How Star Wars RUINED Great Characters

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@ronxavier5285 2 жыл бұрын
Disney ruined Vader's story without him even being present. They obliterated his redemption and sacrifice when they decided Palpatine survived ROTJ
@user-tz2zz5ij1s Жыл бұрын
I don’t think you can really have redemption after you’ve blown up planets. That would be like in history class after learning about WW2 the German guy ended up being a good guy because inset whatever reason you think would redeem him. Just doesn’t work.
@ronxavier5285 Жыл бұрын
@@user-tz2zz5ij1s this is a long perpetuated fallacy that must come to an end. It was Tarkin who ordered the destruction of Alderaan, not Vader
@RyanTheDark Жыл бұрын
​@@user-tz2zz5ij1s Vader's the Death Star now?
@user-tz2zz5ij1s Жыл бұрын
Y’all both are really going to pretend like Vader had nothing to do with blowing up planets and killing billions of people? You fanboys are funny
@RyanTheDark Жыл бұрын
@@user-tz2zz5ij1s Where did anyone ever said that? Vader didn't command the destruction of Alderaan. Tarkin did. He even outright opposed it ON SCREEN. Looks like someone needs to rewatch the Original Trilogy...
@nathancook8903 2 жыл бұрын
I was sad that Luke wasn't mentioned. They changed him drastically for no apparent reason other than to ruin him. The man who believed in his father when no one else did would never try to murder his own nephew because of a dream.
@droth1031 2 жыл бұрын
How do we know he wasn't manipulated? Snoke/Palpatine/some other unseen Sith Lord could have been Force whispering in both their ears, telling Luke that his legacy would be destroyed by his nephew while telling Ben that his uncle was jealous of his abilities. Then again, maybe I'm giving them way too much credit.
@nathancook8903 2 жыл бұрын
@@droth1031 you could be right, except two things. One he didn't fall for that when the emperor and his father were trying to manipulate him, and two and more importantly, the fact that I said COULD be right means that they didn't explain it in the movie. So even if you are right, that means they ruined him by not explaining enough.
@droth1031 2 жыл бұрын
@@nathancook8903 yeah like I said, maybe I'm giving the filmmakers too much credit
@MomoAfterDark Жыл бұрын
@@droth1031 What the hell? This makes zero logical sense it's just made up. In no way does the film depict this nor should we have ANY reason to believe this.
@droth1031 Жыл бұрын
@@MomoAfterDark in a franchise where "Somehow, Palapatine returned", you want LOGIC?! NOTHING about this trilogy makes sense, especially the whole "the Empire is gone, bot whoopsie doodles, here comes the First Order with their Death-ier Star!" No, I was simply giving a half assed hand wave fan fiction explanation for why Luke tried to kill his nephew.
@clasher138 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair Boba didn't really have any character to begin with. I for one never really took him seriously because of how he was almost taken out by a blind Han. And thirty years after the clone wars he's a completely different person now. While the show has it's problems what he's doing makes sense. He's tired of working for people that will probably get him killed and wants to move up in the galaxy. It makes perfect sense that he wants to move on from the life of a bounty hunter after what he was forced to endure. Plus living with the Tuskens really did change him. Frankly it's interesting to see how one experience can change someone. He wants to be different from the cruelty of the Huts.
@Jedwerd 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree, but I see your point
@quiltingrox 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I liked the plot and storyline of Boba Fett. Like how you explained it is what I liked. But how they wrote it and sequenced the whole show was terrible and I felt like so many episodes weren't really about him.
@clasher138 2 жыл бұрын
@@quiltingrox cough cough the slowest vehicle chase scene in history cough. And the show was slow to get to the point
@quiltingrox 2 жыл бұрын
@@clasher138 yeah that was absolutely terrible
@MrNormal321 8 ай бұрын
I just don't see why people liked boba fett so much in the first place
@AI-nm1pq 2 жыл бұрын
If Boba slowly became more empathetic throughout the show instead of just being a full on pacifist throughout the whole show really messed up Boba
@merafirewing6591 Жыл бұрын
That would've been the more logical route.
@Swiftbow 9 ай бұрын
He's also a "crime lord" who commits no crimes. Kind of like Disney's idea of pirates...
@gabrieldjatienza6971 Жыл бұрын
Even Temura Morrison is concerned at how Boba Fett is being softened up...he was meant to be an anti hero who doesn't need much dialogue but a better story and motivation....not wishy washy behavior.
@kaiyacoxon5360 Жыл бұрын
I definitely agree with boba, Vader and some aspects of Kenobi but obi wan lived virtually by himself haunted by the mistakes he made with anakin. In his eyes his trust and love for anakin blinded him making of anakin increasing temptation and manipulation by the hand of palpatine. So its makes sense why he is so weak in Kenobi imo
@stevuire1856 Ай бұрын
I agree 100% but I also think they could have made the show a little better but still better then boba fett and the acolyte
@SecretAgentBob2123 Жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of your points. I hate the Disney era of Star Wars. Character development doesn't have to go in a positive direction though. Rick from the Walking Dead is a good example imo. He starts off moral and conflicted but ends up being depraved. The Boba Fett and Obi Wan shows were straight up character assassinations.
@TimKuat 2 жыл бұрын
It's infuriating that they would not put their absolute best on Obi-wan. They already screwed Boba Fett up yet Obi-wan was in a different league and they knew it. He's a main character to the story, it's not Boba Fett or a character like Mando, it's Obi-wan Kenobi. That alone should merit legendary work. It should have been the best Star Wars media to date and it was meh at best. Don't get me wrong, as expected Ewan, Hayden, Jimmy Smits, Joel Edgerton, Bonnie Piesse, and Vivien Blair all did amazing work. That was expected as we've seen some of them before in the prequels. The problem with the movies and shows Disney puts out is the writing and direction. In most of their work the writing and direction are the things that go wrong. They get stellar actors and actresses, amazing music composers, great vfx teams then screw it up when it comes to writing and direction. Disney needs to get their head out of their butts (and that's putting it nicely) and seriously hire people who ACTUALLY know Star Wars to write the Star Wars scripts. The guy who took the original Obi-wan script from the original writer to write the Kenobi show hadn't even seen Revenge of the Sith when he started writing for the show. It's obvious they don't care when it comes to the lore, they only care about fulfilling their woke political agendas and viewership not continuing the story as it should be. Obi-wan wasn't horrible don't get me wrong but it could have been vastly better. It's getting to the point where if they don't actually start really caring about the lore and making good stories to continue star wars that I won't continue watching their star wars media and that sucks. I know I'm not the only one.
@MomoAfterDark Жыл бұрын
Obi Wan looks horrible... I haven't watched but seen some footage and watched reviews. It looks straight garbage and messes up more of the lore and characters of the franchise simply by existing. I don't even watch Star Wars properties since Last Jedi came out. Why would I pay Disney for literally shitting all over the story and established characters?
@abby2404 10 ай бұрын
We can blame Kathleen Kennedy
@TimKuat 10 ай бұрын
@@abby2404 yes, yes we can. She's the one that greenlights budgets and who directs/writes the shows so ultimately she's where the fault lies.
@aaronh.917 10 ай бұрын
You watched any of the Star Wars media following the sequel trilogy? I for one stopped consuming Disney products as soon as I left the theater from seeing the last Jedi. I didn’t bother trying any of the tv series because if they screw up their flagship Star Wars product (the movies themselves) then how can I trust them making a spin-off tv show
@DitsMerzthalBravo 7 ай бұрын
U lost me on woke agenda
@jamesashcroft8170 Жыл бұрын
I could've honestly dug Boba showing more compassion and empathy (than he used to in the OT) because we can still have a Boba who is dangerous and brutal like we want, with the nuance of someone who is capable of understanding the plight of others and maybe sometimes showing mercy (like how he spared Krrsantan). It just requires better writing. EDIT - Oh yeah, and on the topic of Boba changing, he literally changed from the end credits of Mando S2, which I'm pretty sure occurred just before BoBF. Remember when he broke into Jabba's palace and executed Biba Fortuna on the throne without a word, then dumped his corpse on the floor? Fastest character change in history.
@tot4099 Жыл бұрын
You’re specific point that character development doesn’t include the deduction of skill and resourcefulness ingenuity is ridiculously wrong it’s crazy. A character in any story can regress in skill especially in this case obi wan is in HIDING not using his lightsaber, not using the force, not going on missions, not practicing. He is so outnumbered by the empire, their presence overwhelms so my planets in the galaxy, if obi wan were to commonly use the force and his light saber he would be quickly found and killed. So obviously his skills with the force and a lightsaber would regress. Which by definition goes hand and hand with his resourcefulness. And finally a character’s ingenuity can change just like a human beings ingenuity can change, a once funny clever man can become broken and battered and damaged. And if you were somebody capable of using the force and you watched everyone you cared about die in one singular moment, and you find out your student/best friend is at the helm of it all, killing innocent children, and people in general, across the entire galaxy, due to your negligence as a teacher. You’re sitting here comparing an Obi wan who had the entire Jedi order as his family, a great friend and student in anakin, padme, etc etc. he had a lot of friends he cared about that he still had, and you want him to be confident? And cunning? And keep that same personality? Even though he lost everything???? I must say this was a poorly written video, and you don’t know anything about writing characters, or stories. And obviously your knowledge on character development is almost 0. What is a character? A PERSON. Like you and me, that’s why you like the movie and characters because you feel their pain and emotions. What happens to a person when they’ve been through something traumatic. THEY CHANGE. Everything about them can change; their personality, the way they eat, live, love, take care of themselves. You sounded extremely uneducated, and sounded like a bitter kid whose upset things have changed the new shows and movies aren’t exactly how you envisioned them in your own head
@mothman6895 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree
@brendannuggets6527 Жыл бұрын
You know why does nobody actually notice that like half of the clone wars TV show has been deleted On Disney plus like it's very annoying.
@Jedwerd Жыл бұрын
It hasn’t, I just watched the entire show, it’s all there
@doswheelsouges359 2 жыл бұрын
There! That's what I said to my brother. The character needed be more ruthless and basically more a**hole. Now he wants to be honorable and gets constantly upstaged by his more profecient sidekick.
@jacksonconley5117 Жыл бұрын
They didn’t ruin Obi-Wan, but they ruined Luke.
@jacksonconley5117 Жыл бұрын
If you think this is story telling at its worst @Kallum well then you are lost.
@juleskireeff4563 Жыл бұрын
@@jacksonconley5117 Obi Wan Kenobi went off easy. But Luke Skywalker was decredibilised, the tryology 7, 8, 9 made him look like an outsider.
@skippercow 2 жыл бұрын
you kinda missed it on the kenobi series
@RobertKhawli-v4h Жыл бұрын
I slightly disagree with the obi wan part. He did loose his abilities because he disconnected himself from the force because he was depressed, I get it, it’s no longer the same Kenobi we all knew. But at the end he was able to redeem his former self. And obi wan didn’t kill Vader because he saw him without his mask. He saw the last bit of Anakin, the apprentice he once loved and he didn’t have the heart to kill him. The Kenobi from the clone wars and ROTS would have done the same thing.
@abramsullivan7764 9 ай бұрын
@drone-time 8 ай бұрын
All your points are, well, on point. I would add, however, that you missed a big one, perhaps an even bigger devolution, R2-D2. R2 is such a complex character with a huge presence in each of the first 6 films. He is easily the most developed character of the entire franchise which is even more amazing considering he doesn't say a single word! Think about it, every time we see R2, we learn something new about him, he expresses some new emotion or feeling or he performs some new task we didn't know he could do before. From his retractable front gear, to his data probe, taser, or leg rockets, you just never know what new and exciting thing you're going to learn about R2. Until E7. In E7, BB-8 is a ball! No offense to BB-8, but they did R2 dirty. They stuck him in a corner collecting dust, knowing he holds Luke's location, but won't share because, why? Oh, because plot holes, it's not time, okay, wake him up in 3, 2, 1 Deus Ex Machina GO!..
@reign29810 8 ай бұрын
He lost his best friend when Anakin turned to the dark side. He had a hard time facing it, facing his past & has forgotten who he really is. I really liked the Kenobi series. 🤷‍♀️
@superroller9074 2 жыл бұрын
Disney did't ruin Kenobi nor vader(yet). In the Kenobi show Obi wan is supposed to be a broken depressed old man who has no intentions other than keeping Luke safe we see that in ep1-3 and after that we can character development where Obi wan's strength returns through ep4-6. Vader isn't the same in ep3 vader realises that Obi wan was weak.he even commented saying "the years have made you weak" vader wasn't even trying he was just toying with Obi wan as he did to Luke in empire.
@ampro7418 Жыл бұрын
Bruh yes they did. An example is Ahsoka Tano, she also went into hiding but that didn't stop her from protecting people. While obi wan was like "eh, it'll be fine."
@MrJoelMiller Жыл бұрын
@@ampro7418eh, your not wrong but your not right, and what i mean by that is that, yes Ashoka did do those, but those are key differences I mean for one thing, obi wan was like playing the role of citizen because of his name changing to Ben, while Ashoka was playing the role of Grey Jedi, I mean I get what your saying but obi wan had to keep his cover low or else the empire would know about it
@jacksonconley5117 Жыл бұрын
Luke was definitely ruined by Disney, but Obi-Wan has as I expected him to be and Ewan McGreggor did an excellent job.
@andrewmah2962 2 жыл бұрын
The Flawed Morality of Reva? Dew it!!
@ICantThinkOfAUsername Жыл бұрын
Recent star wars content explained with Star wars movie titles: The finale of Mando season 2: ”A new hope” Book of Boba, and Obi-Wan Kenobi: ”The empire strikes back” Andor and arguably Mando season 3 ”The return of the jedi” Now all that remains is the new Ashoka series…
@seanzrobbins 4 ай бұрын
@Tedcollects Жыл бұрын
Kenobi series was sick
@iliadnetfear2586 Жыл бұрын
I actually kinda like Jar Jar now. He's still annoying and I hate the Phantom Menace because of him (I also don't care for the Pod Race that takes up a good chunk of the movie), but him being easily manipulated into proposing giving the chancellor his emergency powers lead to Jar Jar blaming himself for the events that followed. It's now canon that Jar Jar retired to a remote world to act as a street performer/clown to entertain refugee children. A small penance of sorts to make up for the destruction and oppression he feels he brought upon the galaxy.
@wendy1978able 3 ай бұрын
This man is tearing all of Disney Star Wars down to the ground. Good job man good job.
@dewulfe9913 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, good video, please do a vid on Reva's flawed 'character'. In this vid, all really valid points tho I'll agree to disagree on two smalls things: (1) Yes, Vader pulling the ship out of the sky certainly _looked_ cool, but it creates problems in terms of power levels between other characters, and could raise questions about things he didn't handle in other scenes (why let the Falcon escape from Hoff if he can just pluck ships out of the sky?). (2) The fight between Vader and Reva: yes very cool that he was just toying with her, that's what I wanted to see (because it would make sense given what we understand of Vader's greater power vs her lesser power with the Force). But....some of Vader's movements were more like something out of a Yip Man film...they didn't look right for this Sith Lord. It was....weird.
@Jedwerd 2 жыл бұрын
i actually really agree with both of your points, and I think they are both valuable. I think that the problem with the pulling the ship out of the sky is that Star Wars has evolved since the OT, so there are going to be changes that don't line up with every single thing. Even though it doesn't make the most sense, we can't only accept things that were ONLY in the OT. There have to be some things we settle for. But I agree that it does create a lot of plot holes. Why didn't Obi-Wan pull down Slave I on Kamino? Although in Disney's defense, it wasn't totally unprecedented. In "The Force Unleashed", Starkiller pulled down a Star Destroyer. But no, I think that it does create a big plot hole. That's the problem with introducing magic or The Force in movies or books without VERY clear boundaries. As for your Vader argument, I actually also agree. Disney has made Vader a much more agile and fast character than he should be. Lore-wise, Vader had to literally develop his own style of lightsaber combat because of how bulky and unwieldy his armor made him. But now we see him flipping and weaving and dodging. I don't like that. But honestly, I just didn't really think about it when I was making the video. And I was just glad that the cinematography of the Reva/Vader duel was cooler than the sequels, with Kylo's wild swings, and Rey's random force stops, and the constant stumbling. I'm glad you liked the video!
@dewulfe9913 2 жыл бұрын
​@@Jedwerd For sure, and I think a continued evolution of a story universe is one of the biggest challenges for filmmakers to get right. As they do more and more movies, the writer/directors feel they have to show people new things (in this case, new cool Force stuff). It’s a challenge because ‘make the powers bigger/stronger’ is the easy way to do that, but then you have power creep and resulting plot holes, plus you weaken the stakes in any given situation....for example ‘hey Force powers now heal people’…but then the audience loses belief in any potential consequences of a scenario since they’ve seen that ‘powers’ can just solve that problem super easy, barely an inconvenience (#PitchMeetingsAreTight). The answer is more creative and careful writing - in this case, we could have seen Vader *trying* to hold the ship back with a lot of effort, impressing us that he was actually stopping the ship (at least temporarily). It’s in the air, but can’t actually leave the hanger. Then enters Reva who attacks him (at the *logical* time when he’s most distracted by his serious effort to stop the ship), and naturally he has to release the ship to deal with her. So we see he’s powerful enough to hold back a massive object with a ton of power…BUT he’s not OP to the point that he should be winning everything (like his stupid fight with Kenobi) without even trying. So that's careful writing - showing us Vader maybe has more power than we knew he did, but not breaking the story universe at the same time. Of course, we know they instead went for a non-sensical fake out, with everyone on a second ship that they did their best to pretend didn’t exist just so they could have their stupid fake out moment. Gah! And as you’ve implied his power in this one scene creates a new plot hole - if Vader can just pluck ships from the sky like he did the first one - why not just grab the second one before it leaves?!?!? Fucking Disney lol, do they think a ship about to take off is somehow silent? Or that Vader couldn't feel Kenobi in the other ship?! I swear the writing on this show assumed that everyone watching only had the brain of an underdeveloped five year old. I also think with more creative writing there are other ways to expand Force powers too that aren’t just making them bigger/stronger, but I’ve already written heaps so will leave that there for now. And I agree the duel was better than the sequels...didn’t love all of it, but there were some cool things there. Looking forward to your next video :)
@Jedwerd 2 жыл бұрын
@@dewulfe9913 fire comment. You’re Vader/Reva rewrite is actually gold
@dewulfe9913 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jedwerd thank-you man, that means something to me, really appreciate it :]
@Jedwerd 2 жыл бұрын
@@dewulfe9913 glad to hear it
@William_Does_Coasters2255 Жыл бұрын
At least they haven’t ruined Ahsoka.
@scottkeane4129 11 ай бұрын
Lol fucking lol
@kevinthunder3375 9 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, they did.
@William_Does_Coasters2255 7 ай бұрын
@William_Does_Coasters2255 7 ай бұрын
Ahsoka show was far far better than previous disney projects. Compare it to the sequels, it make sense in the star wars universe. Luke’s map to find him makes no sense, thrawn is stranded on a planet controlled by witches and one of those witches wants to find him so that the witches can return along with the imperial remnant and cause tons of chaos. Luke didn’t want to be found but Thrawn knew that he was on an ancient planet and it was possible that he would be found.
@_VictoryGuy_ 2 ай бұрын
The obi wan at least kinda makes sense, because he felt that he turned his best friend into a super villain. Still stupid tho
@mikexmikex 11 ай бұрын
Boba Fett did next to nothing, and had very little personality in the original trilogy. All he really had going for him was that he looked kind of cool. A blind man pretty much killed him... with zero effort. We really don't know what his personality was, even in the expanded universe. He was sometimes written as ruthless, he was sometimes written as a near clone of Han Solo. And how can you say he's a loner? When did he ever work alone? He was with a group of bounty hunters in Empire Strikes Back. He was pretty much one Jabba's lackeys in Return of the Jedi. He was his "father's " apprentice in Attack of the Clones. He ran with a group of bounty hunters in Clone Wars.
@isaiahprettypaint8877 2 жыл бұрын
13 of them are out already half are out and other half should come out next year this guys on point
@gemstonethehybrid Жыл бұрын
I just realized they’re going to absolutely butcher Asoka
@amelietestroote853 Жыл бұрын
It was an incredibly stupid decision of Boba Fett to stay in Mos Espa, 1, The palace is a fortress. There they have an advantage over the pyke syndacite. 2, If they stay in the city there is a big risk that the people that live there get hurt. 3, Important buildings can get destroyed.
@jameskelso2435 Жыл бұрын
The thing is his comrades ( I forgot the guys name lol ) said they're going to protect the people so that implies that no matter where boba went they still would've gone through the town. If you want to gain respect from your followers you have to listen to them sometimes
@coltongokie6355 Жыл бұрын
Disney should sell star wars back to George Lucas and he can make all of this non canon, except for mando, he can stat
@Randomyoutuber403 3 ай бұрын
When I first watched Kenobi I thought it was kinda good maybe it was because I had a fever
@thatguy3421 Жыл бұрын
Disney also destroyed lightsabers as one stab should cook your internal organs and kill you instantly. But, now we see people surviving it.
@Emleennea 29 күн бұрын
Yesss make a video about Reva!!!
@wolfjacket551 3 ай бұрын
7:18 but aren’t the pykes after boba specifically so if he’s in his palace most espa is left alone
@discodisconicky 9 ай бұрын
So much sense being spoken here.. there was barely a thing good about the 3 sequels. And that Obi Wan Kenobi spin-off? It made all the known characters look like twats
@FearsJourney 7 ай бұрын
In real sword fighting hitting somebody with the hilt is a viable option if you want to attack and wont have enough time to peform a slash before they reviver or want to disorient them. If you have enough time to hit them eith your blade you will go to hit them with a blade. And also usin your hilt is a lot faster than gour blade but will leave you open so be wise its all about decision making and reactions
@rombcr77 10 ай бұрын
For me even Ahsoka have been ruined, in the serie she's just a passive woman who are posing with her arms crossed, and almost all of her fight looks terribly slow.
@jamesgonzalez1773 Жыл бұрын
I dislike the sequels and I wasn’t fond of the boba show. However, your arguments make no sense for Obi and Darth, what do you think happened between ROTS and ANH?? You think Obi was going to be 100% after loosing his apprentice, his fellow jedis, hiding his force senses, and having to look after Luke??? He needed development to get to the point of a new hope. So did Vader, because he is still Anakin and he didn’t stop being reckless out of no where, he had to learn how to make better decisions. it’s more realistic for characters to have real development. I will say that hated that I hated the reva Luke interaction in the end tho
@jamesgonzalez1773 Жыл бұрын
And yes Kenobi looks very ugly and unfinished to me and Revas lame.
@thatonecoolmaskguy Жыл бұрын
My answer is disney needs to make sure the kids buy their figurines and they won't if their parents won't let them watch shows that have intense violence
@pwerplazlol725 8 ай бұрын
Make more long videos like these I love these
@ryanfalcon3941 Жыл бұрын
Obi wan and Vader are humans. Is the general description of obi wan wise, skilled with a saber and force? Yes. But in the series he WAS a broken man. He wasn’t the generalized version. Was Vader, cunning, clever, strong, yea of course. But he also had his best friend and master in the forefront of his kind for the first time in a decade. Of course his actions were off the generalized summary of who Vader is. You’re thinking in absolutes. Like a sith. A man can be wise and strong without ALWAYS being wise or strong. Same the reverse.
@RoboRebEL09 Жыл бұрын
I wish Disney never took over Star Wars but I wish it was on Disney plus
@Imjustaguy23234 7 ай бұрын
I think Luke should’ve married another person and had a kid and the sequels followed that kid training to become a Jedi, instead of some random scavenger that’s not even a skywalker🙀 Disney, take notes
@MrTimPL Жыл бұрын
When i was watching Obi Wan and Vader final fight i catch that Vader is fighting with one hand but he is fighting with two, Obi Wan is throwing rocks at him which is so stupid. Jedi can use the Force only in defense. I think they make this show only for "Hello There" meme and to show "better" version of Obi Wan vs Vader, i prefer when they last meeting was at Mustafar
@raghav1026 11 ай бұрын
“Jedi use the force only for defense” bruh. The whole prequel trilogy must be garbage then too.
@alexkwon9099 Жыл бұрын
Characters that did not get ruined are Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, Darth Maul, Cad Bane, and R2-D2. Characters that did get ruined, Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan, Han Solo, Boba Fett, and who could possibly forget The Bad Batch.
@jameskelso2435 Жыл бұрын
One thing you forgot was obi wan literally spent 10 years hiding without practice on tatooine of all places if you saw Darth Vader do that shit you'd run too. If you spent a decade literally having nightmares of Anakin and you see Anakin like that your first instinct is to get tf out of there Also there's nothing wrong with boba Fett trying to rule with respect how are you supposed to gain respect and loyalty from your followers if you won't listen to them
@CC-sv9fs 7 ай бұрын
Tbf i think Kenobi being miserable was already cannon so I mean i’m not sure how id agree with that one but i didn’t like how in the show obi wan just ignored that Jedi and bail that was not obi wan so i like agree to disagree.. Speaking about Ashoka oh boy a year later the plot holes might make you feel like they ruined her a bit…
@powereddude 6 ай бұрын
Obi wan redeemed himself in a new hope
@UI_Shaggy05 11 ай бұрын
The whole point of the chosen one prophecy is for Anakin to bring balance to the force, which he did at the end of Return of the Jedi. Hence why the Sequels are NOT true Star Wars.
@KibaRanger_Kou Жыл бұрын
I've never liked that stupid hallway scene from Rogue One. Vader has absolutely no business being in that movie whatsoever. It is just so dumb that Vader utilising all of his abilities like that fails to retrieve the plans? I know it is because A New Hope needs to happen. The Vader we see at the start of A New Hope is clearly not that flog in cosplay chopping people up in a hallway like it is going out of fashion. It is just such a tonal violation of Vader from the OT. Force pulling ships out of the air is what leads to crap like Leia flying in out of space. Common sense constantly takes a thrashing every time Disney go near Vader.
@AdelineEliza 6 ай бұрын
obi wan was like that sens why was a new hope called anew hope
@BigCrackhead Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you and share your dislike against Disney or what they made out of Star Wars. But I gotta say, about obi, he wasn’t as we remembered him, but it has a cause: since Anakin turned into Darth vader and the Jedi order was destroyed he wasn’t as arrogant and confident as usual, because he lost everything: his apprentice, the force (well kinda), nearly all of his friends and it was from a certain point of view partly his fault. He doesn’t believe in his strength anymore and is confused and scared. His behavior isn’t hard to understand for me and logical. Also I liked the series very much, but mostly because we did see the good old actors in it.
@chrisphillips348 Жыл бұрын
Half the entertainment is listening to your narration as you shred these idiots into paper strips!!
@zap900 Жыл бұрын
the only good think Disney made so rogue one and mando...and maybe Andor has some is not canon for me...
@ajf5823 Жыл бұрын
Ashoka is next on their hit list. They will ruin her soon enough! 🤦‍♀️
@droth1031 2 жыл бұрын
"Forget the past. Destroy it if you must!" Didn't realize Kylo Ren was telling us the executive's game plan back in 2015.
@jamessizemore7103 7 ай бұрын
I mean that movie was so on the nose with its messages I knew that’s exactly what that line meant😂
@micahsoda 2 жыл бұрын
don't worry, I've already sent the writing team many letters about these issues.
@fclefjefff4041 2 жыл бұрын
Thank god, some random dingdong sent a bunch of letters. No need to worry 😆
@curtis.e_flush Жыл бұрын
@@fclefjefff4041 well considering random "dingdongs" are part of the target audience they better take heed.
@dodo7244 4 ай бұрын
​@@fclefjefff4041 It's a joke blud 💀
@alfa1134 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for properly illustrating how Kunt-leen Kennedy's active sabotage has lead to the utter failure and injustice to Kenobi and Fett.
@chironchiron5053 3 ай бұрын
Kuntleen kennedy 😂😂😂
@Jedwerd 2 жыл бұрын
Should I make a video about "The Flawed Morality of Reva"?
@orandegellogaming4793 2 жыл бұрын
@Jedwerd 2 жыл бұрын
@@orandegellogaming4793 dang, don’t be so forceful. If you really want me to be a celebrity appearance at your birthday party, I’ll do it. Yeesh. A please and a thank you go a long way
@leafwhite6376 Жыл бұрын
You said "Obi-Wan showed NO sign of arrogance" but: "Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic lifeform" he had a LITTLE arrogance (still I am on your side I just had to point that out)
@amyanderson3595 4 ай бұрын
He didnt know anikin was the chosin one. Plus he was a former slave​@@leafwhite6376
@shreymalik2531 Жыл бұрын
I agree with this almost wholeheartedly, but Obi Wan was broken and grumpy after his brother figure tried to kill him and the whole Jedi order
@jameskelso2435 Жыл бұрын
Exactly like this whole time he's out here having nightmares about Anakin and the next time he sees him it's Darth Vader out here dragging people casually walking by, I'm pretty sure anyone would run if they saw that Plus if you spent 10 years in exile literally hiding you'd become weak especially living on tatooine when you're used to planets like courascant
@source3nergy203 Жыл бұрын
The stuff with Obi-Wan was good but him going off planet, no and the stuff with reva no
@Syfcobra8549 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but making him a emo was exaggerated He lost Quigon and multiple friends between ep 2 & 3 and he waa never "broken" because thats why they are Jedi
@source3nergy203 Жыл бұрын
@@Syfcobra8549 true, in the EU/legends if I remember correctly when the first or one of the first Jedi purges happened they went to their old temples/planets to reconnect with the force Yes this time the Jedi order isn’t supposed to be what it is, but Jedi wouldn’t fall into despair or a depression, just be one with the force
@stepfalcon Жыл бұрын
@@Syfcobra8549 yes, but now he felt responsible for what happen to all Jedi. He trained Anakin. And he saw how Anakin become Vader and killed his whole family. Then he was sent to kill Vader. He had deep conection with him. Even deeper than with Qui-gon. He was sent to kill someone he loved. Thats what changed him. Not what happen but who did all of this.
@Darth-vade123 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah Vader is way smarter in the comics his rage was corrupting his judgement which Vader wouldn't do as he is smart
@alice-dl6mf 8 ай бұрын
About the whole “you shouldn’t have left her there with *only a lightsaber wound through the chest*” part. That isnt really vaders fault. Its Disney fault for forgetting that a lightsaber through the chest should 100% kill literally anyone (angry qui gon noises)
@MrMan2006 2 жыл бұрын
I completely disagree on your points about Obi Wan and Vader (I agree with Boba though). Obi Wan is meant to be a regretful, angry, sad man after Episode 3. That’s by design. He thought Anakin was already dead on Mustafar. He didn’t know he survived. Obi Wan feels like a failure for what happened to Anakin. Character development is okay if a character regresses to then be at a point farther than before, or be at a point otherwise impossible unless they did regress. Obi Wan is like that. Taking responsibility for Anakin, Obi Wan is no longer a Jedi. He is afraid, angry, resentful, sad. He even says “The Jedi are gone.” They are extinct. The reason why this is necessary is to get to the place he was in Episode 4. Obi Wan was calm, strong, and focused. He was ready to teach Luke. He was ready to revive the Jedi. After Episode 3 he couldn’t have been this strong. Not after Anakin. He didn’t let those people die, he just couldn’t do anything. He lost the fight against Vader because he was weak, not focused anymore, and out of practice. The reason why this works so well is because eventually he got back on his feet, was stronger than before at the end and into Episode 4, and was now ready to revive the Jedi, and put faith in Luke. Episode 3 Anakin would not be ready for this. He was too weak to train Luke, Anakin was ALIVE (which meant Luke would not learn under Obi Wan, which was needed to bring Anakin back from the Dark Side), and etc. Obi Wan eventually got back and got stronger. He only left Luke to save Leia, as Obi Wan took responsibility for what happened to Anakin, and therefore, his children. He left Vader alive because his motive was to get rid of Anakin once and for all, and face his past. Seeing Anakin was gone, and VADER remained, he had no incentive to kill him. That is why he said Vader killed Luke’s father. His development was great. What was WRONG with the show was when it dealt with things OTHER than Obi Wan and Anakin. With Vader, let me ask you… do you even KNOW who Vader is? Vader is a conflicted man. Anakin was always a small part of him. He was always conflicted against Obi Wan as well (which is why he lost, confirmed by Palps. He hated Obi Wan ofc, but a part of him also loves him). He let Obi Wan go NOT because he as dumb, but because he wanted Obi Wan to suffer just like he did. He let him go to toy with him and really make Obi Wan suffer, which he did. Disney didn’t ruin Vader lol. If anything they just made him more ruthless. They actually added to him, not ruined him. You only look at things on the surface level, not really looking deep as to why characters are the way the are. Disney HAS ruined characters, but Obi Wan and Vader aren’t one of them,
@moonwalkerkop4479 Жыл бұрын
Exactly, you seem to get it
@Anonymous-j5f 8 ай бұрын
@@moonwalkerkop4479 *lets a lot of rebels go because of one man* you call that SMART????
@Darth-vade123 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't expect obi wan to give up i just thought he was traumatized would make more sense then him giving up
@jaieregilmore971 2 жыл бұрын
Agree you would think he use that trauma as strength to continue training instead of wasting ten years in cave being moody.
@Darth-vade123 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaieregilmore971 agreed now it would be fine with him being scared of Vader the first time but he shouldn't be so weak
@jaieregilmore971 2 жыл бұрын
@@Darth-vade123plus imagine how strong Obi wan would be if he still trained in those ten years and plus the whole Jedi giving up must regain back there power back is just getting old it makes sense in fallen order with cal but not for Obi wan.
@Darth-vade123 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaieregilmore971 facts
@Darth-vade123 Жыл бұрын
​@@jaieregilmore971 facts
@taylorarnold5311 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the book of boba Fett and the Kenobi show but I do have problems with em and understand why everyone has issues
@whynot7507 Жыл бұрын
I understand boba fetts tho i liked it personally but not really Kenobi imo.
@FarFromY0u 2 ай бұрын
Troy the poo poo man
@Light......... Жыл бұрын
The thing about these characters is that they just not smart anymore.
@TOASTEDiceCream Жыл бұрын
What i find funny about bobo fetts survival is that i fint remember seeing any stormtrooper in jabas barge ir nowere near the dunce sea. How tf did the stormtrooper get in there
@sithlord1238 2 жыл бұрын
I like jar jar
@ahsokatanofanboy8292 2 жыл бұрын
Kenobi isn’t bad make
@BrickMoth 2 жыл бұрын
I personally love the obi wan show I really don't think it ruined the original but I guess that is your opinion.
@AlasdairH-R 2 жыл бұрын
They didn’t rlly ruin Obi-Wan and Darth Vader. I bet this guy is just trying to get Lucasfilm to stop Disney from working on Star Wars
@razvan_3008 Жыл бұрын
They also ruined Palpatine!!!
@LegoCameraAction-k5k Жыл бұрын
Also, when vader crushed, obi wan with rocks, vader would have made sure he was dead. He wouldn't just leave.
@Trickle99 Жыл бұрын
Bro EA showed Luke Skywalker better in a few cutscenes than Disney did in a whole movie💀(BFII Campaign).
@LeftTownMedia Жыл бұрын
I'm currently writing my own story for star wars episode 7, to share some ideas on what could've been. In my story, its set 24 years after Return of the Jedi where Luke Skywalker is now living in exile on a remote planet, watching over a young woman named Rey. The planet is under a constant solar eclipse. The planets moon wont move and is blocking out the sun, without explanation. It's revealed that Luke is responsible for this solar eclipse where he is protecting Rey from being found. Luke was exiled from the new Galactic Republic as punishment after the senate discovered that Darth Vader is his father. An alien race, who once fought the Empire, dismantled the republic, turning it into an Empire. Viewing force users as a threat, they imprisoned Luke's jedi students, including his sister, Leia. The new empire now enslave worlds to build them powerful battleships and weapons. Han Solo is now a slave living on one of these worlds where he is working with other slaves to escape.
@darthvader9777 Жыл бұрын
disney created a character who adds nothing to the story in kenobi just for her and i quete "survive a lightsaber to the chest"
@Mr.Whatsup 2 жыл бұрын
The show about Obi one was ok it not bad or good its just in the middle for me but i hate that Obi one used a gun for the 2nd time and i love the character of Obi one but now i don't know if I do now
@sidneysmith6698 2 жыл бұрын
Well in defense of the sparings/failures to finish, I think there are definitely easy explanations. Kenobi didn't kill Vader because he's never had the heart to from the start. He literally said to Yoda "I will not kill Anakin. He is like my brother, I cannot do it." If he really was about it, he would have walked down the river bank on Mustafar and beheaded Anakin right there. Vader didn't kill Reva because he is so much more powerful than her he has nothing to fear from her. And the Grand Inquisitor basically acknowledges that she will live. "We will leave you where we found the gutter..." And as far as Vader's impulsiveness, it's the same trait that got him where he is. It's why he slaughtered the Tuskens, why he rushed Dooku, why he chopped off Windu's hand, and why he will throw all reason and sense to the wind to catch/torture Kenobi. He was definitely far from careful in his early years. He only becomes the smart, more tactical version we see later on because the Emperor reins him in in their last scene in this series. Vader essentially gets clowned by his boss for all the mistakes you criticize here.
@roguemerek7281 Жыл бұрын
Agreeded on Other But hard disagree with Vader or Kenobi
@commanderfox5927 Жыл бұрын
He literally just explained the titanic. 0:37
@icebreakergamez1344 8 ай бұрын
Obi-wan the show was pretty f*caking good so I have no idea what ur saying and why it’s bad and it’s been awhile since him being a Jedi because he’s being hunted that’s why he’s not good with his lightsaber but also dearth Vader has robot limbs he can’t move as much so maybe rewatch the show…and he loves anakin would never kill him
@jefferysterner 11 ай бұрын
It's great to see those who were born after the prequels understand Star Wars as well as my generation who saw the OT in theaters and grew up with it dominating our childhoods, and calling Disney out on the stunning garbage. Thanks and keep up the good work!
@loganmohon9203 9 ай бұрын
You make good points, but I still think you’re under appreciating the context of Obi Wan Kenobi. The whole point was to show him as a completely broken character - not the same Obi Wan we’ve grown to love. He literally lost everything important to him and spent 10 years in exile ignoring the force. It was the first time we got to see Obi Wan as a man rather than as a Jedi. So it makes sense why he’s not at the same skill level as prime General Kenobi
@AverageValdecruzResident Жыл бұрын
Darth binx I’m telling u he’s REAL HES REALLY REAL also good vid and very valid point, Disney suck and I hope it goes bankrupt so either Lucasfilm takes back star wars or universal buys it because then there would be justice to these character
@GreenNinj4 11 ай бұрын
Worst Thing about Vader: The one thing he didnt want anyone to know is that he is Anakin, so he killed everyone who knew it. But Reva, a person where he knows that she knows, gets spared? And this is not from Legends, there are Disney Comics about this… They prooved yet again that they literally dont know their own canon.
@TheAncientOneVI Жыл бұрын
The fact that your are disrespecting Disney starwars fans is more sinister than what Disney did to starwars. Yes I think Disney ruined starwars, and I do not enjoy them. But I wish I did, because I don’t want to not enjoy some piece of entertainment. So literally. Don’t be mean and say things like that to Disney starwars fans. I felt embarrassed for you when you said that they have no opinion.
@stormkelleh Жыл бұрын
How we feelin bout Ahsoka today? Cartwheeling in space while staring blankly expressionlessly at her… young… padwan…. 🤦🏻‍♂️
@emman799 11 ай бұрын
If anyone hated how people or someone ruined every star wars characters such as boba fett, then make your own timeline, For example: Boba fett comes escapes the sarlacc pit to kill han solo or side with the Mandalorian to fight Moff Gideon in season 3
@sheajones8638 Жыл бұрын
Remember that obi just lived in a cave and cut up meat for 10 years
@JustRedBed 11 ай бұрын
Disney is a kid whose wrecking a series. Dave Floni is repairing the series.
@rileydennis2283 Жыл бұрын
Couldn’t agree more about the movies and the series are mediocre. A person could sum up the Mando series in two sentences, although Mando was entertaining, it had little writing complexity.
@silentshadow9983 Жыл бұрын
I personally liked the book of boba fett because I have some legends based knowledge that if I am right makes his decision to form a faction of bounty hunters by far a terrifying concept. Namely I am talking about the Zanns consortium, a faction of bounty hunters, (hmm) scum, and other villains that were bad enough that both the imperial remnants and new republic got a lot of grief from them, and were most well known for their Defilers, elite soldiers who wore armor rather reminiscent of mandalorian armor. (Hmm) Though I imagine Disney will just screw this up somehow, I still think it is a neat idea that Boba Fett would end up founding one of the most dangerous threats in legends
@lasercraft32 11 ай бұрын
14:46 Uh oh, spaghettio...
@tcccomics2792 8 ай бұрын
I actually kind of liked Obi Wan show besides the 8th sister and the grand inquisitor looking horrible
@Seroskill36 8 ай бұрын
There ruining characters for there woke diverse feminism woman to have a screen time with bad writing
@dalV_Studio Жыл бұрын
Everything is fault of Jar Jar Abrams
@hollisowens4083 11 ай бұрын
boba fet was ok and i personally liked obi-one but Vader was perfect you cant ruin vader
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