A cool technique the driller can do is to make spiral staircases to gain some verticality. Engie and gunner are better for vertical movement, but if they are mia or not in a match, aiming up at an angle and corkscrewing through the terrain can work in a pinch.
@heyimurchin6575 Жыл бұрын
As a green beard, I used satchel charges to eliminate heavy targets. But after learning how to use axes, I end up not using any lol I need to use them more
@daviddavidson2357 Жыл бұрын
Good production quality. Subbed. One thing I would recommend over the bunker strategy is a sap tunnel, just a straight, or slightly curved tunnel. You can only fit driller in it, maybe driller and Gunner if you make it 2 tunnels wide. However this concentrates the bugs into one small spot, perfect for corrosive sludge, or even better, the cryo cannon. You will freeze everything that walks in there super fast. If you can drill well you can drill a second sap that almost joins the first one, think of it as a big C or U in the rock but with the bottom of the U or the ledt hand side of the a Incomplete so the tunnels aren't joined. throw down a satchel charge and keep put of its radius. If you start getting overwhelmed you then detonate the charge and escape through the other tunnel, or fall back to the bunker and have engi plug off the "hot" hole and put sentry turrets down on the hole the bugs will change to. The if your. Unker starts falling apart, drill through engi's cheese and exit out the original tunnel.
@SatansRemorse Жыл бұрын
As a driller main, I find that cryo cannon mixed with a ripper is a useful combo. Though this combo becomes more useful at the end of the mission within the caves you dig to get to the DP. Quite a satisfying sight to see the ripper tear apart frozen grunts, too.
@metalblizzard6024 Жыл бұрын
As a new player and someone who loves driller, this brightened my day. Thank you.
@javarakgaming Жыл бұрын
Glad I could Help!
@DuckDecoy13 Жыл бұрын
6:31 also if you use the reload animation on the drills before they overheat they will cool down a lot quicker so you can drill continuously
@caetano5448 Жыл бұрын
The "reloads" on overheat weapons doesnt make them cool down quicker, its purely visual
@DuckDecoy13 Жыл бұрын
@@caetano5448 no right before it overheats it works pretty well
@hushpool3915 Жыл бұрын
I leave my cry of soul here: "GET IN THE F**KING BUNKER, KARL!"
@serge9492 2 ай бұрын
Actually important tip relited to combat: any primary but especially sludge and non-sticky fuel flamer are made extremly op in a tunnel duraing a swarm. Even a double swarm in shield disrupt can be easily survived without takind damage(haz 5). If you're not in a tunnel and separated, you're dead because range is rather limited and secondary DPS is rather underwhealming. Sludge with balanced damage OC great because if a heavy target walks into your tunnel a few c4 bricks and some chardges shots will kill it. I also usually make a zigzaging tunnel such that it's possible to run if I cant take out an opressor or when a sneaky mactera gets in.
@gdybykozkakwiecienplecient2567 2 ай бұрын
My favorite class. Also my main weapon is flamethrower (propably the weakest one tbh), but I just love flamethrowers in games.
@decepi Жыл бұрын
Satchel charge on the ceiling for an emergencies bunker gives you a line of site to the door to better handle enemies. Just tossing it in breaks line of site and gives enemies more chance to swarm in and go wall/ceiling
@hushpool3915 Жыл бұрын
3:42 And don't forget about Deep Dives. Because it's mostly backtracking. Me... I prefer my team and Mules go straight to Drop Pod, not jumping around like Yamakashi fans.
@DuckDecoy13 Жыл бұрын
2:38 yeah I tend to use his drills for this type of scenario which does help out at times
@budzee313 Жыл бұрын
I feel like epc tcf not being mentioned here is kinda strange, why give your team "more access to minerals" when you can vaporise an ore vein in an instant?
@-tr0n Жыл бұрын
Preferably when the scout is already 90% done mining it, killing him at the top of the cavern
@Psychohistorian42 Жыл бұрын
It seems like I'm a better driller than I give myself credit. Just need to remember I have satchel charges.
@Just_a_Dude80 Жыл бұрын
His problem is the lack of vertical mobility. Maybe I am addicted to scout or at least to gunner.
@charliesheen17 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been binging your videos! Keep killing it man! The you have a very good speaking voice.
@itz_erty Жыл бұрын
Very helpful, would love to see more
@antxonitxo 6 ай бұрын
The coolest of all the 4 moles... I mean, dwarves!
@Angamerx100 Жыл бұрын
Always c4 the scout. This is the best use of it
@K.B98 Жыл бұрын
I would argue a bit with tip #2. Often backtracking can be faster than drilling a tunnel, it depends on the cave layout. Plus your teammates may not have enough patience to straggle behind you while you dig. My rule of thumb is backtrack until I'm not further than 80m from the drop pod before drilling.
@Liongamer3000 5 ай бұрын
yesterday we played a point extraction mission with my friend and we both just downloaded the game through free xbox game pass (I had drg already for a long time in steam but steam player can't play with microsoft player) I chose to be a driller main and for some reason the morkite extraction machine was in a small cave in a deep hole! so driller was of a much help
@thegoddambullet2865 Жыл бұрын
4:02 You can drill ebonuts! (And mini meteorites)
@mlgbrogaming7719 Жыл бұрын
I’m the kind of guy who pair the Crisper and Colette with thermal shock. The only downside is I can’t use my Subata with Embedded Dets.
@themanwithnoname1839 4 ай бұрын
Everyone complains the driller team kills, yet my biggest issue is other players running right the fuck into my flames, and directly towards my charges....... And i normally end uphaving to do nothing cuz other players cant see the massive flame spewing out or the giant red circle from my charges.....
@miscstomp568 6 ай бұрын
7:16 what is that in the background? a nuke?
@terranaxiomuk 8 ай бұрын
I play driller. I create loads of stairways and vertical play. Kind of makes the engineer platforms pointless.
@Kalinskiya Жыл бұрын
Me as Cryo enjoyer - WE NEVA FREEZE!
@seiksdelbram Жыл бұрын
I thought that you get less if you do the minerals all at once like that?
@ManicObsevations Жыл бұрын
wdym "make the Geneva convention raise an eyebrow" It would start a fit if it found out the sludge pump was improvised
@philipp.S. Жыл бұрын
Mkay, you've earned your sub bro 👍
@javarakgaming Жыл бұрын
Awesome, thank you so much!
@DuckDecoy13 Жыл бұрын
I tried doing that but my teammates did not listen especially when I was trying to get the bulk detonator do detonate deep within the environment
@Nah14h2 8 ай бұрын
I can’t believe the driller is the most hated class his ability to fast drill trough rock is for the one of the best abilities and he has deadly weapons
@ColdCrawler 15 күн бұрын
It may be because some drillers use their tools to grief other players I have been frozen, fried and blown to death several times, more than with any other class
@Nah14h2 15 күн бұрын
@@ColdCrawler oke
@Kamo442 Жыл бұрын
Yeah now I have a better idea on how the drill should be play I'll pick him up
@markanthonybowen9419 Жыл бұрын
Another banger!
@oceanbeans8546 Жыл бұрын
This is not a great set of tips. I have some better ones: 1: satchels are a bubble shield. Always use on teammates 2: if you use satchels to make bunkers. Make sure your friends are INSIDE the area before you use it. 3: it’s just a Geneva suggestion 4: freeze your friends from time to time to show them how cool you think they are 5: if you use the ripper, remember. It doesn’t damage other players so always throw it in a direction where it hits them a lot of times 6: drills are also a great weapon especially with vampirism. I recommend using vampirism drills with the axes since they also get affected together with the iron will active to get you back to full HP after iron willing!
@atothegforce Жыл бұрын
@jakublhotan9029 Жыл бұрын
Love it
@cathumin3839 11 ай бұрын
i can finally NOT suck at driller
@nickr8662 4 ай бұрын
Please for the love of god please don’t take terrain clearing satchels against dreads. Plenty of newer drillers make this mistake and make the terrain bumpy and hell for fighting dreads causing them to wag their ovipositors, their weak points, around like they’re in a stripclub. While that doesn’t hurt the driller too much because all his weapons just require contact to deal damage without needing to aim; your three accuracy focused teammates need to aim. This goes double for the magma core, which does the things listed above and created large pockets of hot rocks where there used to be safe terrain previously.
@nickr8662 4 ай бұрын
And secondly DO NOT BUNKER UNLESS THE WHOLE TEAM IS IN ON IT. This just leads to splitting the team up. Third, if you do bunker. Short entrances lead to tombs, long entrances lead to success. Go ~20 ticks in, this will mean you have to let the drills chill at least once before you set up. And have an escape read for when that bulk or oppressor creates a wall artificially shortening that entrance into a tomb. Fourth: bunkers are just unreliable, don’t do it if you don’t have to. Thanks for listening to this legendary 1 driller ramble.
@xorby4396 Жыл бұрын
dont forget to C4 the scout at least once every game
@itzmavim Жыл бұрын
can you make a video of drg mods
@javarakgaming Жыл бұрын
possibly one day.
@T1M3L3SS_ 6 ай бұрын
secret tip: never use the CRSPR or the subata
@bellbearinghunter5463 Жыл бұрын
Always use satchel bomb on scoot it’s worth it
@joesyoutubeaccount7670 Жыл бұрын
don’t listen, satchel charge the scout every chance you have
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